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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Stacey and Max (EE spoiler)
Garage Joe Reference: Steve McFadden really is underrated as an actor Shurely shome mishtake. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: i'm looking forward to Phil's reaction after Peggy's departure ...which can't come quick enough for me....hurry up Babs and go.... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Yes drunk Phil is hilarious .. Steve McFadden really is underrated as an actor and i'm looking forward to Phil's reaction after Peggy's departure . [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bovrilking, how do i get in touch with him
RZB Reference: Thank you RZB if you could, i noticed that he isnt around much anymore I've dropped him a line on FB hopefully he'll pick it up soon. [ more ]
Yogi19 STP, if you run the mouse over the Livecloud sign (top left hand of the page, in black ink), a menu will drop down. Click on the "Your dialogues" and you will find the PM. [ more ]
sinkthepink Thank you RZB if you could, i noticed that he isnt around much anymore Still trying to find my pm though lol [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jeremy Kyle!
Former Member I caught about 2 minutes this morning - luckily (or unluckily!) it was only the trailer for his anniversary show. One stat that made me , was that they have had 10,000 guests. Are their really that many 'Kylistas' running around Britain? No wonder people are emigrating [ more ]
kattymieoww Loathe Kyle and his crap show. [ more ]
Lazybug Reference: Brain operations Do any of his guests have brains then? [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do WAGS of Footballers, Popstars etc
The Devil In Diamante Reference: now now karms.......everyone hollibobs like that yer know.....why i'm often found lying seductively on the sand by the waters edge whilst mr sponge puts on a suit and does keepy-uppy's nearby.........course reality would be.....i'd be harpooned and thrown into the sea and mr sponge doesn't own a suit..........we come back not looking dreamy on the plane..........more....'gawd i'm bleedin knackered an yer snorin did my nut in'...................... So true! I haven't had the... [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: Good on her she clearly has her head screwed on, remember reading her saying that she absolutely loves being a student and having fun with her friends is much more than getting in the papers which can't be said for some girls. Who are we to judge though? Some girls maybe aren't intelligent enough to go to Uni or whatever, so if they are in a relationship with a footballer and people want to pay them lots of money to appear in magazines or whatever, what's wrong with that? I'd say... [ more ]
spongebob squarepants Reference: karms I cant stand the advert her and the hubby have done for Thomson holidays. It's so crass and sickly sweet and saccharine and just......bleugh. now now karms.......everyone hollibobs like that yer know.....why i'm often found lying seductively on the sand by the waters edge whilst mr sponge puts on a suit and does keepy-uppy's nearby.........course reality would be.....i'd be harpooned and thrown into the sea and mr sponge doesn't own a suit..........we come back not looking... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Graemlins (smileys)
Former Member I use this one mainly at myself when I've done somehing stoopid, but sometimes also when I'm posting with someone who I know well enough to handle it [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) > wish this was added to the smileys here I like it . [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: I can only imagine how irritating over-use was in the old days Karma... and I know how frustrating the lack of an easy quote system here has been to some. But I can tell you as a previous lurker... it's made my experience here so much easier when I did finally sign up! Keepin it real! [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
One Born Every Minute
Darthhoob Reference: [TiGi] TiGi offline 2001 Forum Posts Today at 11:37 (Last Edited: If she'd have done that to me I'd have slapped her back and told her to cock off! i'd of rammed the gas and air pipe where the sun dont shine and blew her up like a balloon, but this was decades ago and seemed acceptable (apparently lol) [ more ]
TiGi If she'd have done that to me I'd have slapped her back and told her to cock off! [ more ]
Darthhoob didnlReference: RiverRock offline 14 Forum Posts Yesterday at 16:18 (Last Edited: The young girl sam from week two (I have never given this might be judgemental) but was she not going waay over the top?! Also, I couldn't stand that joy, though she had no manners. i'm a wuss! but i didn't make half as much fuss as that woman lol!....affects us differently i spose though...i felt sorry for her when my mum was giving birth to my brother, a woman was carrying on like that down... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheryl Cole
Garage Joe Reference: Darlo,Charlotte was looking great! If Cheryl takes that love rat back then she really is stupid. I thought that, like Paul Daniels, Tracy Emin, and Noel Edmonds, she had promised to leave the country. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Charlotte was looking great Indeed , can't wait to see her judging in Over The Rainbow with ALW, she's bringing out some more music hoping for some Classical stuff tbh as Charlotte is better at that than pop and heard the chatshow is coming back to C4 . [ more ]
kattymieoww Darlo,Charlotte was looking great! If Cheryl takes that love rat back then she really is stupid. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kym Marsh on Piers Morgan
The Devil In Diamante Reference : yeah .... that's how I see her to be too Same here...she was lucky to land Corrie as she's not a very good actress at all, and her character in Corrie is a little pointless.... [ more ]
Angel Reference: .she's a hard nosed cow who'll ditch those close to her if it means she's not moving onward and upward. yeah .... that's how I see her to be too [ more ]
Christmas Chicken i missed this! will have to itv player it [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
scary things.
TiGi Anything that flutters - argh!! And puke.. [ more ]
kattymieoww I don't mind woodlice in the garden they do a useful job of breaking down leaf litter and dead vegetation etc.I lifted up a large side brick edging on my path last year to straighten it out,when I turned it over there was hundreds of slaters under it.I disturbed their "town". [ more ]
kattymieoww If your window is made from wood Renton and the room is damp,then the woodlice are eating the wood etc.they are harmless but I just don't like them in the bath,and usually a few fall in during the night when they are out foraging. We got new UPC double glazing so theyare just on the floor now. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BA Cabin Crew Strike.
Former Member Reference: They seem to do a lot of flying these nuns! That's because they're usually sky marshalls in disguise, especially on American airlines. At the first sign of trouble, they'll whip off their wimples, pull out a special gun, and shout "Get on the floor with your hands on your head, motherfecker!!". [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing They seem to do a lot of flying these nuns! [ more ]
stonks Reference: I remember flying unaccompanied (dunno which airline) when I was 16... and my Dad had arranged for me to be shaperoned! The SHAME of it! I had to get on the plane early with the sick nuns & a young kid who was a child prodigy violinist. Twas cringetastic! & the violin kid was a pompus little git! I was put sitting next to the nuns, I thought well I'm ok God won't crash this plane.... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's Mother's Day on Sunday.
Christmas Chicken just given mum her spring flowers , card and pressie plus breakfast in bed [ more ]
longcat I got my cards this morning and the eldest one wrote Mom but the youngest one wrote Mum. I think he is trying to wind me up but he also got chocolate so it's ok [ more ]
Aimee mine are upstairs, i've seen the card and it's the size of a house i wasn't looking or anything my roses are lovely i had to text him and say thank you and everything [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Google street view maps have made me homeless!!!
*bubbles* just bin lookin round spenny. pure mint this like [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Lazybug I just found I can see my babies graves - It's kind of comforting in a weird kind of way that I can now 'visit' them on a rainy day and not get wet and muddy... (not that it'll stop me going there in RL but you know...) Most bizarre that I can see them on my laptop and very 21st century . Aww! [ more ]
scatterby We live out in the sticks and don't appear to have been put on yet, which suits me fine [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should teachers be members of the BNP?
cockney-chick It's nobody else's business what political party ANYone wants to join. [ more ]
Former Member Obviously, there's Nick Griffin and wife too. Apparently, wives are the blue water between the parties now. I'm not sure what I expected there but she looks quite nice and normal. Perhaps she is and opposites attract! [ more ]
Former Member Not fancy voting for Ms Clegg instead? She looks quite jolly and very, erm, colourful too. [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Computer help please
Ensign Muf Reference: duchess Thanks muf i pressed the auto button and its all better now, thanks a million for your help No problem I had a look at mine and turned the contrast down and my eyes don't hurt as much now and I doubt that I would have looked if you hadn't asked [ more ]
duchess Thanks muf i pressed the auto button and its all better now, thanks a million for your help [ more ]
Ensign Muf Sounds like you need to do some adjustments in your monitor menu. should have a button either on the side or bottom of the monitor to bring up an on screen menu so you can move the 'H Position' to where it should be hope this helps [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could I have some crossword help please
Yogi19 Cologne, my heart goes out to you, I know it will be a worrying time for you. I hope your son is soon back with you, safe and unharmed. [ more ]
Garage Joe Hope all goes well Frau Koeln I have started planning the Grand Tour BTW. [ more ]
pepsi Cologne I can imagine what it must feel like for you and I always think how bloody hard it must be for parents with kids in the Forces. Both my 2 are going through some tough times at the minute too, 1 has moved back home with me and is getting loads of trouble and abuse from her ex, so much so the police are involved. She is in a terrible state. The other one is moving back home with me next weekend because of problems as well. They are 20 and 22 and I am more worried about them now than... [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How Can She Slap!
The Devil In Diamante I know Jen, it was a shame for him, she had provoked him and goaded him for so long, and the one time he retaliated, he got the book thrown at him, she made out he'd done it before, which he hadn't! Thing is, everybody believed her, even my Mum as she came across so sweet and innocent, the model Daughter when in reality she was an obnoxious cow.... I know men shouldn't hit Women, and Women shouldn't hit men...people just shouldn't hit each other TBH, but in his case he had every right to hit... [ more ]
Jen-Star Where's his equal rights eh DiD? Makes me mad some women know they will get away with hitting a man, or if he hits her back she can cry victim! Men are expected to just stand there and take whatever she wants to throw at them i dont thinks its fair at all. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I agree Jen, I had a Friend from Primary School who people thought butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. She got Married and had a Son, her and her Husband split up and one night she went round to his banging on the door and mouthing off at him in the Garden. She started to kick and punch him and she spat in his face, he flipped and whacked her and HE ended up the 'bad' boy in the situation, he got sent down!!! ....she even threw a brick through his window on one occassion, which narrowly... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
oops i'm not THAT drunk !!!!!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: oh i get it but really there is zigzagz really there is The zig-zags are a standard Word Processing function, red for spelling and green for grammar. They only show on YOUR screen and only while you are compiling your message. They only HIGHLIGHT what they believe is an error, they do not automatically change anything. BTW it's not just Chrome that has it. [ more ]
Jen-Star @ this thread [ more ]
Xochi That's a rubbish fairy... it ain't gonna work. He seems to have testicles under his arms... and not wings! [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Darlo,before footie starts
darloboy (Play The Game!) sally spikes ashleys drink , woman is deranged although it's definetly the last we'll ever see of evil Sally this week . Sian Reeves is spot on with her portrayal . Loving the Dingles! . [ more ]
Yogi19 No, I'm not on FB, sorry. Enjoy your bath, and I'll maybe catch you later. [ more ]
ilovewillyoung oh thats lovely,pip is on my lap at the moment sleeping.Going for a bath now which will piss (sorry lol) him off,catch u later if u r still here.oh by the way r u on face book? [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
James Brown's body is missing.....
stonks Reference: Thats creepy Stonks. But, TBH, He, nor his music never did anything for me. I didn't like him. I do understand that zillions of people think he was the "Godfather of soul", but he wasn't my cup of tea. No mine neither just thought it was strange.... [ more ]
Heartache Of course it has'nt the family does not want this person to get access to an autopsy. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Ain't it funky now? [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nightmare Computer Scam
Baz Sorry about your probs Scotty..... but hopefully by posting you have prevented someone else getting caught I know I will tell my kids about it..... [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Scotty you`re feeling better I am thank you Scotty [ more ]
Aimee Thanks for the info scotty passed it onto my daughter as she looks after our computer as i haven't a clue and she was already aware of it and they had tried it on us before hope you get yours sorted soon [ more ]
See all 100 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Reference: my grandchildren send text language on my chat line and I keep telling them I dont understand it,they forget and still do i LOL.. so do mine [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: inside of my handbag [ more ]
Yogi19 Marguerita, I can't text either. I asked one of my sons to show me how, but his fingers were so fast it was all a blur, so I gave up. I am so useless with my mobile, I keep taking photos and videos of the inside of my handbag. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jon Venables back in prison
Former Member Reference: Where the hell did the paper get that report from? I thought that it should have been confidential. *nods* I'm all in favour of the full text of sentencing being released as I think we miss a lot of the reasoning in newspaper reports but that was quite surprising. It's in a national newspaper though so it's full public domain now so I was happy to post a link after the fact. [ more ]
Former Member Dan, that link you posted a few pages back with the article that had the psychiatrists report in it. Where the hell did the paper get that report from? I thought that it should have been confidential. Re the actual report, I have to say that nothing in it surprised me. I admit wholly to being biased agianst these, IMO, professional idiots whether they are medical or judiciary in origin who decide time and time again to release people back into our society on the basis that they are 'safe'... [ more ]
marcus Re: Jon Venables back in prison [ more ]
See all 533 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has the new layout lost us a few more posters?
Aimee Reference: was staring at the right hand side and it just me? shall we rock in the corner together [ more ]
Kaytee Reference:AIMEE so is mine, thought i was going mad there for a moment i was thinking what is right and what is left I was staring at the right hand side and it just me? [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Marge, if you are seeing the Forum, as well as the Thread Titles Page onn the right not the left, then I would report it to the mods Click on GET HELP on the grey at the bottom. [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help! Tory press in need of a story!
Garage Joe I notice that we are moving from the age of Venables to a new dawning of the age of MP's expenses. [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: What will they dig up now? Ah! Another load of inconsequential cock. [ more ]
cologne 1 Non-doms should have nothing to do with governing this country whichever political affiliation they have and/or spend their money on. The hypocracy is mind blowing. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...

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