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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anyone remember Mario saying
Soozy Woo Reference: Ooooh or the secret could be that he was born a woman.. Or that she is really a man!!! Maybe he's seen her/his wotsit in the shower. Now that would really mess with Shabbys head. [ more ]
stonks Reference: Wasn't there rumours that he knows the BB production team? I think you're right he's a genuine mole and was a plant from the start. I know he's an actor and a model but who know's what with BB... [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Me neither and the secret could be something to do with the mole task.... Wasn't there rumours that he knows the BB production team? I think you're right he's a genuine mole and was a plant from the start. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caoimhe and Frodo Baggins bitching about Ife again
Yellow Rose I think Ife's better looking than Keeva, and much nicer than her and the mouthy one [ more ]
Leccy I still thinks she's ace looking, not "pretty-pretty" but beautiful (I think they are different things)...However I'm rapidly going off her and then I know she won't look as nice to me, that's how my mind works. Oh Ife earned about 10 cool points tonight telling the twitty twosome they bored her. Go Ife! (Ife who is the best looking girl this year, though they ALL were/are good looking girls) [ more ]
Soozy Woo I thought she looked stunning when she went into the house. Now .......i think she looks very masculine and IMO far from attractive ............I suppose in the quirky modelling world she has something (cheekbones probably) but they doesn't make her attractive in my eyes. Maybe her ugly personality isn't helping me get it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wahey! I'll have a pint of 'Our Lord' please *hic*
Leccy Reference: It's astounding. They're feckin numpties. It's kind of like dad-dancing only cringier. Yes! Dad dancing, I see it! Reference: Hammered on what? The love of God?? That's what they claim *is creeped out* Reference: WelshShabba?! ARSE!!!!!! Zackly! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Hammered on what? Ego I reckon [ more ]
Former Member WelshShabba?! ARSE!!!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it too early?........
stonks Reference: I can't tell you in case he spots this but I know he is going to be well pleased *Taps nose*..tell me Stephens day.... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Over my shoulder sometimes, he's not a member here which is probably just as wel I made the fatal error of using his laptop once to get on here... I had nothing to hide, and didn't think there was any need to delete his history (besides, he gets all stroppy & paranoid when I have deleted his history in the past). A couple of weeks later I was discussing an incident that had happened when he was walking my dog... and had shoved his leg in the way of my dog and another dog who... [ more ]
Mentalist Over my shoulder sometimes, he's not a member here which is probably just as well [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RiverRock Sorry been away for a couple of days there, but anyway Ain't Karma a bitch [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: After the 180 minutes of pure muck they have produced so far? Yep. [ more ]
RiverRock Reference: I still rather see Anelka, Henry, Ribery and Gourcuff than Steven the f*cking gypsy Hunt at the world cup After the 180 minutes of pure muck they have produced so far? Fair enough. Each to their own [ more ]
See all 87 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emergency Budget today
Carnelian Reference: I think they will up the points, it will be far more difficult to claim or appeal. Apparently the regime they inherited from Labour was pretty tough already and has led to a large number of those judged fit for work taking their case to appeal and getting the decision reversed. It sounds like tightening up the system further is a sop to the Daily Mail brigade and may end up with even higher profile and expensive appeals - perhaps under EU legislation. [ more ]
cathuk1 Hotels around here run this way...were Andy works think he is the only non management worker who actually has a contract. [ more ]
Leccy Reference: zero hour contracts are a con,most retail outlets try to operate them and prefer part time employees as the national insurance doesnt hit them so hard. That's all any of the factories offer around here, or any of the agencies. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Deanna Durbin dies
Bojangles To be honest I thought she had died years ago.I know after she left hollywood she became enormous in size.No need to diet anymore,Deanna did have a lovely voice. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Deanna Durbin had a beautiful voice much better than Judy Garland IMO...loved her movies...RIP. [ more ]
Former Member Thanks for this Brisket - Deanna was one of my lovely late Mum's favourite actresses. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh so Mario is an actor too!
darloboy (Play The Game!) He was on the Real Hustle . [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I think he is a male escort for rich old men. High class rent boy. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Last night Ife was pushing him into saying who his famous parents are. After mentioning some actors the convo switched when he mention fashion and design. Few more guesses from Ife and she arrived at Miu Miu Prada the Italian designer. It seemed like she got it right from the way he reacted - and he is half Italian - and she asked him a few things about his life which had puzzled her. He may have been telling the truth but later I wasn't totally convinced because of a couple of reasons. Will... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Selfish Bunch
Dirtyprettygirlthing Ducky likes JJ too (he's her fave!) [ more ]
Mentalist Reference: I like Nathan.... he has the same non existent level of tolerance for repetitive crap arguing as me... he represents my pain! Hello Ditty I'm suspecting you are not as loyal as Ducky thinks you are, you have expressed liking for JJ and the Gimp!! Your No2 status could be in danger [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Menty Now I'm not the biggest fan of Nathan, in fact I find him a bit of a gimp Gimp??? evening Menty! I like Nathan.... he has the same non existent level of tolerance for repetitive crap arguing as me... he represents my pain! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caoimhe strirring!
Baz Thank you Tiddly. But how do we know they silently coded that they will nom her next week? [ more ]
Former Member They gave her a good old roasting in their 'office' Baz. [ more ]
Baz Reference: That evil coupling are very intimidating though! They've already silently coded that they'll be nomming her next week. They can't handle the truth! How do we know that please Tiddly, cos I've only just turned on LF [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No rule break for Shabby and Govan
Baz Reference: The girl is absolutely horrid Yes.....Or words to that effect Yogi [ more ]
Former Member What a heinous decision [ more ]
Baz Reference: BB are blatantly making up the rules to suit themeselves and their chosen one "Scabby" Yes..... BB don't learn though do they, cos it just makes the GBP even more eager to get them out!... IMO [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Frickin' Shabby show again!..
Former Member She was another one who boasted she could any girl she fancied! [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Totally agree And looks like they are going to be shoving her down our throats for the next few days..... If not the entire series if they get their way, remember how long it took to shift Lisa last year [ more ]
Baz Reference: I'm sick of her face, her ridiculously studied image and her hoarse, braying voice. Why bother putting everyone else in, if all we get to watch is her? Totally agree And looks like they are going to be shoving her down our throats for the next few days..... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
After watching the nominations on HLs
longcat Reference: I like Ben a lot but he also mocked Caoimhe's accent and went all campy when spaking about Govan. (Just pointing it out in the interest of fairness) Most of them have been mocking each others accents. [ more ]
Baz Bless him.......He really doesn't know when to stop digging, does he [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Then he needs a slap too Fairfax Poor old Ben, he can't do right for wrong (Baz.. ) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can we vote Mario out on Friday please?
Azure. Sorry but that weasel creep has to go apart from being horrible it will also be one in the eye for loathesome Crabby, I am a mega Ben fan and Mario is Bens true and loyal friend in there plus I like Mario and I like Dave another of Bens buddies, I will be very happy when the weasel goes on Friday the only one which would have been better than the weasel would have been the harridan Crabby. [ more ]
Baz Sorry, I'm voting for Govan.... partly because he is a weasel.... and secondly, because I want to sock it to Shabby [ more ]
kimota My vote will be going to Govan unless BB punishes Shabby for continuing to mention the TOT and puts her up! [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tombola was a fix me thinks
Rawky-Roo I still don't see how people think the Golden Ticket thing was a fix. We all saw different numbers on the ball and we all saw Aisleyne pick the ball, how could it be a fix? I just think it was an unfortunate coincidence that Suzie got picked. [ more ]
longcat I think they shot themselves in the foot by not showing us the names in the tombola. When someone suggested to George on BBLB that it was a fix he said "We had an official there to keep an eye on us" Then he rolled his eyes and laughed. Let's face it they have form for cheating look back at the Golden ticket. Susie told all her friends she would be in the house and her name was drawn out of a hat. [ more ]
mary_bee I really don't think it was a fix, what would be the point? He is one of my favourites but I'll admit he's not like 'Mr. most exciting housemate ever' so it would just be completely pointless. Plus wouldn't it have come out by now if that were the case? I can't imagine it staying a secret for long. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lesbians have feelings too
Yogi19 Reference: I wonder if she's aware that Caoimhe's boyfriend probably has feelings? If it has occured to her at all, she will have dismissed it. In Shabby's world there is only one person whose feelings matter - and that's Shabby. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: I wonder if she's aware that Caoimhe's boyfriend probably has feelings Exactly [ more ]
Demantoid I wonder if she's aware that Caoimhe's boyfriend probably has feelings? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My conspiracy theory for today.
Mount Olympus *Olly* ummmthey didn't give the phone numbers out til the next day last week.. they showed the save yourself task on the following days BBLB even tho we knew who was up from the previosu day.. then gave out the numbers.. So tis no different from last week this week and Mario was on a wind up in the house last night. . Sorry Xochi [ more ]
Xochi Reference: It's funny that "tl;dr" takes me longer to read because I have no idea what it means and I have to look it up on Google. It is, isn't it brisket! Sort of logical paradox! Nite. That's short enough at least! [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: tl;dr I looked it up too. LOL Pam loving your theory it's great to have something for the grey matter to concentrate on [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB put Ben in a horrible position.
Demantoid I don't like Ben, but that made me uncomfortable. BB didn't consider his feelings for a second, just used him for laughs. On the plus side, it has proven that Shabby is actually quite a talented actress. What gullible sap among us would believe a word that comes out of her mouth from now on? It really is all for airtime, and it's working. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I found the whole thing very uncomfortable to watch. As I said last night, it reminded me of the so-called "cool" kids who pretend to befriend the geek kid, in order to set him up for humiliation. Shame on you BB. Same here Yogi, it was terrible.Who the hell behind the scenes thought that would be entertaining. [ more ]
Yogi19 I found the whole thing very uncomfortable to watch. As I said last night, it reminded me of the so-called "cool" kids who pretend to befriend the geek kid, in order to set him up for humiliation. Shame on you BB. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby: "A message for you Ben, people don't not like you because you're posh, people don't like you because you're horrible"
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Hoochie I did have a moment where I thought she was doing well with being able to think up and deliver all of those compliments (I could never have done it), but overall I felt so sorry for him being utterly taken in. I would feel awful if someone did that to me! Yes she did do well thinking them up, just shows how convincing a liar she can be... I also feel sorry for Ben, he believes she was actually trying to repair the damage and get past it....what a shame....I absolutely... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I really can't be arsed with asides to the cameras etc..stage school indeed. Tiresome hackneyed bint [ more ]
Marguerita I am not a Ben fan but I did feel sorry for him when she was pretending to like him, but it was a task just a very unkind one for Ben.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve's a bit of a sly one.....
Marguerita I dont think he is sly I am sure he would be a straight talker to whoever if need be IMO.. [ more ]
lal Reference: Steve was defending Sunshine about her vegan food. He said it should be included on the shopping list because it`s a necessity for her. I think you're right cos Shabby said veganism.*is that a word?*.is a life choice, as is smoking. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: How catty was he when he was talking about Sunshine's vegan food?...'she gets her vegan food!' She was stood right there in front of him too, he must have an aversion to veganism (or Sunshine) oooooooooo Suzy, Steve was defending Sunshine about her vegan food. He said it should be included on the shopping list because it`s a necessity for her. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Randy Shabby even more boring and annoying....
Senora Reyes I am not talking in terms of someone entertaining me and making me laugh, I am talking about Shabby and her ham fisted contrived feelings for Keever, that's not entertainment, we've seen it before...Luke & Bex, etc,...I'd love some of the other HM's to get more air time, then I would be at better odds to answer your question...But since the "Shabby show" is currently being inflicted upon us, the chance would be a fine thing. [ more ]
Cold Sweat More boring than whom? For instance, which housemate(s) is this a comparison with – are some exciting you but not, in your opinion, getting their fair share of airtime? Is somebody currently providing good entertainment on LF but not having it portrayed on the HL show? [ more ]
Senora Reyes LOL's loved when the TOT said he'd seen her Casualty. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yellow Rose Thanks Blizzie, that's not the surname of the famous person but I'm remembering now he's half Italian, mother, and half Welsh, father, the Italian side fits with his story, if true lol [ more ]
brisket Maybe not significant at all. But no harm in a bit of mingling (especially now he knows Shabby wants to be rid of him.) Time will tell. I can't imagine why he would be any different with Ben. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Mugan, I think, Yellow. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are we all enjoying The Shabby Show?
sandra Reference: first Lesbian embrace! ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ 5,636 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:57 Reference: first Lesbian embrace Not gonna happen. Caoimhe is not interested in her at all. She's going to stand by her man. Post Reply Add Reply 8 Watch Topic: No (Change) You'll be notified about new replies when you watch a topic. Tags You can edit the tags associated with this topic. None methinjkz showmance [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: first Lesbian embrace Not gonna happen. Caoimhe is not interested in her at all. She's going to stand by her man. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Voted for her on Friday - liking her by Tuesday!!! WTF? BTW i have butterflies in anticipation of that first Lesbian embrace! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I being too hard?
Soozy Woo I don't understand why Scabby can't simply accept she's made a good friend there. They obviously have a laugh together but Keever is straight and in a relationship.......................why does Scabby have to make more of it? It is IMO very immature. [ more ]
kattymieoww Scabby is over the top in her pursuit of Keever,she knows she has a boyfriend but because of the daft VT in which Keever stated she likes to flirt etc,Scabby thinks she's in with chance.It's a total lack of respect for Keever and her relationship with her boyfriend. [ more ]
sandra imo ..................... keevar is playing along with the scabby show .......... both know getting attention [ more ]
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