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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A message to Ben's Buddies and Corin's Crib
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Dear Rawky It can be arranged for your goods to sit on a post.....honest sincerely Yours ~hoochie~ [ more ]
scatterby Ooops Dear ~hoochie~ I can't deliver your goodies at the mo. Scatts (MD of the Sunshine Squad) [ more ]
scatterby Dear ~hoochie~ I will seriously consider your interesting offer and will get back to you (when we know the results of tonight's eviction). Yours sincerely, Scatterby (MD of the Sunshine Squad) [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
scatterby Aww, congrats I've got a 9 month old so am fully in the swing of it now [ more ]
GorgeousMimi RZB - Wow three teenagers!! you must be bonkers lol, Izzy is more than enough, labour has put me right off lol, NEVER AGAIN eek! This years BB seems a gud un thats for sure! BTW who do you think will win the world cup? my money is on the ARGIES! And thank you to all for you well wishes, I feel very loved x x x x x [ more ]
Former Member Well done Mimi, and welcome to the world Isabelle [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Capello remains England Manager
Prometheus Capello forced an ancient formation that's only used in Italy on PL players who have no idea how to take advantage of it. He played Gerrard on the left where he's useless and when the chips were down and we needed goals he brought on SWP who does not know how to play the game of football and Heskey whose only claim to fame is being the least likely player to score in any game he's ever played in. Capello has been a disaster for England. Either the FA are braindead (they pretty much were to... [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: For instance I don't believe there is a manager in the world who could have motivated Roonie to at least pretend to be making an effort. Roonie was a waste of space all tournament. He is now a laughing stock. Players like Roonie and Gerrard are excellent in the PL, what's needed is to translate that talent into the national team, which seems to be a big problem. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey The problem isn't the manager. We've been through manager after manager after manager and each time without fail England mess it up. The obvious problem is the lazy over paid players. For instance I don't believe there is a manager in the world who could have motivated Roonie to at least pretend to be making an effort. Roonie was a waste of space all tournament. He is now a laughing stock. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cold Sweat Reference: Well your other half has got sense anyway Sense enough not to support any of them yet! If Shabby survives i think it could be a turning point for her. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Did your other half support you with Sophie? If not, it's status quo In the final - yes! But she had more or less lost interest after Freddie went. [ more ]
Amythist No,get the love interest out shes sooooo boring and a big meany [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The first Big Brother porno flick is on the way.
Prometheus Reference: tbf it wouldn't be the first. I saw that Leia, or whatever her name was, shoving things where the sun don't shine. It was uniquely unalluring. I must have missed that. Are you sure that was a BB production and not one of batey's home vids? [ more ]
Bojangles Aghast .Yer dern't mean they got pics of Sunshines vagina on internet ulready. [ more ]
bateman tbf it wouldn't be the first. I saw that Leia, or whatever her name was, shoving things where the sun don't shine. It was uniquely unalluring. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last night - Ife - Nathan
Former Member Ife went to bed ,nathan got up and started to clean the top of the cooker,weird. [ more ]
brisket I know you didn't Fairfax. Absolutely not. (I can now see that possibility though - aren't words awkward sometimes? ) No problems. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Oh, of course they do Fairfax. Silly me Hi Brisket didn't mean that to sound sarky, just thought I missed something. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby having a dig at Corin.
Former Member Scabby thinks everyone in there is as nasty as she is. The only person she wouldn't dare take a potshot at is Steve, because she thinks she'd be perceived as being a right b1tch. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Corin seems to be playing the thick bimbo role, which is a shame because occasionally she provides words of wisdom, support and empathy to other housemates. I suspect that is the real Corin, but she chooses to play up to the self appointed bimbo persona. In conclusion, she's a nice fake. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Go Corin, she's not going to take your crap Shabby [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF..Bens task Tonight.....
cologne 1 Reference: To be honest, its a win win situation if either Shabby or Caoimhe go, so any vote is more than welcome I've put in a couple for you too. [ more ]
Baz Reference: Hi Baz my darling how are you. To be honest, its a win win situation if either Shabby or Caoimhe go, so any vote is more than welcome My only fear is that Ben won't get back in the house BB have a habit of sometimes not playing fair. Ok.... well I will put in another vote for each of us I am sure they will let Ben back in....cos I think the uproar would be tremendous if they don't.... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Shall I concentrate your vote then Hi Baz my darling how are you. To be honest, its a win win situation if either Shabby or Caoimhe go, so any vote is more than welcome My only fear is that Ben won't get back in the house BB have a habit of sometimes not playing fair. [ more ]
See all 64 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh gawd!
PeterCat I must say that the attitude of most people who work in my jobcentre is a lot better than my experience of signing on in the 80s. Then again, maybe my own attitude has changed. Having said that, they guy I got today came over as someone who does unspeakable things with chickens in his private life. He took huge and sadistic pleasure in telling me that I was to be sent to a "service provider" and that I'd still have to come in and sign every fortnight. I shall have to see if the place they're... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I have just had a bit of a go at one of my friend's daughters on FB moaning about a workman who started drilling at 0830 this morning outside her house... Well, it is a weekday, to be expected I suppose! They start early and finish earlier. I can understand being a bit annoyed if its your day off and you were looking forward to a lie in though I was sooooo annoyed when that happened to me one Saturday morning, I was grumping about them workign on a Saturday, but then thought they... [ more ]
Kaytee I sympathise with you all....hope you all get what you deserve and that the scroats that you mentioned in the jobcentres are all included in the cuts...they obviously have very few skills [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ threw Sunshine in the pool and she cut her arm on the edge of the pool as she fell
Xochi Reference: She's studying Medical Journalism, at the moment. Yaaaayyyy! I thought I remembered that right! She hasn't, in fact, finished her medical degree yet. She has taken 'a year out'/(was probably advised she'd be no good at the doctoring) and is now studying a different course altogether! Bless you Blousey! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey People talk about Sunshine emptying a bottle of water on JJ's head while he was in bed. Can someone please explain why his hair was completely dry? Thanks. [ more ]
Blizz'ard She's studying Medical Journalism, at the moment. Maybe she will have her own dietary advice show, for crisp eaters. [ more ]
See all 130 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby on LF now....
Baz Reference: I love it when she says she is "only being herself" when she has totally re-invented herself into this latest character. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I don't think Ben,Dave or Mario have the malicious tongue of Shabby..... neither do they claim to be outraged by others backstabbing... So true [ more ]
Former Member Reference: habby is now having a "discussion" with Caiomhe about Ife. Yesterday, the object of her "discussions" was Caiomhe. You have to admire Shabby for her loyalty to her friends. Much like Ben and Dave "discussing" Mario... or Mario and Dave "discussing" Ben... I don't think Ben,Dave or Mario have the malicious tongue of Shabby..... neither do they claim to be outraged by others backstabbing... [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby wants Keeva to leave.
Baz Reference: I agree and I find it absolutely sickening that people are buying into it I agree.... Shabby might be a nasty, spoilt, selfish brat, but she is not stupid. She knows exactly what she is doing with all her tantrums about Caoihme, and if the latter falls for her * let's leave together* rubbish, then she is living on another planet! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Shabby I think will be safe for a bit longer. When a housemate looks fairly safe but not extremely safe I am always concerned that they are in extreme danger as online guides have prove flawed previously. Also, Caoimhe is not seen as a big character; if public opinion were to match that expressed on this forum she would sneak under the radar leaving Shabby evicted with quite a large majority. Rachael looked in a position of relative safety heading towards the evening of the week... [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: My gut feeling tells me that Sunshine will go Don't say that!!! DON'T EVER SAY THAT!!! Goonies never say die!!! [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T What on earth does "cockle" mean?
The Devil In Diamante We use cockle here in the NW as well....alreet cockle... [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] My grandfather`s name was Cocker (not his real name) but his parents were Cockney and apparently Cocker is a Cockney term for a spoilt child. Me ol` Cocker. `me ol` cocker` has continued as a term of affection in our family. [ more ]
Former Member cockles and muscles alive-alive-o [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
East Enders question. Why does Stacey call Mo Nan?
The Devil In Diamante ..other irritations... ...would anybody really be as nasty as Janine Butcher? Even when Stacy and Bradley were 'loved up' they were never happy...why can't they show people being happy instead of just miserable and grumpy and troubled.... there only one Detective in the whole of East London, as everytime there's a crime, the same person shows up.... does Stacey manage to sell any of the carp she has on that stall.. Peggy Mitchell....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ...and finally,... [ more ]
Kaytee Oh! and Lucas.....phwoarr! but EEEK! [ more ]
Moonbeams If I remember rightly Phill and Billy are second cousins. That means they're grandfathers were brothers. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunshine..never noticed until tonight
Kaytee I think that Keeva has very little support anywhere on t'interwub...well a lot less than the other two, but Sunshine was blatantly attention seeking over the JJ thing...and a lot of teenagers like JJ, so quite a few votes will go to her as well. I think Scabby will be safe again and Keeva will go over Sunshine, because the voters know that they'll get another chance at the other two. [ more ]
longcat Reference: i think soon as they say wanna go ............ they should get chipped out let another person in Or if you say you want to leave your automatically up for eviction. [ more ]
Former Member Shabby is now playing the self journey card.... it will work for sure. It is already working It's the Aisleyne effect... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie Fanclub
Joyron Squiggle. I'm sorry that I posted in this thread after we decided to let it go. I was so surprised to see it on page 1 and just posted instinctively. I agree we should let it go. I wonder why darlo has not realised we decided to close it. I won't post in here again but will, hopefully, catch up with you in another thread later. [ more ]
squiggle Morning Joyron, see we are here together , Ben is being totally delightful on LF, I could hug the guy . We should let it go again I think now [ more ]
Joyron We had decided to let this thread go but I was only talking about missing it with Squiggle yesterday. Now it has re-appeared. There must be a reason for that!! I'm glad to see that Freddie likes Ben. [ more ]
See all 12,087 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Double Eviction ?
kattymieoww Reference: 3 more noobs going in tonight according to the rumours. Nah Jackson it's next week.. [ more ]
Fairfax Nasty spiteful thing for BB to do, Caoimhe and Shabby have done far worse and were not punished so harshly. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Gel I hope he pulls it off His stand up comedy routine that is! Yeah Michael McIntyre eat your heart out, Benny's here [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oooooh! stop the ride I want to get off!!
Aimee Re: Oooooh! stop the ride I want to get off!! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: My daughter calls me Monica off friends she often walks past the sofa and pushes one of the cushions off just to annoy me and waits to see how long it is before i put it back in the right place I used to share a desk with someone who had been in the forces and was obsessional about where he put things. He had barely anything on there but the stapler and a pen tidy. It was my life work to always move his things just an inch or too to the left or right and then leave a random object... [ more ]
Aimee What would really annoy me is this, Sunshine was in bed upset the other day and she shares a bed with Corin, Ben and Dave both got IN bed with her with there shoes on, if i was Corin i would have flipped, she did say get out of my bed but they just ignored her My daughter calls me Monica off friends she often walks past the sofa and pushes one of the cushions off just to annoy me and waits to see how long it is before i put it back in the right place [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Teeth Whitening
Former Member I spread vasaline on my teeth to stop them sticking to my lips when im smiling I live in a strange world. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! haha - it goes everywhere else on me - I SWEAR by vaseline all over the body - its great at locking in moisture (baby oil can do the job too) wash urselves all over first ladies, dont dry off just slather in vaseline/baby oil.. let it soak in....makes ur skin feel and look good - anyway back to my teeth - I have NEVER ever put on my teeth l [ more ]
Mathematics Reference: u reckon Maffs??? So if I smear a bit around my smokers teef before I go to bed in the morning, I wont be dead in a few hours time? Well, maybe if you are allergic to it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
She hasn't been top of my list
Cold Sweat TBF Sunshine is really pretty in her profile picture. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I am not a fan of hers, I think she is somewhat of an attention seeker and is way too fond of the mirrors. But..... I do feel a bit sorry for her, especially when she is ganged up on and the take the proverbial. As for her being a doctor? Hmmmm not so sure about that. [ more ]
cologne 1 Soozy, I still remain that she sticks to her guns. She's a bit out there and, after the conversation I heard yesterday, she knows it, but is professional at work. I can't help liking her. Practically everybody in there with possibly the exception of Steve, Ben and Dave have got it in for her, nominated every week, no wonder her recilience is down. but she is getting on with it an if self affirmation would get them a decent budget, she'd get it. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good news for the viewers ,if true!
LowonIQ Thank goodness or someone else that Brian isn't going in can't stand him [ more ]
PeterCat Shame Brian isn't going back for the BB winners' special. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Brian Dowling doesnt fill me with joy Erin, I have to say - I feel so HEINOUS now - but I SUPPOSE he's better than some of the ol shoite they COULD have chosen (nod nod face) - IMO there is too much interference already, what with Benny-boy going out the the masses 2morro (to be apparently slaughtered - he will LUV IT!!!) (nod nod smiley and a big thumbs up heehee). I really REALLY hope Ben does the biz 2morro and I cant WAIT for the newbies - spesh to split JJ and Josie up [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok, that snoring is INHUMAN!!!!
Fletch Reference: I would have more respect for the hm that does nom him for the snoring and his lack of personality. Totally agree with you there. the HMs are either wary of the fact that he is disabled and fear looking bad noming him, or are that intent on getting shut of the folk they hate, that he aint been up yet. [ more ]
sandra i really am going to bed now ................ can i just say this years winner IMO is the woman who got her face ripped off by a chimpanzee i will remember her forever [ more ]
Former Member I would have more respect for the hm that does nom him for the snoring and his lack of personality. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ah ha!
Bojangles Reference: was it a hair ? Praise the lord it wasn't a pubic. [ more ]
sandra Reference: That was vile to look at - and the teeth picking after - what on earth did she get in her mouth? was it a hair ? [ more ]
Fletch Reference: The pair of them sicken me TBH............shame it's not a double eviction. Throw JJ in there as well and lets have a triple eviction [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cosmopolitan The previous owner of the house we now live in hanged himself. If that wasn't bad enough, his son showed me the notches made in the beam where he did it. Slap bang in the middle of the lounge... Seriously creeped me out for a while [ more ]
Former Member Reference: she was ill & I think whatever anyone had done she would have still found a way to do it. Sadly, I think this is true Ditty. It is impossible to try and understand what drives people to end their lives. To be in such a desperate state is beyond comprehension. Sad to read all the stories on here [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: I actually don't think there is anything that can be done for the majority yeah... I think I have finally come to that conclusion. My friends sister was ill... we knew she wasn't right... though none of us knew how bad she was. My friend didn't know til after, but her mum had known she had/was contemplating suicide... and as a precaution she'd removed all the medicines from the house. Prior to it happening, my friend had snapped with her sister... she'd been lashing out at... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
NOW she starts coming on to Shabby
Fletch Reference: contrived ............ they * know* they are getting camera time ............. what will keeva's BF think ? Hes probably ringing around now for Agents/Mag deals for her when she goes Friday. [ more ]
Bojangles Reference: I think the pair of them are going to stage a fake lesbian love affair to stay in the house which is wrong on so many levels That would be absolutely heinous [ more ]
sandra contrived ............ they * know* they are getting camera time ............. what will keeva's BF think ? [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So... who do YOU think are the biggest players in the house??
Fletch Reference: Surely the motive of a game player is to lie low and keep safe from nominations. Agree. and when they come up for eviction, the hated HMs go, maybe to the detriment of the show, but we all love to hate the bad ones, and suffer with boring TV when they have gone. This is BB down to a tee. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: You are looking for motives where there aren't any. She is just someone who does not like conflict and is quite happy trying to keep the peace. Surely the motive of a game player is to lie low and keep safe from nominations. Corin is doing just that isn't she? Everyones citing Shabby, sunshine and Ben ...........if they're truly game playing - they're pretty shite at it as they've all been up for noms. [ more ]
Fletch Shabby for sure along with Keeva. Most of the others seem to be keeping under the radar and out of confrontation, apart from JJ and Josie. Roll on when new HMs go in. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonights hl show(spoiler)
Bojangles Reference: I'm glad the pool incident is included in highlights as there's been no acknowledgement of it on the website. Didn't seem to be the same as last night's live streaming,it had been highly edited.Sunshine last night going on and on that JJ had exposed her vagina.Which he didn't.Tonight he exposed her underwear. [ more ]
Kaytee Shabby and Keeva...won't happen [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I'm glad the pool incident is included in highlights as there's been no acknowledgement of it on the website. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave better find cover
Soozy Woo Reference: keeva says she wants to go, shabby said she wants to stay. and keevas odds on fav to go. it wont be easy to get shabby out, if shes not evicted tomorrow. It's a proper dimella aint it. I think I might give one vote to each of them and wait and see. I desperately want Shabby out but really can't stand the thought of humourless, boring, lantern jawed, flabby thighs, man cub, Kever being in there a moment longer. [ more ]
stonks Dave will be fine he has the lord on his side.... [ more ]
justafriend keeva says she wants to go, shabby said she wants to stay. and keevas odds on fav to go. it wont be easy to get shabby out, if shes not evicted tomorrow. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Some Techie Advice
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Reference:Fletch Fletch ...I think i love you.... i watched the video for this and it looks like exactly what i want .... it seems like it will be reasonably straightforward and intuitive for me to pick up and learn what I need to do ..... really appreciate you taking the time to reply. i think I'll order this. if anyone has used it before I'd be interested in any comments [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Veggie ...thanks for that it's a really good idea. There's none near enough to me to make it practical for me but I'm sure there will be others who want to do the same thing that it would be worthwhile to try. hope life is treating you well [ more ]
Fletch You might check this out. VHS to puter DVD. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife trying to make Sunshine look bad.
Former Member Bit unfair on the Zipster that, Karma [ more ]
Bojangles Reference: Don't you think Ife resembles Zippy? Yep,but you could zip Zippy's mouth up. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Just watched tonight's HL's...No one made or was trying to make Sunshine look bad, she did it all on her own. Ife, Josie, Douche Lord all voicing thier opinion as to why Sunshine craves attention so much. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are you anything like your favourite hm?
jacksonb i am attached to wearing hats,and guyliner, i talk a bit posh too, i also fancy girls.. that's where the similarity ends tho, i wouldn't touch caoimhe with some one else's. [ more ]
justafriend no i dont talk posh at all, and i dont talk alot im very quiet. totally different backround to Ben. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Blizzie offline 12,258 Forum Posts Today at 5:58 PM Last Edited: I likes Josie and Corin, but I is nuffin like em. I is more Shabby Hello btw [ more ]
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