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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Social networking addiction?
lal I think she just took a picture of her newborn baby to show her husband ( as he could not be there due to working away, maybe even in the army! )....and was sending it as soon as poss!!!!... ..... [ more ]
charlisock I read somewhere that a mother's son was dying and she was on Twitter the whole time Disturbing [ more ]
Former Member Some people have other important priorities. Maybe she was ordering some gourmet tea and toast! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Essex Lingo
Lazybug I used to say this to all post folk... Cor blimey guv'nor you aint a toff an no mistakin ya (in a Eliza Doolittle voice) I loves it I does! Essix is quite different to Auld Lundin speak IMHO [ more ]
Former Member Bluddy furriners! [ more ]
Triggers Brilliant Essie - I just read it out loud and was amazed by the fluent Essix cammin' aat me maff! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
" Night" by Triggers
Former Member She has the fabulous knack of drawing you in, and in my case, I can see, hear, smell and touch, everything she describes. What a marvellous gift! [ more ]
subatomic partygirl Reference: Unencumbered by the physical or fettered by reasoning, I looked down on Mother Glasgow, cradling her diverse society - asleep behind darkened windows. The strains of the wind crooned a futile lullaby for those whom sleep eluded This bit also makes me have goosebumps in its beauty. You write with such heartfelt sincerity and clarity that we are able to follow you on your journies, Triggs. Well done, you. ~x [ more ]
Former Member Reference: This part makes me Me too Scotty [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cringing tracks
Cold Sweat I keep humming to myself cr@ppy old pop tunes such as Call me by Blondie and Ha Ha said the Clown by Manfred Mann... perhaps i need to start listening to some of this good stuff such as NDubz? [ more ]
Blizz'ard Was the 'yay' a spontaneous organism? [ more ]
Former Member Frikened - frightened, I've admitted to this Oh the YAY is ok then [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Homophobia in football (and other places)
Cariad Reference: Alas they think that we women will also fall fo their "charms". You mean straight men think that katty? Mebbe there's some truth in it. Not that we fall for them but that we can natter on about a hell of a lot more. [ more ]
kattymieoww I'm always a bit bemused by the blokes that rage on about homosexuality etc.Giving it all the macho stuff etc.Do they really feel that threatened by it? Or is it , that has been suggested in a lot of findings they fear the truth about themselves. If you are happy being hetero etc,why bother about anything else. There seems to be this myth that gay blokes will jump on any man us a favour.Alas they think that we women will also fall fo their "charms". [ more ]
Cariad Reference: Yellow Rose Haven't read all the replies but your thread reminded me that a few months ago a Rugby player was on a news channel admitting to being gay. I just wondered why he felt a need, or a pressure, to do this. It's his personal life and I couldn't see how or why it would affect anyone else. Yeah...Gareth Thomas - you'd certainly know him if you followed rugby at all! It's worth reading the article. He was married for 4... [ more ]
See all 74 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Alex; Too fat to strip
longcat I always knew Tom Cruise was a nutter but that's just odd to dress a baby like that. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I am gobsmacked that a 3 year old has a £2m wardrobe of clothes in the first place never mind what some of it seems to consists of i.e. bearing no resemblance to kiddie attire at all.. some parents are barking mad [ more ]
Former Member That's just nasty. She's even wearing high heels - she's THREE!! And the earrings! At three she's probably not even out of nappies at night. I woudl seriously have to question the suitability of anyone as a parent who did that to a tiny child. [ more ]
See all 97 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Imagine being a Jordan fan. Just stop and think about that.
Cariad Well I'm not wasting too much time looking. The Metro article did for me. I can see why though if some people are making remarks about her looking like a blow up doll - [ more ]
longcat Reference: **goes off to look for pics of the poor kid with the silly name in make up** Try to find the one that hasn't been airbrushed. In the original she is just wearing false eyelashes. The Daily Star make in look like she's wearing full make-up. [ more ]
Cariad Luckily I don't buy those types of magazines Joe - actually I don't buy any. And while I've not seen the pics I would say I'd have no problem with a 3 year old playing dress up at home although I do find the whole business of beauty pageants for children very worrying. There was an article about a young girl of 13 the other week -same age as my daughter - she looked at least 18. Jail bait absolutely. BUT...this whole "children need to be children" malarkey is fairly modern as far as society... [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bad Boys
Karma_ Reference: You get nice, confident men, though. Oh absolutely! I don't know if it's as black and white as someone is a 'bad boy'. Sure, you get guys who will treat all women the same, I think that's more to do with deep rooted issues stemming back to childhood and how they were raised or experiences they have had. But then you get some guys who are not 'bad' through and through, they are just not compatible with the person they are with, and it would take a certain kind of woman to... [ more ]
Blizz'ard You get nice, confident men, though. I suspect these women may have had fathers who treated women badly. I can't see why they would think it was acceptable, otherwise. [ more ]
marcus Maybe it's because the thrill of unprecedented, uncertainty is an added attraction to the adventure of relating to a bad boy. The unpredictableness is much like a roller coaster ride's thrill. Remember when you embarked on a roller coaster for the first time? Lack of not knowing what to expect adds to the excitement. Women are "fixers" by nature. The challenge of taming a "bad boy's" roar to a big cat's purr will validate the bad boy's love for the attracted woman. Relationship with a real... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
European Computer Driving Licence.
Garage Joe Reference: there are computer training companies that will hire you on the spot if you have completed your ECDL (with a little test of course). They then send you out to other companies to intensively train staff. Pays bloody good So you're saying it's more like a pyramid sales thang? [ more ]
Former Member Here's the one we have to do.. Really relevant skills we have to demonstrate , such as picking the correct URL for the US time agencies website from a multiple choice selection. I don't know how I've managed to do my job so far without this valuable training . [ more ]
Abo there are computer training companies that will hire you on the spot if you have completed your ECDL (with a little test of course). They then send you out to other companies to intensively train staff. Pays bloody good [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mwah! Mwah!
jacksonb i have quite a few foreign associates and they do 2 kisses for friends and 3 if they are really pleased to see you or haven't seen you in a long time, so i join in. when i meet my english friends or family , it's usaully a smile and 'awright then' [ more ]
brisket Thanks for the link to the Time magazine article Blizzie. Very interesting. I loved the first paragraph: "...often performed by two women who dislike each other, who wear makeup they don't want smeared and who both resemble Bette Davis in her middle years." And later in the article Linda Ronstadt says: "The business consists of people who are so desperately insecure and lonely, and they have to have contact: we're all affection junkies." The particular mwah mwah air kiss seems to be to do... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Real The Japanese have it sussed-- just bow. And headbutt! [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB11 to include mother and daughter?
Fairfax Reference: Samanda I thought they were brill Actually they were lovely girls, I'm being mean. However I was dissappointed when Amanda started going out with the Village idiot. Glad she came to her senses. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing *coughs* [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: The twins I could just about tolerate Samanda I thought they were brill . I wonder if Mikey bumped into Freddie then? . [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moomin Thanks for the advice, people - I was just wondering what people's symptoms were really to see if mine were the same. I will go Queenie, but I have to pluck up courage. [ more ]
angelicarwen Reference: Queenie He/she might not do any tests right away, sometimes they just try you on a prescription for something That's what happened with me. He said it was obvious what it was and tried me on tablets. Luckily first try worked and I have been able to control it ever since [ more ]
Abo my OH suffers with it really badly. He has had it for 4-5 years now & he takes medication for it daily. It is not set off by foods or stress or anything really. Sometimes I find him moaning, laying face down on the floor in pain. If we go anywhere we have to make sure we know where all the toilet stops are. Takes a lot of work but not much else he can do. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
An Expensive Night Out
Croctacus I think you can protest it even after you've paid.... [ more ]
Essie Reference: Essie did they provide a pic showing the ticket on the windscreen as proof of issue? No, Just a picture of his van wheels over the edge. After I googled the company and seen the amount of complaints against the same company, I told hubby to fight it as they are not just in Wickes but also a lot of B&Q's, he just paid it and I gave up. Hubby's idea of revenge is not to go to Wickes anymore and to go to Selco instead. I tried to explain to him that Wickes have probably not... [ more ]
Croctacus Essie did they provide a pic showing the ticket on the windscreen as proof of issue? [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Roo's BB Quiz
Rawky-Roo Ok guys, Questions will be few and far between today/tonight, I'm going to be busy. The last question is still up for grabs. [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: phoned Ricky pmsl (joking) I'd nowt better to do through a lot of years of my marriage Lo Aww, PMSL Thanks RawkyRoo, I've not posted much but I have enjoyed reading [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Nite nite Madamski, DAA... and Rawky Thanks for a fun thread Nite nite Baz, I'm off too [ more ]
See all 116 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heroes season 4!!
Abo you'll have plenty of time with a baby - trust me. But like I said they don't usually finish the season till April so I'm just hoping it does come back after the Olympics. [ more ]
Jen-Star I know your pain Abo!! Such a cliffhanger, kind of mean to have it at the end of a season really. September you say?? My bump should be a lil baby by then, hope i still get time to watch!! [ more ]
Abo oh Jen, I watched it yesterday too & am now gonna have to wait September just to see about you-know-what. But it usually goes for 25 episodes (not 19 - as it is now - & dosen't finish till April. So hopefully just while the Winter Olympics its on hold * crosses fingers * [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Room 101
kattymieoww Reference: ~Cosmopolitan~ offline 4371 Forum Posts Today at 21:09 (Edited: ) 'Dr' Gillian McKeith. I thought of her as I deep fried scampi and chips for my dinner. And if she's reading this; I scoffed the bluddy lot. So there, you sour faced horrible woman. Whole tailed scampi Cosmo or chopped and shaped stuff! [ more ]
kattymieoww Katy Price and all her baggage.Coleen Nolan and all her baggage, Katona etc,in fact any so called over hyped celeb type. [ more ]
Aimee myleene bluddy klass as she's called in my house and Alan titchmarsh or as he now likes to be called the AT show he's a fecking gardener [ more ]
See all 146 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
PLEASE, just be there.......
Rexi Lainy I hope you got some positive answers today and you and your partner are feeling better about things [ more ]
Moomin Sorry to hear your news Lainy, but you are being given some good advice by your friends on here - if there is someone in RL who can also help, talk to them. [ more ]
Former Member Lainey I don't know what to say except that I hope things will improve for you and your partner soon [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Computer help needed (how to create a bootable disc)
MrsH the software I use to make a CD gives the option to make the disc bootable - I have the option of making a data - music - or if I choose the other option it lists bootable disc as an option - this is Roxio CD/DVD Creator but as Dame Anne has said also check your boot order in your bios and make cd your first option [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average If your old computer is set in the bios to boot from your hard drive it might not boot from the cd. Maybe someone that's more techy can help you, but in the past I have had to change my boot up order in my bios to load a new operating system onto my computers. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone seen the Jedward
Abo Reference:Hicky I take it you mean this one, it's not bad at all. thats it - brilliant [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: Simply the Best, Joe Ah! The "South Cleveland Garages!" song as we lie to call it in the Top Right. Good choice! [ more ]
Jen-Star Reference: I take it you mean this one, it's not bad at all. Thanx for that hicky, mrjen just walked past and told me to get out! [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Michael Barrymore is so embarrassing!
Saint If you can't see the clip do this .... 1. Place cursor on the screen 2. Right click 3. Select "settings" 4. Click on little file sign 5. Set to unlimited . . . this normally helps me [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: He's a modul and bloody gorgious -very good looking chap [ more ]
stonks Reference: If he comes from that family...well you can have him He's a modul and bloody gorgious.... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
23 and have had 1 girlfriend
stonks Reference: Not on Channel4 and the initial spin-off. Obviously, it's well known now because people have been around long enough. That was the genius of it, it was almost plausible. You'd have to be daft to think it was real and I do mean from the get go.... [ more ]
strike just googled it to see how many you might take to Wembley, it says the population is 100739 but once you hit 70 there will be loads of women for you, the men will probably be [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts I don't live there. I just support them. I'm there tonight though obviously! Where did you get that info from by the way? Seems a bit low... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL - wot poll??
Blizz'ard I feel we need a 'mouse survey' now! How many have these encrusted mice? [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Rexi Don't get me started on phone polls The phone rang this afternoon, I jumped up to answer it and my mouse fell on the floor, it was a stupid man from MORI asking me to take part in a poll. When I got back to my computer my mouse wouldn't work any more and it was my very bestest leopard skin effect, diamond encrusted, blingtastic mouse and I am very upset I shouldn`t laugh but It`s the way you tell em..sorry Rexi [ more ]
Saint HERE WE GO AGAIN Daily Mail this morning sed, "A survey has revealed men take on average 83mins to get ready in the morning" I am now taking a stand on the nonsense and saying that its all bloody lies - we are never asked this tosh - its subtle brain washing to make us 'do' stuff or believe utter cr*p I feel much better now . . . . carry on [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help with toddlers pressie
angelicarwen The toys r us one isn't working but the second one looks cool. Expensive though , my Mum will probably buy her a blue one afterall [ more ]
SazBomb there is this, but you need to buy the seats seperately: [ more ]
SazBomb This would meet madam's demands (your daughter, not your mum ) but its only toddler size: [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
DD-G sizes
ozzycam I have the opposite problem, ive only got little pancakes, or as my o/h says spaniels ears, So i cant really help, but i would say most of the stores now would even order your size in maybe. [ more ]
Karma_ And I'm an M&S minimiser bird. Have tried others in the past but M&S seems the best for me. On the rare occasion that I actually run anywhere I dont bruise my knees when I'm wearing their bras. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: *sneaks out before ~Lee~ spots me in this thread* Or me. We established about 5 years ago that you thought a 44 inch chest on a bra meant 44 inches in width, not all the way round. Akin to a widescreen tele. Didn't we dear [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you were transported through time to say 1970?
Cariad I remember they were building houses near us and at the end of the day the workmen would just down tools and go home - sod fences and signs to keep us put cos of "elf & safety" - leaving us kids with a brilliant opportunity to clamber up the left behind stepladders to the upstairs of the half built houses so we could swing out of the windows (I can smell the breeze blocks and cement even now), we'd swarm over the diggers and JCB's - it was a whole new world of excitement for us. Saturday... [ more ]
Tequila Reference: barney just swapped the milk for voddy [ more ]
Former Member Reference: So not much change there then Barney just swapped the milk for voddy [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yuk scabies.
Former Member The bites may be caused by bed bugs. These are becoming more common now in hotels, hostels etc. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing lol barney! Funnily enough this hasn't made my head itch... talking about or... dealing with head lice used to do that to me though. ((shudders)).... its been a good five years since I've had to deal with nits... I must have almost got used to it before (they were the bain of my life when my daughter was at primary school), cos I am back to being grossed out by them again now! [ more ]
Jen-Star No Barney!! I read it earlier and have been scratching my belly ever since As for weather to report it or not pigeon, i think you should, those poor old people who have put up with this for so long already need someone to speak up for them! No one will know it was you, and it should all get sorted out properly afterwards which will be good for residents, staff and visitors! [ more ]
See all 23 replies...

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