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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just for fun, long post...
liverbird Brilliant [ more ]
angelicarwen She is bonkers And I think she has been avoiding the men in the white coats for years Who wants a boring Mum though eh? [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: My Mum decided that she had always wanted to do something silly like that and she spent one afternoon in a busy shopping centre reading a newspaper with eye holes cut out of it Brilliant, I like the sound of your Mum! ha ha, i bet she got some odd looks though...did she manage to get away before the men in white coats arrived??? [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Everybody Hurts - Haiti Charity Single
Former Member Well I am [ more ]
Liverpoollass Luckily l'm not a cynic too [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: Instead of trying to encourage us to donate our hard earned cash, why don't these so-called celebrities sell one of their many cars or houses or some of their posh frocks. Unlike us, they can well afford to, but instead they take the easy way out by making these records or manning telefons. A cynic might say that by making these records or running telethons a lot of these celebs keep themselves in the public view, make more cash, and are thus able to buy more frocks, cars, houses,... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ladies...not for the gentlemen might put you off us!
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: resulted in blood poisoning and emergency surgery. I can believe that!! They can be bloody horrific! [ more ]
Cinds Try this, I've had terrible problems with ingrowing hairs on my c-section scar, one of which resulted in blood poisoning and emergency surgery. Anyway this stuff is brilliant. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing in growing hairs are truly horrible! I swear I have conducted surgery on myself retrieving one! Involved using towels to soak up the blood!!! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We do have the Kelly
Yogi19 Come back Kelly, I miss you and your tales of The Nige. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas She doesn't love us anymore. [ more ]
Baby Bunny If you don't know where The Lounge is......... If you go to UK TV Fans using the link under the green bar in the header: / GaGaJoyJoy / Our Forums / UK TV Fans / Big Brother UK It takes you to a list of all UK TV Fans forums of which The Lounge is just one. It was where all the Off Topic stuff went from C4 forums (I think), or at least it's the equivalent of except OT stuff is now allowed here all the time. Direct link to The Lounge: [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Devil In Diamante Things seem to be coming through now Eugene I noticed my Computer whizz friend upstairs must've updated my ESET security, maybe that was slowing things down for a while??? Who knows...but it's more or less back up and running now [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Baby Bunny Today at 15:36: Oh, OK. It is worrying if these providers are being "agressive" though. Makes you wonder what isn't getting through to you. The vast majority of it will be phishing scams and adverts for "male enhancement" products... If you're worried that you might be missing something important, make sure your hotmail settings aren't deleting "junk" mail automatically, and check your "Junk" box every so often. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Eugene I only receive a couple of thing from LC, I do receive stuff from FB and that's slowly coming through now, though some are from posts on FB from this Morning! I've had a couple of emails through, that were also sent this Morning...hopefully it'll rectify itself... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Richard Dimbleby lecture
Garage Joe An abridged version of the speech was also available in yesterday's Grauniad G2 section. [ more ]
fracas Re: Richard Dimbleby lecture [ more ]
fracas I saw it and it was brilliant, he made a fantastic argument for Assisted Death (he doesn't like the term 'Assisted Suicide'). What he was basically saying is that people with incurable diseases should have some control over their own death with medical help. A medically assisted death, cushioned with appropriate drugs and surrounded by loved ones, should be an option for those with 'no hope'. He suggested a panel of 'wise' people should judge each case, in order to prevent any abuse of the... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Senior Moment
GMA LOl at OP, 'tis true! They say one can't tell dream from reality and it's true the older you become believe me! I cover this by saying "I did tell you didn't I..."? I do get caught out tho'. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Hmmm, last week I got to work, rooted in my bag for my glasses case and pulled out the remote control for the TV at home....thought the batteries had gone in the remote, alas, I was trying to switch the TV over with my glasses case I have also sprayed my hair with polish & deod in the past...! [ more ]
Aimee Reference: Abo 1058 Forum PostsToday at 01:27 (Edited: ) Reference: I think they should do studies on Aimee's family! they're already happening :taps side of nose:. Two blondes living under one roof & little Aims has to get her electrical loss from somebody & me thinks it Aimee [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You know your getting old when...
Puss You go to bed before your kids, want to move into a bungalow, look forward to going to the local shop to get a loaf, blah blah, sodding blah! [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: You know when you're old when you find a grey hair in your eyebrow Or in other places [ more ]
Essie You know when you're old when you find a grey hair in your eyebrow, head hair is easily sorted with dye. Eyebrow hair is a whole different matter, you pluck it out and you can ruin the line, but the eyebrow hairdyes are next to useless. Hence I have a fewgaps in my eyebrow's [ more ]
See all 92 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Buying from USA on Ebay.
Cold Sweat I've been stung a few times on customs duty for ebay purchases from the USA. If you have bought something expensive - and the item is mailed with insured post or special delivery there is a far greater chance of customs picking it out imo... [ more ]
Former Member I buy things from the USA and Australia on eBay regularly. Whether you pay customs duty and/or VAT depends entirely on the value of the goods as miss lippy said. I think that 4 times out of 5 I don't get charged, maybe because Customs and Excise seem to concentrate on higher value commercial packages or they aren't very efficient. If you buy commercial goods worth under £18 there is no duty payable, and no duty is payable on gifts up to £40. Some sellers on eBay will mark the items you buy... [ more ]
Former Member I had a tshirt that was £9.99 and I got charged £18 by customs even though they'd put 'gift' on the packet. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gay people getting married
brisket So often, when facing emotional and difficult personal situations, we feel so much alone. Some of the examples given in this thread, show the "secret" (and what to do about it) have to be faced alone. It is entirely an inner-self matter. Not always of course, but I suspect mostly. Not only are these inner driving forces tricky and strong, but handling them is invariably a very lonely job. I have utmost sympathy for any young man who feels alone - perhaps even feels no one else has ever felt... [ more ]
Jen-Star Interesting thread, I've enjoyed reading it. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: One of the things that's really stuck with me when my friend and I have talked about sexuality is when he told me that he has been propositioned many times by 'straight' men who basically wanted 'to see what it was like'. Lordy, when I was in my mid-20s I was quietly hit on by quite a few of my friends and their friends. Some of whom I did indeed do stuff with as one-offs and who now have wives. There's one I spent nearly 18 months with and is now married. Luckily, I've lost touch... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Least Favourite Housemate of Celeb BB
Yellow Rose On the subject of voices I have a "thing" about them too. Anthony Hopkins I could listen to for hours, Alan Carr I have to turn off immediately. There's more I could listen to or can't but just wanted to mention those 2 for now. [ more ]
brisket Reference: Cold Sweat I think you are going out of your way to dislike someone by using their voice as a reason. Sorry Cold Sweat but I too can easily use a voice as a reason to dislike someone. If it was a family member or someone I knew intimately, then (although it may still irritate me) I could over-ride an annoying voice because of our relationship. But for example in a tv programme like Big Brother I can very very easily dislike somebody because of their voice. Voices are very... [ more ]
LowonIQ Sov was my least favourite HM as she was so rude and a non team player [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have You got Your zombie plan??
Former Member Reference: PMSL I don't know whether to put a gun or a match to your head Try a mamabird with a juicy worm [ more ]
Ensign Muf Reference: PMSL I don't know whether to put a gun or a match to your head.... Ref: Fire safety [ more ]
stonks Reference: Gawd Stonks, if you could see it.. piled high like a freakin birds nest ! I look like a tumble-dried B52 PMSL I don't know whether to put a gun or a match to your head.... [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do BB feel its ok to slagg off Christian beliefs
Kaytee and then I thought Fairfax.....Captain Hook (Abu Hamza) comes in from a lot of stick from the media as does President I'm a Dinner Jacket of Iran,,,but not usually on TV. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Kaytee but I do agree that had the 'fanaticism' come from a non-Christian then such mickey would not have been extracted Thanks Kaytee thats what I really was trying to point out.. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Garage Joe I'm far too busy to play Mornington Crescent today Blizzie. Sorry. Sorry, I was just sneezing! [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thoughts on the staging of the final
Marguerita I liked the music being played I cant recall any fireworks this year, I dont like HMS wearing sunglasses I like to see someones eyes when I am talking listening to them they should have been asked to remove them ,I liked the final this year [ more ]
stonks Reference: This is always my grip every new year - so much money wasted when we're in a recession and all those 1000's of pounds could be spent on much more worthy things! But all those thousands of punds are keeping peole in work.. [ more ]
Kaytee I liked the music.....especially Steph's Dynasty tune when she sashayed out of the house....that was some exit. As for the fireworks...well you have to have something to make the winner's exit special, or their exit would be the same as everyone else's. I always find the exit interviews boring...they're out, so bye bye. That's the time I take a loo break or make a cuppa. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cat Deeley ......I've always loved her
Garage Joe Reference: Cat Deely is gorgeous. Started with Ant and Dec, but doesn't seem to have the same exposure as they have Would love to see her on our screens back home as she is a great presenter Absolutely correct I'll never understand how Twit and Twat have made it so big either. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Scotty We? I`ve never liked her never mind loved her. She may have gained money in the US but she certainly never gained fame. It`s a big wide world in America and she just didn`t cut it. That`s why she`s back. She`s insincere and cheesy. She`s adopted the American fixed smile and hairdo. Saturday night crap suits her perfectly. I switch off whenever I see her... and breathe [ more ]
Blizz'ard Re: Cat Deeley ......I've always loved her [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Peter Andre - Speaks about his heartache - NOTW
LowonIQ Reference: Jenstar 977 Forum Posts Today at 12:29 For anyones who's interested but cant be bothered to search for it Thanks Jenstar, I've read it and TBH he doesn't slag her off, he's restrained in what he says, credit where it's due [ more ]
fracas Reference: But not old jizz face, oh no. He's the friggin father of the year doncha know. Arrrgggh I really wanna kick him in the nuts. Ahaaahahaha Dee, my feelings exactly. What a dick. I hope his legs fall off [ more ]
stonks Reference: Hes such a self obsessed prick, I have no respect for him at all The pathetic digs at each other will probably only stop when one of them snuffs it... [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vinnie's head
Scotty “I’m not worried it will harm my career because nobody knows about this in America." Says the people`s champion [ more ]
Former Member He wasn't in a locker room though was he? Don't miss your flight back to obscurity, and mind your tail doesn't get caught between your legs eh? [ more ]
carpet Ha ha. I was waiting for Vinnie or another HM to say they helped Alex to his victory. Yes, Vinnie, you took the piss out of Alex but one thing Alex did and what you couldn't do was to have a laugh at himself and not to take things too seriously. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its over - i'm gutted
brisket I agree with Yellow Rose and Bazille. Yes, there is a feeling of "missing it" when it is over, but I agree with them that it is the sharing on here that adds so much to the pleasure. Having nice people to share our views of BB with only adds to the enjoyment. [ more ]
Baz Reference: As well as missing CBB I'll miss the interaction on the Forum. It's been like a family gathering with all the chatter Although we all liked different HM's I never saw anything nasty being aimed at an FM because of different choices - if there was I missed it I agree 100% [ more ]
Yellow Rose As well as missing CBB I'll miss the interaction on the Forum. It's been like a family gathering with all the chatter Although we all liked different HM's I never saw anything nasty being aimed at an FM because of different choices - if there was I missed it I can't get excited about BB yet as I equate that show with wannabe's, I'll probably get into it though after a while, as usual lol. Thanks to everyone here for your company and points of view the last few weeks will have to find out... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB7 final gets 4 million viewers.
brisket Thanks darlo. It might be worth remembering that while there are devoted fanse (such as us on this forum) there may not be a growing following. New viewers may not be attracted. Sometimes it is best to fade away in a dignified fashion than to have one last try and embarrass themselves. [ more ]
Marguerita I was reading over on DS News that CH5 was considering buying the rights of CBB [ more ]
liverbird Thanks Darlo, I was just wondering earlier what the viewing figures were! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK fess up...
Jen-Star Reference: Am I the only one here who goes through McDonalds drive thru for breakfast in my pjs? Yup! everyone else is at tesco in their pjs [ more ]
Trollop I stop traffic walking to Tesco in my babydoll and pink have to wear PJ's to get into Tesco Stoke... [ more ]
Lazybug I love love love being in my PJ's - as soon as I get home I put my jammie bottoms on... So much more comfy than sitting around at home in jeans but... Supermarket shopping in them NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Local shop is just about passable but not a big store! We have lots of students in our local Sainsburys who are in PJ's quite a lot and there was me thinking it was rag week or a dare but now I think it's student attire for shopping in!!! [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well I really enjoyed this year's CBB - What a great send off
Bojangles Loved it,but wasn't there talk of doing another CBB,the next BB will be the last.So we may have another CBB next year with any luck. [ more ]
stupidcupid I absolutely loved it. Even the ones I loved to hate I sneakily liked in an absurd way [ more ]
Blizz'ard I wish Sov and Heidi had stayed longer. I think they would have made interesting viewing. However, I'm pleased as punch that Vinnie was seen for how he really is, and over the moon for Alex. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...

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