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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Official "Shabby is a w8nk*r" Thread...
Former Member Maybe tosseress would be more apt then Col! [ more ]
cologne 1 I find it a bit off putting to call a girl a w**ker, which doesn't mean that I like her. She's actually not as bad the 'THE W**KER' from last year because he meant everything he did and said, she's just acting and playing a game. [ more ]
Baz Reference: She is harder work than a three year old. More like Damien Omen 1 [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now she is trying to communicate with the outside world
Baz Yes..... she had the hump cos she wasn't picked to be included in the task, and spent the whole time sulking, storming off to the DR complaining she wanted to go home, and saying to Keever that Mario, Ben , Sunshine and Dave were the worst HM's ..... Now she is saying that she didn't ant to be included in the task, cos it was a crap task.... [ more ]
See 1 reply...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Monk Dave "Drunk" on the love of our Lord, but sobered up sharpish when asked about nominations..
Leccy Reference: Just so I'm clear....You hate Monk Dave's guts You could say that. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: pudding bowl haircut and all! Badly hi-lighted pudding bowl haircut Trollop, not like you to miss the details [ more ]
Trollop I'm with Leccy....hope he gets the boot this week, pudding bowl haircut and all! [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
scatterby Reference: You can get foam blocks scatterby, my grandson has some of those too that his other grandparents bought him. I don't think he builds much with them but from the teeth marks he does like chewing them Don't worry, they don't break - just have lots of pretty teeth marks in the edge lol thanks Veggie - will deffo check that one out [ more ]
Former Member You can get foam blocks scatterby, my grandson has some of those too that his other grandparents bought him. I don't think he builds much with them but from the teeth marks he does like chewing them Don't worry, they don't break - just have lots of pretty teeth marks in the edge [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: My youngest screamed constantly for the first year [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just because I like being in the minority, I don't like.....
squiggle Reference: who said anything about pervy.. Cringeworthy yes. . mispalced over fondles yes.. pervy no .. Olly this was a passing reference to those who have been likening Ben/Mario to Craig/Anfonee. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: Ha! I'm one step ahead of you as I'm going commando right now *fetches camera* [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Ha! I'm one step ahead of you as I'm going commando right now OMG, get that image out of my head NOW!!!. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB's humiliation of Ben continues...
Moomin You are so right, Squigs - I watched open-mouthed this morning the TOT's task for Shabby - and now he thinks she likes him - that is really cruel, and was earning her points with the other HMs too as they don't find out what she was up to. It may even stop him and his friends nominating her. Very calculating by BB, and very unfair. [ more ]
lal Mario picked him for the task in the hope he would win and redeem himself with the HM's. No such luck I'm afraid . [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Ben volunteered to do the task didn't he? [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Govan spitting in the sink....
Yogi19 Reference: Something else we agree on Fairfax.... totally gross Agreed Baz and Fairfax, spitting is a disgusting habit. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: The other night he sat in the smoking area, looked down between his parted knees ---- ----and spat! That is flipping disgraceful...his mother will be proud! [ more ]
Kaytee Hang on! not all smokers hockle all over the place...that is simply a filthy habit that has no place in polite company [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How many hours?!!!!
cologne 1 Reference: you just know that she is going to hog the HL Always the same. I know we want to be entertained and see the conflict as well as the mundane, but my best times watching BB are when I can get a real proper laugh and there isn't much of that in the moment. [ more ]
Baz Hi Cologne Me too..... Every time I settled down to watch LF it's Shabby kicking off, or being crude..... and you just know that she is going to hog the HL shows.... [ more ]
cologne 1 Hi baz I'm heartily sick of these two and their antics. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's Mario doing??
Fairfax Reference: Tiddly I'm taking this too far now ain't I? Not even close [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Yaayyyyy and TONS and tons of baccy and coffee, and a kissing game where everybody has to snog Keever, and the non participants get to watch it all on the plasma. I'm taking this too far now ain't I? Nope, you could have added a thresome(sp) with Ben and Mario [ more ]
Mentalist Reference: Yaayyyyy and TONS and tons of baccy and coffee, and a kissing game where everybody has to snog Keever, and the non participants get to watch it all on the plasma. I'm taking this too far now ain't I? Not far enough in my opinion Tiddles how are you? [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pastagate wasn't against the rules so why were they punished?
Fairfax Reference: Shabby was punished for existing which I think is fair enough Not enough though Bring out the thumbnails and screws I say (rubs hands together Shabby styleee) [ more ]
liverbird Reference: Shabby was punished for existing which I think is fair enough. [ more ]
Baz Reference: More than one person was involved. And the coded discussion between Govan and Shabby was intended to influence which housemate should be chosen to be up for eviction. To me, that's a rule break. I agree.. in fact is a double rule break....1. talking in code 2. Trying to influence noms. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben was the only one with the guts to admit he made a mistake...
longcat Reference: He's totally blind to the fact that he behaves exactly the way he complains others do. I think people think he is allowed to because he talks nicely. But a snake is a snake no matter if it hisses or moos. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:jeggo Agree Blizzie - but at least he does it NICELY Yah, he's a vairy vairy nice chap [ more ]
Baz Unfortunately the others are not as naive as Ben is and have worked out exactly how to push his buttons... especially JJ, who IMO is turning out to be one of the biggest stirrers in the house... which he is doing right at this moment.... Talk about sanctimonious! [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is the Monk really doing a Satire on Religion
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Reference: Not capable - Dave's so stupid he probably thinks 'satire' is a Scottish flag. On thinking it over - you`re probably right [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Jeggo a spoof on religion I am starting to think that.. going in dressed as a monk that silly monk hairdo then the way he talks and acts does not add up [ more ]
Demantoid Not capable - Dave's so stupid he probably thinks 'satire' is a Scottish flag. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Brady Bunch are turning on Ben
Baz Josie is now stirring the pot again with Govan. What they are all failing to grasp is that once Ben goes , the *herd* will choose someone to pick on, and it could well be any off them!!! [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: It's his own fault. Noms are supposed to be secret, so why did he spill? i reckon its because he has always thought that he and shabby would be best of mates, so he tried to impress her with his radical nom... [ more ]
Demantoid It's his own fault. Noms are supposed to be secret, so why did he spill? [ more ]
See all 113 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Shabby so egotistical to think Keever would leave her man for her?
Demantoid Reference: She is such a contrived smelly looking mess [ more ]
suzybean Reference rometheus The irony here being Shabby persuading Kayumhe to leave her man so she can effectively get it on with a woman who looks and acts like a man Shabby doesn't act like any man in my immediate realm (or any woman for that matter). [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: CS if the others even had a fraction of the airtime Shabby has had, perhaps we would all be better placed to judge who is to blame for all the "fallouts". The perception you have of some of us "blaming" or attaching blame to Shabby, at this stage it simply cannot be helped, as we see about 17.5 seconds of airtime of other HM's while Ben and Shabby due to possibly how they are behaving get loads more airtime, and constant topics of conversation on these boards. More airtime doesn't... [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is Govan pronounced Joevan?
SazBomb Reference: .it's complicated I know. It makes my head hurt [ more ]
~Lee~ [ more ]
~Lee~ The Gaelic alphabet is different Saz....There are no JKQVXY or Z so a combination of other letters are used for these ....You have slender consonants and broad consonants depending on what vowel they are preceeded by broad vowels are aou slender are i and's complicated I know. [ more ]
See all 93 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You just know Davina will "LOVE "Shabby
Fairfax Reference: I know, I don't get it Why does BB always champion the worst housemates? Because most of the BB team are a bunch or 'radical' Shabby types themselves. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Davina always loves the gobshites and the annoying ones. I know, I don't get it Why does BB always champion the worst housemates? [ more ]
DanceSettee I don't think so, Shabby is too posh for Davina's tastes. She sooo trys to be "down with the chavs" by desperately championing what the average male Sun reader would like, and these two just don't fit that mould [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so Ben let it be known to Shabby that he voted Sunshine in week one
squiggle Reference: Isn't he still under the impression that they're getting on better? that;s a whole different story Eugene's, BB are a disgrace, the HMs now think Shabby is a wonderful person for going up to Ben yesterday and sorting their differences out, she may not now be voted on Monday because of it,some other unfortunate HM could be up instead of her. BB are cheating to help Shabby. Is this the most blatant steering of the show by BB to date. In giving this secret task to Shabby they have... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Or he is very clever, knowing full well Shabby would tell just like Govan did and he would be told off and then he could play his poor me card. Yep agreed, I find Ben extremelt manipulative. [ more ]
longcat Reference: he's got to be up there in cloud cuckoo land if he thought that wouldn't rebound on him. Or he is very clever, knowing full well Shabby would tell just like Govan did and he would be told off and then he could play his poor me card. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby and Keev want tobacco -
justafriend let them go, do us all a favour [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Strike own up, who's the git who'd give them the baccy ? Not guilty. If they threaten to leave, I'd push them out the door. BB will probably give them a task to win some tobacco - which means more airtime for the pair. [ more ]
Former Member Sadly I think they will get their own way because they will scweam and sweam until they are sick.. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is JJ playing a good game
suzybean No. JJ's playing a lousy game. He's taken on the role of judge and jury and he simply has no right to accuse others of being over dramatic and desperate for fame when he's one of the most fame hungry and needy ones in there. [ more ]
mary_bee Reference: Shabby said: "They are making it sound like some heinous thing," before shouting: "You want me to kick off, is that it?!" *Explodes* I just feel really sorry for Ben. [ more ]
Baz Reference: JJ unsettles me. I think some of his behaviour is well..."odd" really. Can't quite put my finger on it yet. But I don't trust him. Me too Brisket. There is something *not nice* about him, and perhaps a little *off centre* too...IMO. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB has taken all the food and drinks
Baz Nite nite, sleep well Scotty I've been to bed and got up again [ more ]
Scotty Yes Baz. It was the pasta code thing and Shabby saying today that Ben nominated Sunshine. I made a mistake ^^^ Shabby didn`t talk about Ben in code. She said it outright. I`m off to bed now Baz. Nite nite [ more ]
Baz LOL... No that is defo what I heard.... BB told them they had lost the budget cos a) the coded pasta thing, b) some sort of noms talk earlier today. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...

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