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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
George Lamb on BBLB
liverbird Reference: I have never heard of him Perhaps you should google him - he's been in lots of things you might recognise him! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: So George is half sheep? Closer to three-quarter IMHO! oh shh... go watch Shabby... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Larry Lamb, actor. Played Archie in Eastenders and Gavin's Dad in Gavin and Stacey I have never heard of him [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pamela Anderson to Kidnap Male Housemates?
Former Member I really hope this doesn't happen. Rubbish [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Yep.... like us Hi Fairfax Sorry the votes didn't work Hi Baz ..just seen this - thanks a million and of course there's always next time [ more ]
El Loro Reference: 46-year-old Danish actress Brigitte Nielson. If Brigitte Nielson (ex Mrs Stallone & Red Sonja) went in, there would be nothing left of the male contestants - she'd eat them for breakfast. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Because I don't want his weiner up my bum ,I'm an appalling person.
Moonbeams Reference: I think it is a bit sad that Mario thinks every man he fancies will fancy him back. (A bit like Shabby who said that she has never been rebuffed by a woman she fancies) Agreed, when they were talking about getting new housemates he then (last night on the LF) said something like 'oh it doesn't matter if they're in a relationship' implying that he'd get them anyway. I'm growing to dislike him everyday. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I think it is a bit sad that Mario thinks every man he fancies will fancy him back. (A bit like Shabby who said that she has never been rebuffed by a woman she fancies) [ more ]
kattymieoww yea Mario has got the hump or rather he hasn't. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Ben were gay...
Cariad Reference: oedipus complex. Reminds me..Clash of the Titans is on Channel 5 this afternoon. The proper one with Harry Hamlin sporting a bouff Ben would be intimidated by and a plasticine Medusa and everything!!! If he was a celebrity "confirmed bachelor" I could see that. But he's not famous and doesn't have the wherewithal to keep something like that a secret IMO. If he is gay then he's so deep in the closet Mr Tumnus is probably a really good mate. [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. There are plenty of Closeted Gay celebrities and they are rarely outed. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: He's just a Foppish Dandy...the biggest womanizers in the world (and yeah I'm speaking from experience!) ain't that the troof [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben should stop telling HM's what he thinks...
Leccy I don't think Ben's foot in mouth syndrome is malicious. He's just hasn't got a self censor button. [ more ]
Kaytee Sometimes it's wise to keep your own counsel, Ben hasn't learned that yet [ more ]
Former Member I don't think Ben is capable of any sort of guile at all. He just says what he thinks and is probably one of the most genuine people in there. The danger is, because of this and because he refuses to do things that he cannot see the point of doing, this could well get him up for nomination a lot. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF Mario and Ben make up.
Kaytee I simply think that Mario got jealous because Ben had a moment in the spotlight that he wanted and threw a hissy fit at Ben, who threw one back. Alls well that ends well. [ more ]
brisket On that, we can agree. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Prometheus. We differ! I have no problem with that. I genuinely meant no offense but hey let's not fall out over it [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK who is going to nom who tomorrow?
Kaytee Well on last night's HLs, Josie had the knives out with the two witches for Nathan, so I think they've cottoned that if they're up against wallpaper then that's who will go...although Keever hasn't cottoned that she's wallpaper yet. Sooooo...... Ben.....Keever and Nathan Steve....Scabby and Ben Mario....Ben and JJ Nathan...Scabby and Ben Dave...Scabby and Keever JJ.....Dave and Nathan Josie..Nathan and Dave Scabby...Nathan and Dave Keever....Nathan and Dave Ife....Nathan and Dave [ more ]
justafriend I think Bens going to get alot of noms this week. jj is going to pick up a few. [ more ]
Fairfax With a bit of luck I think Nathan might be up. and heres hoping Shabby is up and finally goes [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone else notice
Former Member I noticed [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Cold Sweat Sunshine's verdict on Shabby: Quirky character who seems like a nice girl. She stuck up for me a lot. She's a good person. Now show Sunshine the bits where Shabby was bitching about her. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Sunshine's verdict on Shabby: Quirky character who seems like a nice girl. She stuck up for me a lot. She's a good person. I like Sunshine a lot. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James clapping his hands when Sunshine was announced?
Fairfax Reference: JJ's later comment that he thought she had been first to be saved, seemed like a good explanation for what I saw Correct. I hate him but fair is fair. [ more ]
Blizz'ard I saw JJ and Josie clapping, but neither of them looked like they were clapping in celebration of Sunshine going. JJ's later comment that he thought she had been first to be saved, seemed like a good explanation for what I saw. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Soozywoo Today at 02:02: On tonights highlights didn't JJ say that when Sunshines name was announced first he thought that she was safe? Yes, he did. He thought she was the first person to be saved. I just found it interesting that, considering the stick that JJ was getting again tonight over the clapping. no-one noticed that he wasn't even the only HM doing it... [ more ]
See all 89 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What name did Nathan call Shabby that was beeped out?
Soozy Woo Reference: bout the c word being hijacked as the most offensive swear word there is for so long (30 years almost) Far, far longer than that I'm sure. It is a word that makes me cringe. [ more ]
Cariad Reference: But do you think it should be broadcast uncensored - given the ignorant context in which it was used? My reply has been censored. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: What name did Nathan call Shabby that was beeped out? Hygenic. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife - who will nominate
Former Member Reference: Outside big betting sydicates seem to be ruling the outcome of the evictions now, sad really Think it's Fridays highlights show. [ more ]
Prometheus I didn't really think that post was so good I had to make it twice lol. You'll just have to trust me. Livecloud WTF? [ more ]
Fletch Her time will come as will all of the others. After seeing Sunshine evicted ahead of the other 2, the betting threads are nothing to go by, as are the thoughts from major BB forums. Outside big betting sydicates seem to be ruling the outcome of the evictions now, sad really. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Going off Mario, sexual frustration is turning him into a knob...
PeterCat Reference: a sort of blender (did I say blender - I meant bender) That really was a very feeble attempt at a joke - don't judge me on that please. [ more ]
Former Member is he still in there [ more ]
Jones Yeah, I know what you mean Senora .... I do still like him ... he's a kind soul at heart but all his moping around feeling sorry for himself is not doing his popularity any good. Hopefully, he will snap out of his melancholy mood asap!! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Quick question - be truthful
Cariad Reference: Sorry - that's me buggered right there. I don't do authority. Ever. I'd have told him to cow off. Actually a tenner says I'd have had HIM doing star jumps instead. [ more ]
Cariad Reference: It requires you to act as if you are in boot camp under a tough tough tough drill sergeant. Sorry - that's me buggered right there. I don't do authority. Ever. I'd have told him to cow off. [ more ]
Former Member star jumps and running on the spot for hours id tell you to stick your fitness fun and thats how gypsie seees it [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Ben a Wan**r..?
Former Member Reference: Does that still count? More to the point; who is willing to lend a hand? [ more ]
Blizz'ard I'm starting to think that he's so lazy, he may always get someone else to do it. Does that still count? [ more ]
Former Member Well if he is one then his post BB 15 minutes are assured. He can do the 'how many times a day do you........' tv show everyone was talking about. Sorted [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does Shabby have to stand on the bed to talk to Josie?
Senora Reyes Reference: Oh, I think that's probably quite common! More common than we think.. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: Oh, I think that's probably quite common! LOL you are probably right [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Dance Strange for someone who wants to be such a dominating bully to be still be acting like a petulant toddler though Oh, I think that's probably quite common! [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave wins back their suitcases.
Fletch Good on dave for winning the task. As for Nathan, he needs to get out the kitchen more. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Would this be the same Nathan who quit his 3 hour laughing task after only 15 minutes? Just wondering. Yes it is, it's fascinating how they jump to make Ben thier "Whipping boy" but never own up or bring up when they eff up. [ more ]
Baz Reference: Would this be the same Nathan who quit his 3 hour laughing task after only 15 minutes? Just wondering. Yes..... same one.... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good day/bad day
Mentalist Oh, I quite liked it myself, maybe they thought everyone would choose bad day so they could really be evil lol [ more ]
brisket Sunshine chose nobody. They didn't give her the choice last night. I think I read somewhewre that the producers may drop the idea, because it's not working as they hoped. [ more ]
Baz I don't think they did that this week Mentalist. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB don't think the heaven/Hell options are working
Former Member Looks like BB will decide what message Bob delivers,next week it will obviously be the new HMS. [ more ]
Former Member bump [ more ]
suzybean Reference:eugene 1) Freshly-evicted HMs who've just be given a "wake-up" call by Davina aren't going to want to appear any worse to the GBP, so there's absolutely no way they'll pick the "bad" option. I'm amazed BB didn't realize this. Even Govan, who sooooooooooo wanted to give Ben a bad day blinked at that and, decided to give Josie a good day. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben punishment spoiler?
Lil Misz Reference: Does he know his day of Hell is from the tree? Or does he think it came from Sunshine? The note he received said he now faces the wrath of the TOT. [ more ]
brisket I believe his boot camp instructor is Myke Hawke, who they wheel out any time they need a pretend tough soldier. He's been in Trisha, and Jeremy Kyle (I think), and those programmes where bad boys pretend to be soldier. He's been on BBLB too. [ more ]
longcat Does he know his day of Hell is from the tree? Or does he think it came from Sunshine? [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight HL show,(spoiler)
Fairfax Reference: No mention of keeva asking the Hms to nom her on Monday. Rule break. No mention of Shabby and Keeva running up the stairs to the front door. No mention of them breaking the fire exit BB are being very obvious this year. Plain to see who are the chosen ones. [ more ]
Kaytee The Witches of Elstree are the chosen [ more ]
cologne 1 The BB babes. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife has a point
DanceSettee Reference: In that he's like most blokes surrounded by a houseful of harpies. He's just after a quiet life yeah, Total Wimp! I do like him, but his patheticness is beginning to wear a bit thin now I think he relies on his little old ladies to look after him in RL and can't cope without granny power backing him. [ more ]
Cariad I rather think Ben has decided it's safer to be economical with the truth given the reaction he has had in the past when the truth has come out. In that he's like most blokes surrounded by a houseful of harpies. He's just after a quiet life. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I can't stand his attitude, lying, hypocrisy, selfishness and his ideology, but apart from that, I'm sure he's a lovely bloke. You know I love you to bits and you are one of my favourite FM mates, but we didn't agree on whatsherface in CBB and I don't agree with you on Ben. I really don't think that he knows how badly he gets things wrong. He just sees what's in his vision and no more. If I felt he was any of the things you accuse him of, I'd go off him, but I just don't. He's a... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do you work this thing?
Scotty Reference: I created a "how to" document so that users could update their IE settings and thereby be able to view this website as intended. Spider, is your "how to" document still around? I`m using FF but I don`t like it. I`d rather get back to IE with your fix. Thanks x [ more ]
El Loro Reference: Already have FF. I usually use opera because its faster. I don't know which version of FF you have, but the current one v 3.6.6 is supposed to be a lot faster than older versions. [ more ]
Lil Misz Already have FF. I usually use opera because its faster. Never known a website to discriminate against web browsers. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you need to tell someone anything in private...
Scotty Reference: brisket Ife, the stirrer, also seems to have appointed herself as some sort of expert in humanity. She is the self-appointed house counsellor. Appalling woman, trying to sound as if she has all life's answer, whereas she has very few of them. Agreed brisket. Nobody actually listens to her. You can tell she knows this but she keeps on trying. I feel embarrassed for her. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: seems to be probing everyon painful! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Brisket Ife, the stirrer, also seems to have appointed herself as some sort of expert in humanity. She is the self-appointed house counsellor. Appalling woman, trying to sound as if she has all life's answer, whereas she has very few of them. Brisket, I agree. Can't bear her or her whinging voice. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I bet Mario nominates Ben next week.
Lil Misz Reference: Dunno about Mario, but JJ will certainly nominate Ben and Dave again, now that Sunshine's gone and Shabby and Caoimhe have been saved. JJ switches allegances as the power of the house changes. So how do you explain the fact JJ nominated Dave and Ben last week despite them both being saved by the public vote the week before. [ more ]
kattymieoww I think they will all nominate Ben next week,he doesn't know when to shut up, sigh! I still like him though. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: He really is being pathetic Much as I like Ben....I have to agree Blizzie [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB need to lay off Ben NOW!!!
Kaytee Ben knows what he's doing...I like him, but he has wimped on every task so far...maybe part of the gameplan, maybe not....but I do think that BB has tried every trick in the book to get the public to dislike him. Having said that, he went in there fully aware of what BB can and will do to tbh, I don't have any sympathy for him or any other HM...they're there to be shot's a game!! [ more ]
brisket Reference: did I hear it said that Mario has only one testicle? No. The left one is larger. But then, this applies to the majority of men. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Why do you start a thread saying that everyone is judgemental, sarnge, and then show yourself to be equally so? Hey Moon do you remember KG/Kandygirl, it's her and she's winding us all up, I fell for it until I was told it was her. If you don't know she and old and much loved FM from the old site. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well i enjoyed it :)
Smarting Buttocks I haven't managed to watch last nights episode. They haven't bothered to put it on the "On Demand" service. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: Seemingly! The housemate that i tried to vote out in week one suddenly transformed into compulsive viewing - i wasn't planning on becoming too involved in BB11 - now i feel well on my way to becoming over involved! Awww bless ya! I suppose if you have a financial investment in these things then it goes to another level. I like Scabby - yep she's annoying but at least she's got a personality.Some of the others wouldn't know what a persona was if hit smacked them over the head! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Does it mean that much to you? Seemingly! The housemate that i tried to vote out in week one suddenly transformed into compulsive viewing - i wasn't planning on becoming too involved in BB11 - now i feel well on my way to becoming over involved! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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