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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think the US would give us a nuclear system that worked independently?
velvet donkey I know where it is. Rhu [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Actually Loch Long is 'Next Door'. The Holy Loch is 'Next Door Again'! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Wester Ross actually, but certainly that's closer to Sutherland than The Gare Loch, which is in Argyll & Bute. The American Naval Base was in the Holy Loch - next door! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Electric cars are too expensive.
velvet donkey Ernie got his statue [ more ]
slimfern Thought he drove a milk cart.... [ more ]
velvet donkey Am I an Audi fan. Of course - "The" Audi Quattro with Michele Mouton. Ferguson invented four wheel drive in road cars though - the Jensen Intercepter FF. Lamborghini were also tractors. I was sorry when SAAB went. They were cool and fighter jets. Ernie drove a Rolls - Eric drove a Saab Turbo. Nuff said. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Hi there Roxan How’s it going ? [ more ]
Kaytee Hadaway and sh*te man🤣…..I’ve lived in the South now longer than I lived in the NE….but never really had the NE accent due to an Auntie who ensured that I didn’t….but I can turn the accent on and off….like Baz I speak Surrey these days…which isn’t really any kind of accent 🤣 [ more ]
velvet donkey Alright Salford. I'll get you one day. [ more ]
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