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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can i have a rant about the council
Scotty Re: Can i have a rant about the council [ more ]
jacksonb some one has dumped a skip in my street, i've asked the council to look into it... [ more ]
Darthhoob Reference: Delete Edit [~Lee~] ~Lee~ offline 2283 Forum Posts Yesterday at 16:32 (Last Edited: Darth here your local council can serve your landlord or his representatives with an improvement notice ordering the repairs be carried out within a specified length of time....Again that is the policy here but it may be worth your while contacting CAB to see if it's applicable within your council. aye, my council are helping us with this landlord hun. we were made homeless so the council helped us... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Grrr Charity canvassers knocking the door!!
Jen-Star I tell the Jehovah witnesses that i 'have one in the family' and if i need any info i'd ask them..... nothing much they can say to that ( i dont even get given the leaflet anymore. [ more ]
Demantoid Kaytee Jehovah's Witness: "There is only room for 400,000 [or whatever the figure was] in heaven." My uncle: "That's not many - what makes you think you're getting in?" [ more ]
Kaytee This afternoon:- "Good afternoon madam,would you like to find Jesus"? answer"- "No, have you lost him?".....*shuts door [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm right hacked off with a 'friend'!
Cariad Reference: She does know how important it is to me as I have told her may times and I've lost sleep over my daughter not getting into the school we want her to. She's our only child and we won't be having anymore and it's really important to us. Well there you go hon....what's the issue? She knows where you stand but that's had no impact on her. As I get older I get far less tolerant of those people who don't contribute positively to my life.Why waste time on her when she's not willing to... [ more ]
Jen-Star Someone PM'd you disagreeing with your OP?? Geez some people should grow a back bone. I'd take no notice of the PM as if they aint got the balls to post it in your thread for all to see they arent worth very much! I'd post the PM in here where it should have been posted in the first place.... but i dont suggest you do that as it may cause more pm's On the subject of the friend and nursery place, it's playground politics! (and i dont mean the children ) get used to it, or step back from the... [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: As for the PM's one was from a totally random person who Ive never heard of or seen before Very strange. They don't post here I don't think. Oh well live and learn. that'll probably be an alternate ID someone has who doesn't want to say things in their 'real' name for fear of being seen as nasty.... .probably a few of them flying about... Don;t fret tho, if they have to resort to a PM to be nasty they ain't worth bothering about.. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz I could tell you Onetoo... but only if you give me back my bus pass!!!! *well actually, I can't, but I thought it might be worth a try* [ more ]
Former Member Oh, I've just seen this. Hi Ducky and thanks Croc [ more ]
Croctacus You can't record any on demand stuff on the V+ box...unless its changed from the last time we tried it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We buy any car.........
Former Member Reference: OMG DO NOT GO THROUGH THESE CHARLATANS !!!! So my old car - for which i got £200 - We Buy Any Car offered me £50 The car i have now - We Buy Any Car offered me £2,500 LESS than i just paid for it . . . i put in the info outta idle interest by-the-way one of the papers did a thing on this company. Apparently what they do is give you this quote over the phone that's way above what you'll actually get so the people turn up at their place which is usually 2/3 hours drive away. You're... [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Reference: I haven't seen that one either - we buy any car .com - not quite as annoying as the compare advert [ more ]
Garage Joe I think the point to make about gold buyers (a concept which covers the good, the not so good, and the criminal) is that they are nearer to the gold market price than the high street. I read of one person complaining that they had payed in excess of £100 for an item in a well known High street store, and were then ripped off buy a gold dealer for a tenner. In that situation it's the High Street who rip people off, big time. May be the same applies to cars? [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Leaders Wives !
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Garage Joe. After reading this thread I'm thinking of cancelling my subscription! I always turn to the letters page first to see the outrage caused by the previous issue for subscription cancellations. [ more ]
Garage Joe After reading this thread I'm thinking of cancelling my subscription! [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference:Eugene's Lair [Eugene's Lair] Eugene's Lair offline 958 Forum Posts Today at 12:13 AM (Last Edited: Reference Scotty Yesterday at 22:17: I thought this was a thread by a chinaman No, but I think it's by a Private Eye fan... Yes a big fan of Private eye. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I got a letter from my bank...
El Loro A momth ago I got a letter and phone call from my credit card company asking me to ring them. I did and discovered that someone had got hold of my credit card details and was trying to use them. Luckily the credit card company had picked it up immediately so I lost nothing. But of course my card had been put on hold and until the replacement arrived I was having to pay either in cash or by debit card. So you can't assume that this is just a marketing ploy. But when I rang the credit card... [ more ]
Garage Joe Ha! This morning I received a letter from a particular Building Society with a passbook by the name of another. [ more ]
Garage Joe I always go on the basis that if I want something I'll search it out. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Darlo's avatar.
Soozy Woo It confuses me when people change their avatar .................I rarely look at the name's the pic that grabs me. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I love the cup picture she posted on Twitter yesterday . [ more ]
Saint Well Gaga has certainly livened up the pop scene Wen she is made u she is very pretty - but in other pics it does look like she's had feminising surgery Like her moozac tho [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fiona Phillips.
Soozy Woo I know I'm in the minority but I like loose women. Unfortunately since Jackie Bramble left the team leader has been awful ............really can't stand Andrea (goody two shoes) Mc Clean, Kate Thornton makes me cringe and dont even get me started on toothy Ruthie ............................I thought Fiona Ohillips was good today. [ more ]
Aimee i agree with cologne it won't let me quote [ more ]
Karma_ Lesley bloody Garrett I made a classic typo about that woman once But I cant STAND her. She's got a voice like a blocked drain and she never bloody shuts up. You ask her a question and it takes the annoying trog 10 years to answer it. I couldn't sit next to her for more than 10 minutes without giving her a smack in the gob. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This place
Baz Reference: It aint the same as the Channnel 4 dayz . . . . awwwww, sniffle Why is that? Cos unfortunately lots of people went/have gone elsewhere .... but you've still got us Renton [ more ]
Saint It aint the same as the Channnel 4 dayz . . . . awwwww, sniffle Why is that? [ more ]
Rexi I'll be here lal [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Pope
Demantoid Reference: I'm a tad jealous Lilibet. I never thought that anyone would get away with writing what seems so obvious, let alone needing so many wheelbarrows to cart all of the cash away. You and your Dawkins again. I'm thinking of starting a religion - there's loads of money in it. [ more ]
Sezit Priests were allowed to marry up to the middle ages or just after. The reason the church put a stop to it is because the wives and children were outliving the priests, and the church couldn't just throw widows and dependants out on to the street, or knock their stipend on the head, so they had to build new houses for the next priests and his wife, and they were losing too much money in doing this. I was told this by a very good friend of mine who is a priest. I have since finished with the... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Ah! I've never actually bought, or read, any of his books. I just watch him on my tellybox. As you say, it should be obvious, but I'm glad someone's saying it, at least. [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eff off Cheryl Cole, just Eff off!!!
Queen of the High Teas Reference: It`s Charlotte Church Supes..I had to look twice. No way?! I thought it was Danni Minogue. Blimey, I reckon Charlotte's looking a bit rough then tbh. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Blimey, is it? Well I had worked out it wasn't the Queen or Helen Mirren LOL, but that's as far as I got! Nite nite Supes [ more ]
Former Member Reference: It`s Charlotte Church Supes..I had to look twice Blimey, is it? Well I had worked out it wasn't the Queen or Helen Mirren LOL, but that's as far as I got! Right off to have a try and get some zzzzzzs [ more ]
See all 114 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soozy Woo Reference: Even when we were on ch4 forums people were still on FB and ch4 was always quiet post BB.. As quiet as this? I really dont think so could come on here and the topics woulde be moving (in spite of fb) and even off season. I will keep coming here cos it's all I know but ...................we are severely diminished in numbers. [ more ]
stonks Reference: I just wish that I knew what you were talking about. It's quite sad really ..........this forum (prior to the move) was simply folks chatting and having a laugh .......there's so much going on in cyber space now that this community is simply diluted. There you go ..................................I just pop on here every now and then - sadly it's so quiet it's almost deadly - obviously the majority are out there somewhere. Even when we were on ch4 forums people were still on FB... [ more ]
Rexi Reference: I just wish that I knew what you were talking about. *sits with sooz on the 'I Haven't Got A Clue* bench [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Man Flu Shock!
stonks Reference: I turned the whole "man flu" phenomenon back round on them recently. I had a cold, and hubby asked how I was feeling, I replied "ah not too bad... its not that bad.. its only man flu"... He became extremely alarmed ... saying "there is no only about man flu bird, you sit down.. I'll do dinner" I did laugh... and to his credit.. he did do a bit of housework, cook the dinner & did the schoolrun the next day! I felt like a fraud dossing on the sofa! ..Since starting to call my... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I turned the whole "man flu" phenomenon back round on them recently. I had a cold, and hubby asked how I was feeling, I replied "ah not too bad... its not that bad.. its only man flu"... He became extremely alarmed ... saying "there is no only about man flu bird, you sit down.. I'll do dinner" I did laugh... and to his credit.. he did do a bit of housework, cook the dinner & did the schoolrun the next day! I felt like a fraud dossing on the sofa! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Eugene I'm pretty certain that most of those who do this have never had proper flu. That certainly what happened with Mr Blizz. He was pretty shocked at just how bad real flu was, when he actually got it! He still moans for England, when he's ill, though! [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone started sowing/planting vegetables?
TiGi Only on Farmville [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: katty that horrible disease Myxie(man made introduction) did for a lot of them,now pet buns need to be immunised against it. I thought that said Pete Burns. I was going to say, "Don't bother"! [ more ]
kattymieoww Reference: The frost has past where I am, im best getting it done this week though. I won't be able to see my veg plots until after easter. Then its shotgun and a torch for me at night... bloody rabbits. Covers up Rio and Cleo the house bunnies ears. We have wild rabbits around the grassy plots at our local shopping mall,so far none in the garden,though we did have them over 30 years ago,that horrible disease Myxie(man made introduction) did for a lot of them,now pet buns need to be... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hay Fever
Garage Joe It's quite strong mind! [ more ]
Kaytee Thanks Joe.....I'll do a bit of Googling for may do the trick without resorting to meds [ more ]
Garage Joe China Oel is peppermint oil. I put it in the end of my nose, it keeps the airwaves open, acts, homeopathy like, on the eyes and I think catches a bit of pollen. Temporary relief only, never found anything that really works but it stops head aches. I get it from The Fatherland. They call it China Oel, Japanisischer Oel and a few other things. Those advertised health shops sell Peppermint Oil, but I'm not sure if it's the same purity. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emmerdale Laurel's rooftop revenge!
sandra but you can see these sort of spoiler as they say on the front of any tv magazine one week before eg, tv choice , inside soap , whats on tv .............. i did like it though when i thought darlo had the answer when you had to click on the spoiler [ more ]
angelicarwen Aww numpty is an endearment where I live [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: not the first time you've had digs at my posts. And it's not the first time people (including myself) have asked you to put 'spolier' in the titles of your threads that contain information about future soap episodes is it? As an afterthought - you think 'numpty' is me having a serious dig at you? Are you for real? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jeremy Vine today.
Yellow Rose The thing that confuses me about the "passive smoking" argument is, many smokers have pets, when their pets die I've never heard of the cause of death being diagnosed as having been caused by passive smoking. [ more ]
~Lee~ Great post Deman....As a child we were subjected to smoking everywhere including our P5 teacher sat puffing on her cig during class....I smoke and tbvh I am sick sore and tired of being viewed as some sort of Leper....What can I say I'm an imperfect person in an imperfect world. [ more ]
Sezit Joe, I absolutely agree with you. We were brought up with smoking everywhere. I even remember going to the supermarket 25/30 years ago and people would be smoking up and down the aisles whilst doing their food shopping. We also used to get smog, not just fog. It was yellow and choked you, but, there were nowhere near the incidents of asthma etc. like there is today.So, very suspect if you ask me. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Darling bottles it.
angelicarwen Poor Pete the Jaikey [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: As a person who can remember local flour mills, local brewries, local shops, and people delivering stuff on bikes, or using horses, it saddens me that so much power is being given to the large supermarkets and their ridiculous transport network. They aren't even cheaper. Local cakes are best or a merringue. Well said Joe. [ more ]
Garage Joe Reference: That's them bunging up the price of my cider again! I was drinking this long before it became popular or the preferred beveridge of the local "Jaikies"..ahem! It is also the beverage of choice for Mrs Joe. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eugene's Lair Reference stonks Today at 15:16: Reference "apparently the remake of "V" is in an even worse state..." Why I thought it was good.... I've heard that from other people too. Unfortunately, US viewers don't appear to agree with you: the show lost around a third of its audience on the second episode... [ more ]
stonks Reference: apparently the remake of "V" is in an even worse state... Why I thought it was good.... [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: apparently the remake of "V" is in an even worse state... I was looking forward to that.....the original series was really good [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cats with behavioural difficulties
Crunchy Nuts Wispa Barton needs to sit down and take a long hard look at herself and think where she wants to go with her life. She's came to a crossroads where her life can go 2 ways. She can go on and have a good life, or she can carry on the route she's taking and be a criminal for the rest of her life. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts She's definitely not unhappy though, that's the thing. I don't want to wreck her life by taking away her fun and making her into a boring cat. I just want her to kind of restrict it to like just a few hours a day or something She's fast asleep now, so it's peaceful at the moment. She's spent her whole day tormenting the dog in next doors back garden [ more ]
SazBomb Crunchy, I saw an advert for this the other day in the gym, thought it might help with your cat's behavioural problems : [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
UK to expel Israeli diplomat over cloned passports
Garage Joe Reference: And we loved those brave Taliban when they were repelling the Russians from Afghanistan Trained 'em, paid 'em, supplied 'em, shared intelligence with 'em. Not so sure about loving 'em though. Alas ! Charlie Wilson died a couple of weeks ago so we will never know. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Blizzie Bit like on here, then? PMSL - yup! [ more ]
Demantoid Saddam Hussein was a good mate of ours during the Iran-Iraq war, after all. And we loved those brave Taliban when they were repelling the Russians from Afghanistan. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Walking in heels
Demantoid The perils of a watering can full of vodka.. [ more ]
Sezit Re: Walking in heels [ more ]
Sexy_Kelly I can not for the life of me wear heals and god iv tried!! Every time i go out i start the night in a sexy pair of heals two hours later i heading home for the flats. Luckily i live 2 mins from town centre but if i ever head further a field i carry a spare pair of flats in my handbag and i make sure i wont mind throwing the heals i start off wearing away [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie Tracy Barlow prison escape revealed (spoiler)
Demantoid Reference: Carla's haircut makes her look more gorgeous. Whenever I see Carla I see [ more ]
liverbird Rosie was pretty supportive tonight telling Kevin it wasn't on he'd let Sophie down - I was shocked [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: I didn't realise Sean was "in" with the producers. Yeah they helped him get his silly crappy chatshow and gave him all these storylines plus an increase in his contract . This shoud be an interesting change in character for Rosie instead, i'm liking her although her goth days was when she was at her best . [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBC/ITV reveal World Cup schedule!
Garage Joe All being well. I'll be in The Fatherland. I will try to find out how many episodes of "Inspector Barnaby" are affected on your behalf. [ more ]
liverbird Thnaks Darlo - 'citing! [ more ]
Xochi Reference: Think I will just book a couple of weeks holiday on a desert island.... with no TV Bet ya don't Baz! BB will be on by then I reckon! Thanks for posting that darlo! [ more ]
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