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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby is an actress by trade.
Croctacus Reference: Hahahahaha I missed that, did she look desperate? yes she did!! [ more ]
Former Member Not liking her, why is she so aggressive? I would find myself tiptoeing around her all the time, very uncomfortable. She is so worried about how she will be portrayed "outside" , maybe i will warm to her....if she stays..... [ more ]
suzybean Reference:shizz i remember seeing her in the crowd on the opening night and thinking please don't pick her Hahahahaha I missed that, did she look desperate? [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We've had JELLUS threads. Have we had a BULLEH thread yet?
lal If he spoke to me like that I would deck him....... If he spoke to me like that (and I fancied him) I would cry..... [ more ]
Free Thinking Quite a few of them tried to isolate Sunshine just like they did Freddie last year because she is articulate and individual. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:spider JJ needs to reign it in before this gets completely out of hand. Yep. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i'm not so sure about ben
Free Thinking Reference: Believe it or not I hope he wins. He seems quite vulnerable and both Sunshine and Shabby have made him feel very uncomfortable. He looked visibly upset during his conversation with Shabby. Nothing to dislike about him at all imo which is more than can be said for the rest of them. LOL. Ben has made Sunshine uncomfortable more like!! He bitched about her to Govan, nominated her and even today he was saying she talks about herself alot. Ben talks about himself all the time, he needs... [ more ]
jacksonb an update on the silly legs. today they were encased in silly shorts, this did not enhance them. [ more ]
longcat Reference: I'm not so sure about Ben either, after seeing him talk to Rachel last night, then sneer about her with JJ behind her back. Now he and Dave are totally up JJs arse. I think they both align themselves to whoever they feel safest with. [ more ]
See all 112 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did I hear Monk Dave say he can heal the sick?...
Former Member Re: Did I hear Monk Dave say he can heal the sick?... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I would recommend it to anyone but would advise people to also consult regular medical services as well Absolutely [ more ]
Former Member I used a spiritual healer for our dog after he had cancer. She wasn't religious though, more about inner strength and all that. I would recommend it to anyone but would advise people to also consult regular medical services as well [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby caused the house split.
Kaytee Reference: Barns no worries on C4 not showing enough of shabby's behaviour kaytee i havent got live feed and she has done my head in totally just watching the HL show - even though it sounds like they have only shown a bit of her childish behaviour - i think it is enough for her to get the big heave-ho on Friday - hope so I've got my fingers and legs crossed Barns...cannot stand her [ more ]
kimota The groups have not seperated the way they have in previous BBs (give it time) but Shabby is, in my view, this years Lisa. We never got the chance to evict Lisa, but we a have a chance with Shabby! [ more ]
brisket I think there is probably some "across-groups" activity going on. For instance, although Govan is associated with Shabby's group, he now also appears to be part of a trio with Josie and JJ. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yogi19 Reference: Me too rosie..and she does it a lot. I`m not going with the the immature take on her. I think she knows exactly what she`s saying. I think you're right, Scotty. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Heh heh I love the way you put that Scotty Nah I don't like the explicit talk either, makes me cringe. Me too rosie..and she does it a lot. I`m not going with the the immature take on her. I think she knows exactly what she`s saying. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference:Jacksonb excuse me whilst i roll my eyes. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hollyoaks' Loretta
Leccy Oh she's ace *Clears throat, sings loud and proud, my voice is like angels beating their wings, so joyous is the sound* "Don't come home aaaa drinkiiiiiiiiiiiiin' with lovin on your miiiiiiind" [ more ]
SazBomb I dunno who that is but feel free I have it on good authority that you have a lovely singing voice [ more ]
Leccy I dunno who this Loretta is but I can sing you a bit of Loretta Lynn if you like? [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James Ranting!
brisket During the early hours once again. On and on and on he went. Is he trying to convince the others I thought (naaa, if they're not convinced already this isn't gonna do it.)? Is he trying to justify by repeating endlessly why, why, why he did it? Has he got some feelings of regret (for whatever reason) and this is to appease any conscience he may have? I don't know, but I wish he's shut up. It would even be better if he returned to that slock jawed open-mouthed gawpy look he adopts so often. I... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Sorry Jeggo he can't hide behind a national stererotype..the guy is plain rude with zero manners or charisma (IMO) Incidentially I cannot bear brashness, tact works for me everytime Well said Fairfax, absolutely spot on! [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Well said fairfax...behind his 'I'm just your average Aussie bloke' lies a petty, whiny bitch With bad hair [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ is the best HM so far....
SazBomb Reference: what really pisses me off about situations like this is Racheal just perpetuates the myth that women are vunreable and weak, if he REALLY is upsetting her that much why doesnt she grow a pair and tell him, she really is pathetic. I wouldn't do that, in RL or in the house... I hate confrontation, so I would just try to avoid the person as best I can and be civil, that would upset me FAR less than confronting someone... Everyone deals with situations differently, I don;t think it... [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Over the past three night JJ has belaboured the point to anyone who will listen, whilst scowling and throwing daggers at Rachel, how much he hates Rachel, when Rachel told him in tonight's HL show that she knew he didn't like her, JJ being the PUSSY he is couldn't admit none of his hatred to Rachel's face...So much for "Telling it like it is" Exactly, he only 'told it like it was' cos she caught him out bitching about her Thoroughly unpleasant that one [ more ]
Croctacus Her look to Ife, I think it was, when she walked in on opening night said it all.... [ more ]
See all 87 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Est-ce que votres poissons marche libre dans les champs?
suzybean Well it's nice you tried El Loro, I'm sure Master Bateman knew what he meant [ more ]
El Loro The phrase translates as shown into: Does your fish walk free in the fields? However Google translates this as Does yours work fish free in the fields?, but I think that Google is probably wrong. I do not know where the phrase was seen or heard (if it was on BB, I don't watch this) so I am not able to say whether my translation makes any sense or not. I have made this post on the basis that Bateman was just asking a question. [ more ]
DanceSettee it's because poisson sounds like poison that i avoid all Captain Birdseye products and the delights of those golden fingers are denied me ...those French have a lot to answer for [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ is a Douche Lord, he is not lovely or truthful..
Bojangles Is he jealous of Rachael,that others in the house say she is the best looking whereas in his peroxide head he feels they should be saying that about him.Smacks of a massive inferiority complex to me.Pillock. [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Reference: Well said Prettycocoaeyes. I think he has acted abominably to Rachael - she was genuinely upset. She is well liked in the house so the hatred he has for her is deep-rooted and unfounded. Lets see how this plays out but I really worry for Racheal in that house with him there. He is a vile man. [ more ]
Former Member Well said Prettycocoaeyes. I think he has acted abominably to Rachael - she was genuinely upset. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby is completely unreasonable to Ben
Soozy Woo Sorry ...........quoting went wrong. I think everyone wanted him to tell her to pee off ..............the fact is he didn't .......he followed her from room to room apologising and a*se licking .........really and truly not a potential BB winner IMO. GET A BLOODY BACKBONE MAN! [ more ]
Videostar Reference: Ben rightly points out she is an actress and she goes mental?? What the............?? Proves just there and then that she does ham it up. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I so wanted Ben to tell Scrabby to sling her hook. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I see BBLB is still biased as hell.
Former Member I lost all respect for any of the spin offs after the way Aisleyne was constantly denigrated and although I watched BBLB etc during BB8 and 9 the bias drove me mad so I gave up on them - and BB [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: zippy We know George is good looking I obviously missed that directive [ more ]
jacksonb stopped watching bblb after bb7, it's pointless,contrived, juvenile ,smug and shite [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are you having for dinner this evening BB fans?
Rexi Reference:Croc Lainy...if you go to the Livecloud logo and select the first option..Network Home...there is an option to customise can add a widget to show users online for just gagajoyjoy..don't forget to save and then anytime you want to se whos online just look under network home I looked and looked Croc - can't find this [ more ]
MrsB Reference: It is NEVER too late MrsB That's EXACTLY the response I was hoping for!!!!! *legs it to freezer and grabs tub of scrumptious ice cream....oh...and gets spoon from drawer....* [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Lainy I succumned to a poached egg butty OMG I could do with one of those now [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Battery change during the night
Former Member Reference: Brisket Battery change during the night I sure thought this thread was going to be about something else [ more ]
lainy m Sleep'll help with the increasing paranoia [ more ]
brisket Yes SB. I really don't think a battery change was at all vital at that time.I think it was a ploy of some sort, but not sure whether it was intended to affect the sleepers or the 3 women who were still up. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Free Thinking She's fun, straight talking, has a bit of intelligence (conversation), got a caring side and is a character. What not to like???? In a house full of quite a few fence sitters and the usual one dimensional idiots at least she offers something to the show. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I'm not liking her at all and won't change my stance . [ more ]
Trollop My whole worlds inside out Lizzie Oblong [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
lainy m Reference: You will have to stick to promoting your threads in the Joined Up thread. How very astute of you Smarty [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Reference: [lainy m] lainy m online 1,774 Forum Posts Today at 8:28 PM Last Edited: Reference: lol. But on this forum it doesn't show the number of views. Yeah I know that now.....what a waste!! Drat ....foiled again! You will have to stick to promoting your threads in the Joined Up thread. [ more ]
lainy m Reference: lol. But on this forum it doesn't show the number of views. Yeah I know that now.....what a waste!! Drat ....foiled again! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Mario lived in
squiggle Reference: I had electrocution lessons when I first came to live in England and since then I've found within minutes I start speaking with the same accent as whoever I'm chatting to trouble is, sometimes people think you're taking the piddle out of them That must have been a shock I think you must mean elocution lessons, I hope so anyway otherwise you surely wouldn't have stayed long. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Some people do pick up accents really easily Jen, I know my hubby does. I had electrocution lessons when I first came to live in England and since then I've found within minutes I start speaking with the same accent as whoever I'm chatting to trouble is, sometimes people think you're taking the piddle out of them [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Yay! I'm not the only mutt 'n jeff one You too? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Govan Gan... no, Joy.... no, umm, Fan Club
littleleicesterfox Reference: Does that make me official member No.1? Yes! *gets the party food ready for the rush* [ more ]
Trollop Reference: Not to their face though Trollop... He did last night when he was arguing with the Mad Monk? [ more ]
Ninja Reference:littleleicesterfox I like to be loyal and true loyalty is proved by your supporting them through the hard times as well as the good I admire the courage of peeps who stand their ground, despite what the 'majority' think and do. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Still not seen an episode.. can someone indulge me ?
Gel Reference: Turn into? [ more ]
Trollop Reference: Lol.. make the most of it, by week 3 of BB I turn into a ranting maniac rampaging and bulldozing housemates and fm's alike. Turn into? [ more ]
Gel Lol.. make the most of it, by week 3 of BB I turn into a ranting maniac rampaging and bulldozing housemates and fm's alike. I shall however remain calm in the Ben's Buddies thread [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
House alarm when sleeping
brisket And speaking of bedtimes. Caoimhe, Shabby and Ife was, as usual very late last night. Cigarette, bitching and teeth cleaning. Then start again. Then all over again. On and on. But Ife was called to the DRoom and she was asked to change all the batteries in the housemate's microphones. The 3 of them did this, inevitably disturbing the sleepers. Then within the hour BB asked them to change the batteries again!!! Now it cannot be urgent to change batteries when the users are fast asleep. So do... [ more ]
Yogi19 BB have just played the alarm to get Caoimhe out of bed. They stay up half the night, then fall asleep during the day. I think Corin may have a point about her. She went to the clean and tidy kitchen, drank a glass of water and left the dirty glass on the worktop - no doubt for someone else to wash up. [ more ]
Kaytee Apart from the obvious ^^^^^.....I think it helps pass the time having a siesta, must be boring in there without any mental stimulation whatsoever [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
live streaming
mad4cavs wow i have got the 5,dogs to walk too and work 4 nights a week,something will have to give lol [ more ]
kattymieoww Reference: thank you thats no good cant watch that and look after my farm and be on here mmm looks like its watching the well edited shows thanks flor the replies your gems xxxx I can... I look after Five farms,3 fishvilles,3 petvilles, and 4 treasure Isles. Also have the main Tv on mute but with subtitles.. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: No Yogi it just made me laugh that all the people who rushed to help were Ben's Buddies Phew, that's good. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Thanks Katty I've only just switched on LF , so missed it...... and on the CDWM episode I was too busy getting with Rafe [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Ah Ben's been on TV before he was helping out his pal Rafe "On come dine with me Also Ladette to Lady.He was also 'invited' to go on BB. Popular lad. [ more ]
kattymieoww He was talking about it this afternoon. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so who's the clique
Baz Reference: ndeed she has. Some moments of real nastiness. Reference: Caoimhe has turned out to be a right stirrer....for her sake I hope Shabby goes on Fri, otherwise she will be in grave danger of being hated by the public. She certainly has.... and just when I was warming to her as well... [ more ]
Baz Reference: Shabby, Ife, Caoimhe(sp) and Govan are a clique, with Rachel as a hanger-on. I agree.... I think they are defo shades of the Bus Stop gang from last year..... [ more ]
Kaytee Wonder whether she has given any thought to her image with the viewers? Seems to be turning into another Noirin...apart from the flirting of course! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin near second favourite to win!
Kaytee Reference:SB She's not black......she is orange. [ more ]
Gel I hope you're right blizz, I was only half listening, and she was on about both her girlfriend and her mum, I heard her saying that she is like a little clone of her mum goes off to see if anyone has LUT-ed it [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Gel Tell me I'm wrong here please, but did I hear her say her partner/girlfriend is 65? I thought she was talking about her mum, but I missed the beginning, so could be wrong! [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James
brisket I think he is hard hearted. He is aggressive in some of his attitudes. (Is that just a front? Don't know.) He seems to me to be insensitive towards others feelings, and fairly humourless. Cold rather than warm and rather mean-spirited. Generally unpleasant. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I started out liking JJ. This could change very quickly... [ more ]
Fairfax Shallow point, but his hair is absolutely bloody minging. Haven't seen 'streaks' that bad since the early 80's! [ more ]
See all 27 replies...

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