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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Holy Ball Bags!! Ben risks eviction tomorrow *shocked face*
Ev (Peachy) Reference: I think Scabby and Keeva's "Love pact" to leave together will be out the window come eviction night. I would gladly give them a bunk up over the wall. One quick shove then they can have their Leaving together pact sorted. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Ducky THERE IS A GOD AFTER ALL! Feeling reckless tonight aren't ya Ducks? [ more ]
Cariad It won't happen...unless they think as it's the last show they have no audience to keep sweet? BB have placed people IN before now without asking (though remember the first housemate who went back in was Tickle and that was on a vote) -maybe they think what the hell? But I think not... Or maybe .... giving Ben that advantage will help him when he feels so down? [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A question about steam irons
Poolshark Reference: Reference: Kenwood G - 1123ST Steam Iron. Google Partmaster and then search Kenwood G - 1123ST Steam Iron. Your filter is £8.99 Cheers Blackpudlian, A great help, I'll call them tomorrow! [ more ]
bateman Use drool. [ more ]
Former Member There's two here [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
30 pence a slice!
justafriend hahaha thats Norfolk for ya. [ more ]
jacksonb i drove around norfolk once , rivers and wet places all over the gaff, which was ok as it's pretty, until i drove for miles down a road, which suddenly ended in a lake,the road just disappeared ,i had to do a 18 point turn and drive alllllllllllllllllll the way back, and up another road, took me hours. [ more ]
justafriend dont touch anything of bernards. and i live in his booootiful county [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Best looking housemates?
Cold Sweat Male - JJ Female - Shabby (without the hat) As Marguerita said; given a makerover Shabby would look stunning [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average None of the blokes are my cup of tea, maybe Mario because personality is a big part of my interest, although he's gay I'd go for someone of his nature rather than the others. Ben is too gormless, JJ is a knob and I can't be bothered with kids. Nathan is just a no, no, along with the rest of the males. Female, probably Shabby, although her personality is dead ugly. [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Brisket Corin, in spite of her best efforts to look glamorous looks hideously funny in my opinion. More of a pantomime dame. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no she doesn't! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Which music would you use to punish "naughty" HM's?
Blackpudlian Joe Pasquali's wonderful ditty, "I know a Song that'll Get on Your Nerves" [ more ]
Moonbeams Reference: Leonard Cohen for sure, I don't get him his voice is pants. I look at people who 'sing' his praises and think ' you need to get out more. [ more ]
Cinds Reference: Michelle Bass's moving and beautiful rendition of " Peeeee Zheyzooooo" There was something on TV last weekend, a count down of terrible music mistakes, and she was on that still trying to defend herself Plus Ricky Gervais was on for when he appeared on Razzmatazz in a pop group [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Joke Hunt!
Former Member Hiya Sis [ more ]
suzybean Reference: Do you know this family too? Heya I'm familiar with the T Wats. In fact I've seen myself called a Wat by some of the fine forum folk [ more ]
Former Member If you lose something you could go to Helen Hunt for it! (maybe she's the sister/mother/auntie/granny/niece/cousin/in-law?? [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ere!! Has Ben been punished or wot!?!?
justafriend i hope he trys at the stand up routine, [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: It must be a taste thing, Ben has very dry humour and often doesn't know he's funny but very much is funny. I like Corin BTW but she seems to be a spare part in the show and I think shes had alot of air time I am of this opinion mainly,but i do think BB is prejudice over who they give air time to. I'm sure they have their favourites as well as who they think will bring in the most viewers. When JJ was getting all the airtime it got right on my badingas. In fact he still is [ more ]
Videostar Reference: I find him deadly dull, for the most part. All he does is walk around with that trout-faced expression, somewhere between confusion and outrage. I'd know if Corin added anything much to the house if the HLs ever gave her some airtime. It must be a taste thing, Ben has very dry humour and often doesn't know he's funny but very much is funny. I like Corin BTW but she seems to be a spare part in the show and I think shes had alot of air time. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Your chance to repeal unnecessary laws
DanceSettee Reference: I'm not even going to pretend I understood your last post DS. But it was a a good point, well made. hahahahahahaha [ more ]
suzybean I'm not even going to pretend I understood your last post DS. But it was a a good point, well made. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: America supposedly started from scratch and it's taken them a couple of centuries to elect a mixed race President. It will be, as it has always been in the UK, a work in progress. And progress is good IMHO. of course the one forward step of electing one man from a previously unelectable race has to be balanced with the backwards step of the erosions of the freedoms of millions with their "Patriot Act" which many just lap up because it has the word Patriot in the title even though... [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who flashed what and when??
Rev. Dim Dale Reference: Reference:I think it is disgusting that she is making such a fuss about her vuvuzela being on show. If she is going to be a doctor she will be expected to ask a load of women to flash their fanny for her inspection. Bit of a worry if she;'s going to be an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist! LMAO [ more ]
Mentalist Reference: I think it is disgusting that she is making such a fuss about her vuvuzela being on show. If she is going to be a doctor she will be expected to ask a load of women to flash their fanny for her inspection. Bit of a worry if she;'s going to be an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist! [ more ]
Rev. Dim Dale Reference: Yes, there was definite fabric! Thank God it wasn't a thong [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now I'm not one to gossip - and I don't know if it's true but
Rev. Dim Dale No bloody wonder they lost, bunch of useless to 55ers [ more ]
suzybean That's interesting Croc....hmmmmmm. Didn't even look like a team on the pitch! [ more ]
Croctacus Well...I've now heard further rumours regarding this... It seems that part of the problem with England a the WC was cos Terry and Gerrard kicked off cos Terry was angry that he was so villified for what he did and Gerrard had seemed to get away with getting the 16 year old pregnant...apparently they came to blows and it ended up with the London players and the Northern players not speaking. Watch the huddle before the Slovenia game...gerrad doesn't join in and stayed out. [ more ]
See all 109 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby more upset about Keever than the hat..
suzybean Reference:deman Is it me, or did that whole tantrum just stink of fake? You are not alone deman [ more ]
Demantoid Absolutely, Blackpud [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: "It's my LUCKY hat! I can't believe Caoimhe said that, I can't believe the way she behaved. I thought she UNDERSTOOD.." Caoimhe had the flaming nerve to say that Shabby's mother would not KILL her for giving up the hat. I imagine that her mother doesn't fancy spending years in prison for the sake of an old hat. She should be sent to jail for not teaching her daughter that temper tantrums should stop in childhood. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else note Caoimhe being a complete ARSE to Rave Dave?
Eff_Jay Reference: but he had to pick someone, if Shabby had won the task she wouldn't have hesitated, infact she was gloating before the task she already knew who she was going to pick (after discussing it with Keeva :rolleyes....and you pick the person you like least or you think is causing most doesn't mean you hate that person, it just has to be done I understand that. But all the housemates are talking about this 'I love you' thing and how it's annoying them. Caoimhe just said... [ more ]
Demantoid Dave's an arse. Caoimhe's a bitch. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Please try to understand the the rivers of love of our lord Jesus Christ flow through Dave's belly for all of his fellow housemates. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katie Price renewing her vows this weekend.
Former Member shes a joke. hes a joke, they are a joke. this wedding is a joke. etc etc etc [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Your views please on the run up and the actual sense behind it? Money. money, attention, money, attention, having a party for their friends and family... and maybe attention? Hideous vapid orange attention seeking twonk... and she's no better [ more ]
Demantoid They only got married this year The road to rocky ruin lies ahead.. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum...
suzybean Jacko Everything about it worked, the timing and delivery. After all the angst over a hat and some baccy Josie just hit the ball out of the ground [ more ]
Cinds Reference: but that statement by josie has to go some where near the top of the list now. [ more ]
Cinds I realise that. I hadn't even heard about it happening before now. Maybe Josie is on to something with her knowledge of the obscure. Do you think I call my sister and tell her to be on her guard when she is feeding her Shetland ponies? OH MY GOD one of them has just had a foal, what if they gang up on her??? [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
l/f - here we go.... Keever n Scabby
Former Member [ more ]
DanceSettee oh i'm sick of these two now. scabby is just trying to punish Caiomhe for not fancying her over and over again. There is nothing Caiomhe can do now to look good. If she pulls away from her she is a bitch, if she tries to be too friendly she is just perceived as leading her on I've no love for either of them, but who the hell would want to be Scabby's friend or love interest after all this [ more ]
Former Member Why does Ife say Keeva fancies Shabby ,when Keeva has told Shabby were they stand .Just friendship. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nathan (who??)
Fletch Shabby and Ify bitching again when the person aint present??? Get fekin Shabby and Iffy out.. Their names sy it all. [ more ]
Fletch Reference: I dont like Nathan he has a real nasty streak I would starve rather than eat his food yuk I agree. and having 2 slugs for eyebrows dont help his cause. [ more ]
Fletch Hes a no-hoper IMO. Beem under the radar and will go after new HMs are put in there. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB have the crowd chant"Get Craig out"
DanceSettee The trouble with that plan is that even if you got the whole crowd to shout as one "Get Englebert Humperfurckindinck Out"...They will still all hear the name as Sunshine ! [ more ]
Fletch Reference: River Rock there is no one in the house called Craig,so the hms will think there is indeed a second house. Or just to take the pressure off the HM that the public really want out? Saving face for Shabby and KeeVa again. [ more ]
Former Member River Rock there is no one in the house called Craig,so the hms will think there is indeed a second house. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby is now my favourite housemate ever!
Cold Sweat Reference: I'm worried the split vote could mean curtains for Sunshine. Sunshine is safe this week. [ more ]
Soozy Woo There's no doubting that Keever is a malicious and quite nasty cow - however - I cannot bear to see tantrums, arrogance and quite simply peurile behaviour in a HM - therefore (although marginal) Shabby gets my vote . (actually I may give them one vote each) simply to save Sunshine. I'm worried the split vote could mean curtains for Sunshine. [ more ]
Fletch Shabby is another Kitten. All front and no substance. Lets see her reaction on Friday if Keeva goes. [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think Shabby needs psychological help.
fookat the only time i have gone mental like that was when i actually was having a breakdown! so i had a decent excuse [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Oh ,I forgot about the Pete like entrance,for that alone she should be evicted Disliked her on sight and absolutely hated her when she threw herself a la Pete Bennett over the sofa [ more ]
Former Member Oh ,I forgot about the Pete like entrance,for that alone she should be evicted. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Get the most out of your BB viewing experience
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Reference: I hope the real thing is available to those there on eviction night here at Hoochie's Brick Emporium we aim to offer a wide range of quality products to all our customers [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Reference: Kaytee *pulls up in a container lorry* Fill her up please Happy to help! At this rate I'll be able to move on from the Car Boot and take on premises in Borehamwood High Street [ more ]
Fletch I hope the real thing is available to those there on eviction night. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caoimhe thinks The Lord is going to save her this Friday
Fletch The Lord giveth, and the Lord takes away. On Fridaay the Lord will take away either Shabby or Keeva. They need Dave to do a laying on of hands to hope to save them, now that would be worth watching. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: I'm hoping The Lord will save the viewers by having her evicted. Get in there The Lord me old mucker. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! if the shoe was on the other foot - would Dave have reacted the same way??? I think not!! Yes he might be God-botherer/Bible-bashing 'idiot' to Keevy - but bloody hell he even went and apologised to her on her own.... spent a good while explaining himself, and then she went scarpering into the garden saying summat like 'did u see that - effing hell I couldnt get away fast enough' (this was on l/f that they didnt bother to show on h/l) [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie on BBLM
darloboy (Play The Game!) I turned off as soon as she appeared, couldn't stand her and I enjoyed drooling over Nicole and Indigo in Home and Away . [ more ]
Former Member Reference: So FM's are pi$$ed off at Sophie again for basically doing nothing wrong? Hmmm it feels like 2009 all over again! yep.... that is it. She probably doesn't have a thought in her head... So the other ones must have been pretty dull if Miss Dull won. [ more ]
suzybean Reference: So FM's are pi$$ed off at Sophie again for basically doing nothing wrong As far as I'm concerned it's not that she did anything wrong...she just didn't do anything on point right. Like when people win something outright in sports and other competitions, something that makes them stand out. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
England team after losing - disgraceful...
Fletch I agreed with what Shearer said about Capello only anouncing his team 2 hours before kick-off. Surely it would be better 2 days before the event so they know who they are playing with and the tactics they could use. [ more ]
strike they went as far as i predicted so i can't complain. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) At least Rooney has his holiday sorted out now, booked 2 days before we went out if the papers are to be believed . [ more ]
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