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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Next eviction betting odds (spoiler alert-don't look if you don't want to know who is nominated)
longcat I really would prefer to lose Dave out of those 3. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: These S&R tasks are beginning to get on my nerves now, hopefully next weeks eviction will have the normal process. According to DS, they will be carrying on through the series darlo. [ more ]
brisket Reference:Rawky but all i really need to know is, with these current standings, my girl is safe yeah? Yes. Except there is no such thing as a "certainty" and surprises and shocks can happen. But the short answer is "yes" the bookies think Sunshine is definitely the safest of the three. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fairfax Reference: Awww may he rest in peace Yes [ more ]
Former Member Also ,as someone has kindly pointed out.He also said last night that he wished he hadn't deactivateed his FB as it would have been interesting to see what people were thinking.He must have known he was going into the house,and by doing this we also could not find out his real name. [ more ]
suzybean Awww may he rest in peace [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The rivers of love for our lord jesus christ are flowing in my belly
Former Member Reference: Dave's belly is enough to feed an entire family of the downtrodden for about 10 years. Sod the loaves and fishes routine, he should get some liposuction and get the proceeds turned into filling snacks for the poor. Selfish turd. Oh god...... now you've made it worse. [ more ]
bateman Dave's belly is enough to feed an entire family of the downtrodden for about 10 years. Sod the loaves and fishes routine, he should get some liposuction and get the proceeds turned into filling snacks for the poor. Selfish turd. [ more ]
Former Member actually Dave's belly is enough to make anyone turn to satanism [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone else shed a tear when Steve started the penalty shoot out task?
DanceSettee Reference: Oh I see - I didn't watch the beginning... well yes that is a little off. well the girlies got their revenge when iffy won it for them ...hahahaha! Wish she'd rubbed it in his face a bit though [ more ]
Former Member well thats true DS and I did post a thread asking why he was in the house. I didn't see the beginning of the task. Reference: But I thought Ify scored the winning goal... yeah, i mean at the beginning when he took over the task and asked who wanted to play...i assume it was before he got the full instructions that everyone was playing. and whether you consider him brave or not doesn't exempt him from criticism you know Oh I see - I didn't watch the beginning... well yes that is a little off. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: But I thought Ify scored the winning goal... yeah, i mean at the beginning when he took over the task and asked who wanted to play...i assume it was before he got the full instructions that everyone was playing. and whether you consider him brave or not doesn't exempt him from criticism you know [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HMS want to sabotage noms
Fairfax Reference: Me too. Siavash and his 'stand' He was pissing about with BB, not defying the tanks in Tiananmen Square.. Brill. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: Post Reply Siavash ( the three musketeers) as they were called spoiled BB for me last year hope they dont try it this year [ more ]
Baz Reference: Me too. Siavash and his 'stand' He was pissing about with BB, not defying the tanks in Tiananmen Square.. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I thought eyebrow boy didn't like bitching??
Fairfax Reference: He was always involved in the bitching. He told Dave to stay away from him only because he was likely to floor him. Nathan was raging that Govan was evicted and Dave was still there. It had nothing to do with him being so nice that he didn't want to hear any bitching. I thought that too. [ more ]
kimota Hes a vile bulleh! [ more ]
Tayto. He was always involved in the bitching. He told Dave to stay away from him only because he was likely to floor him. Nathan was raging that Govan was evicted and Dave was still there. It had nothing to do with him being so nice that he didn't want to hear any bitching. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My nose is on fire.. :(
Blackpudlian I'm glad you are better - good job you don't pick your nose as you would have the clearest sinuses in the western hemisphere! Don't forget to ask your GP about Capsaicin Cream. xxx [ more ]
Former Member hello xxx My nose is fine this morning - thanks for asking, I have some cheap cooking brandy in the cupboard - I will bury my nose in it next time it happens ( and believe me it will happen again.. [ more ]
Blackpudlian How is your nose this morning? I discovered a new cure for chilli burns on the skin - ALCOHOL!!! Don't need to drink it, you just keep dunking the affected area in cheap brandy. Apparently, chilli desolves in alcohol and you then rinse it off. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
well done ,ben,mario,dave and john.
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: No, she shouldn't have. They didn't share theirs. I'm not a fan of hers, but in this case she was the victim. I don't see why she should have caved in, just to prevent the others from being bullies. They are responsible for their own behaviour, not her. I think she did it on purpose. She should just have shared them it was obviously going to happen. I think she also milked it. But perhaps we have to agree to disagree on this one. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: It was obvious what was going to happen. She should have shared. I think she used it to her advantage. I think she likes to play the victim. and the others played there roles to perfection. No, she shouldn't have. They didn't share theirs. I'm not a fan of hers, but in this case she was the victim. I don't see why she should have caved in, just to prevent the others from being bullies. They are responsible for their own behaviour, not her. [ more ]
Cinds I agree with Ding Dong. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby predicts she and Dave will be up(rule break)
Moomin She was really creeping to people on last night's HLs though, maybe hoping to save her bacon? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: They should both be up. That's the only thing that will shoot down noms talk in a split second. That would be even better. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: They should both be told that their noms do not count. They should both be up. That's the only thing that will shoot down noms talk in a split second. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Go back to being wallpaper NATHAN
Demantoid Did you see the 'look at me, I'm great' expression on his face before he took his penalty? Glad he missed it, the tosser. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: If you fancy a punt I suggest Mario who is currently at 12/1. No thanks! I do wonder if Corin may be one of these early favourites that fade at some point - perhaps Steve also. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: Wanker that he is. Thats what i thought while watching the HL show this morn. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunset Good old England - it's got me going with Funny Football quotes. Here's one from a man who knows. “There’s no in between - you’re either good or bad. We were in between.” - Gary Lineker [ more ]
suzybean It's just a red cross on a white background, what's to analyse? I know, I know it's a spoof thread...but that's all I've got to say. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caoimhe throwing the cushion in the bathroom
Cinds Reference: Has she ever mentioned his name at all in convo's Yes, she said he was called Dave. She's shagging the mad monk! [ more ]
suzybean Reference:KT .I think that round about now his brain is screaming *offload* to him hmmm (get out while you can) [ more ]
squiggle I think I read in Keeva's profile that she has a boyfriend but its not going anywhere, certainly not the love of her life as she has been pretending to Scabby. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its so professional here .........
Ev (Peachy) Reference: I have just fixed my clock... I must make the time to fix my err clock. [ more ]
Cinds Reference: I thought it was the very long and overdue arrival of Cinds husband! He has posted, his user name is Big D, cos he is fat and the shape of a giant D. X-factor usually brings him on to a forum. [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: Unpopularity was a reason for Gordon Brown to leave. Dear lord has Sarnge sold the forum honey at too low a price The queen bee will be furious [ more ]
See all 82 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
COME ON ENGLAND \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
MrMincePie Not exactly a huge achievement beating England... lol, we are as good as Algeria [ more ]
suzybean Reference:jacko ' persephone! you aht of the bathroom yet, im dyin for a feckin pee' blahhhhahahaha I've calmed down now...the Germans were awesome! [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: JB ive got chavs over the back, they have uvvuvewhatits too, mine conduct their whole lives in the backgarden shouting at each other thru windows as in ' persephone! you aht of the bathroom yet, im dyin for a feckin pee' i will never move, they make my day. [ more ]
See all 161 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
suzybean Reference: he left the army at 19 so how would that help him in an arguement over crisps?. there is that [ more ]
Soozy Woo Let's not forget that Steve has eight kids. arguments over crisps and the like are pretty run of the mill for him ..............I'm sure he sees it as it is. A storm in a teacup. Tomorrow they'll move on to someone else. [ more ]
stonks Reference: Everyone has said about Ben, Mario and all but have neglected Steve. I think in time he will turn into a bit of a stirred, you often see him lying in on the bed just eaves dropping on peoples conversations. Think hes a snake in the grass. I've seen Steve give Ben moral support and just because you don't see it does'nt mean it does'nt happen, he have 15 to 20 minutes an hour cut from LF and he left the army at 19 so how would that help him in an arguement over crisps?.... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ireland shirt?
Former Member Reference: oooo erin you called? [ more ]
DanceSettee Ref Reference: Reference: the germans looked a bleedin mess tho. Not the professional ones.. think they looked Magnificent yes they did didn't they ....put them Welsh top/british national anthem thieves in their place too LOLOLOL [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Someone said the other day that the German BB goes on for about 8 months That's excrutiating and I'm quite sure incredibly boring! [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Ben the real Mole?
Former Member Imo there is definitely something 'not quite right' ref Mario and Caoimhe [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I am driving everyone and anyone demented with my" Mario has a secret". My guess is that his secret is the Chest of Drawers being the tree of Temptation. he has been sworn to secrecy on that remember. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: So we are back to what I think that he is Keever's boyfriend I thought they were very telling when Mario was up for eviction ,Keeva was comforting him and hugging him ( long hug) he was in tears. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB time for Davina Mc Caw( the bird in the living room) to repeat convos.
Former Member Reference: erin On launch night I am sure mentioned something about the HMS not being able to speak to the parrot but it will tell secrets.I am going to have to look for vt of launch night. Would be a great idea. Perhaps it could just repeat a sentence or two about someone and leave them all paranoid wondering who said it. [ more ]
suzybean Yeah, I heard something like that erin. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Surely that must be why the parrot is there? On launch night I am sure mentioned something about the HMS not being able to speak to the parrot but it will tell secrets.I am going to have to look for vt of launch night. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF last night
Former Member Reference: Marge but there is something about him that just not seems to add up for me just cant put my finger on it Marge I'm so glad you said that as I've been saying that too from the start - he just seems fake somehow.... [ more ]
strike Dave and Sunshine would be good, whoever won would put Keever up. [ more ]
Marguerita I found that very odd we never saw it in tonight show... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario is a knob, and so's his boyf :p
scatterby Reference: you forgot to mention Dame Shirley Yes, that definitely gave it away. [ more ]
Former Member you forgot to mention Dame Shirley [ more ]
Sarnge I'd only possibly be convinced if I saw a nasty You Tube of him having sex with a woman, and even then, I'd be wondering if it had been Photoshopped! HE'S GAY! Ain't anyone told him yet? The thick, blundering idiot! 1. He's constantly surrounded by Mario, the clinker. 2. If Mario isn't clung to him, its the God Bothering lunatic. 3. He's slept in a sarnie between both of the above. 4. Wanted 'some clear nail polish' pending the eviction. 5. His bouffant hair reminds me of the 'Thatcher Do'... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You know what Sunshine, FECK EM!!!
Suzi-Q Sunshine is a royal pain, but I don't hink she is acting any differently than she would act on the outside. She has major food issues, but the one thing she will eat are crisps. While the rest of the housemates are munching down on everything edible, Sunshine just eats her crisp butties. [ more ]
strike they're a crowd of school girl bullies, they know she's a "social misfit" and they are making her pay for it, TWATS. [ more ]
Demantoid Why did she have to offer them anything though, Tiddly? Was she the only one given food, or did they all not get big, loaded pizzas, while she got little vegan ones which were basically just bread and tomato puree? She's not my favourite HM, but it seems to me that she's getting picked on for the smallest little thing. [ more ]
See all 60 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Avoiding football
Cariad Reference: ooh i want some's too sunny by half here in's not natural I tell you Noooooooooooooooo.....I want this til the end of September. I forgot about the footy. It's been glorious - high 20's. Yesterday I went to Leekes and bought some bedding plants and a huge bag of compost and have spent the weekend in the garden in my cozzie (which should frighten off nosy Kevin the Bungalow) doing a bit of gardening combined with lounging about with a trashy book and a large ... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: DanceSettee ooh i want some's too sunny by half here in's not natural I tell you It's been flaming hot and a half [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'm finding it is haunting me and coming from all sorts of strange places. What can I do are you wayne rooney [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No Idea, No Heart, No Way Back
Former Member never got off the mark at all throughout the tournament ... says a lot when everyone was pleased with a marginal win against Slovenia [ more ]
RiverRock Reference: We should leave Football and the eurovision to the professionals. Lets focus on Rugby, at least we win stuff then. Not anymore you don't!! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: I pity the poor fans who have gone into debt for £1000s to watch this crap. I think I would have taken something from the experience and have treated it like a holiday, despite the poor English performance. But it's hard not to think of the cash... Crap - it's not even that good. !! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why are they after sunshine's crisps?
Demantoid I've just eaten a packet of crisps and I didn't offer Scabby any, nor would I. What is their problem? Her 'vegan stuff' is the equivalent to their food - are they saying their own grub is a luxury extra? They won't fade away and die if they don't have fags, but she'd starve without her food. Her vegan pizzas were way smaller than theirs (but she still shared them) and obviously lower in calories without cheese, so the crisps were just to bump up the calorie content for her, after a few days... [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: pecking order in the house amongst the girls, and Sunshine's at the bottom of it. Bang on Eugene .....and the likes of Keeva and Josie are doing their best to enforce it...using Shabby's big gob to do their dirty work [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: There's a pecking order in the house amongst the girls, and Sunshine's at the bottom of it. Because of that, the others think they're perfectly entitled to tell her what to do, and expect her to do it. now that is a very astute point. [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There's a rumour that Mario is
jeanoj I thought I could hear a slight American accent - and I believe his parents now live in the States. He is of Italian/??? descent so could be anything I guess. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Doesn't anyone know the latest on Mario's secret? [ more ]
Cariad Reference: I thought Helen was sweet,really liked her as a HM . Oh I liked her too but she was hardly an advert for the Welsh education system now as she? Corin reminds me of Helen. Not in looks obviously but there's a basic naive ignorance there which is rather sweet. Isadora - Glyn was from north Wales. We don't even speak the same language. Literally! But again he was a sweet but naive idiot. Given 6 of the first 12 US presidents were of Welsh stock and Wales comprised the largest... [ more ]
See all 130 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Spoiler Results: BB England v Germany...
Prometheus Reference: It may not matter to you to be mistaken for Welsh for wearing our colours.. (and i'm talking about situations other than where wearing an away kit is necessary - such as today) ......, it would obviously be a step up for you, but we like to ensure people are well aware of our seperate identities I was going to reply to your post in Welsh but I don't want to drown the entire forum in phlegm. Where did you get this ludicrous notion that Wales has some kind of monopoly on the colour... [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference rometheus England often wear red. I fail to see how it matters what colour Wales wear are as they are so unspeakably shit at football they may as well wear pink with yellow polka dots for all the difference it makes. They should stick to shagging sheep in my opinion. we shag em... you eat them... we piss in your reservoirs too It may not matter to you to be mistaken for Welsh for wearing our colours.. (and i'm talking about situations other than where wearing an away kit is... [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Reference: what do you mean just happens to be red too? Wales has always been red, England's colours have traditionally been white.......why do they insist playing in the Welsh colours all the time GRRRRRR! fair enough if it's an away match where you need an alternative colour, but they are increasingly using red as standard feck off England...I hope the Germans kick your arses tomorrow for your thieving ways Come on man it's only our away kit. First 2 games of this World Cup, England were... [ more ]
See all 67 replies...

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