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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think they should postpone Big Brother
Crunchy Nuts Forgot about Wimbledon, but to be honest Wimbledon won't clash with the group stages of the World Cup (i dont think), so we shouldn't miss too much of Wimbledon really. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: The World Cup will interfere with my viewing of Wimbledon ... I hadn't thought of that !!!!.......damn..... It always does have to learn to prioritise although World Cup in the equation makes it more complicated. Hell ..........we've done it before .........twice at least. Thankfully we have catch up TV. [ more ]
Baz .. Reference: I think they should postpone the The World Cup 'til after BB.... Me too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The official coalition government's plans
El Loro Reference: GJ hope that you didn't think I was being ungrateful. I love politics, me! Thanks muchly! I didn't think you were being ungrateful for a second - I know from your posts elsewhere that you love politics, and like a good debate about issues. If people don't express their views, we would be a much weaker society. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: pirate i bet shami chakrabarti is quaking in her docs Yes, sounds like she will no longer be needed. If they do all that. [ more ]
Garage Joe I hope that you didn't think I was being ungrateful. I love politics, me! Thanks muchly! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I would post this in the 'feedback' thread
Demantoid Now then - I logged out and logged back in again and now I can post in this thread again. For a while, I couldn't even post in my own flippin fred! [ more ]
Aimee It's a pain the back side today, sometimes i have a reply box and then it goes again the box is just empty no gremlins and no space to write, i can't even reply too you derm in my thread it seems to be letting me reply too you in yours though [ more ]
brisket I am very sorry to hear that some gremlins are at work. However, I am pleased to say that I, for one, am having no problems, and since the update everything has been working fine and efficiently, and the whole thing is an improvement. I have Firefox, but I mostly use IE 8 on Windows XP (SP3) when on LiveCloud. I hope the remaining problems are soon fixed, because I like all the changes. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB forum inevitabilities
disley21 Reference: "[housemate who throws foul-mouthed tantrums and drowns everyone else out with sheer noise] is entertaining. It'd be boring if he/she left." This. [ more ]
El Loro I'm just making a test posting here as Demantoid is unable to. And obviously I can [ more ]
pirate1111 dont forget the FMs when the squabbling breaks out on here and the infamous 'LISTS' start thats my personal fave [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Demantoid Something happened to this place yesterday afternoon. For about 10 minutes I lost my link to it, then when it came back I could no longer post in several threads (though others seem to work). [ more ]
lal It worked!!!..... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
FFS...Lib Dems ruining the country
El Loro Reference: Got any links? I'm not going to supply you with any because, not that I feel inclined to, if I did I would be expect to be permanently banned from this forum [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: Got any links? No, Reference: Got any links? I'm sure you don't need my assistance! [ more ]
Former Member Wouldn't let it darken my doorstep, not that I read newspapers anyway, but the Sun less than others! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Girl.....kinda funny though.
kattymieoww Though they are unionised and it's a goverment body,so if the public get abusive etc they are instructed to warn them that if they continue to be abusive their call will be terminated. [ more ]
kattymieoww Ny niece works in a call centre,she hates it.Nothing but moaning public to deal with.It's a shame really,all the managers, bosses etc that cause all the problems are well guarded from dealing with the actual punters,but reap all the profits etc. [ more ]
liverbird aren't the public lovely? lol [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should drug addicts be paid to get sterilised?
Former Member What's that saying? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This seems like that. [ more ]
kattymieoww Nope,that's what the Nazi's imposed, olk they thought were inferior etc. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: I don't think anyone has a problem with the contraceptive option, just the sterilisation. Like Deman said, addicts can turn their lives around... they shouldn't be denied the chance of a family because of their past [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Microwave safety
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: t's the water content in the chicken breast that boils up and "explodes" . Use lower settings and you'll be ok,experiment lol! yeah... I thought I should cut it up first & cook on a lower setting... ..its just that the dog is normally sitting there... staring at me in a nagging way! [ more ]
kattymieoww It's the water content in the chicken breast that boils up and "explodes" . Use lower settings and you'll be ok,experiment! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing 'nother top Katty tip! I will remember that the next time I explode a chicken breast... Ta katty [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do they REALLY pay people to do this???
Saint Once again - anothe "report" claiming to involve loadsa people Have you ever - ever- ever been ask, declined, written to, offered, stopped in the street - to justify ANY of these "our survey saod" rubbish? I DON'T BELEIVE THERE ARE ANY SURVEYS [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Veggie the Judge ruled in favour of McDonalds on the claim by Dave and Helen that eating a diet high in saturated fats, and sugar and low in fibre was bad for your health. It's the salt on the chips that'll kill you. [ more ]
Former Member It's interesting though as during the McLibel trial, the Judge ruled in favour of McDonalds on the claim by Dave and Helen that eating a diet high in saturated fats, and sugar and low in fibre was bad for your health. We all knew then it was - only the idiot judge seemed to need convincing Still I guess money talks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Labour MP charged with theft
El Loro Reference: bet it is not just Labour MP's who have done this! At the time that the first 3 labour MPs were charged, so was a tory peer Lord Hanningfield. He had stepped down from the front bench in the House of Lords as a result. [ more ]
suzybean Entirely greedy Marge . It was only later when I had to study the economic policiy she adopted (Monetarism) that I understood the scale of how human beings can get rich on the suffering of others legitimately and without any moral responsibility or regulation. All those MPs on the fiddle had obviously justified their actions in much the same way. [ more ]
Marguerita Hi suzy yes I agree and she created a greedy selfish society..all those yuppies [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tories flood the House of Lords?
Demantoid Reference: It wasn't really that've been here during BB haven't you? Zaphod's General Election thread was almost as warm and fluffy as some of the Fan Clubs on here. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:sooops My first thought too Suzi (Tena pads all round!) I left it at the thought stage soops [ more ]
suzybean Reference:meaty It was kicking off left, right and centre It wasn't really that've been here during BB haven't you? Zaphod's General Election thread was almost as warm and fluffy as some of the Fan Clubs on here. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bananas part 2
Demantoid Reference: Saz The monkey way is loads better I've just tried opening one at the monkey end, and I'll never do it any other way from now on. [ more ]
squiggle Brisket my theory is that hunger is damping down my higher cognitive abilities [ more ]
brisket squiggle, you really must try harder. Can't you think of something to remind you of monkeys? Both Saz and Jenny like it the monkey way (so to speak) [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Admit it! You have, haven't you?
brisket Re: Admit it! You have, haven't you? [ more ]
squiggle I think my hubby and me must have been greatly affected by Robert Newton's classic portrayal of Long John Silver when we were kids though Arrrrrr! Because whenever anyone used to bend over in our house the cry would go up Avast Behind! much to the annoyance of our daughter (and me when it was me bending over! ) [ more ]
Former Member Quite prone to the ffffffffff-iddleeedee phrase (especially when children are in the car ) around [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heroes, Flashforward & Law and Order have been axed
Kaytee Reference EMS They were hardly The Sopranos or The Wire, were they? liked Sopranos.....and despite it winning zillions of awards...hated that show [ more ]
Kaytee Reference:STONKSSY How the chuffin ell can they axe Law and order, that show is brilliant..gawd noone mention this to AKT.... I have seen it...but as long as SVU is safe....not bothered about the rest [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: They were hardly The Sopranos or The Wire, were they? Well to be fair they are of a different genre... I liked both those shows too.. plus there's plenty of stuff I don't watch but I wouldn't think oh goody if they cancel something others may like to watch. . tho all the rubbish soaps could do with a trimming and less footy on mainstream TV too would be nice.. tho I wished they cancelled the snooker cos I recorded the last two episodes of Heroes and the snooker overran and they... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A fully in-depth review of the remake of 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' (warning, contains spoilers)
Demantoid You have to love it, Pirate - even if only for the sight of a very young Johnny Depp getting eaten by his bed and then spewed out as a fountain of blood.. [ more ]
pirate1111 i watched it the other night-and there was no need to remake such a classic crapola at its best [ more ]
Demantoid The original was scary as hell (and I don't scare easily). Can't see why they need to remake it at all, except Hollywood seems to have run out of new ideas. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
One of my hamsters is on his way out
kattymieoww Aww Yellow rose,no snub sorry to hear about your cat. [ more ]
Demantoid YR, what's wrong? I honestly didn't see your post, or I would have replied to it. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat - you must be in bits over it. And I'm also sorry if you feel you've been snubbed. That wasn't my intention and I hope it wasn't anyone else's, either. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Earlier today I deleted my post from the other day. I realised either it wasn't read or just passed by because of no interest, or if it was noticed no one cared what I was going through even though I've reached out to those here who've had a pet loss. My beloved kitty passed on Friday and we're totally devastated, don't expect anyone to understand how we feel, why should they? they didn't know her. Won't say any more, far too painful to talk about but I've noticed something here. [ more ]
See all 149 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I blame the government...
Xochi This is the updated version of this story (21.59 GMT)! So the airlines and aircraft engine manufacturers seem to be managing to move the goalposts over this issue. They've clearly managed to convince the new Transport Minister anyway... Now who would you prefer to trust to keep the skies safe? Hmmmmm... In view of the amount of time the airlines currently spend on checking the state of aircraft maintenance and safety in between flight turnarounds... this does not look very promising. If you... [ more ]
LowonIQ I wouldn't want to go in a plane through a volcanic ash cloud as a test to see if it's safe. No amount of money would entice me [ more ]
squiggle Deman I think Saz Bomb has got it in one. The sooner we stop nanny state thinking and start letting commonsense creep back in the better. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nice try!
Blizz'ard Reference: Kind African Infact I thank God very much for all the movement I made, every thing goes normally. Constipation can be a pain in the arse. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ReferenceEl Loro Today at 18:58: I would hope no-one would be silly enough to fall for this, but I wouldn't count on it. Sadly, people fall for this all the time, and you may be surprised at the sort of people who get scammed - they're not all, shall we say, "vulnerable" by any means. This, and the better-known "419" scams are essentially variations of "The Spanish Prisoner", which has been successfully conning people for centuries. The thing about e-mail scams is that you can target many... [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose hi liver btw [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
M&S model Noemie Lenoir attemted suicide
cologne 1 Reference: You cant always choose who you fall in love with and you cant choose depression. Patronising? Not much. The second sentence of my post should have made you realise what I meant, but let's not common sense win over animosity, eh. [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose This is sooooooo sad - she has got everything but cannot see it - such a shame [ more ]
LowonIQ I hope she finds support and strength to come through the other side. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My Dancing on Ice visit
liverbird Reference: I would kill to see Ray Quinn in the flesh. [ more ]
liverbird Thanks for the info Darlo Biggins was quite keen on Clare buckfield when I went cheekily telling her she was robbed by Kyran who of course was a judge with him [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Wins Chris - 22 Hayley- 11 Ray- 4 Mikey-1 Everybody Else- 0 Runner Up Hayley- 25 Chris-9 Mikey-3 Ray-1 Everybody else- 0 Glad Chris won , ghastly Biggins was a guest judge and couldn't control his bias towards Hayley and he hopes to be a judge in the main show . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
May the best Milliband win!
grannyg I agree Deman Iwould like Jon Cruddas He's his own man and YES real Labour [ more ]
Demantoid If either has to win, I'd prefer Ed. But both of them are too Blairite (obsessed with cosying up to business and wealthier people, neglecting core Labour voters) for my liking. Ed Balls was Brown's bulldog - another one who will fail by not listening to the public. His wife Yvette Cooper would be a much more interesting candidate. At least John Cruddas represents 'real' Labour, a concept most of this lot seem to have completely forgotten about. [ more ]
suzybean Thanks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
America's got talent 1944?
Rocking Ros Rose They would certainly win BGT - Simon cowell would go wild [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Supercalifragilistic Today at 19:37: The apple seems to 'jump' Stoory, do you think that she is picking it up with a magnet? She picks the apple up by its stalk. It's quite long, and she gets some leverage by setting her upper teeth slightly in front of her lower ones - that's what appears to make the apple "jump" when she bites on the stalk. [ more ]
brisket How on earth do they first discover they can do that? The hard way I suppose. It hurts just to watch. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some little music gems
El Loro And in a completely different way to all of the previosu tracks here's Captain Beefheart playing "Hard Workin Man" written by Jack Nitzsche. This is audio only. It was written for the film Blue Collar (1978) and is played over the opening credits showing the heavy equipment in action in an auto factory. The fusion of music with the opening shots makes for one of the best starts to a film I have ever seen. Warning - if your loudspeakers are on at maximum your eardrums may not survive [ more ]
El Loro This is a link to the full length 9 minute peformance of The Corrs playing "Haste to the Wedding" at The Royal Albert Hall on St Patrick's Day in 1998. Although other performances exist on Youtube, this one doesn't, but this performance is extra special in that they have a guest drummer, Mick Fleetwood. Music cannot get more exhilarating than this! Enjoy. [ more ]
Karma_ Re: Some little music gems [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Britain's Got Talent- Back 17th April!
hyperstar The football will be good [ more ]
brisket Has anybody been watching this? Has anyone with wonderful talent been discovered? Or is it more of the same? [ more ]
Demantoid Ahhhh... nooooooooo! Britain may well have talent - but it's not on that show. Can't bliddy stand it. As if the latest 12 weeks of free advertising for multi-millionaire Andrew Lloyd Webber's latest show wasn't bad enough.. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...

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