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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why haven't they left yet!??!?!
Baz She is now making her *don't nom me please* move... .................. [ more ]
Baz Reference: Because they're a pair of atmosphere-hoovers who won't be content until they've sucked every last atom of joy out of that house. What a brilliant expression and so true Not to mention sending my blood pressure through the roof.... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Because they're a pair of atmosphere-hoovers who won't be content until they've sucked every last atom of joy out of that house. What a brilliant expression and so true [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've NEVER liked that God-botherer Dave...
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: regarding the footage of his hairy back, it's just not right, they are picking on him. I am sleep deprived... that sentence translated into an image in my head of the housemates all standing round Ben's back... picking bits out of his back hair! [ more ]
Demantoid Wasn't it Sophie last year that liked picking scurf off that wanker Kris? [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Conveniently ignoring the fact that they didn't show him being caught out on the plasma screen, blatantly lying about his TOT task! yeah... I felt a bit robbed with them not showing that... [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie on LF re. JJ - "he said I rolled my eyes"
Blackpudlian Reference: That's how I perceived it too JB...She has her faults but I do like how she don't take Sourpuss's bullshine without fighting back. Spot on Lee [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: i think her issue with jj, is that he lied about steve seeing the eyerolling, in an effort to get her invovled in the rageoff, she wasn't having it That's how I perceived it too JB...She has her faults but I do like how she don't take Sourpuss's bullshine without fighting back. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: i think her issue with jj, is that he lied about steve seeing the eyerolling, in an effort to get her invovled in the rageoff, she wasn't having it. That's what annoyed her Jackson, as far as I could make out. The fact that JJ lied to try and drag her into something, she was really pissed. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So last nights events were instigated by Gruesome Twosome
SpiderMonkey Reference: I want them to leave by the front door and face the crowd they are taking the easy way out To be fair they were both up last week and the public (in their infinite wisdom) kept them both in. [ more ]
Marguerita I want them to leave by the front door and face the crowd they are taking the easy way out [ more ]
Baz Reference: oin me in a prayer,a sinners prayers are always answered Baz so get busy Boy.... in that case, that means I should be well in [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kevin, leave our Corin alone!
SazBomb Reference: The bairn said that, we were nattering tonight and she said much the same...she was dead lead on to a convo about how not so hot folks look more attractive when they are funny or nice. It's the first time she'd ever noticed. She was for once vaguely impressed with my theories I turtelly agree with your theory [ more ]
Karma_ Just realised it's actually 3.32 and not 2.32 - had my friggin clock set on the old time on here Off to my pit too, traaa Lecs xxxx et al x [ more ]
Leccy Ta ra Dame Ann [ more ]
See all 91 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does anybody care?
Mentalist Reference: I care! I don't [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I care! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey With Sunshine leaving last week and Shabby leaving today there will be very few housemates remaining who contribute towards the highlights storylines. Basically Ben, JJ, and to a lesser extent Josie, will be the only interesting housemates remaining, and there's a good chance Ben or JJ will be up this week. It isn't really looking that great. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The final turn of the screw....
suzybean She is not a cunning or ever. [ more ]
Senora Reyes I wish someone would tell Shabby on the quiet, that Keever is not or never will be in the Vagina business. [ more ]
Baz Yes, I watched it too.... but it's not for the other HM's they are doing it.... it's for the cameras and the GBP. They didn't want the HM's to take pity on them..... they wanted *us* to.......IMO [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Gruesome twosome say they want to leave.
Baz Reference: I've got to go out for a couple of hours this morning, I've sat up half the bloody night and gonna miss the outcome But I doubt anything is going to happen Dame Ann...... I really can't see them waking.... can you? [ more ]
~Lee~ *Taps fingers* We're waiting ,patiently waiting ,get a move on and get their sorry butts out of there. [ more ]
Baz There is of course one BIG downside to this.... and that's they if they do walk, Ben is sure to pick up the most noms this week [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sorry to hear that Shabby is leaving this morning
Baz And Ife is still at it this morning!!! ..... alone, in the nest, talking to some imaginary friend, asking if she was losing her mind and overreacting...... She is a big an actress as Shabby!! [ more ]
jacksonb i reckon caoimhe and shabs will def go. ife out played them last night and out drama'd them,lol [ more ]
Baz Sadly, I don't think either of them will walk Jacksonb. I wish they would, and take Iffy with them, but........ [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fake walkers trying to talk each other out of leaving.
Baz Reference: I reckon someone told him Santa Claus wasn't real when he was 4 or something and it's pissed him right off for the last 20 years. Not a happy bunny that one. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:dame ann Shit [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: Shabby gave several reasons why they would regret it. Keeva knows her number's up but no way will she leave. She doesn't even know why she should leave. Yes she really IS that thick. they also went thru the reasons they should leave. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I now get what Corin means regarding Mario
Demantoid Reference: suzybean Would you like me to PM you? ION we've booked a table to see Airto and Flora @ Ronnie's in August You can if you like, but I bet I'll regret asking I hope you have a fabulous time at Ronnie's - I'm sure you will! [ more ]
suzybean Reference:deman Do I want to ask what 'pearl necklace' means? Would you like me to PM you? ION we've booked a table to see Airto and Flora @ Ronnie's in August [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Do I want to ask what 'pearl necklace' means? It's not advisable this time of morning Deman [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not one HM is up to make them stay.
Gel I'm guessing they haven't gone then yet [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks It completely heinous. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I find Keeva utterly boring, she offers nothing to the show, no personality, not worth watching or listening to. Only reason she's gets BB camera coverage is because she hangs on to Shabby who BB want to make the most of re tv coverage. Keeva, please leave the Big Brother house like you keep threatening to do [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why Ife is angry(cringegate)
Leccy Reference: Jen wasn't quite ready for the art world. Reference: ohh its taken me years to bury my anger for jen, and there you go, bang..shes back in my head with her fake tears and snot Mr L day 1: Oh how lovely, a pretty, really attractive dark haired Geordie cool. Mr L day 2: Get that moany cow off my telly, oh hell she's such a bloody wet blanket, arghhhh Christ what a twisty sour winy git. What!? I don't even watch BB anyway [ more ]
Former Member Aww, Gyps! if i have bad dreams im blaming you [ more ]
Prometheus To be fair to Iffy, nobody realised at the time that what she was doing with her body was meant to be 'dancing'. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This year..I cant make up my mind
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: The whole let a friend suffer and not you thing has completely rubbed me up the wrong way though. Me too, switched me off him again [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I am so enjoying this show me too not once have i moaned its dull or im bored with it. Its a good one ! [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: I like Ben most of the time, but I'm sure this task thing is going to lose him votes. It seems he's not going to be interested in doing anything physical or uninteresting to him and when it comes to the shopping budget he should be making every effort, lets see if he does. He's definitely his own worst enemy. The whole let a friend suffer and not you thing has completely rubbed me up the wrong way though. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby's latest role...
Prometheus Reference: I think she just fancies rescuing keeva out of their and whisking her away to a travel lodge Yes, then she'll be told yet again that Keeva's not interested because she clearly hasn't made it obvious. Trouble at mill is what I see. [ more ]
Former Member all of the above are true- especially the point of blaming others for her actions. She is a revolting person and is indefensible IMO. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I think she just fancies rescuing keeva out of their and whisking her away to a travel lodge Premier Inn, Shabby will want a pint [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby and Keeva.
Prometheus I told you all. We had one chance to get Keeva out and the voters blew it and got rid of Sunshine. I told you all. I warned you. I was walking the streets with placards that said 'Get Kevin Out For The Sake Of Us All'. Did you listen? Oh no. No, you did not. [ more ]
Former Member Lee - I hear you my daughter! *gets dialling* [ more ]
~Lee~ *Does rosary* Do you hear me god?,let these pair go. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The good thing about all of this.
Fletch If one of the 3 witches of the west goes then i am fine with that. But who knows? the Bookies had SS as safe? I will just keep watching and hoping. BB should ban Shabby from wearing headgear WTF? Its summer here and she ponces around in whatever headgear she can lay her hands on. Whats next? a Burkha??. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Out of the three I want Keever to go, but I bet Ife will go...undeservedly IMO. [ more ]
Baz I do hope so Mathematics [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Techie Problem, sort of, can anyone help
Yellow Rose Thank you to those who've replied It's frustating to have heard so many times that nothing is ever really lost on a pc, but it seems only experts can find what they're looking for, I'm no expert lol. Prometheus, I can remember most of what I wrote, if I'm meant to pass it on hopefully I'll remember the rest, if not meant to be hopefully I'll find another way of adding something else that helps. Thank you all [ more ]
Prometheus There's a chance if you open wordpad again it will tell you there is an unsaved document. I'm sure you've tried that already Failing that you would need to send it to a specialist who can retrieve the data from the hard drive. It's probably not worth it but if you can remember the first few parts of what you wrote you would be amazed at how quickly the rest of it will come back to you. I hope you get it sorted. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Just checked, it doesn't. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Iffy may be in the right here but on LF...
Eugene's Lair Reference Baz... Today at 01:10: Yes.... and she sounds like she has swallowed a self help manual half the time! Ife is a self-help manual... [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Prom I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess she will tell everyone a million times how she's 'already been through this stuff on the outside'. What's that smell? Oh, it's another burning martyr. That's alright then. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Baz Yes.... and she sounds like she has swallowed a self help manual half the time! She`s gibbering erse. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Mario....
brisket Mario may become unpopular with "certain people" simply by association with Ife. [ more ]
Former Member She's had a plan all along! Sneaky snake that she is! She will only attach herself to anybody she thinks will make her look good! [ more ]
brisket I hope Mario knows what he is doing, because Ife could be bad news for him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Iffy living up to her name!
Baz Reference: jumped ship when she realised they were going to be picked off, right after Govan was evicted she distanced herself from them. That's my take on it too.....She had a sudden realization that maybe she had back the wrong horse, and has been wandering from one to another ever since...... [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Aunty Marge! just trying to look at it from both sides Of Iffy's two faces? She really is a little sh1t stirrer, and she's proved it tonight! She was oh so brave in front of an audience, ...she's got more faces than the town clock! [ more ]
brisket Reference: but I think he can handle it Brisket You know how to reassure me Baz. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF update. Kevin takes an hour to
mary_bee She really annoyed me just then with her 'don't you dare raise your voice to me' finger pointing act. Also I wish her and Shabby would shut up and listen to Ife saying she doesn't want to speak to them. I love the comparison between now and a few nights in when those three were sat at the smoking area well into the morning discussing how they're probably going to be friends forever. [ more ]
jacksonb here's a good laugh..from ds. Caoimhe tells Shabby she's upset that she's been made out to be a "total f****** bitch". She adds: "I'm not a bad person," as the pair retreat into the kitchen. "Well this is a right old pile of b*******," says Shabby. [ more ]
jacksonb haha. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Leccy Reference: i do too, thats why its depressing. Yep. And it wasn't all bad *ducks from missiles* [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: I think he started off with the right intentions though. i do too, thats why its depressing. [ more ]
Leccy Blair went wrong, lost his way and...well loads of other stuff, you could write a book (and many have ) I think he started off with the right intentions though. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...

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