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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I bet Sunshine's ears are burning..
DanceSettee Reference: The Squad will not take this lightly Their shack has already been under heavy fairy dust attack tonight...there could be more if this carries on [ more ]
Rawky-Roo The Squad will not take this lightly [ more ]
DanceSettee oooh and that Scabby moaning about Sunshine being selfish with food when they're all on chick peas AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT?? YOU PSEUDO PRETENDING NOT TO BE POSH POSH COW!!! GRRRR!!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
shitbags all bitching about Sunshine
Baz Reference: It is great to see that the queen bee Scabby is finally getting her come-uppance. Her big act is finally being being sussed [ more ]
Fletch Reference: Yes and isn't it nice to see the Coven turning on each other It is great to see that the queen bee Scabby is finally getting her come-uppance. Her big act is finally being being sussed. She is an actress, and seems to be playing the part in there. She has had bit parts in various TV soaps and seems to think acting in there will help her. We have you sussed Scabby.... Forget the Clockwork Orange theme, seen it before... Be yourself or you will be drinking in the same bar as your... [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Hell No! She was annoyed cuz a 'friend' of hers nominated her. Yes, seperated at birth is what they were for sure. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby on LF
Baz She is furious that Govan has left and now she has had a go at Keeva for allowing Dave to hug her..... The group is turning on itself already [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: next week she'll be saying "Keever was the nicest HM ever" But hopefully not to Davina! I bliddy well hope it is to Davina! [ more ]
Prometheus Enjoy it guys. Just imagine the shock she's in for when she comes out. Oh yeah... it's going to be one hell of wake up call. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who died ?
stonks Reference: I think now is the perfect time for Mario to fulfill his promise to streak naked around the house if he survives eviction. [ more ]
Former Member Are they as distraught as Slyvia was when Dennis the pirouetting spitter got booted? Coz her reaction was a corker [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: you would think someone had popped their clogs watching this shit on LF i'd love Ben Mario and Dave to start singing and dancing in front of the other cronies Excellent idea [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB had better be hot on NOMS talk this week...
Former Member [ more ]
Prometheus She of Scabbiness and her fake lezboid literally have nowhere to run now. Shabby is up next week for sure I just hope I'm wrong in thinking BB won't find another escape task that is (shock horror) perfectly suited to Scabby. If they do it again, the show ends right there for me. [ more ]
Lori Reference: so they wont be posted then? That's right. You're in the clear! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So next week Shabby's out?
Fletch The whole Shabby thing, Bowler hat,braces, etc; Clockwork Orange gone mad. Wonder who the unlucky bitch dressed in a red one-piece leotard will be? Kee Va perhaps? If you saw the film you will understand. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I think so too Baz - very convenient [ more ]
Prometheus I can see why some people would want her non-entity sidekick out first but I'd prefer Shabby to go then watch Kayumhe squirm when it becomes obvious she has absolutely nothing to bring to the house. The only problem is Keeva doesn't get nommed. Hmm..okay I change my mind Keeva first lol. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pot, kettle, black....
LowonIQ Shabby is chic [ more ]
stonks Reference: The day that Shabby and Kayumhe leave the house will be a happy one I hope Kumbyar goes first.... Reference: Cologne, Caoimhe is horrendous, don't think she will have any Irish fans. Snidey bint.I think I actually dislike her more than Shabby. Me too.... [ more ]
Fairfax Cologne, Caoimhe is horrendous, don't think she will have any Irish fans. Snidey bint.I think I actually dislike her more than Shabby. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Josie deserve a special day tomorrow?
Fairfax Reference: Hmmm, well they were the dryest tears i've ever seen Much the same as her mate Gollums [ more ]
Videostar Reference: She does, she's gutted...Hate seeing people cry real heartfelt tears. Hmmm, well they were the dryest tears i've ever seen. [ more ]
Cinds I don't see why not. Although I doubt any of them will top Corins reaction to her special day. I loved her sitting in the diary room trying to guess what 'a brighter day' meant. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone else notice Davina say 'The BB Forum'?
Aimee I was shouting at the telly [ more ]
stonks Reference: Absoloutely .......there is no such thing! Or is there? Were we all kicked out - time passed - we all got comfy in here and then they opened the doors again in the hope that none of us would return? SNEAKY! I was a member of the new ch4 then I went to get LF and was told I was'nt allowed so I emailed them and never got a reply..I bet its fake just staff.... [ more ]
strike it's probably easier to write than the gagajoyjoys [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The sheer look of Shock, Horror and Disbelief on Shabby's face
sandra excelannteeeeeeeeeeeeeee [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: To be fair though, Mario and Dave did it too this week.... I wonder if they've been told to Sazbomb, I know Ben and Mario did the same but, it was suggested that she had shown compassion towards Josie. A compassionate(sp) person whould behave compassionatly towards all and at all times. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo DanceSettee, you never let me down [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
72% Ouch!
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Sorry darlo, but we're talking about a 4 way split here. 27% for the other 3. No contest. Yes it is very high for a 4 way vote and Nicole's eviction was in a 3 way, however I meant in terms of the overall percentage I mean come on he hasn't exactly broken any records but at leadst those who wanted him out got their wish . [ more ]
Gel Wish I could afford a plane with a big banner saying..... Gollum Got 72% eviction vote, The rest were for Dave! Because I bet that's how it was, the rest of the 28%, I bet Dave got the majority of them [ more ]
justafriend pity they dont tell some of them in the house. lol [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine turning out to be quite nasty.
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I personally think that Sunch FANCIES Ben AND JJ, and I think she'd relish attention from Nathan too. I think she's the female equivalent of JJ - he wants all the girls' attention too (those that fancy men anyhow ) [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: she so fancies JJ.... Another reason for me to dislike her [ more ]
Baz Reference: she loved the teasing though Baz it was man attention, i somehow feel she int had alot of that. True.... she so fancies JJ.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When Govan gets the boot tonight
Marguerita Hopefully a day of heaven but think it may be a day of hell... [ more ]
longcat Reference: If he goes and is asked, I'm certain he'll give somebody a heaven day. Once their out, they don't have to play the game anymore and there's no point in alianating anybody. I think some peoples dislike for other HMs goes beyond the game. [ more ]
cologne 1 If he goes and is asked, I'm certain he'll give somebody a heaven day. Once their out, they don't have to play the game anymore and there's no point in alianating anybody. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In terms of watchability "Monk Dave" should go...
Senora Reyes LOL's They're not having him, he's ours. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Senora Never expected that from a fellow Gooner Oi, shape up and join me in booing Spain Mrs!! The Cesc seducing swines [ more ]
Former Member Got to be Govan .We also need Dave's vote regarding the noms and loyalty if he wins the noms task ( and he is always destined to be taking part,another way we can get Shabby up if they don't actually nom her.) [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
On LF Sunshine still banging on about Ben nominating her.
Baz Reference: She's such a whinger. If she's that bad after one day it just goes to prove how poor her diet and general health is. BB can give her a glucose or re'hydration sachet to get her buzz bac I can't believe the moaning that HAs gone on about the basic budget today... even Steve was threatening to walk, apparently. But I seem to remember BB9 having to last on a basic budget several times... without all this fuss!. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: it was embarrasing watching her the other night fairfax. HELL NO!!! It was hilarious and pure Sunshine. She was even out of time with her dancing and there wasn't even any music [ more ]
suzybean I love crisps [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What does Mario mean?
Kaytee Well I'm still happily in the dark [ more ]
lal Mario means...... It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is " manly ". From Marius . Also used as masculine form of Mary ( Latin ) " star of the sea " and variant of Mark ...... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Demantoid. but there's something strangely familiar and yet, at the same time, a bit unsettling about Mario. I know what you mean & yet I don't...he is strangely familiar. Could he have been one of the BB voices? [ more ]
See all 39 replies...

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