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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Advice for the Pope.
El Loro Re Pope Benedict and the Nazi Youth: just to put the record straight this is copied from the Wikipedia article on him: Following his 14th birthday in 1941, Ratzinger was conscripted into the Hitler Youth — as membership was required by law for all 14-year old German boys after December 1939 — but was an unenthusiastic member who refused to attend meetings. His father was a enemy of Nazism, believing it conflicted with the Catholic faith. In 1941, one of Ratzinger's cousins, a 14-year-old boy... [ more ]
squiggle Interesting post Yellow Rose, nice to hear from such a personal viewpoint. I truly felt that Pope John Paul II was a man of God. I am not a Catholic but a fellow Christian. I too don't feel this new Pope is a man of God. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Yes my husband has just gone off on one about him having been in the Hitler youth! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Politicians kissing babies
Demantoid Have they all had their Criminal Records Bureau checks, that's what I want to know. After all, you and I would need one if our jobs necessitated any contact with other people's kids. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: So, I wonder why those who do it think it's okay? Presumably the parents don't object Maybe they just want to be on the tellybox? In years to come these kids could be on X Factor seeking fame for 15 minutes poor things [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I'd have given my daughter free reign to respond as she wanted if some big man she didn't know tried to kiss her & have her photo taken doing it! She walloped the GP when she had her jabs... she was a bit feral when she was a baby... I have a vision of a politician running round with a rabid baby clinging to their head goring their eyes out! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Weak bosses are as bad as bully ones
Dirtyprettygirlthing LOL! that is how my old boss (previously referred to as fab boss... he was my mentor.. in fact, he was loads of peoples mentors).... finally got into management position. He became the union rep... and within 6 months management offered him a senior position (rather have him with them than against them!... though he never did fully conform!) [ more ]
Garage Joe Well howsabout becoming an accredited rep. (or shop steward in old money) Your Union send you on courses and teach you how to deal with managers and shitty HR people. Keep your nose clean and they will never sack a rep, ever. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing The Chief Exec of the Trust I used to work at decided to have an area on the new Trust Intraweb called "Ask the Chief" Staff were invited to ask him questions directly about the trust and related issues. It was all in line with his "firm belief in a top down bottom up organisation"! (worra twIt) The moment I saw it I laughed "oh noooooooo!" clasping my hand over my mouth. My boss (fab boss) looked over my shoulder and said "lass... do NOT post anything on there.. nothing at all... this is... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rexi I couldn't work out whether it was real litter, and there was a posse of people with industrial sized hairdryers blowing the whole lot around, or whether it was computer generated. And yes, honestly, I really did ponder this ... I must get out more [ more ]
Blizz'ard He is a fine actor. I must say, I found the litter very distracting. [ more ]
Former Member I didn't see it GJ, however, my initial ambivalence towards Clegg has been growing daily into intense dislike.... the more I see him the more I want to slap that smug, self satisfied smirk from his face [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie running London Marathon for the Children's Trust!
Crunchy Nuts Reference: It took Sophie seven hours, 15 minutes and 51 seconds to complete her first marathon, and she told The Sentinel she wasn't in a rush to do another one any time soon. So her boobs probably crossed the line at about 6 hours 45 then [ more ]
Yogi19 Well done on the sponsored cycle rides, Cold Sweat. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I've done sponsored cycle rides such as London - Brighton and London - Oxford. These events of approx 70 miles were actually quite pleasant. Even cycled back to London from Brighton one time! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Reference: Yes, we are having lots of blossom, I think it's because of the long winter leading to a late spring, which has given the trees a longer time than in recent years to hibernate and so are stronger. That's more or less what they said on Radio4 this morning, and that the winter had been particularly wet. Loving all of the magnolia that is out now, doesn't last long, but it is sooooo beautiful [ more ]
Demantoid My morello cherry tree is in full blossom now, and buzzing with hoverflies and bumble bees. But it (and all the other flowering trees in my neighbourhood) were a bit late to bloom this year, because winter was so unusually cold and long. [ more ]
Xochi Hi Carport! Whenever I read that word in your thread title I always think of that famous song from Mel Brooks' 'The Producers'. Before anyone gets offended, the context is all. I'll post a link hoping most Gagas have roughly the same sense of humour as me... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soozy Woo Reference: I once went to a pub in Yorkshire, asked for a steak pudding, and they only went and BAKED it. I'd have been happy with that TBH. I like pies but really don't like puddings .............eeeeeeeeugh all stodge! [ more ]
fracas If you can't get a decent pie in Wigan then there's something wrong. Is Greenhalgh's still there? I once went to a pub in Yorkshire, asked for a steak pudding, and they only went and BAKED it. [ more ]
SazBomb I'm a proper div Karma PM me on facebook or summat [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
An hour and a half to go...
brisket Deman I thought of you when I read this piece in my paper today: "Wainwright in full flight is breathtaking, and this theatrical evening.....showcases the singer at his baroque best." Pleased you had a great time. [ more ]
Demantoid It was brilliant - apart from the big screen showing close-up film of his eyes, in thick black makeup. I don't like eyeballs up close, they give me the heebies. The first part of the evening, he came on dressed like an Elizabethan ghost in drag, and played all of the new album, during which time we weren't supposed to applaud because it's all very low-key. After the interval he came back looking normal and did a load of his previous hits. Loved it! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Rufus Wainwright is fab .............personally though I prefer his father Laudon ...........I well remember a concert of his back in 1976 where he introduced his song about his baby boy 'Rufus is a tit man'. ..................they don't write em like that anymore. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dragons... & St George!!!
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: What accent did you type that in, Ditty? behave... there are plenty of films already made about the Dragons of Porn! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Ditty I have waited & waited & waited for them to sort out doing the Pern Movie.... What accent did you type that in, Ditty? [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: And I have a copy of Anne McCaffrey's White Dragon, autographed by her when it was first published. OMG....!!!! I have that book too! but not autographed! ... OMG!!!! I have waited & waited & waited for them to sort out doing the Pern Movie.... years ago it had been rumoured that that bloke from the x files would play F'lar (which would work)... but they never seem to get it sorted out! (I love the Crystal Singer Series, all the Talent ones, The Ship who sang,.. in fact I... [ more ]
See all 94 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Diana Vickers all set for pop stardom?
Karma_ Can't stand her and that bloody claw and the way she sang was so faux. Thankfully I have the choice of whether to listen to her or not. I choose the latter. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Wow a UK Number One with her debut single... not bad going for an 18-year-old that still gets dubbed an X Factor loser ! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Diana Vickers celebrates her first No.1 single with a box of gooey doughnuts [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Forum Baby Update Pics
angelicarwen Reference: did i see her this morning on milkshake? if so..nice birthday card lol Hahaha did you notice I made it with my own fair hands [ more ]
Darthhoob Reference: [angelicarwen] angelicarwen offline 3079 Forum Posts 20 April 2010 at 13:32 (Last Edited: My forum baby is going to be 2 on Sunday So I don't think I qualify Your's are gawjuss though did i see her this morning on milkshake? if so..nice birthday card lol [ more ]
Sheep in a Jeep Mischievious is Marni's middle name lol Lots of lovely babies on here x [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gordon Brown looking good today!!
Carnelian It's not surprising people think they're self serving prats. [not original insight follows] Labour came in on 'the third way' approach to foreign policy, cleaning up Tory sleaze and making Britain fairer. Thirteen years later social mobility has worsened, Gordon Brown put up income tax for the lowest paid, sleaze at its height and an 'illegal' war. Life long Labour voters and socialists can hardly recognise what Labour have become. The Tories are worse, they were and are more enthusiastic... [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy Reference: I have now come to the conclusion that they are all self serving prats...and we the ordinary public out there will be ripped off no matter who is in power.... In complete agreement. I honestly can't even pretend to care in the slightest about party politics. Like the parodies on them all though. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Cameron received a drubbing from the other two at the very start of the debate on Europe. If that had happened at the end he would not have won. We have incredibly short memories, you see. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Apparently Rachel Rice is our all time fave BBHM
stupidcupid I actually have to think who most of them are, I can see why shes popular though as least she would be herself(even if some people find that boring) As much as I loved Nikki at the time ,I honestly think that the so called big personalities like herself.Aiselyne.Nadia etcetera.etc, would be just boring caricatures of themselves and thus only Rachel would make an interesting entrance, as she is the only hm to be percieved as herself. She could take Rex in as an example on how not to behave if... [ more ]
stupidcupid Reference: I actually had to think who she was [ more ]
Former Member Bit silly. I actually had to think who she was [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hi Dave
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: How's it going, Darlo? I'm good thanks , recently recovred from a sickness bug so had to have time off from College but looking forward to going back this week . Football season has nearly ended here however the World Cup will be coming soon and can't wait . [ more ]
Dave How's it going, Darlo? [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: And how in the world could anyone ever ignore you? Exactly! . Hey Dave . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Facebook warning..
Trixy I've not changed mine either but tbf theres nothing on there that will be of any use to anyone I am annoyed about something else though- got an email from the student finance service yday saying that they needed everyone to update their details or they wouldnt get their loan through. So I clicked the link and then I checked the web address matched the actual website and entered my the uni have posted some warning saying its a scam Now i have no idea whats going on and noone... [ more ]
lal First rule in usernames, passwords and pin numbers NEVER write them down.... [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts I'm sorry but I just don't believe this for a second. Suppose the good thing about this is that if you desperately want to say something to someone like ask someone out or something but are worried incase they say no, you can just ask them, then if they say no just say you dunno what happened, must have been that facebook hacker Scaremongering at its best. I'll take my chance, thanks. If it backfires then it backfires (but it won't) [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 11 teaser advert!
Former Member It's around about this time I start getting excited about the prospect of BB But I get the feeling this last one is going to be a damp squib [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: Hmmm now reading it could be fake Thanks Darlo for trying to bring us the latest snippet [ more ]
Soozy Woo Does anyone have the start date? It's sad that it's the last one but TBH it has not been as good in the last several series. I think it should be like the Olympics and World Cup ........every four years. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone watch The Ricky Gervais show tonight?
stoory I did Spider......Nothing really good to say about it though He gets up my nose, and he's really nasal , and he finds himself really hilarious I liked the office......Extras not so much. He's a pain in the arse as himself. Don't really see the point in this animated version of his podcasts........I hate seeing threads with no replies, and that's why I replied tonight Sorry that it's all negative though [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ladies...this'll make you wince!
stonks Awww he is gorgious.... [ more ]
Darthhoob i dont like the fact that a perfectly nice article has been ruined by alot of those commentors! yeah the parents may be what? that has NO bearing on how big a baby will be...and i've seen much much fatter people be parents. some people just feel the need to piss over everything nice in the world. new mother, proud of her newborn baby, reads the article on him online possibly, reads the comments...add hormones and her newly wobbly belly and what do you get? hardly uplifting... [ more ]
Croctacus Well I did think that but was far too polite to say so!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
An email I've just sent to Coronation St
Crunchy Nuts Well Sophie and Sian will do I suppose. Not the Tina and Michelle combination that I suggested but at least they've taken my suggestions on board and kind of met me half way with it. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Today at 02:54 (Edited: ) Reference: now I can't be bothered with it even though I've heard it's a good programme It is The storylines are not as gritty or real as EE or Corrie, but the acting is better. They seem to miss out on awards every year aswell, not fair I thought Emmerdale had recieved awards over other soaps the last few years, maybe I was wrong? My son watches it and tells me it's a great soap with some very good actors. We usually switch to the One Show at that time... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: now I can't be bothered with it even though I've heard it's a good programme It is The storylines are not as gritty or real as EE or Corrie, but the acting is better. They seem to miss out on awards every year aswell, not fair [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Little random food survey
Demantoid Reference: *is aware this could swerve right back to the other topic at this point* Erotic nookie - use a feather Pervy nookie - use whole chicken [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I bet she didn't do the poaching herself! I love poached eggs, but I can never get them quite right at home. Shop eggs just aren't fresh enough.... I need to get me own chickens! *is aware this could swerve right back to the other topic at this point* [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: oops... this has gone off topic even for me! OK, back on topic, Cynthia Payne and her clientele preferred their eggs poached, on toast - that was supposedly what she served the blokes who came to her secs parties.. [ more ]
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