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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David Cameron - Prime Minister of Britain
MrMincePie Reference: See that's what I'm just not getting Meaty, (am I being thick?) So they'll get rid of the outreach workers on a low wage and decrease jobs for them, but replace them with HVs, hence increasing jobs for HVs who earn more than treble that of Outreach Workers. Or are they intending to decrease staffing by a third so as to not increase spending? "So they'll get rid of the outreach workers on a low wage and decrease jobs for them, but replace them with HVs, hence increasing jobs for... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Its not really about wanting the government to increase spending. Its cutting the spending which could cost people jobs. See that's what I'm just not getting Meaty, (am I being thick? ) So they'll get rid of the outreach workers on a low wage and decrease jobs for them, but replace them with HVs, hence increasing jobs for HVs who earn more than treble that of Outreach Workers. Or are they intending to decrease staffing by a third so as to not increase spending? [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Dirtyprettygirlthing Today at 14:42: Yes Soops.... that is indeed Star Wars! The bloke in black is Darth Vader.... the other one is Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader is about to tell Luke he is is father & then chop his hand off! Well, strictly speaking it's from the 2nd film - "The Empire Strikes Back". However seeing as we're talking Star Wars here, I think the following may be appropriate at the moment... [ more ]
See all 210 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good interviewers
stoory Andrew Neil makes my skin crawl . He looks really sweaty, and desperate Can't stand John Humphreys either. Seen him on a couple of things being himself.......not a good look [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I watched kay burley on sky news, really cant stand that woman, the way she interviews people with her bullying tactics She's a right cow that one - I'll never forget how she treated my Peter (Andre) [ more ]
Lockes I watched kay burley on sky news, really cant stand that woman, the way she interviews people with her bullying tactics [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tina Malone on loose women...
kattymieoww I've never watched shameless etc.however Tina on BB was horrific...awful woman.yeuk!I [ more ]
stonks Reference: Thank you velvet. As you mentioned him I just have to admit to a stupid thing I'm still doing. He was very arthritic so I used to park as close to the curb as I could so he didn't have to raise his legs too high and I noticed tonight after coming back from the coop that I'm still doing it. All this madness will sort itself out sooner or later. It never goes Cologne.... ..I still keep the crust of my toast for my old dog, she's been gone 19yrs.... [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Aww sorry to hear you've had a bit of a rough time recently Cologne, hope things are getting better. Thanks darlo, things are on the up. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Corrie spoiler...
darloboy (Play The Game!) Coronation Street binman Trevor Dean will be written out of the soap later this year, Digital Spy can confirm. New producer Phil Collinson took the decision not to renew actor Steve Jackson's contract. The news comes just hours after the announcement of Vicky Binns's decision to leave her character of Molly Dobbs behind after five years in the role. An ITV spokesperson this morning told DS : "We can confirm that Steve will be leaving at the end of his current contract." Trevor joined the... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Blanche is a legend and show won't be the same . This won't go down well here but Gail is actually my favourite out of the older characters . Yay the bitch Tracy is back! . [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I didn't like it either. I don't want Blanche having a softer side. I want to remember her as a bona fide battleaxe. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dean Gaffney
kattymieoww I caught a bit of him On "This Morning" the other day playing the poor "victim" etc.Mentioning Jade's kids etc...vomits! I hope Jeff kicks the sleaze to the kerb. [ more ]
Leccy It's naff isn't it Katty, they think they are dead important for shouting into a microphone and getting subbed drinks. [ more ]
kattymieoww Bit like that sleazoid Jack Tweedy....who calls himself a "promoter" these days . [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"I swear on my......"
Former Member Reference: When I was a child me and my siblings would use "swear on mums life" as the ultimate test to find out the truth. None of use would ever dare say it unless we were telling the truth. same here ducky - haven't used it since I was a child though I've never heard the saying "Swear down" [ more ]
Trixy "and I swear down it was like this big!" I've never sworn on someones life other than my own but I have sworn down. [ more ]
Ducky They all swear down around here. When I was a child me and my siblings would use "swear on mums life" as the ultimate test to find out the truth. None of use would ever dare say it unless we were telling the truth. It was very annoying! You couldn't get away with anything! [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
C4 planning a BB Come Dine With Me special?
Baz Wow.... a BB CDWM would be fantastic ... but like Suzy... I'd watch anyone on CDWM [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Now I'd love to see Brian Dowling do it but cannot stand Brian Belo or Nadia.... Agree - and would have loved to have seen Victor . Why TV companies insist on giving Belo airtime is beyond me. [ more ]
Croctacus I wonder if any contestants get the hump when they see what he says about them. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Google does not answer everything - Flashforward question!
Poolshark I read that about the IVF as well, and can remember her going there as well, but they have never actually explained to us how she has suddenly become pregnant, that just seems dumb to me, I think she is expecing a daughter and I read on an American site that she tries to leave the team but gets convinced to stay, also we have not seen the kangaroo for a while, what's that all about. did you know the programme is showen in real time in the US, and w and europe see it 2 days later. I just... [ more ]
Xochi Hi Poolie! Yeah, I watch it too. I think the Demetri theory is the current belief... but I have a vague memory of Janis consulting an IVF clinician too. My FlashBacks are as unreliable as their FlashForwards though! [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gordon Brown is the the worst prime minister we have ever had in this Country!!
cologne 1 Reference: Absolutely cologne! Germany is a very good model to follow.....coallition aint so bad If a party has a huge majority, democracy goes out the window for me. Both Thatcher and Blair were like kids in a sweet shop and I feel if there are some people to say no now and again, democracy is better served. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing well... fwiw cologne... I like the sound of your Dad [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: your dad was being Machiavellian in its truest meaning ... I'm actually not against it.. there is a time & a place for it. Again... its all down to intentions xx I'm not going to make this thread about me now which is why it's the last comment I will make about my dad. You're right, he was machiavellian and it bothers me because there is no other blot on his time in office. I only owned up to his slip to make the point on power corrupts. The good things he did far outweigh... [ more ]
See all 224 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So how was it for you?
Xochi Awww... well lots of folk seem to have voted round my way! Just got back and they were having to stuff the papers down into the box with a ballot box slot-shaped stick to make sure there is room for more! And they said it had got incredibly busy in the last hour... in fact I had to queue to get my ballot papers! Quite reassuring... at least maybe the turn-out can restore my faith in politics again! [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: I think you did right. On my way home I was thinking I have voted with my heart not my head lol it just would not have felt right puting that cross anywhere except in the labour box although I cant see them winning here were I live [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Voted Labour but I should have done the tactical vote and voted Lib Dem to stop the Tories getting back in, as I dont think Labour has any chance of winning here were I live .. fingers crossed I am wrong.... Years ago I voted tactically and felt tainted the end of the day it didn't work anyway. I think you should go with your heart and vote for who you want. I think you did right. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hadn't noticed, but....
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing The intervals seem to be getting shorter so it might be a bit less than 20,000 years before the next one! [ more ]
El Loro This is a link to the official Yellowstone Volcano Oberservatory website . The current level of volcanic activity is normal and the experts do not consider that there is any imminent threat of a catastrophic eruption, though nothing can be ruled out. The last 2 catastrophic eruptions occurred at intervals of 800,000 years and 660,000 years. The last one occurred 640,000 years ago, so assuming that the next one occurred at the 660,000 year interval we have another 20,000 years to go before... [ more ]
kattymieoww Real..saw that programme too.A "Super Volcano" it's allegedly overdue.It would cause a mass extinction of life on earth,who knows if we or what would survive. Man's arrogance that we would somehow survive anything.. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Voting Partners.
Queen of the High Teas GJ I've been trying to 'educate' my OH on politics for years. I've finally succeeded as he's actually voted Labour this year, AND he's even singing Billy Bragg songs under his breath! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: We can now discuss stuff... I put it down to us getting older and becoming more laid back.. more open minded... I think I've become less tolerant as I've got older with regard to politics. I used to think live and let live ...........I now feel the need to convert everybody - actually I think I've persuaded two people (not on here) to re think - [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Are we talking politics or the way he "dresses"? Ducky! [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Post Election Tips.
El Loro The reason why I said that if Brown isn't re-elected he would resign because of the Duffy incident is that on the following day he apologied to those working to get Labour re-elected, acknowledging that his comments about Mrs Duffy had damaged the campaign. It is that acknowledgement which would almost certainly seal his fate as he has effectively already claimed personal responsibility for the campaign. However it is far from certain that Labour will lose. Although I can't see an outright... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: I think him going after a defeat would of happened wihtout the Duffy incident, I can't remember the PM to lose the election, and stay leader, That's what I meant, RZB - the Duffy thing is a red herring. [ more ]
RZB Reference: But if Labour lose, his position will be untenable and he'll go. I think him going after a defeat would of happened wihtout the Duffy incident, I can't remember the PM to lose the election, and stay leader, [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do you spend yours?!
Garage Joe Reference: Usually go there to buy crabs Aimee and have done a boat trip from there to the Farne Islands.It's probably the most commercialised place on that stunning coastline i.e. there are a few shops, one amusement arcade and a tiny weeny kiddies fun fair: so hardly Blackpool Tell 'em about the Fish n chips Supes! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: That Treehouse place looks fabulous, Supes Reference: I went on holiday to Alnwick a couple of years ago and we went to the Treehouse The tree house was great...highly recommend to anyone who finds themselves that way, especially at night with all of the twinkly fairy lights [ more ]
Demantoid Working, as usual. I'm even in today (Sunday). [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A new Election Forum Poll
MrMincePie Reference: But labour got in there last time with 50.5% of the vote Im on the outer ring of Preston supercal, My vote isnt cast in the city of Preston, mine is in the ribble valley which is full of tories. Just yesterday Nigel Evans was around here, seemed alright to speak to, still not voting for him though. You can spot a difference aswell from here to Wigan, its a poor area in wigan... where as here, well...just down the road its full of snobs. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: myself and my brother now share a flat in Preston. But labour got in there last time with 50.5% of the vote [ more ]
El Loro And for the Red Flag fans [ more ]
See all 176 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Credit Cards
SazBomb hahahahaha! Ditty thats hilarious [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing aw.. I had forgotten about those shopping days... back before I had kids, and when dad was working... and commission was something we celebrated as a family! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing actually... once when we got home one evening from a girly shopping day... and dad was all worried. they hadn't called and he had started getting all paranoid that we had been mugged or abducted or something! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother
El Loro For those who are desparate to discover when BB11 starts, this is a link to the Channel 4 schedule of programmimg on their website for advertisers. At present it includes provisional details of all programmes up to 28 May, but I couldn't see BB11. [ more ]
Saint Ooooooh its gonna be great - i'm recording the bloody LOT!!! Can anyone help with a link to a place that was showing old shows - i think it was a guy woth his own site - i remember the site had an orange background [ more ]
Cold Sweat Twitter [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Repetition in speeches
cologne 1 Reference: Then there's Churchill's "We shall fight them...." which is a famous one He probably got that of Elizabeth I [ more ]
cologne 1 Having just come out of hospital, I can say with conviction that the service has improved 10 fold. My only gripe would be that they should do away with 50% of their admin and give the money to their excellent nurses. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Suzy "Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime"...(Tony Blair) I am fairly sure he nicked that from a Flash advert and just switched grime for crime [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ebay help, again......
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Me too. Paypal's brilliant once you get used to it - and you can often use it to pay for stuff on other online outlets, not just eBay. At least you know it's secure and you have some form of come-back. I have also used it to just pay a person direct. If you're registered, you can just type the persons email in and send the funds straight to them, you have no need to get their Bank Details then..(great if the person is someone you don't know)... [ more ]
squiggle I have had some people moan about Paypal but in my experience they are brilliant. I bought some dining chair covers and was waiting for delivery when I got an email from Paypal to say that it could be a suspect deal. They chased it up for me and I think the guy was going to be dodgy but when Paypal threatened the end of his eBay experience he couldn't send me the covers quick enough. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: DiD I pay straight away and have a 100% feedback score Me too. Paypal's brilliant once you get used to it - and you can often use it to pay for stuff on other online outlets, not just eBay. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Children's stories
Croctacus I know what you mean...mine were completing Sonic 2 at 4/5 when I cudn't even get past level 2! I taught mine various card games,,,gin, brag, ponton etc....I'm sure thats why they're all good at maths....not to mention the proper scrabble from day one...none of this junior scrabble malarky.... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I agree Croc that so long as you do other stuff as well, watching videos or kids tv isn't bad... in fact I would argue that its quite good for the child. Mine used to play on the nintendo as well... and I am convinced that helped with hand eye co-ordination. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: I used to like the Thomas the Tank Engine books See.. I found those dull! [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Even more good news
Former Member Great news Kelly [ more ]
Baz Reference: Always look forward - there will be a night when you emerge from your new bathroom at your new man .... and make the earth move in your new kitchen!! We will of course expect to hear all about here next day! [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Always look forward - there will be a night when you emerge from your new bathroom at your new man .... and make the earth move in your new kitchen!! We will of course expect to hear all about here next day! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good decision/bad decision
angelicarwen Millions of bad decisions , but they are done now and all you can do is get on with it. Best decision listening to my heart and keeping the baby [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Best decision was made sitting in tears under the ironing board's a bit of a story... but I signed upto do a college course 3 days later that led to me going to Uni Worst decision .... "oh just trying one cigarette won't do any harm....." [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Baz one good decision was plucking up courage, 2 years ago, to join the BB forum Me too, Baz. I can't think of any seriously bad decisions I have made. Nothing that I really regret anyway. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Money. Can it be created or destroyed?
suzybean Pure Capitalist/Monetarist policies cause the type of hyper-inflation that can be seen in Zimbabwe. Economies need some fiscal control, otherwise only about 0.1 of the population can afford to go to school, hospital and eat food. [ more ]
Demantoid Don't think we're quite on a par with this yet: [ more ]
squiggle Reference: ...they've not sent any my way though!!!!! lol... nor mine, and I am sulking [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Snooker World Championship
SpiderMonkey A decent result all things considered. Neil comes across as hard working and dedicated. Well earned. At 23 I suspect many more victories to come. [ more ]
brisket Sorry I couldn't be on line to watch it with you. But I pretty much felt as you all did - not the most stimulating of matches. Probably a good result for snooker. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I think I'm begining tolose the will to live! [ more ]
See all 199 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New technology .... the young and the not so young....
charlisock Reference: Maybe I need to make myself one It only works if it's a 2nd or 3rd generation shuffle.... in my opinion but the Duck can do wonders [ more ]
Baz Reference: Has your son let you have a go with his yet? (without the screen guard? ) I have to admit... I'd love to have a play on one No, cos I haven't seen him since he got it He really likes it, but he does say that it is not easy to hold in one hand, when reading books, newspapers etc on it... Mind you, he was bought a Kindle for Xmas, which I think is smaller, so......... [ more ]
Ducky Reference: but I might if I had an Ipad Has your son let you have a go with his yet? (without the screen guard? ) I have to admit... I'd love to have a play on one. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Flowers
Demantoid Reference: He's fine,still can't get at his overgrown claws,he's still climbing the bars of the cage though I have to give him a punt up sometimes to reach the upper level..bless.his little back legs sometimes go like he's on a bike as he tries to hoist himself up.Little booger won't go the easy way up via the ladders. Marble and his bruv Motley aren't climbing the bars these days - they take the ladders. Or at least, Motely does. Marble can manage it with a bit of effort even though there's... [ more ]
Marguerita Brisket that is how I feel about snowdrops [ more ]
brisket Ah yes Marguerita. Snowdrops. I have one tiny little clump of snowdrops, which never seem to spread or expand, but I am always pleased to see them emerge. Year after year that little clump never fails to appear, and never fails to bring a smile to my face. They give me an optimistic feeling. (These snowdrops are not mine) [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Junior Apprentice date confirmed?
suzybean I'm going to wait for the grown-ups too. I wouldn't really be able to laugh at a group of young people getting their hopes and dreams shafted on telly. Even if they were all precocious little up-starts. [ more ]
Former Member although compared to Brown and is James Corden. Can't argue with that! [ more ]
Ducky I think he's quite attractive too...although compared to Brown and is James Corden. [ more ]
See all 40 replies...

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