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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Dancing on Ice visit
liverbird Reference: I would kill to see Ray Quinn in the flesh. [ more ]
liverbird Thanks for the info Darlo Biggins was quite keen on Clare buckfield when I went cheekily telling her she was robbed by Kyran who of course was a judge with him [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Wins Chris - 22 Hayley- 11 Ray- 4 Mikey-1 Everybody Else- 0 Runner Up Hayley- 25 Chris-9 Mikey-3 Ray-1 Everybody else- 0 Glad Chris won , ghastly Biggins was a guest judge and couldn't control his bias towards Hayley and he hopes to be a judge in the main show . [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
May the best Milliband win!
grannyg I agree Deman Iwould like Jon Cruddas He's his own man and YES real Labour [ more ]
Demantoid If either has to win, I'd prefer Ed. But both of them are too Blairite (obsessed with cosying up to business and wealthier people, neglecting core Labour voters) for my liking. Ed Balls was Brown's bulldog - another one who will fail by not listening to the public. His wife Yvette Cooper would be a much more interesting candidate. At least John Cruddas represents 'real' Labour, a concept most of this lot seem to have completely forgotten about. [ more ]
suzybean Thanks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
America's got talent 1944?
Rocking Ros Rose They would certainly win BGT - Simon cowell would go wild [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Supercalifragilistic Today at 19:37: The apple seems to 'jump' Stoory, do you think that she is picking it up with a magnet? She picks the apple up by its stalk. It's quite long, and she gets some leverage by setting her upper teeth slightly in front of her lower ones - that's what appears to make the apple "jump" when she bites on the stalk. [ more ]
brisket How on earth do they first discover they can do that? The hard way I suppose. It hurts just to watch. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some little music gems
El Loro And in a completely different way to all of the previosu tracks here's Captain Beefheart playing "Hard Workin Man" written by Jack Nitzsche. This is audio only. It was written for the film Blue Collar (1978) and is played over the opening credits showing the heavy equipment in action in an auto factory. The fusion of music with the opening shots makes for one of the best starts to a film I have ever seen. Warning - if your loudspeakers are on at maximum your eardrums may not survive [ more ]
El Loro This is a link to the full length 9 minute peformance of The Corrs playing "Haste to the Wedding" at The Royal Albert Hall on St Patrick's Day in 1998. Although other performances exist on Youtube, this one doesn't, but this performance is extra special in that they have a guest drummer, Mick Fleetwood. Music cannot get more exhilarating than this! Enjoy. [ more ]
Karma_ Re: Some little music gems [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Britain's Got Talent- Back 17th April!
hyperstar The football will be good [ more ]
brisket Has anybody been watching this? Has anyone with wonderful talent been discovered? Or is it more of the same? [ more ]
Demantoid Ahhhh... nooooooooo! Britain may well have talent - but it's not on that show. Can't bliddy stand it. As if the latest 12 weeks of free advertising for multi-millionaire Andrew Lloyd Webber's latest show wasn't bad enough.. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emma Willis to co-host BBLB
Aimee True Miss S, at least Emma is a fan [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I don't mind her really, and at least she genuinely seems to be interested in BB and the housemates. I found her video blogs last year to be far more insightful than anything we saw on BBLB. I agree - Emma should be ok. Can't believe they've kept George Lamb though - he clearly hates BB [ more ]
cologne 1 Don't like her, don't like the guy she's married to. It wont enhance BB for me to have this money grabbing woman on. Neither her nor her hubby have any talent for anything. What's going on with our viewing? [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pre-BB:Contruction Photo of new house
Former Member Getting close now You just know though, that the merry go round won't even feature There is always something they show you at the start then it's never used. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD61JG I don't know where Borehamwood and Elstree starts and finishes....if I'm in one I think I'm in the other [ more ]
Saint Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD61JG [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Photography in public places
Leccy My sons drama group don't allow us to film or photograph, that's not to "protect" the kids though, it's so the greedy buggers make you buy their films and pics! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Jenstar I think its down to school, i'm allowed to take pics and video of school performances at my kids primary school. We are allowed to film performances, but no flash photography during the performance. They allow you to take photos afterwards. [ more ]
El Loro This is a link to the Metropolitan Police's advice on photography in public places. Although there is no law against this, The Terorism Act 2000 has sections dealing with when the police can search individuals and their property, and when they can seize material, but they are only supposed to to this when needed. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A really silly Eastenders question
Yogi19 The Masoods are my favourites in EE. Good characters and good acting. [ more ]
Yellow Rose A few weeks ago on a chat show the actress who plays Zainab said her character will get even worse, which as we've seen is true but what a good actor/s she and the Masood family are. Unlike Corrie EE isn't known for humour, the nearest they come to it is the dry humour from Tamwar and Masood the father, they're my fave family. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: I wonder how they will write out Ben? My theory is that Lucas will kill him as he and Phil begin to clash , although it's more likely he'll probably just end up leaving with Peggy. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Marshmallow Test
Dirtyprettygirlthing ...replace the marshmellow with something really yummy.... some sort of chinese dim sum... and I was really hungry... I think I could, if I knew it was a test... If I thought no one was watching though... [ more ]
Trixy I would wait, I believe the key would be to not look at the marshmallow. And I'd like to think I have enough willpower that I could wait whatever was in front of me. However I am not as little as they are, at that age it would have been a lot tougher ( although I was a little fatty so maybe if I thought I'd get two I would wait just for that!) [ more ]
Ensign Muf Lol Them Americans like to torture folk [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So tell me about Theresa May's clothes.....
Former Member She's like an old version of Lady Gaga. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: They often have unelected peers in government. We had Adonis and Mandy. ...and suzy, right enough, I forgot about that. [ more ]
suzybean makes me laugh...Wiki him, talk about not making your mind up. Adonis has crossed the floor more times than well, whatever. Decent enough bloke though, he went to likey [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother's Big Awards Show
Former Member Reference: I loved Science and Victor Miss S but expect brat Nikki etc to be mentioned more...pah! Katty she is the first one I thought of [ more ]
kattymieoww I loved Science and Victor Miss S but expect brat Nikki etc to be mentioned more...pah! [ more ]
Former Member It will be all the "obvious" people that get the awards. Bet we don't see hide nor hair of the brilliant Science or Victor. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
jacksonb Reference: I seem to recall yonks ago VAT was lauded as a tax on "luxuries" that was purchase tax, the precursor of vat. [ more ]
kattymieoww Depends where you live in the country,the heating allowance is much appreciated up here in Scotland we can be 10 degrees colder etc than the south of England in winter and the bleedin' summer!.My nieces grandad lives InFort William in the Highlands he'll be 82 this year,he has no central heating so he has to rely on electric heating,far costlier than gas. [ more ]
Lockes just a little link here if anyone wants to read [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jen-Star Sounds about right squiggle [ more ]
squiggle Reference: I showed the kids the monkey way and they were amazed, they now think i'm dead clever Make the most of it Jen, in my experience a few years down the line in their eyes you will know nothing aint it a shame? [ more ]
Jen-Star I showed the kids the monkey way and they were amazed, they now think i'm dead clever [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Search a topic
El Loro Reference: Croc Explore - Search - thread title (do not tick the include comments bit) and Bob's your uncle. Your answer is better than mine, but I would still suggest that you put the thread title in quotation marks like "Weather Update". This reduces the number of results from over 1500 to 4 in this case. [ more ]
Scotty Good evening Comrade Hover over the LiveCloud left of the page. Click on "network home" It`s down a bit on the right. [ more ]
brisket Yes Comrade If you hover over the LiveCloud icon at the very top left of this page a drop down menu appears. Click on 'Network Home'. People on line is shown on that page. Also the little gingerbread men next to our usernames glows orange when we are on line (although quite a number these days have chosen to hide their online status.) Cheers [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Question Time - Tonight 10.35pm
Cold Sweat Reference: Oh no. I hope not. That would mean we would still be stuck in a 2-party system. I certainly want each party to fight an election as the party it is. IF it results in a coalition, so be it. We will have a two party system come the next election – if the Lib Dems are not going to be pushing their unique/alternative polices during the current administration they will lose their identity, and with it their appeal, by 2015. I’m not convinced that compromise will be a good thing for the... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Marguerita I was thinking about this today about credit cards some people just live beyond their means, I have never had one nor do I ever want one.. Another topic by you that caught my eye lol. I watch a programme called the Bank of Mum and Dad. Basically about someone around the age of 25/35 who's lifestyle has taken them into debt from anything between around £25.000 to £100.000. Through these men/women being able to have so many credit cards and loans is what's helped them to... [ more ]
LowonIQ Wonders what I've missed [ more ]
See all 108 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So we are to expect a VAT rise
Marguerita I was talking to my next door neighbour today who is a conservative voter she was saying about the heating bills and bus passes for pensioners she is not happy, I have not had the news on today so I dont know whats going on can only assume there must be some truth in it, definitely would not put it past them [ more ]
Lockes it is OK Joe I have just posted in yours anyways [ more ]
Garage Joe Sorry! In and out of the house. I'm doing a variety of things and didn't notice this one. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB TRAILER PICS can't believe they haven't been posted yet!!!
charlisock I knew the Charley pic wouldn't be popular here so I didn't post it you has a well clever computer Jenstar! [ more ]
Jen-Star Lol i clicked through them all then my pc froze and wouldn't load the next pic, clicked next a couple of times then i realised the next pic was Charley, think my pc has a brain? [ more ]
Lockes Hi Chaz I seen these the other week...........I hate that C4 website, I think it is really sh*t [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Adam Boulton shows how impartial Sky news are
MrsB As the Cheif Whip I would like to say that my office is always open...unless I am 'in session' then you'll just have to wait your turn....the walls are being sound-proofed, so your screams will not be heard. [ more ]
MrMincePie As the forum Bullsh*t/Culture secretary I grant that magazines that contain nudity (nuts, FHM etc.) may be sold to all under 18s as of the 13th May 2010. Signed. MrMeatAndPotatoPie [ more ]
suzybean As the Forum Foreign Secretary and Head Diplomat in the whole land you can all kiss my And I will not be apologising! [ more ]
See all 142 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I dont like David Milliband
Garage Joe Reference: the Labour voters never get a say in the matter It's a compex electoral college involving MPs, Labour Party members, Trade Unions and other affiliated organisations. I will probably have two votes. [ more ]
pirate1111 Reference: Hillie's Frillies. if the pair of 'em dont get any further in the world of politics-then theres an opening(!) for a new underwear buisness she can make 'em he can model lol [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: he looks like he wears frilly underwear ...interesting! Maybe they're ones that Hilary Clinton bought him. Hillie's Frillies. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
advice needed
squiggle I just read through this thread just as it was about to disappear off the page. What a lovely supportive thread and it sounds like you have really helped Lockes to make the right decision. Great work guys [ more ]
Yellow Rose Haven't read the replies but personally I wouldn't go for a nice house in a bad area. I'd wait to get a nice house in a nice area. Even in a nice house a bad neighbour or bad area can affect how you feel about where you're living eventually, just my thoughts. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Lockes Thanks guys you have really put things in perspective for me I can already see my xmas tree and where my furniture will go, and walking my doggy in the lovely local woods..... Aww Happy days ahead Lockes..all the very best. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
3 in a bed (now) Channel 4
pirate1111 that programme makes me chuckle and that arty shadrack look-a-like was a real funny piss taker but the scorings all wrong-they should be scored in secret-cos its easy for them to figure out whos got the best chance of winning if they all know what percentage they're getting [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: hahaha! she got caught out with the sausages though! Her face was a picture! [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas Reference: I loved the look of Whitby too - have just looked at B&Bs for a long weekend later in the year Whitby is lovely. Robin Hoods Bay is even nicer. [ more ]
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