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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katie bans Alex from All Stars!
Former Member Reference: Katie bans Alex from All Stars She's afraid of him contravening the Trade Description Act [ more ]
Suzi-Q Hahahahahahaha When Alex was in the house, weren't they "on a break"? He won and she married him (not suggesting she did it to regain any of her lost popularity). [ more ]
longcat I can't think why anybody would want to go back in that house unless they were really desperate. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben likes older woman ,latest from NOTW
suzybean After he'd been blanked by La Collins [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: I bet Gloria Hunniford is chuffed she got a mention from Ben, now! hahahahahahaha who'd have thought it eh ...duuurty mare [ more ]
Cold Sweat I said on launch night that the house needed older female housemates and that the selected age range was far too narrow. I wonder if Ben was thinking along these lines also? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why didn't Josie give the girls advice re. sponge task?
Yogi19 IMO, Josie is definitely a player and a stirrer. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I'm not convinced that Josie is a player but she does seem to have some idea of how the game works and how certain situations can be pushed just a little further - Dave re. gay marriage, JJ re. behaviour towards Rachael, Sunshine re. crisps - all spring to mind as situations that Josie has pushed and probed at; perhaps for personal gain. [ more ]
Baz Reference: It looked impossible and unless it was badly edited, it seemed that no one cared anyway I watched it on LF and no one really supported them, apart from a coupe of shouts of encouragement ... but given it was Shabby, and given the way she whinged and stomped about in a strop for not being picked for the task the day before, I had no sympathy for them... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby is saying she will wear a towel when Evicted.
Former Member a Reference: People like Shabby don't take too well to personal criticism. I would imagine that no one really would want the reams of tantrums and personal abuse they would get back. I would push every button she's got and watch her hang herself Yes but the trouble is, the HMs would probably all turn around and defend her. Do you remember Aisleyne and Nicki? Aisleyne finally snapped and told Nicki to know herself ( which was perfectly reasonable IMO) and suddenly it was "poor little Nicki". [ more ]
longcat Reference: People like Shabby don't take too well to personal criticism. I would imagine that no one really would want the reams of tantrums and personal abuse they would get back. I would push every button she's got and watch her hang herself [ more ]
suzybean She needs SuperNanny [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK, now that I finally have access to this forum again, I have two words... WEIRDO MONK
Cold Sweat Reference: He thinks Homosexuality is against God's law, so he kisses and cuddles them and tells them he loves them, to try to cure them. Sweet! Not good! [ more ]
longcat Reference: I do think it's an apt description of him, tbf. I agree. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Cold Sweat Today at 00:27: I thought Shabby chipped in with something along the lines of he's not even human - something like that anyway. What Shabby said was "He's not even like a real person.", and yeah: that stuck in my craw a bit too. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The bores
longcat I actually don't think any of this years HMs are thrilling to watch and it's only going to get worse as more leave. I am hoping that new HMs will really have something to offer otherwise it's going to get really boring. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: You lot really are a buncha nutters. You think you speak sense, when all you really do is talk a load of bullshine! So by definition you are a nutter too? Otherwise why are you here? [ more ]
brisket Re: The bores [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby saying sorry to Dave!
Blizz'ard Reference: Eugene Serious question: is "I think he's missing his family" a valid nomination reason? There's quite a few "reasons" that BB lists as "not valid", e.g. "I don't get on as well with X as I do with other HMs." Maybe not, but "I've been in serious, hard-core Islamic, Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden territory, spreading the word of the Christian Bible, and It never felt as bad as being in the BB house" could be! [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Cold Sweat Today at 01:57: As the group gets smaller new bonds and friendships are always formed. Well, we'll see. I'm still betting that Caoimhe and Shabby will continue to nominate a combination of Ben, Dave and Sunshine, though... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: I've been watching your fierce defence of Shabby. Opposites attract speaking of which how are you and the real world getting on? Have you decided on a date yet? What's with the personal attack - should we not stick to discussing housemates? [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I loved Ben's rant...
Karma_ Reference: Videothingy Now he was hardly doing that now was he. Yes he did [ more ]
Karma_ I think that for all his bad points, he's been raised to have manners where appropriate, and it was the 'gentlemanly' thing to do to go round congratulating everyone and thanking the public. It may not have been sincere (not sure if it was or not) - but that kind of good sportsmanship has probably been instilled in him from an early age (or from playing polo or croquet - however I dont think nice manners to the staff at Primark would be a realistic example). I laughed at his rant, but his... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I think I'll assume that he is rather a fan! I think I'll assume he's a bit of a t*at. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB will finish on a Tuesday this year!!
Eugene's Lair Reference Baz... Today at 00:34: does that mean the winner doesn't get to do the interview etc...? What they did in the early series was that Davina entered the house to meet the winner. That would be a possible way round it. Alternatively, they may just leave the interview until the winner leaves the "All Stars" competition normally, but I think a lot of fans would find that unsatisfactory - I certainly would. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference strike Today at 00:21: so the winner is staying in the house I think people were assuming that the winner would be allowed out for a night (say) to see their friends and family, but it's beginning to look like they won't after all. Another point: I did a quick calculation, and if everything continues as normal, there will be a further 8 Friday-night evictions before Final Week. I'd previously assumed that, with "only" 14 starting HMs, there must be more going in at some point. [ more ]
Baz does that mean the winner doesn't get to do the interview etc...? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a changed house.
Baz Reference: Baz you can have 50/1 with me that it was expletive free. LOL.... I think I will pass on that one Strike [ more ]
strike Reference: Ah, but was it expletive free though, cos I don't think you can count them.... cos I think he's already got a certificate in those Baz you can have 50/1 with me that it was expletive free. [ more ]
Baz Ah, but was it expletive free though, cos I don't think you can count them.... cos I think he's already got a certificate in those... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben comparing his own position to that of Maggie Thatcher!
PeterCat Reference: Ben grates. Yep. He's certainly the irritant in this year's BB for me. [ more ]
DanceSettee well they do have the same hairdresser [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Thatcher was hated by most of the Country after the Poll Tax. Ben is hated by most of the housemates. That is the analogy I believe he was trying to make, and it happens to be correct. The thing I liked is that in being saved by the public, he's now come to terms with the knowledge that very few people like him in the house and it will no longer bother him so much. I'm hoping to see a much more chilled out Ben this week. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nathan has just came out Josie's bed and
Senora Reyes Reference: i was going to say something along those lines but i couldn't in the presence of Margy, i'd never forgive myself Marge is a woman of the world, doubt that would phase her... [ more ]
strike Reference: It'll keep her from being tempted to suck something else... i was going to say something along those lines but i couldn't in the presence of Margy, i'd never forgive myself [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: is she still sucking her thumb ? It'll keep her from being tempted to suck something else... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Govan leaves. Josie 'right, see ya'.
Marguerita Reference: i said.... i wonder if she got any soidar and a bran new combine harvester [ more ]
Blizz'ard By saying, "in bed suicidal", do you mean when she was in bed saying, "Aww, I wouldn't even mind him farting on me now", and having a good laugh about it all? [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! i said.... i wonder if she got any soidar and a bran new combine harvester during her 'special' day... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby ,noms talk AGAIN!
Prometheus Reference: You just know this thread will end up in the Troll Tank. Come on everyone, let's shake and make up. Can I skip the make up? I have an allergy [ more ]
SpiderMonkey You just know this thread will end up in the Troll Tank. Come on everyone, let's shake and make up. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Your constant intervention without being referred to, also suggests that the poster you're consistently trying to defend "needs" your help to fight her arguments....*sigh* if only men would think more with their heads. do continue with your "knight in shining armour" bit - and refer to your own wise quote So now you've been made to look ridiculous you resort to childish accusations. Righto. I was defending her right to express her opinions which, ironically, is where you came into... [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh I see Sunshine is going to be this week's target
strike i tell you what, she's a feckin rock is Sunshine, she will stand up to any of them one on one, i just hope she stays strong because she's getting it from all angles at the moment. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Ben will probably be nomed by a few hms, but who would nom Josie? Only Sunshine perhaps. And I can see Shabby getting less noms next week unless she does something awful. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I would be delighted if it's her vs Ben so she can go . Can see Shabby rightfully going this week. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF: OMG Mario...
justafriend when seen it once dont need to see it again (unless its), how many times is that hes had it all hanging out [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Erin - Dave might not nominate Mario for nudity because its probably ok for men to do it - its only women that are the evil and lead men into temptation. [ more ]
Former Member That's a nom from Corin then.Not to mention Dave ,he nomed Rachael and she was wearing pants [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lechyd da Dave
Blizz'ard Reference: DanceSettee OOh ohhh I might know him....I don't live that far away and know quite a few people from there. It's a bugger writing my xmas cards His surname could be seen as rather rude, or a name for a type of wound. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: I used to go out with a bloke from here... OOh ohhh I might know him....I don't live that far away and know quite a few people from there. It's a bugger writing my xmas cards [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Cariad Blizzie - can you pronounce it? Of course. "It" [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine's Diet
Blackpudlian Reference: She does have a very odd relationship with food...Vegans can eat tofu and quorn can't they? Vegans can't eat Quorn because it contains eggs, they can eat Tofu but I think I heard Sunshine say she doesn't like it. I am of the opinion that Sunshine's faddiness is actually a control issue related to her eating disorder. [ more ]
Baz Reference: don't think she is a faddy eater ,I believe she has issues with food period. Ok... so we've found something we disagree about [ more ]
Cariad If she's recovering from an eating disorder then the BB house is the last place she needs to be!! I have a work colleague who insists he's vegetarian because his father has heart disease yet lives on macaroni cheese, crisps and full fat coke. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is the Honeymoon over?
cologne 1 Reference: What does Scabby see in Ciaomeh? A notch? She gets all the girls. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Considering the fact I find Caoimhe more awful than Shabby, I think her trying to make a break from Shabby to save her own skin would just make me dislike her even more. Sorry but it would take a miracle for me to have a u-turn in attitude towards Caoimhe now. I feel the same Spidey...Keever is not loyal and I also agree, I dislike her more than Shabby. [ more ]
Former Member What does Scabby see in Ciaomeh? A notch? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Smoking & Teeth brushing.
Kaytee Reference: Stonkssy cos of the alcahol in them.... So that is why Mr Kaytee likes his listerine [ more ]
Marguerita Reference:Mathematics I was agreeing. Sorry [ more ]
stonks Reference: This is off the subject, but my dentist told me the other day that she had recently had a patient who had run out of mouthwash, so for the previous 3 weeks had used whisky instead (just as mouthwash, not to drink). He had gone to see the dentist because his gums were sore, and when she looked at them, the gums now looked like raw meat as a result of the whisky My dentist told me to be careful of certain mouthwash as I may aswell use whiskey cos of the alcahol in them.... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New housemates to enter in July
Yogi19 Did anyone else notice that Ife is listed under the name "Gloria"? [ more ]
mary_bee On the 31-40 new ones bit I hope they choose 'James from Bristol' because I know him, and that would be amazing and really weird also. He's quite nice but also has a massive ego and can be a right twat though so idk if he'd be good or not in there. There's no one else on that list I'm particularly drawn to. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: oooh! new victims blood to get our teeth into....bring it on Lol Kaytee you make me laugh [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Govan is out,really OUT.
Suzi-Q It's the old 'limp wrist' menatlity, isn't it? Someone acts or looks a certain way so therefore they must be gay. Or the opposite end of the spectrum, someone is sporty or built like a brick shithouse so they must be straight?? I son't get the fascination about what someone else does in bed - not any of my business and what I get up to is no one else's business but mine and my partner. [ more ]
Sky Reference: tough as old boots who are gay as gay can be. Absolutely the Kray twins are a good example. even footballers (and fans) and rugby players - looks and behaviour can be deceptive. but as a poster has pointed out, who really cares. [ more ]
longcat I have known people like Govan who you would swear were gay but are totally straight. I have also known people who are built like a brick sh*t house and tough as old boots who are gay as gay can be. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ suddenly bezzy mates with Ben again
suzybean It doesn't sound confusing to me zippy, but it is another way of saying he played it all wrong over Ben, and now he's backtracking like crazy coz he's as big a wannabe as he's accused others of being [ more ]
Jones Reference: interesting to see JJ's almost instant reinstatement of affection for Ben last night on live feed. I have a slightly different take on that. I think JJ will have thought about how the public have perceived Ben .... and obviously voting Govan out over Ben, JJ will have reconsidered his own perception. JJ comes across as a paranoid kinda person to say the least ... but the public vote speaks volumes .... how the HM's think they will be perceived from the insiders view and how they... [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Kaytee wonder what the tome will be this time...Lord of the Flies perhaps....or Dangerous that would be apt Both great Or the 2 brainiacs can sink their teeth in to a critique of Disraeli's Sybil (Two Nations) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting odds have Caoimhe less popular than Shabby
Jones Well actually .... I prefer Scabby to Keever, only just though. I wouldn't mind Scabby so much, it's just the temper tantrums that turn me off her At 24 she should have learnt to keep a lid on it. [ more ]
Former Member I have an idea.... Get Keeva out this week.... Shabby will lose the plot next week. Get her out and that will make room for new people. [ more ]
justafriend live feed just now keeva and ife talking. ife telling her to be herself, she said if i back of now its going to cause trouble. shes woke up to whats happening it seems. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crikey!! A year ago today MJ died.
El Loro Reference:barney and only a couple of weeks ago the doctor has been allowed to continue practicing - wonder if we will ever find out what really happened As there's no mention on this thread you may not have heard but Michael Jackson's father yesterday filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the doctor. See BBC news article . This is a civil lawsuit, not a criminal charge but assuming this goes to court we may well find out what really happened. [ more ]
Jones Indeed .... 1 year ago today ... gone but never forgotten We love ♥ you MJ xx [ more ]
Karma_ Ah good old Storm! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Senora Reyes Reference: I'm in the minority but I really like Steve. Nope, I like him too. [ more ]
Kaytee He doesn't get any airtime and is never involved in the Scabby show, so we really have no idea what he's like yet [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: I'm in the minority but I really like Steve. I don't mind him either... seem just a normal bloke, not got a huge ego and seems to get along with near enough anyone. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has there ever been a more smug HM than Shabby?
Gel I am positive, they know exactly where we are don't forget the ensuing talks between the cloud people and ch4/endemol that landed us here! [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Shame the producers don't read here or have simply forgotten where we have all ended up. Darlo they are probably very aware of where we are but we are WEBELS!! and we cannot be controlled like that tame lot over on DS ( and we have access to phones) [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Shame the producers don't read here or have simply forgotten where we have all ended up . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The public perception of Mario...
squiggle I wonder if people would go off him if his secret turns out to be that he is really Caoimhe's brother, which is my conspiracy theory [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Likable guy, I find him dull and he is capable of independent thoughts when not stuck to Ben like glue. His strops are grating, albeit not in Shabby's league, however he's wallpaper enough to make it to the final . [ more ]
Cold Sweat Not much has been made of his remark to Ben (while in the garden) during week 1 that they should just carpet bomb the middle east. It never made the HLs, but even so, had an unpopular housemate said this i'm certain it would have provoked derision. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who would you like to see re-enter the BB House
Marguerita Reference: Low Marg I notice you've got just the one female on your lis I know [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Marcus Derek Victor Nadia [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Pfft he wasn't a patch on Gerry's Freddie . And the less said about Chanelles bunny (was it called Betsy?) the better. Does anyone remember Jonty zapping Gerry's cuddly toy while hoovering? [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ& Sunshine
The Devil In Diamante When they were sunbathing Yesterday, they were talking about suncream etc...JJ mentioned that Sunshine was very pale skinned, she went on about it for a while, surprisingly!!! She IS pale and she is pretty fow as well [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: She was only foolin` - they had a good banter going at one point and it was quite funny but someone said it got a bit heated later on. I thought at first you meant JJ had had one of his temper tantrums. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] She was only foolin` - they had a good banter going at one point and it was quite funny but someone said it got a bit heated later on. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin's ditsy act - who's buying?
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Agree Cariad - Corin isn`t `in yer face` with it. Was just saying that there has been a trend in recent years to laud traits that we once would have been embarrassed about. [ more ]
Yogi19 I think Corin is probably very ditsy in RL. However, I think the Diary Room stuff was a bit contrived. [ more ]
Cariad Jeggo I'm not sure she is "in your face" with it. From what I've seen she's relishing her new vocabluarily . [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Josie acting......or overreacting.
Former Member Reference: Some of them spent time together before they entered BB. I don't know if Govan and Josie were in the same group. They did banter with each other a lot as if they had spent time together. Josie said on LF last night that she knew him from the first round of auditions so I guess she knew him a little better than some of the others. I still think she was overreacting though [ more ]
longcat Some of them spent time together before they entered BB. I don't know if Govan and Josie were in the same group. They did banter with each other a lot as if they had spent time together. [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: BOTH. THIS [ more ]
See all 35 replies...

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