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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Survey
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities To be honest I can't see the point in C5 having these surveys and less point in any of us completing them. They either take no notice of them or we (GGJJ forum members) are in a minority and everyone else completing the surveys actually love the current format and type of housemate. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Not for the first time with BB surveys either... In fairness, though, some of the questions were time-sensitive, e.g. "Do you intend to watch CBB?", so it was never going to be kept going for too long... [ more ]
Baz Strange was open this morning [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother: Jason (Spoiler)
Cold Sweat That Sunday night double was a pathetic idea - though from what I've read - the actual result was one of the best moments of the series. [ more ]
Baz I think they truncated it because it was falling so flat CS ....then they had to devise ways to quickly get the numbers down [ more ]
Cold Sweat Don't forget the X Factor rejects! I'm struggling to get my head around the pacing of this most recent BB and how 9 HM's remained with just 4 days remaining. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Munich Shootings in Shopping Mall
Baz I agree Velvet Although Rentokil is too good to God for them [ more ]
Syd A sad state that people are told to ' Keep calm, and stay indoors'....... Sad World.....Mad World. How long do we in 'Our World' have to 'Stay Inside' 'til it is safe to venture 'Outdoors' incase a 'lunatic' with a named ' Cause ' gets US? [ more ]
Syd I don't want to think about the 'Bomb' I spent to much time worrying about that in my youth...... I just don't want to spend my dotage worrying about my grandchildren playing in a park waiting for the next lunatic with a 'cause'....... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hot Pants for Men
Cold Sweat 19th April 1952: 19 year old usherette Margaret Lewis from Carmaethen, Wales, who lives in Kensington, caused a stir in Piccadilly when she decided to beat the heat wave and travel to work clad only in bikini and high heels. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Brilliant clip Rog. [ more ]
Former Member Also reminds me of when Roger got his super-short shorts on American Dad [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Perfume - Velvet help plz
Jen-Star That's a shame Solero, I'll be careful if i buy Ebay Nice to 'see' you btw [ more ]
Solero I bought 2 separate lots of perfume off eBay this year. Both have had to be sent back as they had gone off. Such a shame really as I have had some cracking perfumes at great prices, in the past but I have to say, these last 2 purchases have put me off buying perfume on eBay �� [ more ]
Jen-Star Thank you :: I was looking at a DKNY one in boots today £30 for 30ml... found it on the fragrance shop... £25 for 50ml!! Still looking for the Ralph Lauren Romance i fell in love with though. I'll search that site for it now x [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pokemon GO
Jen-Star See, this is exactly the type of thing i was talking about! Why are some people so stupid. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair FYI, Network Rail Safety Bulletins can be accessed online. The bulletin I referred-to above can be viewed in pdf format here: [ more ]
Former Member Good grief Eugene. Such individuals are contenders for the Darwin Awards [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I need some ideas for a short documentary.
El Loro Frank Gehry is a famous Canadian architect who was born in Toronto but has lived in the States for most of his life. Most of his work has been in the States or countries around the world but his one work in Canada of note was the renovation in 2008 of the art gallery of Ontario which is in Toronto. [ more ]
barney Toronto "a dogs eye view" [ more ]
Baz Re: I need some ideas for a short documentary. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bank survey phone call linked with Windows technical support scams
Yogi19 Thanks for the warning El. [ more ]
Kaytee I always use very unladylike language and end the call and some of the scam E Mails look convincing too, in which case ignore and delete. Remember that Government and Police and the banks will never E Mail you for anything to do with their dealings with you [ more ]
Baz Thanks El Loro Was just reading about an elderly lady who lost her life savings when thieves watched her put her pin in at a supermarket, then stole her card I know what I would like to do with these type of animals ....but I can't print it here [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Russia state sponsored doping across the majority of Olympic sports
Baz If they let them participate in Rio it's a travesty ! [ more ]
Baz Re: Russia state sponsored doping across the majority of Olympic sports [ more ]
El Loro Statement of the International Olympic Committee on WADA report The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has today received the World Anti-Doping Agency’s “Independent Person Report”. The IOC will now carefully study the complex and detailed allegations, in particular with regard to the Russian Ministry of Sport. “The findings of the report show a shocking and unprecedented attack on the integrity of sport and on the Olympic Games. Therefore, the IOC will not hesitate to take the toughest... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Where is Saint?
Yogi19 I echo what EC, Rog and Baz said. We miss you, and hope things are improving for you and your family. [ more ]
Baz Thinking of you and your family Renton ....we miss you [ more ]
Former Member And from me too Sainty We understand why you're not here, but miss you xx [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Turkish Coup Overnight
Eugene's Lair I agree with Jen that that's probably not a bad thing. At least he hasn't repeated his suggestion that President Erdogan had sex with a goat. Well... Not yet anyway... [ more ]
Jen-Star That's not necessarily a bad thing where Boris is concerned [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Boris Johnson's first chance to make a diplomatic comment to camera. Pretty standard scripted stuff, nothing that will go down in famous quotes books. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Something I did not know about Mr & Mrs May
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I'm never surprised when I hear about people in power having links to business in one way or another, it would seem the old saying "money makes money" is quite true. [ more ]
Jen-Star Oh yes! I went down the rabbit whole a few months ago, looking at who owns and controls them.... scary stuff [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Dodgy McDodgy of Dodgytown? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strictly Come Dancing judge Len Goodman to quit show
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I'm not so sure about Antonio, he could end up grating on me. Although I think he is reaching his time as a main dancer, younger guys nipping at his heels! [ more ]
Baz I don't mind Anton getting the job , but can't stand Brendan [ more ]
barney i like Len apparently Anton and Brendan are fighting it out for his job [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jason to win!
barney I liked him until Charlie went, he seemed decent when he first went in, then I felt sorry for him being landed with his bunny-boiling ex and I was so looking forward to seeing him with a new lease of life after she got booted out. Since she left I really don't think he is being himself, can't quite put my finger on it but he seems to think a bit too long before speaking for it to be natural .... i don't know .... i am deffo not a fan [ more ]
Jen-Star Re: Jason to win! [ more ]
Former Member Seems like an allright geezer p.s. Rawky can you get us Canadian visas? No particular reason... everything's just fine here in the UK [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's May Day
Former Member Thank you for bringing us that, GJ. [ more ]
kattymieoww meet the new boss,same as the old boss.... [ more ]
Garage Joe I'll just slip this in here if I may. Mrs Jer follows Michael Rosen. Apologies if you've already read it! What I read last night: (scroll down for William Shakespeare does Alastair Campbell) Is there a peer in the house? is there a Labour peer in the house? Is there a Labour peer who voted for the war in the house? We need a Labour peer who voted for the war to appear on TV now. We need a Labour Peer who voted for the war to talk about a disaster and a catastrophe We don’t need a Labour peer... [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pistorious found guilty of murder
Moonie Will do Xochi [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average how many times have I to tell you to be careful woman Pleased you're on the mend lovely and hope you're about the forum more, tied down somewhere to be on the safe side He'll serve three Xochi, can't see an appeal on the cards...I think this would have always been left to the wishes of Reeva's parents and to be honest I think they have had enough. [ more ]
Moonie ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Theresa May
Eugene's Lair Yeah: her "official" reason is clearly nonsense. Laura Kuenssberg has said that Leadsom simply hadn't appreciated just how much scrutiny she'd be put under, and when she finally did , she realised it wasn't something she was prepared to put up with. Personally, I put down to a fatal combination of inexperience and hubris: the latter preventing her from recognizing the former. IMO the whole "but I have children! " fiasco was just the final straw. [ more ]
Garage Joe If I was a Tory strategist that's exactly how I would play it. Rush through a succession and claim to be the stable party whilst Labour MPs try to run off with their party and cause trouble for the rest of the year. The difficult part is, having listened to the economic experts, she must now try to keep the EC status quo and single market whilst pulling the wool over the eyes of the Brexiteers. It's going to be a challenge. Good luck to her. Our place in Europe is more important than party... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I think I would echo what others have said. What the hell was the point in standing in the first place! It all adds to the general level of wavering politicians. Just seems like a complete waste of time. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heart hospitals
Yogi19 She sounds lovely, Rog, I'm glad you had someone like her on your side. [ more ]
Former Member Yes, its important to point this out Yogi . My very first CPN was similar, used to bring me little treats and even things from her house when she was having a clear out, and knew I didn't have much money at the time. She took steps under Adult Safeguarding procedures to make sure I was ok as I'm a recluse more or less. She even texted me Happy New Year a whole year after she'd left community work, to work nights at the local hospital. I sent her a bunch of flowers, it was such a small... [ more ]
Yogi19 Rog and Velvet My only experience of MH nurses are people I know personally. One works with teenagers and younger children in the community, and is a caring and committed MH nurse who tries her best to make a real difference in the young people's lives. The other works with adults in the community and is also committed and caring. The standard of care you two have received is horrifying and the worst thing is, there must be more people who have suffered the same treatment as you. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cliff Richard
Kaytee He's not quite home free because the case was dismissed through lack of evidence, but the way he was treated was a disgrace [ more ]
Baz I agree GJ ....the BBC weren't going to ignore it ....and if they had they would probably then have been accused of a whitewash ! [ more ]
Former Member I thought his awful music was banned on BBC radio anyway! The BBC hid Saville and then went after an innocent man. I can sympathise with Cliff on this one... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chilcot report - military action at that time was done before the peaceful options had been exhausted
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Chilcot - A place where a very relaxed infant lays. [ more ]
Amythist It annoys me that an inquirey has taken so long and tells us something we already knew...and over a million people marched, people who for the most part had never marched before, who felt so strongly that it was wrong, were ignored....that was what we were used to under Thatcher and it caused great disillusionment with New Labour [ more ]
squiggle Possibly delusions of grandeur Sprout [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
North Korea
Former Member Ace idea [ more ]
Former Member They're gonna have to have a coup to get rid of him Or send Michael Gove over there [ more ]
Former Member I keep wondering when the regime will fall, but it seems it's just getting more and more bonkers. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Driverless cars on my streets before the end of the year....
Jen-Star Hiya Cosi I'm good thanx, busy and knackered half the time now adays... Driving mean i have to do the shopping etc lol I've been wondering where you were hiding, how are you doing? xx [ more ]
Cosmopolitan I was thinking of you as I read the title (hello darling, how's you?) [ more ]
Baz I don't fancy the idea of driverless cars either ....although if they hurry up with it I might actually be able to learn to drive [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Frexit: Could France be next?
Garage Joe So one can get rid of them? Who knew? (answer=most of us) Currency tanked. Bank shares ruined, Economy in a "challenging" situation. Billions of quantative easing. Crisis of Hegemony all round. Very slight destabilisation of the rest of our community. Let's blame Charlotte Church! etc. Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? ( Lydon, English philosopher) [ more ]
Former Member Incredible isn't it Kaytee [ more ]
Kaytee Somebody has incompetent drunk who got the Commission job.......a couple of days after his own parliament chucked him out after a coup for *no confidence* [ more ]
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