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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
could be a close Eviction race this week
Former Member Reference: And I'm evil and don't like HMs getting what they want I didn't know you was ebil [ more ]
Mentalist I want Shabby to go because if she has said she doesn't want to be the first to go once she has said it several times since day one!! And I'm evil and don't like HMs getting what they want [ more ]
Former Member In one way it will be a pity if Shabby goes - the reason I say this is, I love it when people who have been saved by the public (who actually think are really horrible can wait a while) get a wrong sense of their own value to the show. They then think that they are liked and can behave in exactly the same way and become more nasty (which let's face it increases our interest in them). In the same sense, I also worry about people who fly under the radar like Gollum and Rachael who to me hasn't... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I like Josie
Fairfax Reference: I don`t dislike her but I`m not sure about Josie. There`s just that something...don`t know what it is. Same here scotty ..can't put my finger on it. [ more ]
Ninja Reference:Isadora I love her accent [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I think some of her questioning and probing of others is a bit er...well uncouth really, and insensitive. I also think she is very immature and child-like. There I've said it. That is a fair and valid point Brisket,I think perhaps she is one of those people who just asks questions as they see it... do you see what I mean? I don't think she means to be rude - she is just blunt. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Govan nominations
Former Member I dislike the little twerp but I must admit I'm loving his biatching at the moment as there is precious little else going on in the house. Perhaps as the days/weeks go on, we'll see others become more prominent and then Gollam won't matter and with a bit of luck, they'll see him for what he is [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: hope it doesn`t turn into the Luke saga where the public can`t stand him but the hm`s don`t seem to see what he`s really like. Luke stayed in for ages I was thinking exactly the same. He flits easily from group to group - kind of information gathering - likes to be in on everything. Very similar indeed to Luke. [ more ]
Demantoid I don't think it'll take them long. He didn't completely escape getting nommed this week and once one HM spots the spider in the sugar bowl, it won't be long before the others do too. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is Shabby's problem with Ben?
jacksonb oh, she was in secrets and lies too, but i don't remember her in that,brilliant film tho [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Croc so another she doesn't like Ben is cos he mentioned her acting in the house (which she obviously is) and shes trying to deflect the attention regarding that awy from her in case anyone else realises he was actually on to something. It'll be interesting to see whether she tones down the dramatics, now that Ben has brought it to the attention of other HMs. [ more ]
kimota I reckon its because Ben as a posh boy- knows a posh girl when he sees one, no matter how she tries to disguise it! This is what makes Shabs uncomfortable. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Rachel...
Senora Reyes Spot on as usual Dermantoid. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference emantoid Sounds like one of those nightmare boyfriends who bolster their own inadequacies with undermining, controlling behaviour Spot On [ more ]
Demantoid There's something a bit disturbing about his dislike of Rachael. Yes, she's a bit vain and up herself, but so what? It's not a hangable offence. JJ seems to think any attractive woman with high self-esteem deserves to be brought down a peg or two. Sounds like one of those nightmare boyfriends who bolster their own inadequacies with undermining, controlling behaviour. The type who doesn't want his GF to have friends, go out, dress attractively, have a career, answer back, etc.. [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bojangles Nathan would be ok,but I don't like him picking his nose and adjusting his Testes most of the time,so I wouldn't be eating his food sorry. [ more ]
jacksonb seems a normal sort of bloke to me,,minor concern is the finger up the nose , major concern is being taken in by govan. although they all seem to have been taken in by govan, except sunshine [ more ]
Yogi19 I don't think I have an opinion on him yet, as he hasn't had much airtime. However, if he becomes one of Gollum's allies, he will definitely be added to my hitlist. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Gollum the full shilling?
Ninja Unfortunately, Govan doesn't quite realise that, he can't quite 'get away' with bitching at a girl - the way a girl would at her own gender (if you know what I mean). Nor is he 'endearing' to a large proportion of the GBP with 'concealed' bias... And it doesn't help, when he behaves like a limp-wristed snarling hobbit. [ more ]
jacksonb he spent yesterday, beofre the eviction task, sliming around sunshine,( she had a chance of winning,lol) the same sunshine he wouldn't want to acknowledge and would ignore because she ' is ruining my time in bb' when dave wins, yes the same dave govan thinks is 'dangerous' and ' not to be trusted' and 'fake' and away govan goes to slime around him.... pathetic,lol. [ more ]
littleleicesterfox I do think he;s quite bright actually but I do also think he's very young and he can't help himself, i.e. he's one of life's natural gossips. He doesn't really do himself any favours to the viewing public but this is his way of bonding with a group of people inside the house. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I wonder how long it will be before
Fairfax Reference: Oh I hope not.... Watching Craig Coates obsess over Anfonee was an experience I'd rather not endure again.!! Lee, I absolutely loved that. MAde the series for me Craig screeching ANFONEEEEEEEE.... loved it [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: It is beginning to look contrived on mario's part already IMO. True ..........................Mario is a bit of a BB oficiaonado isn't he? Wonder what his game is - it didn't serve Craig too well did it? Surely he sees that? [ more ]
fz It is beginning to look contrived on mario's part already IMO.....aha ben is next to me I must drape my arm over his shoulder.....I think it'll wear thin sharpish. Hope they can extricate themselves from the situ without any has been so full on, that it will be a big gap if/when it stops....and it'll only stop if Ben decides he isn't happy with being pawed over....but will he? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby favourite to go.
Videostar Reference: But we are f*cked if Shabby wins the task But she didn't so we're not. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I'm not sure what Sunshine She took it on the chin's certainly big enough .........oooooooooooooooooooooooh sorry . But she did. [ more ]
strike Reference: For the public who only watch HL's it will depend on the editing the next few days. so true Yellow Rose, you've watched this show before haven't you ? ............... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
brisket I'm loving this thread. Yes, it has shared enlightening and useful information. But it has also been so funny. Your descriptions have been wonderful, and so vivid. I swear I could see and hear your actual experiences. Wonderful. Thanks [ more ]
Yellow Rose Occasionally hubby snores and if it wakes me up I do the usual prodding in the back to make him turn over. From listening to Steve I realise how lucky I am compared to his wife lol [ more ]
old hippy guy AND if she read this, she will have a new set of rather crinkly ear rings [ more ]
See all 90 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heartbroken. My beautiful cat has been murdered.
fookat I'm so sorry Ive had the same happen to my cats in the past and I know how devastating it is. I fear for my cats all the time on the roads as I used to live in a quiet area but now unfortunately live near busyish roads and i tried to keep them in all the time when I first moved here but they are used to their freedom and would cry for hours to go out. Having said that I used to live i the countryside and yet still lost two cats on the road [ more ]
jessejay Am so sorry Forgetmenot, my heart goes out to you at your loss of your dear little cat, I would feel exactly the same as you do, I know the roads you are talking about and how they drive like maniacs, am not very far away and same problem here on the estate where I live , I am a nervous wreck checking on my 3 (older now so can't hear as well as they once did) when they are out of sight, as you say its the helplessness, I believe in spirit though and am sure your little cat is watching yu and... [ more ]
Yellow Rose My thoughts and heart go out to you FMN as it is heartbreaking to lose a much loved pet. One of our much loved cats died a month ago and daily we miss her presence so very much. We've had pet losses many times in the last few years, many times because apart from other circumstances we've also taken in sick cats and kittens that would never have a long lifespan because of Leukemia or Aids, it always hurts like hell when we have to lose them, including other much loved ones who died from... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife says shes no sheep...
sandra iffy by name iffy by nature lol no i am not a racist .............. they all know the game by now [ more ]
Carnelian Isn't that what people say when they know they're following the herd? [ more ]
Soozy Woo Haven't seen an awful lot of LF ......why isn't that shown on the highlights then .......are they protecting some people I wonder .....i noticed Govans marathon rant the other evening wasn't shown either. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve bang on in his nomination reasons...
SpiderMonkey Because......... she's FAKE! Love it. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I didn't see it baz, but I read the LUT and she sounds a mare. She was Cologne.... truly awful! [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: I didn't see it baz, but I read the LUT and she sounds a mare. She threw a strop which went on for hours, Cologne. Poor old Ben got the brunt of it. I really hope she goes on Friday. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby. The first.
Ev (Peachy) Reference: she also looks smelly Good choice of name then, Shabby. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I have decided that after one and a half shows I am not liking her very much. I do however find it easier to pick the one's I dislike than the one who is likely to win. I am pretty sure that if she went I would not miss her and don't think she adds too much to the hous I agree on all points... [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I just see her as a bit of an overbearing person, she also looks smelly. Hi Senora, great to see you and I agree. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone else like trousers?
Former Member Reference: I can't see any Avatar's at the moment Evelyn - you're lucky, believe me [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: Bateman your avatar is freaking me out. I can't see any Avatar's at the moment. Or jumbo slack people, blessing in disguise i suppose. The gaga forum is being difficult [ more ]
Former Member Reference: bateman Yours looks nice. Is it nice? Hmmm. It's comical I'd say. Yours is just bloody frightening [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben said something pretty telling on LF...
SazBomb Reference: if you want to be really technical isn't it anglo saxon african caribean thats a term i heard of before (dependent on the parentage origin) Blimey, thats a mouthful [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: not a tad of British anywhere except for the fact I was born here Hahaha, this made me laugh. I was born in Ireland, my parents are both Irish, but I spent most of my life in England and speak with an English accent. I consider myself to be English. Funny how people view their nationality differently. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: My origin is just a regular boring story of two people who simply fell in love ditto here and to most of us I bet.. and how nicely put too [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I like JJ, but...
Fairfax I think he is a prize pillock. Not keen Who doesn't know how to grate cheese..idiot [ more ]
Demantoid The ridiculous tantrum over not having pre-grated cheese, pre-chopped ham and pre-opened pizza sauce showed him up. The bloke's a pillock. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I disliked JJ from the start, found him very irritating and thought there was more than meets the eye to his VT footage.. As for his comments about Rachael, his ego has taken a blow because she finds him the most attractive bloke in there but she likes Ben instead.. plus he's been spending a bit of time talking to her so he is contradicting himself . [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love the way Ben
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I picked #11 in the 'pre-election' and was suitably NOT horrified when it turned out to be JJ, but I think I prefer Ben....even though he has done the occasional 'let-down' behaviour. [ more ]
Jones my daughter thinks Ben is quite beautiful he's not my cuppa though .... but I like him as a HM .... interesting to listen to imo [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I'm loving Ben too, he's my favourite so far....that could all change though [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Forget Brian Belo and Nikki Grahame...
squiggle Thanks Veggie that rings a bell now, remember laughing at that, great off the cuff remark. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Squiggle I can't remember Narinder She was in BB2 with Brian Dowling. She was voted out fairly early I think. I still remember her standing in front of the mirror with Brian and asking him if he thought anyone famous was watching who would fancy her. "Yeah" replied Brian "Stevie Wonder" [ more ]
Soozy Woo I loved Narinder. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My God, could "Shabby" be a bigger Bitch?
Mount Olympus *Olly* Great post LLF. ..nail on head. [ more ]
Kaytee There is nothing worse than a stage school brat playing up for the cameras, although I doubt that Scabby did attend stage school or they would have taught her to be a much better actress than she thinks she is. One nasty little oik, very much in the Sov vein and about as likeable [ more ]
littleleicesterfox *sharpens claws* Right, Shabby to me seems to be one of those spoilt little rich kids who 'rebel' by dressing like a moron and claim to be poor but in reality are basically sightseeing. It annoys me about the kind of person who is so insecure in their individuality that they have to force it down every body else's throats and they are naive and self-absorbed enough to feel that only they are different and they call everyone else sheep. There are some people genuinely creative and quirky out... [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gollum is telling Shabby
Yogi19 Reference: He is so like Luke...bitching and creeping around and playing up to the cameras. He is Kaytee, and I couldn't stand that little weasel either. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: He is forgetting that this year those voted up can win a challenge and put someone up instead of them. If its him or anyone who joins his 'side' , then it will probably be them that goes ! Are they going to use the nomination twist every week? [ more ]
Yogi19 I don't think he can sink much lower in my book, Brisket. You are right Baz, they are like Lisa's group from last year. OMG, how I disliked that lot. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Its ironic...
suzybean Very good point Blizz. One famous example was the cute 'Creature Comforts' ads that most people thought were advertising British Gas....but were in fact advertising Electricity [ more ]
Blizz'ard It's the ones who do brilliant adverts, but you can't remember what company they are advertising, that surprise me. [ more ]
suzybean Well you're not the only person that they are targeting. Sorry if that seems obvious, but I know for a fact that Ad agencies do loads of field work/research and even if they annoy people they have done their job and are memorable. See, you even turn over when they come on and you still know their names, and probably what services they offer [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shut Up Shabby.....
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Is this the first time a housemate has had to face interrogation following nominations in order to justify themselves. Who on earth does Shabby think she is? How dare she? Ben could never appease her anyway. "A man convinced against his will Is of the same opinion still." Her mind is closed and fixed. What an utterly obnoxious woman she is I couldn't agree more Brisket....even Corins voice is more bearable than hers....she is hideous....unbelievable that she still cannot believe... [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: Is it shag pile? Absolutely not . Mildred and Wayne would be horrified!!! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference evil I do like the way Ben gets his point across calmly without bitching Me too Devil, I'm a sucker for good manners. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby can't be bothered to save herself!
Baz Reference: What a poor poor loser she is. Saying things like "There are people here who should have gone before me." I suspect Ben will not be able to reassure her, because he cannot say that he did or did not vote for her or he'll be in trouble. She is so pig-headed (apologies to pigs) that she will never be convinced anyway. But she has made up her mind that Ben gave her a vote and she will not be budged from that. But why is only Ben her target? (You can't be nominated on 1 vote.) What a... [ more ]
brisket And why has she turned up for a chat with Ben but brought a posse with her? [ more ]
brisket What a poor poor loser she is. Saying things like "There are people here who should have gone before me." I suspect Ben will not be able to reassure her, because he cannot say that he did or did not vote for her or he'll be in trouble. She is so pig-headed (apologies to pigs) that she will never be convinced anyway. But she has made up her mind that Ben gave her a vote and she will not be budged from that. But why is only Ben her target? (You can't be nominated on 1 vote.) What a poor,... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...

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