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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yellow Rose If you get any more letters and don't open them write on the envelope Not at this address forward to....and then put their address. That way whoever of the pair have done this the other one will get to know about it. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Sexy Kelly DID you should tell your friend to report this to the police as it is illegal then report it to the council. They should care what kind of companies represent them! She phoned the Woman at the Council (who she'd tried to pay the cash to) while they were there...her word against theirs Kelly, she was just glad to get rid of them, and glad her Son wasn't home. She lives in a Bungalow and could've just come out of the Bathroom half naked 10 minutes earlier....they didn't... [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly Reference: The Devil In Diamante 5460 Forum Posts Yesterday at 2:39 PM (Last Edited: Reference: What DID said under no circumstances let any debt collectors in!!! Once they have entered a property peacfully they are then legally allowed to hire lock smiths to get in again if they think the property in there is by rights theres. They walked into my friends kitchen a few months ago, she was late with her COuncil Tax, and had been down to the Town Hall to pay cash but they wouldn't let her as... [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Questionnaire/interview thingy to do when you're bored
Former Member What colour are your eyes? Blue What sort of Character would you play in a comic book (hero, humorous, sidekick, villain, that abrasive newspaper guy, etc.) A ninja penguin If you were on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition' what kind of room would you ask for? Art Nouveau boudoir I'd want it olive green and white with mirrored furniture. I f you were one word, what would you be? Enigma. If you could time travel, what would be your first stop? Stratford-upon-Avon 1600ish to see if Shakespeare did... [ more ]
Demantoid What colour are your eyes? dark blue What sort of character would you play in a comic book A ninja hamster, with extreme climbing skills and cheek pouches full of grenades/ninja stars If you were on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition; what kind of room would you ask for? Neutral, with a waxed floorboards, Indian rugs and NO bliddy MDF. If you were one word, what word would you be? Unique. If you could time travel, what would be your first stop? 1990 What is your natural hair color? Mousey blonde... [ more ]
Saint Lol you old bugger [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm going here next week..
Demantoid Reference: I see your visit to Mark Johnson's stable and raise you a visit to either of the breweries in Masham. (Pronounced Mas-am) I've been there. It's got a cobbled square and olde worlde sweetie shoppes Xochi, your Portmeirion experiences sound interesting! I doubt the OH would be up for a "truffle" hunt, sadly.. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Arrgghh I wanna go now Imagine waking up and looking at that every day? Would be heaven This is where I was looking at for me and B: [ more ]
Xochi Oh Deman! You are going to love Portmeirion! It's nuts... in a good way! Kitsch and fakery mixed up with surreality! I spent many a day there in my misspent youth when I used to stay in uni hols with a group of friends, one of who's parents had a cottage in Dolgellau. They used to go into the forests around Snowdonia looking for... erm... truffles? I never inhaled, of course! [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsMad Men
Curtains up Mad Men!!!
Xochi Episode 8: Souvenir Well! What a fascinating episode! To anyone watching it for the first time it would have looked like a dull cross between 'Stepford Wives' and 'Desperate Housewives'! However, it was suffused with all the usual, almost subliminal nuances. The main angle it came from was to scene shift from the office to the 'burbs. You could foresee a snore-fest after the last episode. How wrong could you be! To me it became a stark contrast between Don's waning moon and Betty's rising... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Well! That was a bit of handbrake turn after last week's episode! Suddenly I'm thrown back into chaos about Don! Just as he seems to mellow and realise the mood of his time with his family and office relationships, he reverts to stereotypical type... ...Thats what I always liked about the Sopranos, from the same writer - the honest realistic depiction of how people actually behave. Contradictory, inconsistent, messy. If you think of a standard drama, the characters follow a... [ more ]
Former Member Very interesting take, thanks Xochiquetzal . What an episode! I also need to rewatch them / err "savour" them. Don's treatment of Peggy - surprisingly 50's throwback - although he softened it with encouragement at the end. I wonder did fate later on deal him a hand for his hubris. At the peak of his swagger he was scammed + thumped. Hillbilly dad also appeared in his subconscious to cut Don down to size. Also phenobarbitol? What kind of recreational drug is that? Was that what Betty was... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Quiz: Identify eyes
Trixy Jake is dreamy....his eyes are divine. I like to think in an alternate reality we are married. In fact my friend once made me a picture I'll see if I can find it. [ more ]
brisket The are rather gorgeous Trixy, aren't they. You must be a true admirer. Apparently Susan Sarandon says Jake's eyes are "dreamy". You almost feel you could jump in and swim around.... [ more ]
Trixy Reference: I was quite surprised with the first spot of Jake Gyllenhaal (I think it was Trixy), as I thought that wasn't easy. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere [ more ]
See all 83 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Been offered a promotion at job no. 1
Soozy Woo Reference: got a txt today asking if i could work after all. NO!!!!! I BLIDDY CANT!!!!!!!!! Exactly do have the option to say no - you sound like they call on you at a moments notice's good that you are obliging as obviously the money comes in handy but are well within your rights to say no. [ more ]
stonks Congrats Kelly you are so lucky to have 2 jobs in these hard times and get a promotion, I'd take the promotion but work out a good pay rise and jack the pub in, give yourself a well earned rest of an evening.... [ more ]
angelicarwen Reference: I got offered a part in a salad. I'm considering my options carefully. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lets Have A Joke Thread.
Sexy_Kelly For this joke to be funny you have to actually picture the scenario. What do you call a man in the bath with no arms and no legs? Bob!!!! [ more ]
lal I bought some HP sauce the other day. It's costing me 6p a month for the next 2 years. Last night I dreamed I ate a ten-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone. I went to the doctors. He said 'I'd like you to lie on the couch'. I said 'What for?' He said 'I'd like to sweep the floor' I went to the doctors. He said 'What appears to be the problem?'. I said 'I keep having the same dream, night after night, beautiful girls rushing towards me and I keep pushing them away'. He... [ more ]
Garage Joe This is how you had me banned from C4. You're not fooling me with this one. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What -if anything - have you given up for Lent?
Kaytee Nuthin' not a believer [ more ]
Trixy I gave up anything bad for me, however university refuse to accept lent as a reason for not doing work so I've had to take it up once more [ more ]
GMA I've given up the effort of not going to the gym for the fourth time in a week - plus not sticking to my quota of wine per week and do have the odd, extra glass (C'mon on folks! I'm a non smoking veggie/low fat eating 51 yr old female) - i have to sin somehow! I'm surely not perfect! [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is anyone else following Layla Grace on Twitter ?
Demantoid Reference: also a good point Crunchy... people are weird It's a very good point. [ more ]
angelicarwen Obviously it's a heartrending story and I feel for the family but I agree with several other posters when they say it is private. I cannot imagine losing my little girl but if I did I certainly wouldn't be posting details for faceless people to read. I would be spending every precious second with her. But each to his own I suppose [ more ]
SazBomb also a good point Crunchy... people are weird [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheryl Cole- Crazy Possessive
SazBomb Reference: On the subject of the chirping polyp, you should check out 'We gotta file, file, file, file, file for divorce' on FB for alternative lyrics to her debut single I saw that the other day... and proper snorted [ more ]
Karma_ On the subject of the chirping polyp, you should check out 'We gotta file, file, file, file, file for divorce' on FB for alternative lyrics to her debut single [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Can't believe how many people in this thread have listened to this and actually think it's her Neither can I I mean, the girl doing the track can sing [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Peregrine Falcons....
Demantoid We have the occasional wood pigeon too, and a pair of collared doves that regularly turn up. They just hoover up whatever gets spilt from the feeders. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: I have a soft spot for all members of the crow family as well, though. Clever, clever birds. We have wood pigeons come into the back garden everyday for the food I put out on the bird table. It's one where there's a 'roof' on took them a while to suss out how to navigate their way onto the table under the roof...they have it sussed now though [ more ]
kattymieoww I have a pair of carrion crows that visit the garden they steal the peanuts that I chuck down for the squirrels,they crack them open then take the nuts to the bowl of water,put them in there to make "peanut soup" they do thiswith bread etc too. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie spoilers...
liverbird Reference: And Blanche, who was played by the late Maggie Jones, takes one last swipe at Ken when she leaves him her dog. Blanche writes: “You’d better feed and walk her regularly. And don’t take her near canals, theatres or any other places where loose women may be hanging about.” Ken responds: “Even in death she mocks me.” Brilliant, thanks Darlo [ more ]
mary_bee Reference: Coronation Street bad boy Gary Windass is to flee his Army barracks in a forthcoming storyline. I thought this was Chesney until I just googled his name. I saw him on it the other day and thought he was really good looking and I was getting really confused as to how the hell Chesney got that old that quickly. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) June Whitfield and Kate Ford filming for Blanche's funeral . [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gail's goin to jail
Crunchy Nuts Some I'm happy are going, some I'm not. I like Zak. I think him and Michaela are hilarious together. I also like Newt and Archie. Other than that, reasonable decisions I think. It's good that the good characters like Steph, Darren and the McQueens are staying [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Darlo, can you put one of those spoiler things you do on here? Please Check my Corrie spoilers... thread . Going OT some HO gossip for Crunchy . hollyoaks producer axes 11 It had to de done , apart from the article doesn't mention that Jake, Newt and Kris are going because the actors chose to leave themselves. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Rexi I read darlo's post earlier ... I know what's gonna happen ner ner What happens? Does she get sent down or just remanded then let out? Rexi? darlo? Tell, tell, tell.... Darlo, can you put one of those spoiler things you do on here? Please [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i have a new pussy
Yogi19 Get well soon Darthhoob and I hope you get to keep the cat. It seems to have really bonded with your son. [ more ]
Darthhoob well i didn't get chance to ring them today thanks to a possible inner ear infection (for me) been bed bound most of the to stand (sit) upright now though lol. will ring them tomorrow if i have time, got a very busy day tomorrow and have to add doctors appointment to that >-< [ more ]
Demantoid It sounds like your little boy and Tux were made for each other. Tux obviously has a bond with him - it's almost like he was sent especially [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last Woman Standing.
ozzycam Nice one Yogi...... [ more ]
Yogi19 I have done the ironing, made a bolognaise and a pot of lentil soup, and the apple pie is ready to go in the oven. I could be Rawky's perfect woman - if I wasn't old enough to be his mother. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: *Pops back in to see the furor I've cause, then runs back out like the clappers* Disappointed by the lack of aggro, Rawks? It'd take more than that [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: (and discussion)-Hair on the Face
brisket Reference:Garage Joe (Aiden Turner's moment of glory came with his role of Dante Gabriel Rossetti in Desperate Romantics- Ooops Joe, how could I forget that? It was indeed good. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Zoe Tapper with a tache? [ more ]
Garage Joe (Aiden Turner's moment of glory came with his role of Dante Gabriel Rossetti in Desperate Romantics-we enjoyed it greatly. Zoe Tapper!! hubba hubba etc.) So as far as I can see, it's OK for Jesus to have a marmite 'tache, but not the rest of us. Once again, it's one law for the saviour of mankind and one for the rest of us mere mortals. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Techy Help - External hard drives...
Jen-Star Oow nice me likey, you think your boss will buy us all one? or just me? [ more ]
Former Member Hurrah! [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Freecom Mobile Drive XXS 320GB USB-2 Portable Hard Drive. Amazon do them for £53 delivered free. They have a nice rubber coating, plug into a USB hole with no other power required, and fit into a man's office shirt pocket. You can get cheaper but larger drives with more space but these are the dog's danglies for convenience. I got this one Daniel, that you recommended and it's great! It's lovely and light and compact and holds eveything I need...thanks for the advice [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's Oscar Night!
Karma_ I saw most of the 'best bits' show that was on earlier. Sandra Bullock's dress was just amazing (I've already said this) but she was too pale in the face and I didn't like the hair. Cameron Diaz looked ok, but I felt she was too tall to pull off the look and should have worn a stremlined dress instead. Jennifer Lopez looked stunning (bitch), but what the hell was Barbra Streisand wearing? I adore the Streisand but blimmin eck she looked like she was going to manage her local Tescos store,... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Hi Xochi. I meant to post here earlier tonight. It was only when I signed off last night that I disagreed and agreed with you in this reply last night. I knew what you meant and what I meant but the few bevvies I had in me confused the issue. Conuzzled! [ more ]
Tayto. Reference: Naw Oxchi. Unfortunately it's all politics and who can buy enough votes like everything else. Hi Xochi. I meant to post here earlier tonight. It was only when I signed off last night that I realised I disagreed and agreed with you in this reply last night. I knew what you meant and what I meant but the few bevvies I had in me confused the issue. [ more ]
See all 229 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jeremy Kyle - Right Now.
Darthhoob i prefer steve wilkos [ more ]
brisket What an appalling, rude man he is. Worse than any of his guests. He has become more and more forceful, ill-mannered, aggressive and threatening. Odious man! Amazingly he gets paid for it and makes money on the backs of the people he screams at. [ more ]
brisket When there is a female offspring involved, less than 5% refer to her as a "daughter". The other 95% call her "daugh'er" (or is it daw'er, or dow'er?) Why, these days are there lots of programmes with the same `guests` returning to be on a second time? Because the Kyle show is running out of guests. No, it's because they had such a laugh the first time, and they are such exhibitionists that all the protagonists agreed to do a second show. They love it so much. [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheeky little sod!
brisket Didn't Nicola T keep putting her foot in it on the last CBB? Last night on a repeat of Would I Lie To You Jamelia was unintentionally tactless tiwards Jimmy Carr. Then, of course, on many occasions any efforts to escape makes the hole bigger. [ more ]
Jen-Star I remember when i was around 11/12 i walked to my moms friends ex mother inlaws house with her daughter (hope that makes sense) to take her mothers day present which was a house plant, when she was handed the plant she said thank you and said "hmm" pulling a couple of yellow leaves from the plant... to which i said "Ah that will be why it was cheap". Then me and my moms friends daughter walked back to her house where my mom was. Her mom started moaning to mine about her when she couldnt find... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Her face must have been a picture. It was! Oddly enough, the OH was more offended by it than me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who wants to watch some tacky yet entertaining t.v tonight?
Rawky-Roo Hmmm, so I'm not sure if anyone watched that first episode I posted. You wouldn't believe the hassle, and trauma, and blood, and sweat, and selling my soul to the devil that I did to get it. Anyway, just in case I'll post the 2nd episode: [ more ]
Yellow Rose The tackiest show surely has to be Jerry Springer hard to believe those people are real [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: Not as funny as what you've got [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
3D or not 3D that is the question?
Demantoid It's a load of blue cartoon people, with terrible clunky acting and script, from the clips I've seen. So glad it got snubbed at the Oscars. Just because it made a lot of money, doesn't mean it's good. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference stupidcupid Yesterday at 23:28: I've just finished watching avatar that was "ahem" downloaded. I really enjoyed it but having seen some things at the imax in 3d I think it would be amazing to se it in 3d. 3D Imax is how James Cameron intended "Avatar" to be seen. I took the parents to an Imax screening as my father's birthday treat, and virtually everyone in the theatre was going "WOW! " afterwards. It's just a totally immersive experience. True, "Avatar" isn't the greatest or most... [ more ]
Croctacus I love the 3d films....our local cinema does a thing where you can re-use your glasses and pay less if you take them back for another film [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If I told you I was vey vey drunk...
Soozy Woo Do you know .................I dont think I ever get hung over ..............i just top up. [ more ]
Xochi I'm still hung over Sooz... but having a hair of the dog and watching the Oscars... madamski... can I persuade you to have another drink...? [ more ]
sandra i'm drunk now and sadly going to bed * sighs* wish i noticed sooner i would have spilled the beans ... now i'm having trouble seeing my keyboard [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Worst date nightmares
liverbird Oh Karma [ more ]
Yogi19 Karma, that's hilarious. [ more ]
Darthhoob Reference: Karma_ offline 5946 Forum Posts Today at 11:41 (Last Edited: Oh this one didn't actually make it to a date but I was walking down the road one night and this old bloke with hardly any teeth stopped me and said 'Excuse me, would you be interested in sex?' Me: 'Sod off, I aint that bloody desparate' Old man: 'But I am' oh my, how do you take that one BWAHAHAHAHAHA [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why don't Schizophrenics do good things ?
Darthhoob personally i find all Neurotypicals to be bad cos most murderers and criminals are NT [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: They probably do, just the media doesn't like to report too much good. It's not a question of the media not 'liking' to report it. It's just that bad stuff gets brought to the media's attention via the police or courts. Good stuff isn't - or are the media supposed to follow every schizophrenic around on the off chance they might do something nice? [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly LOL bliz [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John Terry says sorry to Wayne Bridge
Soozy Woo Reference: I think that Terry has had a lot of stick because he is an arrogant, obnoxious prat outside of the football field. One example..of many.....Who was it who parked his Chelsea Tractor in a disabled a narrow high street while he took his family into the pizza restaurant? And who was it who threw a foul mouthed hissy fit at the policeman who told him to park in the car park like everyone else? Oh yes...that would have been John Terry I'd never heard that one... [ more ]
liverbird Reference: "I don't know where they will stay, it's not my concern. I'm hoping there will be a virus." Brilliant Veggie [ more ]
liverbird Reference: I think that Terry has had a lot of stick because he is an arrogant, obnoxious prat outside of the football field. xactly! [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Forum's changed again lol.
Mount Olympus *Olly* Sarum they look similar to the ones I got from this place about the same price but I got more cartridges in the starter pack [10] and postage was only £1.99 Wonder if they work the same... I keep having to puff extra hard to get the vapour to give me a good back of the throat hit... and I end up overheating the atomiser, but then again I do prefer a very strong proper ciggie.. doesn't help that atm they are also making me want to light up a proper ciggie after the attempts to get a decent... [ more ]
Sarum Reference: anyway when you tried them did it make you feel a bit sick and dizzy? I am not sure I can make the complete switch over yet. .hope I can but I do like the smoke hit you get from a good ciggie I've got the Intellicig ; it was recommended to me by a friend, and seemed to be the least expensive. I did get a little lightheaded the first couple of times, until I figured out that I was sucking too hard ... It seems OK, though; and I can't help thinking how much fun I could have in pubs... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Yikes...I turn my back for five minutes, and someone moves the furniture around again. And I've just got one of those electronic cigarette thingies...but now I feel like going out for a pack of real ones... Sorry Sarum Try and stick with it, wish I could, I'm staying in this part of the forum and I'll smoke less [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Iv been offered a baby bearded dragon
Sexy_Kelly Stonks they are really loveable they love there chin and there beards being stoked and Jiggy used to fall asleep on me and id wrap tuck him under the covers with me. Just always remember to wash your hands after handling them and dont have them out for too long as there bodies need to keep warm. [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly You know i haven't actually seen Royston in a few day which is unlike him. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Subtle Barney, subtle... I like it! Even if we don't get to him, it should shake out any remaining parasol fetishes that secretly linger! [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who's on line ?
Sexy_Kelly Im here, just got in from work. Just chilling out with a blue wkd [ more ]
Yellow Rose Online Now Current Visitors: 703 (Network Members: 8, Guests: 695) wow is that the most ever? [ more ]
Elkie I have never had problems posting etc on Livecloud..I know it must be frustrating for those of you that have found it difficult but I like it here and please whatever you do forget about Channel 4 It Is dead and buried..Move on.. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has anyone else had those cooked chickens in a bag from the Hot Deli at Tesco?
Starfleet Admiral hoochie We get them from Asda now and again - excellet with rocket salad on pitta ...and the magic ingredient a jar of Asda Chilli mayonnaise absolutely fab! [ more ]
slimfern Our Sainsburys don't do em in a bag...but I likes to buy em from them from the hot food counter & serve em in a wrap wiv a bit a salad! [ more ]
liverbird Re: Has anyone else had those cooked chickens in a bag from the Hot Deli at Tesco? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where has wotsit gone?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: Myopic Mouse Mousie is around - Last Time Signed In: Today at 15:13 And Sheryl18 Last Time Signed In: 25 February 2010 10:36 [ more ]
stonks I thought Velvets reply was a joke,if he's had said it to me I'd have took it in good humour, it was'nt filth like I've seen other male FM's post and other females find funny, though hay ho I suppose it depends on the poster whether you want to laugh or be outraged.... [ more ]
Garage Joe sorry! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was feeling a bit low and depressed tonight
~Lee~ Reference: I'm not offended by Kelly's posts but (like Karma) I worry about her a bit sometimes. I'm the least maternal person I know of, but she brings out my protective side! I have to really watch I don't sound like someone's prissy old gran when I voice my concerns though. Nothing wrong with maternal Deman....On the other hand I ask myself would I want/find amusing/encourage any of my female relatives posting the things Kelly does ,so yes concern is understandable imo. [ more ]
slimfern *sniggers at Deman* Oooh & points! [ more ]
Demantoid I'm not offended by Kelly's posts but (like Karma) I worry about her a bit sometimes. I'm the least maternal person I know of, but she brings out my protective side! I have to really watch I don't sound like someone's prissy old gran when I voice my concerns though. [ more ]
See all 80 replies...

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