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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No Football Allowed!!!!
Former Member You just made me do a sad face for the dalek! And I meant it too! [ more ]
Former Member LOL Brilliant - thank you [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: I have always loved daleks. I can't see why people are scared of them. It is soooo funny when they go off on a rant and get all upset.. how can people be scared of that? oh i used to be terrified of them when i was a child. For some weird reason I thought that every time I pulled the toilet chain a dalek would emerge from behind my parents wardrobe in the bedroom next i used to leg it downstairs as quick as I could . I also had really scary nightmares about them as an... [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass As much as I dislike Sunshine, I so wanted Keeva to go. The smug look on her and Shabby's face said it all. Next time maybe. [ more ]
suzybean Awww sorry Rawky I wasn't a big fan of Sunshine but I could have tolerated another week or so of fairy dust and show tunes over faux Lesbian affair am dram angst [ more ]
strike Reference: You are right again i hate being like this Blue ................................... [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Be Careful Corin...Kevin & Scabby are coming to get you!
Tayto. Hiya Marg. Hope all's well. [ more ]
Marguerita Hi Tayto [ more ]
Tayto. Reference: I think Corin could hold her own with all of them in the house I think they would be making a big mistake picking on her I agree with you Marg and I wouldn't like to be around if she has any reason to blow her top. She has a lovely personality and she hasn't even registered on Ife or Caoimhe's radar yet. The knives will be out for her soon. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
% Please
Tayto. Doh. I didn't think of the wasted minutes due to the power cut because I was out and it was on when I came in. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Tayto. Today at 02:38: I wondered about that as well Fletch. They also didn't show her the Messages from the others like they did for everyone else but I'm putting that down to having to give time to Ben's Stand Up. That, the fact that they lost time due to the power outage, and that they still seemed to be having technical difficulties at the end. It did all seem a bit convenient, but there you go... Even the announcer at the end acknowledged that the conspiracy theorists would... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Fletch Today at 02:26: and was surprised that SS didnt get to pick who to give heaven or hell to... Funny this just happened this week?????? Phil Edgar-Jones said on DS earlier in the week that they were changing the way they used "Bob Righter" because "it hadn't worked as well as they'd hoped." - in other words, they were hoping to see ex-HMs exacting revenge, but were disappointed because they kept choosing the "nice" option. Also, the HM's twigged what was going on very quickly,... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB should take away their luxury budget for breaking the fire exit
LowonIQ Reference: Give them hell, Striped suit for a week, no hats, burn all their belongings on a bonfire in public.. I could go on, but need to sleep now so Night all will be back with more torture for them later. Striped suit like Fletch's Nite [ more ]
Fletch If BB doesnt punish them, then they will feel they have won. Give them hell, Striped suit for a week, no hats, burn all their belongings on a bonfire in public.. I could go on, but need to sleep now so Night all will be back with more torture for them later. [ more ]
Tayto. Reference: Josie made me laugh when she came out to shout at them Hi Darlo. Josie is brilliant. She's straight up. She says nothing behind anyone's back that she doesn't say to their face. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's gone nuclear. The world is over. End is nigh etc.
Prometheus Interesting take on it. I just think she is plain ugly, within and without. [ more ]
Xochi Ahhh... The Promethiroach Era! (I could have merged your name and said insect differently... but thought better of it.) [ more ]
Mathematics Not to sound shallow, it's just an observation, but I don't see what all the fuss is about regarding her looks. She seems very average looking to me, and she has quite a goofy mouth. Perhaps it is her shit personally making it seem that way though. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caiomhe just talked about future nominations.
Former Member Reference: Keeva, Shabby an Iffy will be conspiring all weekend on who to nomnate next week Ben and Mario have each voted Shabby 3 weeks running. Shabby has voted Ben once and Mario once. The silent assassins never seem to get criticised... Shabby has been nominated 3 times for reasons already stated. So people are hardly going to comment on something that is so obvious to everyone but you. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Keeva, Shabby an Iffy will be conspiring all weekend on who to nomnate next week Ben and Mario have each voted Shabby 3 weeks running. Shabby has voted Ben once and Mario once. The silent assassins never seem to get criticised... [ more ]
Fletch Reference: throw her out Hey- That Bald headed guy on the Lappy on BBBM mentioned your name off a website tonight. Thought i remembered the name. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rule Brittania, God Save The Queen, Jerusalem and
Soozy Woo Reference: In 1966 England were awarded a goal that never was, this is the year as you know England won the world cup, England won the match 4-2 , but surely they cheated their way to that trophy if we use your theory? That goal took them to 3-2 .....they then went on to score another. Don't see that as cheating. [ more ]
jacksonb gawd soozy, i'm not going over it all again, [ more ]
stonks Reference: I don't actually think it was down to him to make the call. The referees decision is final isn't it? Not just the ref but the blindsman.... [ more ]
See all 78 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Keeva and Shabby were barely shown tonight,complete hatchet job on Sunshine.
Cold Sweat Reference: I think the point is that it was unrepresentative. Shabby and Caoimhe actually had heated exchanges over the last few days, but they simply weren't shown. I thought it was unrepresentative of BB not to show us the foam fight that they had following the tension when we did see them falling out on the Wednesday HL show. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Cold Sweat Yesterday at 23:58: Not getting into arguments towards the end of the week is standard procedure if nominated, surely? FM's continually moan on here about too much Shabby on the HL's - then when they show a bit less of her they moan about that to... I think the point is that it was unrepresentative. Shabby and Caoimhe actually had heated exchanges over the last few days, but they simply weren't shown. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Not getting into arguments towards the end of the week is standard procedure if nominated, surely? FM's continually moan on here about too much Shabby on the HL's - then when they show a bit less of her they moan about that to... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will the house dynamics change?
Mathematics On the contrary, all of the housemates now know that Ben is loved on the outside. They watched his stand up on a monitor. If anything, the dynamics will now swing in Ben's favour. [ more ]
Fletch Reference: I don't know what will happen on the outside, but I think Ben would be as well to steer clear of Shabby while in the house..... cos it can only end in tears. I agree Baz, and glad you agree with me. Anyone in there could be Shabbys next victim. [ more ]
Baz Reference: If i was him i would stay well clear of her on the outside. She will get in his house and squat there. I don't know what will happen on the outside, but I think Ben would be as well to steer clear of Shabby while in the house..... cos it can only end in tears. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The biggest eviction injustice since Alison and....
Soozy Woo Reference: Once she was up, she was doomed: One of the basic rules of BB in the early series was that girls always get evicted when up against boys... I disagree tonight it was a three way eviction ....two of them pals (and disliked) the vote gets split ...that's how I see it anyway. [ more ]
stoory Reference: Eugene Alex and Sandy. Sandy What a joke all of the Scottish housemates have been........we haven't had a decent one yet..........Thank feck he climbed the wall. Alex wasn't much better......"Sandy COME BACK " [ more ]
Ducky I'm not sorry she's gone , but I'm sorry you lost her Rawky. It sucks when you lose your fave. And I 100% agree about Alison and Science! *hopes he doesn't notice the glaring omission* [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lets be honest, she was the creator of her own downfall
Marguerita Yesterday was her downfall.. [ more ]
RiverRock Reference: Anyone else seeing the irony here...Sorry couldn't resist... Lol, very good [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Absolutely, she should have just chilled out. Let's be honest, you dont go into the BB house without expecting horseplay, and she wasnt that worried about showering and sunbathing etc, all of which could easily have shown of her ladybits. Anyone else seeing the irony here...Sorry couldn't resist... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie is BB's chosen one...
Marguerita It is very early days to say who will win hope it is not sly Josie new HMS will be going in the winner could be amongst them [ more ]
Fletch Reference: I am worried that Josie could be voted out if she has a big falling out with JJ. For now most of his fans, not all seem to like her Seems like anyone who crosses that arse hole gets evicted if they are up. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) The odds are always up and down . [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blimey SS gone?
Senora Reyes Reference: I don't feel guilty for feeling glad she's gone. Me either, didn't care which of the 3 went tonight, as they all got on my nerves. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: She got a bad edit tonight I thought, but two words: split vote! Yes she did, they started showing her with Twoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Pizzas and a bag of Crisppppppppppppppppp, then went on to show what happend afterwards at no time was there a mention of her having given one of the Pizzas away or the fact that she did not have any topping on her Pizzas. Plus it looks like some sick person is rubbing their hands togther over Scabby turning Camel or waiting to see how low... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I don't feel guilty for feeling glad she's gone . [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Two possiblities. SS voted out or 'fix'. So...
Cinds Reference: sunshine made the mistake of making the pretty boy look bad. Nail on head Don't think for one minute I like JJ, but I think Vaginaexposedgate was SS undoing. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Eugene's Lair Today at 23:25: Reference " I think people want to see Caoimhe and Shabby get together" Honestly, I really don't think they do - not at all. BB's trying valiantly to build it up, but I haven't seen any posts supporting it (in fact, I can't recall any support for Caoimhe at all). [Edit] Even Davina's now referring to it as a "no-mance" on BBBM. [/Edit] [ more ]
ikataili I thihnk she got voted out because she had a hairy fit and right ol' diva turnout about JJ ....and no, I dont like JJ, and no, Im not a scabby or Kevin fan either. Sunshine just acted like a right tit. If she'd have been a left tit she'd have been in with a chance [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Up yours, Davina!!
ikataili ahhh, worraloadofol'shit, she might have looked surprised, and let's be fair, everyone must have been surprised, I like Ben but I thought he was going to fall flat on his barnett, but she didnt look gutted. I do wonder if I'm watching the same as everyone else. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Davina looked gutted that Ben didn't mess up his stand up comedy task. She's completely given up trying to hide her lack of impartiality. Eh? In reality, I dont think she could give two shiny shits, she's paid to be a bit of a doughnut. [ more ]
Former Member I can't stand Davina. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T At the age of 14, how many times should you masturbate a day?
Aimee Reference: When the trailer first came on, my 16 year old son looked mortified, i looked at him and he looked at me and not a word was spoken The same thing happened in my house, the second time it came on, she put her head phones on [ more ]
Moonbeams Reference: Well at least she didn't..........actually, never mind Oh my gok don't even go there. [ more ]
bateman Reference: We had to write the question down and place it in a box Well at least she didn't..........actually, never mind. [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Percentages anyone?
Moomin OMG then that means Scabby must be quite popular? Noooooooo!! Why on earth didn't we get rid of her in the first week? The same thing happened last year with Lisa. Some people never learn. [ more ]
Former Member davina said that Sunshine had 42% of the vote and it was close between her and Keeva. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If SS goes...
sandra it is now the * showbeeva * show [ more ]
Mary Seacole I don't Believe it, ( in my Victor Meldrew voice,) I want my money back BT. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Yes.... and I think the other HM's will think she is popular and could stop nominating her.... and then we will be in the same boat as last year, with Lisa, .... stuck with her for weeks, and moaning that we didn't vote her out when we could! That's what is worrying me, Baz. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a new most disliked housemate.
cologne 1 I don't like the way she seems so detached from the other HMs, by which I mean that she seems to think that she is the only normal person in there. She's not clever enough to understand the concept, but on the whole I don't mind her as much as some of the others. [ more ]
Senora Reyes I don't mind Ife...What she shouldn't do is assume she can solve everyone's disagreements. there's a thin line between meddling/peacemaking. [ more ]
Former Member She's ridiculous. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hatchet job.
cologne 1 Reference: butwhatifdfiefnshwifibnwdiodns Oh god, I'm so nervous I can't speak difdifhsdfaowoiejwigfhrbgo cnxcxbspd [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Oh god Fairfax - I so hope you are right I'm not a betting person Isadora but I'd put money on SUnshine staying [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: 'm a little bit occupied with Sunshine's safety at the moment Wait until next week, it will be cash on delivery if she stays [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario upsets Ben.
Senora Reyes I kind of ure more on Ben's side..Mario can be quite stroppy in general, but a lot of his strops lately are to do with Ben, which seems to stem from sexual tension and unrequitied love for Ben. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Mario's feelings for Ben have intensified but Ben does not reciprocate. Mario then gets pissy with Ben, and then Ben bitches about Mario's sulky fits Thats it, in a nutshell [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: such a shame as I thought they were good friends Mario's feelings for Ben have intensified but Ben does not reciprocate. Mario then gets pissy with Ben, and then Ben bitches about Mario's sulky fits. Yeh, their friendship is pretty much beyond fixing. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Give us your best street slang
Former Member I live in Scotland, geez a break, i would take up the whole forum!! [ more ]
IckleDitty Oh and sick, sick one, safe - means good, cool, awesome etc [ more ]
IckleDitty Boyd - Owned - Merked - The complete domination of someone e.g. "You're a b-tard", "OOH BOYD!" Allow - A negative word e.g. "Allow double maths next" means "I dont want double maths next" Standard - Fair - Pretty obvious tbh Gee - Lad - Badaman - Gangsta , hard man etc Waguan - whats going on in a stoned jamaican accent [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do you suppose Josie is now favourite to win BB11?
Senora Reyes Reference: I don't appreciate your style of posting. You are reasonable enough when you are talking about one of your favourites, but seem to have to swear and demeen when other FMs have different ideas from you. Get a grip. [ more ]
Fairfax And again, [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Bullied? Oh FFS I don't appreciate your style of posting. You are reasonable enough when you are talking about one of your favourites, but seem to have to swear and demeen when other FMs have different ideas from you. Get a grip. [ more ]
See all 54 replies...

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