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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They are all a bit bland
Former Member thats just how i feel ducky I think ive no hope of fancying any of them (ahhhh siavash ) so hate is my only hope Fingers crossed for the Oirish Baddie evelyn [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: We need a real real baddie. There is an Irish bloke going in soon apparently I hope he is the baddest [ more ]
Ducky I agree it's subtle.....and I'm loving it I'm a bit perplexed (ooh don't think I've ever used that word before ) about the strong emotions some of them are inspiring around here already. I haven't seen any true eveeelness yet..... they all seem like relatively normal HMs. MaybeI need to start watching LF..... it's feeling weird not hating anyone. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine is right to challenge patronising Ben...
Former Member Reference: mind you from what i have seen of Sunshine i dunno where the ADHD comment came from?? Dart, from what I remember it was Sunshine who mentioned the actual words ADHD and ritalin.....I think that Ben was a lot more vague and non-specific than that, (could be wrong?) [ more ]
Darthhoob i wouldn't have been offended, but then i know ADHD is nowt to be ashamed about! (funny how she didn't want to be thought of as having it but was quite fine with throwing the label at Govan)...i'm suprised noone said it to Shabby yet! mind you from what i have seen of Sunshine i dunno where the ADHD comment came from?? [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Having said that I think Ben and Sunshine have a lot in common - both do not have particularly good social skills, both do not seem to understand what appropriate and inappropriate behavour is and both cannot leave something alone. Ben, when he has offended, needs constant reassurance that he is forgiven and Sunshine just needs constant reassurance that she is an okay member of the house Spot on Isadora [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
That was really lovely of Dave
Fairfax Reference: I rather like the way Ben dresses Well if I'm honest I do too. However, not a big fan of the pastel sweater draped over the shoulders,never a good look on a man [ more ]
Former Member Reference: If were Sunshine, I`d avoid him like the plague! Scotty, if I were Ben I'd avoid her like the plague! Me thinks he may well nominate her again this week [ more ]
Former Member I rather like the way Ben dresses As for Dave, well yeah, suppose it was q 'nice' of him, (and Ben did the same,) but do they think that she's deaf and/or daft So she's now both clear in her own mind that the crowd were shouting 'Get Sunshine out' and has no-one who can sympathise with her about that, (implying, however 'nicely' that she's paranoid.) Maybe that's worse? [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is Sunshine always in bed?
Fairfax Reference: Corin is popular with everyone in the house and Sunshine got about ten nominations. There may be a reason for that Spot On [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Free Thinking Corin dances in the bedroom you say 'great entertainment', Sunshine does and you say 'attention seeking'. You people need to look at yourself and see how hilarious you really are. I like the way your 'free thinking' only extends to anyone who thinks the same as you. Corin is popular with everyone in the house and Sunshine got about ten nominations. There may be a reason for that. [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: She isn't always in bed.. She was funny in the pillow fight the other night. She plays with others like JJ and Mario. I've no doubt others like Govan are in bed far more (mainly because his group keep up so late). Josie seems to be in bed ALOT. I've seen other HMS in bed during the day including Ben for example. It's hardly unusual in Big Brother, there aren't that many rooms there. God it sounds like a Childrens Nursery [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby's latest concern!
Fairfax Reference: does the name Pete come to mind He's obviously the ex BB winner thats she's modelling herself on.Thought that from the minute the camera panned on her on the opening night. Didn't like him and certainly don't liker her. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Posse Our Lard David is on BBb mouth now.
Bojangles Ey oop posse,breaking news fer yer.I were taking Devo oot last neet like fer walk when a man came oop to me and said "I've seen yer F N Pussy." So I shouted."Yer Covert." and kneed im in t'nuts. 5 minutes later ,I were in back ov Police car wit Devo and the covert were int ambulance. Devo and me ave been released and bound over ter keep peace,whilst covert as been released frum ospital wit swelling and bruising ant large tub of lanacane cream. Turns oot posee, man weren't a covert at all,... [ more ]
Bojangles I der ope lard as passed some ov his lurning onto Lisa.Her face last year was like she'd just sucked on thistle that ad been recently pissed on. [ more ]
Bojangles Evening Dance lass,ope yer've add a gerd day like.I can see yer bin busy wit persters and that.They be bluddy everywhere.If that durn't get bluddy cat back I durn't know what will. [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Have you ever come across a Big Brother contestant?
Sunset I dreamt about one once AND THEN I had a nightmare about another one. [ more ]
kimota I ran into Shabnam and a bunch of her friends on a train a few years before she entered BB. She was being very loud (no suprise there) and asking various people if they fancied her mate! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Evelyn We need a most hated housemate thread, I've forgot most of them, and there was so many I'd still be typing in an hours time - and I didn't watch BB5, last years BB, this years and a load of the CBBs [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ used to be called Achilles ahahahahaha
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: No, I hid it under my dress and gave him 'the look', if he came near What look? ... Looking like a woman? [ more ]
sandra I DONT want him to win for a reason ............. he should have gon on aussie BB [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: No, I hid it under my dress and gave him 'the look', if he came near That would do the trick. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone understand a word Nathan says.?
suzybean Reference:spongey i've only understood 2 things......'nurrrrrrrrr whenus havinus tea'.......when jj kicked off at the dinner table......and......'she gits on ma tits' when nomintating sunshine Makes so much sense now you've written it out spongey [ more ]
jacksonb i've only just mastered being able to understand what corin says, i'll need to gird up my loins to tackle nathan's speech. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Who is Nathan? I really must google a picture of him. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife and Shabby
Eugene's Lair Reference Skylark24 Yesterday at 23:47: do u think any of them stood in the long cues for the auditions? I think Steve, Ben, Dave and Caoimhe were all invited to apply - probably others too. [ more ]
suzybean The Itchy and Scatchy showww [ more ]
Fairfax A lot of BB housemates do trial runs in the house, didn't Mario say he did one for BB6, also didn't MArcus do one too a cople of years back. There is nothing transparent about the process of choosing hm's. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
People who don't like Ben are jealous.
Leccy You fail at google! [ more ]
bateman Reference: She did a playboy shoot. Impressive norks. I just Googled Tiffany's ****** and got this [ more ]
Former Member My toilet brush is dead jealous of Ben's hair. It just can't get to that level of bushiness. Also my cat is jealous of his voice - I have told him that he could speak like that too if he wanted to sound like a complete twat but he can't quite get the tone of the miaow right. [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are BB pushing for a JJ and Josie showmance?
Fairfax Reference: Saskia and her jingly jangly bangles under the duvet Yes, and Kemal telling her and revolting Maxwel to pipe down [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Like Anfoneee and Makosi, chaste and lovely Anthony sure liked Speedos . [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Like Anfoneee and Makosi, chaste and lovely Saskia and her jingly jangly bangles under the duvet [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why I find Corin boring
Soozy Woo Reference: .I am however rapidly going off Josie, I think she's sly. Yep, don't liker her either. I hate to say it but ..........I think you're right. I'm still open to be proven wrong but - she does seem a tad sly. As for Corin ......she's done nothing to offend me so far ............I think she still can't believe her luck at getting into the house and that's a nice trait IMO. [ more ]
Blizz'ard At the end of the day, It's night. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Hiya Scotty! Senora what`s going on with your quoting?!! [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The male bitching Coven...
Marguerita Ben Mario Dave and Govan are worse than all the woman put together [ more ]
Senora Reyes I cannot stand Ben, Douche Lord, or Monk Dave...All three are massive game players. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: This forum is littered with anti-Ben and anti-JJ threads so I'm not sure how you think they are getting away with it. I agree they bitch, a lot, but I'm suprised you failed to include the biggest male bitch in the house Gollum. Well they have sussed out Govan, however the girls are the bigger fish to fry in their minds . As for Mario he's been so dull since the mole task. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nathan, Govan, Shabby convo
Former Member Thank you, i didnt know it was Nathan [ more ]
Leccy Reference: And the 'you are a relative of someone' joke is at least 5 years old. My apologies You are very determined in your defence of her though, which I find surprising as I can't see that she's coming in for that much criticism, unlike say, Shabby who seems to be universally disliked. Do you usually prefer blonde Housemates? [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: The old one's are the best Indeed, timeless. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Had to turn off LF
Former Member Reference: he is a fun God This must be his website [ more ]
Rekaf make all the fun you want to of dave (the cardboard box)....i know for a fact that he has the power to cure...........insomnia mainly..... but it still counts....... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: He is probably worse he claims he cured cancer by touching someone. Now that really freaked me out. I hate garbage like that. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Rachel for giving Corin a lovely day..
darloboy (Play The Game!) I'm not surprised because Rachael always got on with Corin , she has her faults but isn't a bad person as some like to believe . Corin is now favourite to win so thats some good too! . [ more ]
Senora Reyes Re: Well done Rachel for giving Corin a lovely day.. [ more ]
suzybean Awww what have the nice citizens of Cricklewood (Willesden Borders) done to deserve that Senora? [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thoughts about this series eviction show
Free Thinking Ok, well that first point - as far as I know - is just speculation. And really Endemol do plan things more than let things to chance in my experience. As for the other points which all revolve around being 'nice', who's to say that there aren't quite a few other HMs in there that would be nice in that situation as well?. On the third point of course you could say there were 2 others facing eviction who she did not choose to give their suitcase to. That would suggest to me she basically had... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Free Thinking I notice Corin got this twist in effect just because she had been given the previous twist (the lie mission) as well, as that enabled her to get Rachel's suitcase Maybe the TOT was meant to give the lying task to whoever entered the bathroom, on their own, first. Maybe the TOT does like Corin, as she is a likeable person, so gave her another chance in the task. Maybe Corin chose Rachel, because she is a nice person and wanted Rachael to have her eviction outfit, if... [ more ]
Fairfax Well said Eugene [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
11 from 11, the (usually) pretty girl always leaves first
Former Member No,they didn't cancel the eviction. Here's a link to the news item on the C4 website. Kitten might not have been voted out by the public, but she was definitely evicted rather than ejected. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Growly I think the programme always counted Kitten as having been evicted rather than ejected. Maybe, but they cancelled the eviction, from what I remember, and she was evicted/ejected for rule breaking, not by a public vote. I'm sure the public would have loved her and kept her in! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Kitten was kicked out for rule breaking. I think the programme always counted Kitten as having been evicted rather than ejected. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Whatever happened to ...
Gel Reference: Big Daaaaaaaaady had other things to get on with in his life, like his wife, kids & being a lawyer [ more ]
Sunset Syd Bee Subatomic party girl. It took me three years to work out it was a subatomic particle Taylorthane [ more ]
Sunset Reference: I shall take that as a compliment It is, it is!!!! Mexico/Arsenal YAY and that's how football gets to be called the beautiful game! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby & Ife
Moomin I thought I was going to like Ife for the first day, and then she went and joined the bathing witches group - bad mistake girl. [ more ]
Gel Ife may as well not be there, and we all know the shabby one, shouldn't be there! [ more ]
TiGi Reference: Corin went into the diary room and she was given a private massage and facial cleansing. When she returned to the house and told the housemates, Shabby and Ife had jealousy written all over them. Ohhhh, thanks for the info. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine's blog, linkage within.
Free Thinking Well at least it's original. It is also possible she is having a joke there I think saying she is a master of small talk, just like on youtube she describes herself as being always hilarious ('Yvette being her usual hilarious self'). Some don't seem to like her humour on the show but I don't mind it. I probably prefer her often self-depreciating humour to Ben's humour which always seems aimed at other people. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Goodness me I don't know what to say Focus on whats important eh? Not 'oohhh your baby is so beautiful' [ more ]
Leccy Reference: I'm more interested in how she is in the house Me too. Reference: It's easy to pick apart such things I thought some FMs might find it interesting, no deep motive. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsTrue Blood
Fav character...on fx (may contain C4 spoilers)
Ensign Muf Truebies & Newbies: Jessica & Debbie Oooooo Jess Dead Fit Lol [ more ]
Former Member I had withdrawal symptoms so I was glad when my DVD box set arrived but it was damaged to had to send it back luckily they replaced it the next day so I'll be watching series one as soon as exams are over mind you on June 13th it starts again in US so will have to find somewhere that I can download it from [ more ]
Ensign Muf Watched Ashes to ashes but it was a bit crap TBH [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine's hair
brisket Reference: I'm fond of the 15 year old emo lesbian look but not on a 40 year old male monk A lovely turn of phrase Leccy. It will go into my notebook of "Best GaGaJoyJoy" comments (if I can squeeze it in between Blizzies,) [ more ]
Former Member Reference: girls who twirl their hair are doing it because they don't feel loved or want more attention. (or another couple of reasons to do with childhood that prob dont apply to sunshine) a psychiatrist told me that once. My ex was a consultant psychiatrist....he sometimes talked a load of shite too! [ more ]
Leccy Re: Sunshine's hair [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
On the bright side, Sunsh is still in
Fairfax Reference: But when it comes to the medical world if she knows her stuff and is very good at it then they can't hold it against her. But Rawky thats my point, even if she is good, I think her stint on BB will (initally at least) go against her. Anyhoooo, perhaps I'm using my own prejudice to see scenarios that may never happen. I still like her very much and hope this crap of calling her mental stability into question is quashed as soon as possible. [ more ]
angelicarwen I don't think it's a definite that Big Brother will damage her career. Shell now works for the Guggenheim and she said the C word while on the show [ more ]
Rawky-Roo I dunno Fairfax. Sure there are prudes in the 'professional' world who will turn their noses up at her for being on Big Brother. But when it comes to the medical world if she knows her stuff and is very good at it then they can't hold it against her. I think she would be an excellent pediatrician. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is there any point to Nathan being in the house?
Fairfax Reference: even reality veterans Graham and Ivy wonder have been better Can't believe I'm agreeing with you but you're so right [ more ]
Shizzlex one word - Why? even reality veterans Graham and Ivy wonder have been better entertainement [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: yes i agree with fairfax you do wonder how they got picked out the thousands of people Worse still Shizzlex, apparently most of them were 'invited' and fast tracked into the BB house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby has just said "The house can hate me,but the public love me"
Fairfax Reference: what is it everyone thinking the irish girls a stunner she looks like a man I don't find her remotely pretty. Too hard looking and her stirring personality isn't endeaering herself to me either. [ more ]
Free Thinking I don't think she's a stunner, she looks a bit stern to me. I suppose some think she has a model look or something. [ more ]
Shizzlex I got a feeling her and the irish girl are going to get 'closer' this week what is it everyone thinking the irish girls a stunner she looks like a man [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie to make her move on JJ
Fairfax Don't like smutty vulgar Josie at all. [ more ]
Carnelian JJ has nothing about him that would make a woman on the show go for him. The only housemate that is likely to go for him would be a housemate looking for a showmance. As he seems to have an intense aversion to such things it seems unlikely that he'd want to play that game. IMO, Josie and JJ are far more different than JJ and Rachael. [ more ]
Blizz'ard He's already said that Corin looks like his mother and he really fancies her. Slightly worrying! [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else see Govan cacking himself?
Fairfax Reference:Senora The HM's I would like to be up this week are: Douche Lord(JJ to you) Monk Dave Shabby Govan Same here Senora.Happy with any of them. [ more ]
brisket Reference: Azure I hope to hell the bitchiest bitch is, my ideal would be him and the delectable........sticks two fingers down mouth Shabby are up this week and I dont care which of the revolting pair go. That's a lovely thought Azure. [ more ]
bateman Reference: I saw Ben cacking himself. Did you pay? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...

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