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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Child migration scheme and This Morning
liverbird Reference: It was a terrible thing to happen to those chidren ......absoloutely heartbreaking. I really don't see why Gordon Brown has to apologise though all these years later. I know he was apologising over the governments mistakes in the past etc. but's really a bit farcical isn't it? Maybe some kind of financial compensation (attached to an apology) might be more appropriate I must admit I was thinking "it's hardly Gordon's fault is it" Tho I know it meant a lot to the... [ more ]
jacksonb well good on gordon for apologising for it, come to think he's apologised a lot lately, we should send him a list and he can do some more, maybe obama could get gordon to do some on his behalf too.. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I think it was very important, Soozy, and financial help for tracing families was involved, too. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bloody Motorway Traffic...
jacksonb the M25 was a mess for ages around the M4/A3 junction they seemed to be building a sea wall up the middle of it for months. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: The one I really dislike is the M42 Agree! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: 25-31. Don't know if it's the same roadworks or they have decided to start to rip something else up, I was stuck in it for two hours the other week It was down to one lane, I was like a demented cat and have to agree that the M6 is awful [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
jacksonb apparently the ones getting the huge bonuses have contributed to making the bank 5.5 billion last year, which went some way to reducing the losses of the bank. this bonus will be taxed at 50% so we get some back. as the major shareholder we need the bank to succeed if we are ever going to get taxpayers investment back. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: oh and don't start me about British gas and their profits! Me neither the money grabbing, daylight robbing, bunch of scrotum faced twats! [ more ]
Blizz'ard There are 'high flyers' joining the banking system, every year. We just need some high flyers who are trained not to shit on everyone, once they're up there - sorted. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone recommend (or warn against) a florist type site that will deliver birthday balloons & a teddy?
Karma_ Reference: does felch(ing) mean the same to you lot... as it does where I live! Cos if it does... I am having problems visualising the felching of a balloon! Our minds must be in the same gutter [ more ]
liverbird Reference: felching is something altogether different, involving the ability to do a headstand, a macdonalds thick shake & a straw The mind boggles [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing *stops & considers* noooo, not this one! My subconscious is innocent! *feels pure* [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can you do me a favour?
Former Member Here's hoping it's soon.. and it's good the surgeon wants to do it herself, eh? x [ more ]
angelicarwen Reference: Hi Angel, what a bugga getting all psyched up for the op and having to come home. Have they indicated when she'll go in again? Nah! She spoke to her surgeon and as it's quite intricate surgery she wants to do it herself rather than put her in the pool for any surgeon to do it so just as soon as she has an opening. She said she would try and clear some space for her So fingers crossed. [ more ]
Former Member Hi Angel, what a bugga getting all psyched up for the op and having to come home. Have they indicated when she'll go in again? [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your worst supermarket?
Former Member Reference: Fine Fare still owe me two weeks wages from when I was a student. My (cheating barsteward,) ex-bro-in-law used to be a Director with them, I'll give you his address if you like? [ more ]
Former Member That'll be right! Good news on him getting a job again [ more ]
liverbird Reference: Sorry peeps I've just seen this. Yes I did Liver. 27 years in admin for Safeway....Morrisons take over, two years with them, and all because they built a big new office down in Bradford and didn't want us they got rid. The thing is they hadn't got a clue how things worked! Funnily enough they said they didn't need a distribution centre in Kent - they have just built one about 25 miles away from it!! And Waitrose took over the Safeway building last year and now hubby is back in the... [ more ]
See all 86 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The clues in the name.
Garage Joe Indeed! It's a dangerous business taking animals from their normal homelands and sticking 'em in a show for people's entertainment. [ more ]
kattymieoww Yea Brisket saw an ariel photo of their pool areas,totally inadequate.I hate shows like that they should be banned.As I said earlier,these are ocean travellers,to keep them in a stupid pool area is cruel [ more ]
brisket I have just heard on the news that Animal Welfare organizations in America have said that problems are more likely as long as whales are kept in something no bigger than the equivalent of a bath tub. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strange commuters
Blizz'ard Reference: Jenutter waits for blizz to point out like attracts like Aww, I feel obliged, now! [ more ]
Jen-Star Lol liver, I swear i have a flashing sign saying talk to me only nutters can see! i just attract them wherever i go..... waits for blizz to point out like attracts like [ more ]
liverbird Oh Jen I've seen many a nutter on the bus! I've also heard so many old dears life stories, bless em! At a bus stop once an old gentleman was telling me how he'd taken his gf to the Great Exhibition "and it was f***ing awful" I was so shocked [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pay As You Go dongle wossit thingies
The Devil In Diamante CLick on my avvy and go to my the top right there is a thing to Send Dialogue....I will just have to work out how to retrieve it! [ more ]
ikataili I'd pm you if I knew how to work this thing [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: 'Bout time too guv *taps watch* Ta Hey ikataili, can i just ask...are you an old member with a new username or have I just never posted with you on C4? [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some old people are racist.
Karma_ Reference: not even glaswegians can make swearing an art form like the cockernees do. Have to agree with that one. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference D IMO, they are the racist ones for goading her in the first place....not nice to watch... agreed [ more ]
stonks Reference: I quote "it's gonna be a Mosque, they're not gonna let no white people in here" IMO, they are the racist ones for goading her in the first place....not nice to watch... Thats what jumped out at me first, he was the one who brought racism into it first.... [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blizz'ard I've recorded them all, but haven't watched any yet. My daughter raves about it. [ more ]
Jensen Junkie I sent you a dialog jen! I know what you mean about watching shows back to back! I do it all the time [ more ]
Jen-Star Ahhh cheap skates I need a new tv show to get into now! I've become quite fond of watching them back to back, so much nicer than having to wait a whole week. I've gone through quite a few recently lol [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bullying and confidentiality
Saint Well the patrons have got a paddy-on about it and bunny'd off [ more ]
Karma_ seems it's not quite as straightforward as they try to portray then. Cheers for that Eugene [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Karma_ Today at 06:44: What has this organisation to gain by publicising all this? Publicity leads to money... One of the side-effects of this row is that it has opened-up the National Bullying Hotline to questions about how it's run. From the BBC: 'Mrs Pratt defended the operation of her helpline in the face of an accusation that she had used it as a means of "angling for business" for a human resources consultancy run by her husband. This claim surfaced in an e-mail sent from a... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
a battered leaflet was just posted through my letterbox.
Karma_ Reference: Gosh imagine the shock if it's bin collection day and you've put you're rubbish out in one of these said bin bags and the collector comes before the bin men and they put a bag of rubbish in their van... At the other end it'll be heehee I like your style [ more ]
Lazybug Reference: I use them as bin liners Gosh imagine the shock if it's bin collection day and you've put you're rubbish out in one of these said bin bags and the collector comes before the bin men and they put a bag of rubbish in their van... At the other end it'll be heehee [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Youre in Scotland I bet....they'll batter anything there [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fussy dogs
Marguerita It is amazing how three legged dog can adapt so well he was running around just as fast as he would if he had four legs [ more ]
brisket Another fussy dog. This also proves that every mishap which befalls a dog need not necessarily lead to a bad outcome. Thanks for comments folks. [ more ]
Marguerita I love those videos thank you brisket for puting them in here they are ace [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Funny facebook groups that you or your friends have joined.
Lazybug Reference: Darlo has a lot to answer for. Quite! [ more ]
LowonIQ My nephew has joined a group called something like When it's acceptable to punch a woman in the face. I always thought he was a nice young man. [ more ]
stonks Reference: I noticed the other day that my mother, MY MOTHER joined the group 'Googling Blue Waffle then really wishing you didn't'!!! MY MOTHER !!!!!!!!!!!! My mother Googled Blue Waffle!!!!! Oh the shame She's friends with about 35 of my friends!!! [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby P Doctor Suicidal...
Former Member I simply can't believe that this incompetant good for nothing had no access to that baby's medical records. When ever you go to A & E and you give your details. they bring up all of your records on the pc. They would have had his previous history there and it must have been flagged that they were known to Social Services. This woman, along with the woman in charge of the Social Services Dept, make me furious. If I had my way I would charge them with some sort of reckless endangerment or... [ more ]
Saint Reference: Too many people go into Medicine because they are clever and not because they care I couldn't agree more !! She had NO details of all his hospital visits - how not? [ more ]
Former Member The old sanity clause [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your guilty pleasures
Karma_ Reference: but i'm still seen as generous for giving the other away - Too much information thank you [ more ]
Saint I must admit to taking the biggest of .. whatever if i've bought 2 ceam cakes ... i always choose the slightly larger one for me me me ... but i'm still seen as generous for giving the other away - LOL [ more ]
ikataili The jeans caused me more concern than the beard [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eastenders? Complete anti-climax for me!
disley21 Re: Eastenders? Complete anti-climax for me! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: He's a muppet for leaving cos there was so much further for his character to go, especially as Max is the dad. He should have just gone to the station or left in the back of a taxi, shouldn't have jumped, cos he's buggered now aint he! Silly boy. I'm not too sure about that karma, all he's done since he got there is be on and off with Stacey....but I agree they didn't need to kill him off, they could've locked him up until the truth was out! I liked Bradley [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: ikataili what do you need for a proper climax? No comment! [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Workplace bullying.
Dirtyprettygirlthing It is similar to domestic abuse in that there is an intangibility to it to begin with. & yeah... lessons learned and all that... I'd gone from having the best boss ever, he was my mentor... to then having a succession of nightmare female bosses.. of which this witch was one of them. I too have managed staff... & I don't get the bitchy bosses mentality.. cos for me two of my biggest feel good moments at work were watching two girls who had potential, fulfil it.. and then fly with it. [ more ]
Karma_ Bloody hell Dits That's horrible. When I was reading about the pattern of behaviour, it's not that different from a domestic violence situation. Always putting someone down, making someone feel everything is their fault, control etc. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon that a lot of mid Management do feel threatened if they are managing someone who on paper, is equally if not more qualified then them. The problem is you try to do your job to the best of your ability, try to be creative and seek... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Karma WHAT??! Yeah!... thing is that wasn't the worst of it... its the way it starts... its subtle & at first you think it must be you. The first three months she stripped me of all my confidence in my own abilities and I thought I was going round the bend. However, then, bit by bit, she did things that I knew were wrong... and gradually I began to realise it wasn't me.. it was her. There were a lot of other people who witnessed it all though, people who knew what was going... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday Spongey!
RZB Many Happy Belated Returns for yesterday Spongey, Hope you had a great day xxx.... [ more ]
Heatseek All the very best wishes on your birthday-----> [ more ]
spongebob squarepants aaaaaaaaaaaaand again fankyooooooo xxx veggieeeeeeeeeee....wurd up blud innit...gonna party like itz me burday.....(well a nice cuppa an a biccy anyway!!) the j.t pic!! mmmm! thanks everyone for all your lovely messages xxx [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Picture Charades
Yogi19 I need to brush up on my Tank Engines, I thought it was Henry. [ more ]
Karma_ I am SO rubbish at this! I was looking at Thomas the tank engine and for some reason instead of thinking 'Tom' I was thinking 'choo choo'. This is clearly not my calling. [ more ]
brisket "Percy" Engine (Thomas's friend) or "Percy" Shelley (poet). "At the" portrayed in sign language [ more ]
See all 56 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thinking Day.
kattymieoww Hmm.but there has been a lot of abuse etc.., I'll pass. [ more ]
Tayto. Reference: Holidays were spent with them taking hordes of kids camping All depends on your thoughts. [ more ]
ikataili I didnt mind knicking my sister's sweets she got at Brownies tho It was held in a church hall, that was all musty and smelled of talc, old people, and the aroma of 'godfear' That was enough to put anyone off. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday Barney
Baz LOL.... that's great Azure..... sounds like you had a wonderful time [ more ]
Azure. Thank you all for your kind greetings and also to Barney for letting me share, I did have a fab birthday. I went to gods own county Northumberland staying at the Gosforth Park Hotel where I met up with friends from long ago, we went to the saturday night dinner dance where I danced with the handsome latin Maitre D wohooooooo because there was a shortage of available men, yes siree I had a great bithday lol. [ more ]
Scotty Hope it was a good one Barney and Azure! [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thanks be to Vanessa Redgrave.
brisket Reference:Renton I saw the courtsey Renton(sp?) to Prince William - oh God that was awful. Oh wasn't it just Renton! Buttock-clenchingly, squirmingly, embarrassingly awful. [ more ]
Saint I saw the courtsey (sp?) to Prince William - oh God that was awful. It really does reveal another world ... they think they're in Then i went to work .... [ more ]
Garage Joe Fancy that Blue Film getting well beaten. As Ken Bruce said, there weren't enough plumbers in it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone here in Life Assurance?
Garage Joe Reference: I'm surprised they didn't accept your Bank Manager as a suitable referee. Thanks EL. This seems a whole new ball game after passports. They were dead easy. Our local postmaster used to do them. The people at this particular Life Asssurance (named after a city in the German speaking sector of Switzerland) keep quoting Money Laundering laws at me. As with most things you can bet your bottom that the people who are abble to navigate through this with ease are the people who are... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: We are on it thanks. The irony being that the person who now verrifies him doesn't know him from Adam, whereas the senior manager at Barclays does Hope you get it sorted [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I'm surprised they didn't accept your Bank Manager as a suitable referee. It's a bit of a long shot, but do you know anyone who's a Chartered Engineer? (I.e. someone who belongs to a chartered body and is allowed to put "CEng" after their name.) It's not so well known, but they are also allowed to sign-off passport applications, etc along with doctors and solicitors. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Need I remind you whats on tonight?
Rawky-Roo Flaming eck! Quest Crew were awesome (make sure to watch it in 720p) This is their 2nd performance of the night, that last flip at the end is INSANE!! [ more ]
Baz I don't watch it, but hope you enjoy it Rawky [ more ]
brisket Sorry Rawky, I don't have Sky. But even if I had I would still be glued to Being Human on BBC3. (I will probably watch the repeat later too.) Let's hope you enjoy yours and I enjoy mine. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ear congestion- advice needed!
Karma_ Reference: do not go pouring stuff into your ear on the well advised advice of a layman Well olive oil was a Godsend to me a week ago when I had earache with an abcess. And this was recommended to me by my GP aswell. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I would see a doctor Chicken.. get him to take a look. Hope you soon feel better [ more ]
Soozy Woo Ears are very delicate .............home remedies aren't really a good idea. See the doctor not go pouring stuff into your ear on the well advised advice of a layman. Doctors are there to advise .....the eardrum is a very delicate membrane .....................take it from one that knows. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Nicola T and footie lover Simon Walton split
Karma_ Reference: Big Brother Nicola T and footie lover Simon Walton split Oh dear! [ more ]
brisket Reference:Real Surprising what a stint on CBB can do for you Indeed it is Real. And I believe many of them are managed by people whose sole objective is to manipulate the media and gain publicity for them. [ more ]
Real Surprising what a stint on CBB can do for you [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie-Tony and Maria spoiler!
Karma_ Flying over the Bermuda Triangle with any luck. [ more ]
kattymieoww Where is Maria just now in Corrie?Greece,Ireland,the Arctic circle? [ more ]
Yellow Rose In real life there are those escape as has been on the news yesterday and at other times. If Tony comes back. great, yes I know he's a murderer but was interesting in the storylines. Maria's never irritated me as she has some. I just enjoy a good storyline lol [ more ]
See all 9 replies...

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