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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Since when do you have to be qualified to make a sandwich?
suzybean "They had a brown bear who was on prozac for the last 5 years of its life!"...ref. ditty Wow, that's really sad Thanks for the info. El Loro. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing phew!!! I was about to go on another mission! [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Ben their Brown Bear..... Solomon their Lion.... as in just ONE of these animals!! That's just the hype on their website. Looking at their gallery of photos they have other lions and bears. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy May Day!
Baz Happy May Day everyone [ more ]
Sarum Beltane... I wear bright ribbons and a dress of green. I dance in the sun and rain And feel within my breast The fire burning. Time to be doing, To take risks, To live on the edge, To spread my wings and fly. For now, this moment Life is and I am Are the same. [ more ]
El Loro And on this May Day, here is a link to the Workers' Revolutionary Party's May Day manifesto published to support the Greek workers protest against the proposed economic measures. (I haven't added it to my long list of manifestos as it is not an election manifesto as such) Here is a link to the Comunist Party's May Day announcement, again in support of the Greek workers. A link to their manifesto can be found on my manifesto thread. I'm not a supporter of either party, but I do have a concern... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Summertime Wooohooo
SazBomb Why not just live in a house share with other 'young professionals'? Usually recent graduates who either still want to share, or are trying to save money.... would be a similar type atmosphere and you wouldn't have all the hassle of being the landlord [ more ]
Saint thats kinda ruined me future plans [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Honestly I don't think you'd find a group willing to do it. Students like the fact that they are independent they don't want to think of themselves as lodging which I personally think they would if the landlord was live in. Plus when things go wrong we like to have massive rants about how rubbish the landlord is I agree with Trixy, I wouldn't have wanted my landlord living with me when I was a student... we also used to rant about how rubbish and dodgy he was A friend of mine did... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Vote's In
Former Member Reference: Ducky Me neither Soops! I'm ringing them up to check I'm registered on Tuesday Mine has arrived this morning Ducky. It says: You can apply to vote by post. Your completed application must be received by Tuesday 20th April... Due to the short statutory timeframe for this election you may not receive this poll call until after the closing date for postal applications. Unfortunately this is outside of our control....This card is for info only. You can vote without it but it will save... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Wow, that's amazing Dame! Pensioners had been neglected for so long, and now they're (mostly) all probably dreading a return to the "who gives a toss" 1980s I know suzy, my mother being one of them. She's fuming about the polls [ more ]
suzybean Wow, that's amazing Dame! Pensioners had been neglected for so long, and now they're (mostly) all probably dreading a return to the "who gives a toss" 1980s. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marco's kitchen burnout
liverbird Thanks Baz - your night sounds very nice Miss S - I'm going on a hen night with girls from work [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Baz Well hope you both have a lovely night out..... Aww thanks Baz Will be here for the results show on Sunday - just realised that's not shown on a Saturday [ more ]
Baz Oh no.... Well hope you both have a lovely night out..... [ more ]
See all 125 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's your Tory name? Your grandmother's/father's first name and the street you grew up in double barreled with your headmaster's surname...
Sarum Reference: Sybil could also be a George I know a few people like that... [ more ]
suzybean Reference ame Ann I fear a lost deposit coming on Imodium [ more ]
Triggers Reference: Violet Greenfield-Holmes....dearie me it sounds like a posh housing estate Ha ha Elkie! A posh housing estate in a Tory stronghold. [ more ]
See all 121 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Burqas to be banned in Belgium
Garage Joe ..... then they came for the Goths and I did nothing because I was not a Goth etc...... Does it all remind you of that headmistress back in the sixties who made girls wear their skirts below the knee because they were too short then made them wear them higher because they were too long etc etc. [ more ]
suzybean It's a tough moral question...but I agree, it is the thin end of the wedge. Let's see how this progresses... [ more ]
Saint Wearing the Burkah is essential for some Muslim women - its like asking us to walk naked. Its an afront to their culture and totally unecessary. its so intolerant [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mobile phones in the classroom
suzybean best teacher I ever had was deadly accurate with a piece of chalk. [ more ]
suzybean Yep lazybug, I'm amazed by some of my nieces and nephews status updates on facebook. Then some of them post pics of the back of some teacher writing on a white board...I've told a few of them off so that all their friends can see that Auntie Su is on the case [ more ]
Aimee Reference: fondly remembers the days of flying board rubbers* i was only saying this to my parents yesterday when we was talking about this case the amount of times we had to duck out of the way of the board rubber and not once did we go home and complain to our parents about it, we just took it as normal in metal work once, the lad next to me was talking to me and the teacher threw a chisel and it landed in the blackboard behind our heads god you were scared of the teachers in them days [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good news...I have been robbed.
Rocking Ros Rose aww meaty [ more ]
Demantoid I'm glad you're so philosophical about it, Meaty. I'd be gutted if it was me, to know some oik had been rootling around my house. Still, it could be worse - at least they didn't turn all the taps on or poo on the carpet. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Meaty Strangely no, by the looks of it they only entered the living room. Went in my bedroom and my PS3 and the laptop was still there. I do have it all stored in a box when not using so its pretty hard to find. So all they got was a broken TV? It's still horrible to have someone break into your house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Demantoid Reference: There`s a recession Well, move it away from those recycled teabags, they stain.. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: brisket You know the Go Compare advert (which some people hate, but which I love) ? - the one with the pun:- He's only a tenner. He's only a tenor Well I now have a 3rd image in my head - He's only a Tena Oh no [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Toid Has it been drying on the radiator? There`s a recession [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
three in a bed..the programme of course!
squiggle Reference: I completely disagree Squiggle. I thought the most stuck up with the superiority complexes were the two who didn't have the classification. You misunderstand me I didn't mean that any of them were particularly snobby just that you have to pay to get the stars so its a bit daft to act as if you have been awarded the BB equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize or something. [ more ]
Former Member The couple from Blackpool were the worst. He genuinely thought his address No1 made him exactly that, and they're not. (greedy and over priced for where they are, and with only 2 rooms full of confusing gadgets. Sure the old duffer from the thatched abode had high opinions, and amusingly self - appointed gold stars, but at least they were reasonably priced, and offered the best breakfast so far. [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I completely disagree Squiggle. I thought the most stuck up with the superiority complexes were the two who didn't have the classification. The snobby Dorset couple and the pillock from Avebury were awful. They may have had picturesque homes stuffed with antiques but they didn't seem to give a damn about providing the guests with a good service, only about making money. The ones who did subscribe to the star system strived to give guests exactly what they would expect of that rating and more. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this election important to you?
Marguerita Reference:Katty of dogs to rip apart hares and deers etc [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Brown has also paid the price in some thinking the economic disaster is his fault. I firmly believe his knowledge through many years as Chancellor of the Exchequer understands Economics through personal experience far more than the other 2 do as well as us the public and is doing his best to deal with it. And that's why he sold our gold reserves at a knock-down price is it? [ more ]
kattymieoww Reference: Apart from everything else I disagree with him about the fact he wants to repeal the banning of fox hunting is another huge turn off for me. What with him wanting to protect the millionaires and billionaires he's also on the side of the rich country folk who dress up in costumes just to hound an animal to it's death, very compassionate man, not Indeed,there is no need in this country to "Hunt" for survival etc..therefore it's for "fun" The barstewards that think think it';s Ok to... [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Gordon Brown just lost the election?
kattymieoww I wouldn't waste my piss on Murdoch if he was on fire....Burn baby burn! [ more ]
pirate1111 Reference: Sorry about that's as I am. hey, thats an idea of a forum! we can swap views, and thoughts youve got yours ive got mine its all good [ more ]
brisket I rather agree with Soozywoo about Mrs Duffy. I thought her points were a bit random and aimless. I also thought she was enjoying her moment. She rather irritated me and I wouldn't want her in my team. (But then I would say the same of Gordon Brown.) [ more ]
See all 196 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone miss licking stamps ?
Garage Joe Reference: My first car was an Escort MK2, giving my age away a bit there Indeed! You are younger than the rest of us. [ more ]
stonks Reference: I was worried about sullying a serious thread topic, but now I see stonks' comment... [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I used to have to lick 500 bliddy stamps every Friday afternoon sending out wage slips and client invoices because my boss didn't see the need for a franking machine. Then someone told me there was half a calorie on each stamp. We got a franking machine the following week. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Awwww horsey, lol
The Devil In Diamante I wonder where they'll find a Jockey small enough to ride him... He is gorgeous, i NEED one [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Demantoid Beautiful - I wish that woman would stop monopolising him and carrying him around and let his own mum look after him, though! I was thinking that but then, I would probably be carrying him around aswell Look at him in his wee jacket Thanks for posting this [ more ]
kattymieoww Aww he's gorgeous. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jenny Reference: Brisket but I don't think I've seen him since. It's sad when people we are used to seeing about, disappear. I can think of a fair few that used to post here, and no longer do, for whatever reason. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: suzy That's such a scream...Cameron's idol (Thatcher) once said there is no such thing as 'Society'. Indeed, suzy. And now, Cameron says it is broken, but can run itself! [ more ]
suzybean Reference:blizz Things that Cameron's 'Big Society' would make things of the past That's such a scream...Cameron's idol (Thatcher) once said there is no such thing as 'Society'. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The election manifestos
Jenny Thanks El Loro. He does have a point. Though he will not be getting my vote! [ more ]
El Loro Reference:Jenny My constituency gives me the option to vote for Zero None Of The Above. If I really can't decide by May 6th, I could go down that route I suppose. I don't expect he has a manifesto apart from saying he would immediately resign if he was elected Just for you, here's a link to Zero None of the Above's website ! You'll find his "manifesto?" there along with a couple of YouTube clips and your chance to Buy a Bear. I hope you will forgive me not putting his manifesto on my list as... [ more ]
Jenny My constituency gives me the option to vote for Zero None Of The Above. If I really can't decide by May 6th, I could go down that route I suppose. I don't expect he has a manifesto apart from saying he would immediately resign if he was elected! [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BNP - This can not be serious...
SazBomb Poor Sarum Interesting photos though, I can now see that they are just misunderstood [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: (Incidentally; to get those pictures, I had to trawl through some very distasteful websites...I feel the need to take a bath now. With Jeyes fluid and a scrubbing brush....) Don't worry Sarum, you can only catch it if you're an idiot or half a brain cell [ more ]
Sarum Quote: "we don't hate anyone" (Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, in his younger days) (John Tyndall [on left], founder of the BNP) It's just so obvious that they're really just misunderstood patriots, isn't it? (Incidentally; to get those pictures, I had to trawl through some very distasteful websites...I feel the need to take a bath now. With Jeyes fluid and a scrubbing brush .... ) [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Advice for the Pope.
El Loro Re Pope Benedict and the Nazi Youth: just to put the record straight this is copied from the Wikipedia article on him: Following his 14th birthday in 1941, Ratzinger was conscripted into the Hitler Youth — as membership was required by law for all 14-year old German boys after December 1939 — but was an unenthusiastic member who refused to attend meetings. His father was a enemy of Nazism, believing it conflicted with the Catholic faith. In 1941, one of Ratzinger's cousins, a 14-year-old boy... [ more ]
squiggle Interesting post Yellow Rose, nice to hear from such a personal viewpoint. I truly felt that Pope John Paul II was a man of God. I am not a Catholic but a fellow Christian. I too don't feel this new Pope is a man of God. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Yes my husband has just gone off on one about him having been in the Hitler youth! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Politicians kissing babies
Demantoid Have they all had their Criminal Records Bureau checks, that's what I want to know. After all, you and I would need one if our jobs necessitated any contact with other people's kids. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: So, I wonder why those who do it think it's okay? Presumably the parents don't object Maybe they just want to be on the tellybox? In years to come these kids could be on X Factor seeking fame for 15 minutes poor things [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I'd have given my daughter free reign to respond as she wanted if some big man she didn't know tried to kiss her & have her photo taken doing it! She walloped the GP when she had her jabs... she was a bit feral when she was a baby... I have a vision of a politician running round with a rabid baby clinging to their head goring their eyes out! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Weak bosses are as bad as bully ones
Dirtyprettygirlthing LOL! that is how my old boss (previously referred to as fab boss... he was my mentor.. in fact, he was loads of peoples mentors).... finally got into management position. He became the union rep... and within 6 months management offered him a senior position (rather have him with them than against them!... though he never did fully conform!) [ more ]
Garage Joe Well howsabout becoming an accredited rep. (or shop steward in old money) Your Union send you on courses and teach you how to deal with managers and shitty HR people. Keep your nose clean and they will never sack a rep, ever. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing The Chief Exec of the Trust I used to work at decided to have an area on the new Trust Intraweb called "Ask the Chief" Staff were invited to ask him questions directly about the trust and related issues. It was all in line with his "firm belief in a top down bottom up organisation"! (worra twIt) The moment I saw it I laughed "oh noooooooo!" clasping my hand over my mouth. My boss (fab boss) looked over my shoulder and said "lass... do NOT post anything on there.. nothing at all... this is... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rexi I couldn't work out whether it was real litter, and there was a posse of people with industrial sized hairdryers blowing the whole lot around, or whether it was computer generated. And yes, honestly, I really did ponder this ... I must get out more [ more ]
Blizz'ard He is a fine actor. I must say, I found the litter very distracting. [ more ]
Former Member I didn't see it GJ, however, my initial ambivalence towards Clegg has been growing daily into intense dislike.... the more I see him the more I want to slap that smug, self satisfied smirk from his face [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie running London Marathon for the Children's Trust!
Crunchy Nuts Reference: It took Sophie seven hours, 15 minutes and 51 seconds to complete her first marathon, and she told The Sentinel she wasn't in a rush to do another one any time soon. So her boobs probably crossed the line at about 6 hours 45 then [ more ]
Yogi19 Well done on the sponsored cycle rides, Cold Sweat. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I've done sponsored cycle rides such as London - Brighton and London - Oxford. These events of approx 70 miles were actually quite pleasant. Even cycled back to London from Brighton one time! [ more ]
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