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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No romances within the first 5 days.
suzybean Me too Lal. I get that they are in a goldfish bowl (like when love happens in prison ) but those 'lets get together for the mag deals' affairs get on my wick. [ more ]
lal I love it !!...fake showmances ruin it for me.. [ more ]
liverbird Reference: Surely this must be a record for any series of Big Brother? That's a good thing in my eyes! The best one was Paul and Helen as it was subtle and we were fascinated - not all full on like they are now! It was great watching the little looks etc [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
brisket I've heard (what we call) "broad" north country accents all my life. But believe me this is "broad". It is so "broad" I tend to think it is developed or cultivated for effect. The vowels seem emphasised to me. Rather as if she is auditioning for a comedy role in Coronation Street. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: on ma grandas side aw bollockz ........ i canny git rid of this c^^t I understood that madamski, that bloody chickens popping up in more posts [ more ]
Scotty Reference: madamski sorry by the way bit am scottish lol yi widny unnerstawn me or ma wee rid guy cyee efta am away tae ma pit Yer heed`ll hit the pilly before yi. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine - The Perfect Decoy
Carnelian Reference: I like Mario but he lied through his teeth and swore on Steve's life that he wasn't the Mole. Can we trust anything he says after that? Govan said he was voting for the person he said had lied to them for the last few days.Sunshine has not lied to anyone and I don't blame her for being annoyed. Good point, BTW, can't stand Govan. [ more ]
Tayto. I like Mario but he lied through his teeth and swore on Steve's life that he wasn't the Mole. Can we trust anything he says after that? Govan said he was voting for the person he said had lied to them for the last few days. Sunshine has not lied to anyone and I don't blame her for being annoyed. [ more ]
Bojangles Reference: I really don't like her. Ding Dong [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby & Govan intrigue
SpiderMonkey Shabby's dramatics, throwing the rule book around in the nest, seems needlessly petulant, but not suprising in the least. [ more ]
brisket I think you are right there spider. But the full incident (which was quite lengthy) shows them clearly relishing their unpleasant session. They became excited about their devious plotting. Nasty! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference:Spider left me feeling that Shabby and Govan are horrible people. Couldn't agree more [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hate feeling sorry for Sunshine
Eugene's Lair Reference Blue Diamond Today at 22:15: I don't mind her at all, I felt she had a point being upset when they all named her as the mole The thing is, Sunshine had thought it all through carefully, and assumed everyone-else had too. In that context, you can understand her being upset. As it turns-out, it looks like most of the others didn't really think about the implications properly after-all. Their surprise at Sunshine naming "Ben" says it all - they thought she genuinely believed him to be... [ more ]
Fairfax Too wrongs don't make a right, still can't bear Sunshine. [ more ]
Baz I never saw this morning's Spider.... but I read about it in the LUT..... and methinks they may have deflected noms off of Sunshine... and for that reason alone they make me Having said that, such was the nature of her whinging yesterday, and her know it all attitude, that methinks it will not be the last time she gets on her high horse, and make herself unpopular again, so..... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What would the HM's talk about....
brisket Shabby could talk about Shabby. She has already said (and yes, these words did pass her lips) - "I thought I would be loved for my quirkiness." Not for her modesty then? Anyway she is not proper quirky; she is playing at it. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: If Sunshine wasn't in the house Someone else. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference MrMeatAndPotatoPie Today at 21:31: Im fed up about the talk of the audition process, I remember in BB9 and 10 they were not allowed to talk about it. What happened to the rules of it this year? Yeah, I wondered about that. Part of the reason for the ban was that many of the HMs will have met previously. As far as the mechanics of auditions are concerned, it probably doesn't matter much now as there won't be another BB. Mind you, I suppose JJ's audition process was genuinely ... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby Getting On My Nerves Now
MrMincePie Reference: she was housemate no`9, i am still hanging in there, though that may all change Its alright for some... I was given Sunshine [ more ]
Clumsycat she was housemate no`9, i am still hanging in there, though that may all change [ more ]
brisket Shabby has just said to a couple of what she thinks is her "gang": "I thought people would love me for my quirkiness." There you have it. That's insufficient love. Very insufficient. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby's gonna be punished!!
cologne 1 Shabby can go and take a jump. Sunshine might be a bit annoying, but Shabby and co are machiavellian. I can't stomach that. Hope someone nominates them. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Well... I suppose there may be more to come, but it looks as if Shabby's punishment is just that she's not allowed to take part in the "Brain Freeze" task for the chance to win back her suitcase... [ more ]
Fairfax Don't like Shabby or Govan. She has too much to say and he is an utter gossip. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Brilliant Steve
Eugene's Lair Reference Leccy Today at 17:28: I didn't like Ulrika (as a person) but some of the stuff that was said about her leaving her kids was awful. I honestly don't get how being away from your kids for a few weeks is going to hurt them. There are a number of factors at play, though. I would tend to agree with you about Ulrika, but there's a big difference between CBB and BB, where you could be in the house for 3 months - a long time for young children. This was one of the main issues raised re... [ more ]
TiGi Reference: He does have 8 kids,but not with his present wife. Oh, thats alright then... ;-) [ more ]
Leccy I'm good thanks Lee, hope you are Yes, you're right, I can only imagine...I didn't like Ulrika (as a person) but some of the stuff that was said about her leaving her kids was awful. I honestly don't get how being away from your kids for a few weeks is going to hurt them. The only issue (if you can call it that) I have is, have these parents thought about their behaviour in the house and how it will impact on their child...Leah springs to mind. I felt really sorry for her son due to her... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Govan's going to nominate Dave then
brisket Thanks Fairfax. It so reminded me of Cissie and Ada. The whispered furtiveness, checking for eavesdroppers and so on. The gossippy manner. Cheers [ more ]
Fairfax Brisket, those pics are BRILLIANT [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Miss S Today at 17:11: Reference: "what exactly has Dave done to him?" I was just going to ask that - is he just attacking him for no reason? My initial thought was that Govan may have a problem with the whole "religion" thing. Then again: maybe he just sees Dave as another easy target? [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife, Corin and Keeva.
Fairfax Reference: Kaytee I loathed Charlie with a vengeance from the munute he stepped out of the car....and his late night routines for the camera and then not featuring on the HLs made me wee myself laughing as well Same here,couldn't stand him! [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I'm liking Ife, she's so beautiful. I think I might have a crush on he She is really beautiful. [ more ]
Moonbeams I'm liking Ife, she's so beautiful. I think I might have a crush on her [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yes! I found a way to watch past BB series
Yellow Rose The Chief Mod there, Broadcaster, said something about an arrangement with Ch.4 since BB1 so hopefully that means they won't pull it down [ more ]
MrMincePie Yeah I heard of that one yellow rose, problem is they spread them across the forums (digital spy mostly). So C4 then see it and get them locked up... don't know what they can do about this one though. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I learnt earlier that Naptor have been showing live streaming since BB1, shame I didn't know that when BB decided to removed LF [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Her gormless expression, her whiny moans...
Fairfax Reference:Jeggo surely someone must have told her that with her shaped face (sort of goldfish shape) one does not part their hair in the middle and have it dangling like a pair of curtains down either side of her face. God forgive me but that has made me roar laughing [ more ]
Fairfax I wasn't sure what to make of her but her carry on with Mario at the Mole hole, banging on at him and then jumping on his back...well she is one giant sized irritant! Can't see her lasting much longer, hope she goes and takes Shabby with her [ more ]
Moonbeams I can understand why she annoys so many of them in the house, its the little question no sorry the constant questioning of every little thing anyone does. She's like a two year old with her constant why,why did you do that, why were you in your hole (that sounds so wrong) why, why, why. grrrrr Her face + bowl custard = Happy me. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario's pining after Ben is Cringeworthy
stonks Reference: Oh God! It's embarassing Mind you I must be the only person in the world that loved watching Craig Coates lust over Anfonne perhaps this is going to be the same! No I was one aswell.... [ more ]
RZB Reference: Mind you I must be the only person in the world that loved watching Craig Coates lust over Anfonne one of the beat BB incidents ever, [ more ]
Moonbeams I cringe cos I can't understand what he sees in Ben. Whenever he comes on screen all I see is a tap above his head and I hear drip, drip,drip. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben is coming into his own
cologne 1 He's happy in his own skin so doesn't feel the need to bitch. Conversations around him are interesting, rather than talking about other HMs. He could win this and I wouldn't mind at all. ATM. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: briket It was just an innocent remark indicating different opinions I understand, thank you [ more ]
mary_bee I'm going to go on a Ben's Legs Watch I think. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Steve another "Perfect Pete"?
Leccy All disabled people are one homogeneous group with no individual defining characteristics. Tru dat [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: As for "unremarkable": I would say that he comes across as fairly "normal" - and in the BB house, that really is remarkable... hahaha that is soooooooooo true As for perfect Pete.. . from the moment he fell down those stairs he showed what a pratt he was... not to mention the God thing meaning he had to win or else.. shame the HM's didn;t put him up and get rid. .waste of space and still is... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Mathematics Today at 11:34: He seems completely unremarkable to me. Barely any substance compared to the other housemates. He seems like a nice guy, but that's about it. He hasn't given me any reason to think of him as a potential winner. I think it's still too early to say if Steve will be boring - unlike certain other HMs who've perhaps peaked already, Steve seems to be playing the "watching, waiting" game (although IMO the "Mr Cellophane" award should really go to Nathan at the... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby and Govan bitching about Sunshine...
Scotty A horrible bitchy pair who try to be "cool" with their gossiping.They pre-empt each bitchy comment with an apology.Their conversations run dry..awkward silences..unless they`re bitching. Watch them turn on each other. [ more ]
Kaytee I hope Sunshine does get nommed and goes...the woman is doing my head in....and I hope the 'other' side nom Govan and Shabby...that would be a result! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: They have been doing it since day 1 but for some unknown reason only Rachel is getting the blame. Shabby and Govan have said they are not sure which group Rachel is I know . Rachael seems to be getting on with Corin at the moment I think she's kind of a floater but slightly swayed towards the bathroom crew. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gunman on rampage in Whitehaven, Cumbria - Memorial Fund
El Loro The Cumbria Community Foundation have, after consideration as to whether it was appropriate, set up the Cumbria Comunity Memorial Fund. This is a link to their site announcing this fund . [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Close family of Derrick Bird says there was no family feud going on Another taxi driver who knew Bird has said that Bird had told him that the Inland Revenue had discovered that he had £60,000 in his bank account which hadn't been declared - he was fearing that he would be jailed. Although Bird was self-employed and therefore would have had to file tax returns, I don't know if he had an accountant to do his accounts for him. If he had, the accountant would have been able to tell... [ more ]
El Loro Reference: I'm never quite sure whether monetary donations are really appropriate in cases like this That is why the Cumbrian Community Foundation said that it was considering if it was appropriate. I think they made an announcement quickly so that if any appeal was to be considered needed that it could be properly organised and targeted where most appropriate. I think there is a big difference between this tragedy where many different families have been affected - families of the victims,... [ more ]
See all 76 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James the 30 second man
longcat Reference: Ah well - at least it gave Rachael a chance to tell the whole world what she likes doing to blokes - nice Nowt wrong with that. [ more ]
DanceSettee i don't care how long he lasts...if the hair on his pubes look anything like that bleached weetabix on top of his head, i wouldn't go near him in a million years [ more ]
suzybean Reference:vids very refreshing to see an Aussie like him I've met quite a few Aussies that 'tell it like it is'...I like that. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Sunshine now starting to get on your nerves
Mount Olympus *Olly* She's an incredibly annoying person and seems to be in a world of her own with barely any social skills but .. she was spot on about Govan in the 'name the Mole' task... he no way thought BB was doing a double bluff. .the first words out of his mouth, after BB said if the Mole was named correctly they would be evicted immediately and the others said oh dear lets all name different people so no one gets evicted, was to say I am not jeopardising my place in this house so I am going to write... [ more ]
ozzycam Yeah shes getting on my nerves alright [ more ]
Amythist Shes certainly the target now. Shes different,oversensitive.The gang of eight with its stirrer in chief Govan will try and get her out as soon as. When Bea first went in she was adored by forumers at first.I remember being slammed for not feeling the love.It was only when she turned on Freddie that she became the uberbitch. I have a bit of sympathy for Sunshine and would hope that she calms down emotionally and reveals the strength she has inside that made her decide to study medicine when... [ more ]
See all 84 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario, Sunshine and Rachael have peaked too soon
Yellow Rose Reference:Strike I liked Freddie so you can ban me from your thread lol Yellow Rose would i do that to you it's the others i meant Awwwww, thank you Strike [ more ]
strike Reference: I liked Freddie so you can ban me from your thread lol Yellow Rose would i do that to you it's the others i meant [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: ps, no Freddie fans on this thread please. He was popular with a lot of FM's so you may not get loads of replies lol. You could be right about them peaking, it's all in the editing as we know. Btw I liked Freddie so you can ban me from your thread lol [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My revised list of Likes and Dislikes
SpiderMonkey Reference: two days in and you're already on a revised list Strike, I make no secret of my fickle support for housemates. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Jeggo We don`t see enough of Nathan to make a judgement yet. I think he appeared in one shot tonight - if that. [ more ]
mary_bee Like: Mario Ben John James Nathan Ife Corin Steve Unsure/Indifferent: Dave Rachael Caiomhe Josie Govan Dislike: SUNSHINE/BEA Shabby [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife, Steve, Ben, John, Josie, Nathan
brisket Steve is one of those people about whom it is difficult to think of something to say. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: shallow??? Yes! Well, had a look and think I like Nathan...seccccsy ( EDIT OMG OMG OMG after watching for the first time tonight NO NO NO!) and Ife looks stunning and sounds like she may be a nice person [ more ]
Kaytee I've already decided that I don't like Sunshine,Shabby or Rachael...shallow??? Yes!, but it is BB and Life's too short to mull over HMs Evening ladies and gents [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario Is Saved!
suzybean Reference:Eugene So much for the "impossible" task.. What a complete and utter total waste of time [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Mary Seacole Today at 21:39: I didn't see any of cbb and its tree,so now that Mario has let it out about the chest of drawers does that mean they can not use that again, I'm not certain, but I think Mario only told them that he was instructed by the TOT. I don't think he told them that the TOT is now the drawers. Mind you, it's not difficult to guess: they've already sussed there's something odd about the drawers, as they're permanently locked... [ more ]
Mary Seacole personally I would avoid the chest like the plague incase it gave me a task i didn't like. [ more ]
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