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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Forum Crashed Again...
El Loro This is a copy of a post I made on 9 June in the Feedback thread shortly before BB kicked off. Re Fookat's problem, I have also noticed that if a user posts a reply on a thread at exactly the same time as another user posts, that there is a delay in the reply getting through. I suspect that from 9.00 pm UK time today people are going to find this happening a lot because of BB. Lets hope the servers are up to it. So I had my suspicions that the servers could have problems coping with the... [ more ]
liverbird Thanks Lori! i had RL issues yesterday so couldn't come on during the Hl's - came on straight after and couldn't open any thread anyway I like it this time of day tho- nice and quiet Still much better than ch4 - used to happen every night then [ more ]
Lori I take that back. It's not so good. Reporting! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bucking bronco(save task)
~Lee~ Reference: Claps hands together and hopes that JJ loses the buckin' bronco task to a girl... *Joins Brummy* [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! ^^^ time will tell Baz - Keever didnt exactly break her neck to take the back door with Shabby did she?? She's in it to win it just like the rest of em - for ONCE I'm hoping Keever steps up and puts the grubby little shit in the shade [ more ]
~Lee~ Do you think we need to ask for divine intervention again Baz?. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does Gloria call herself Ife?
Leccy Reference: I believe you! Madam, how dare you! I am innocent! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Leccy I accidental found his twitter today and that's on his feed. I believe you! [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Thats a joke I heard. Young boy asked his father why his sister was called Sunshine ,his father then told him when his sister was born his mother looked up to see the most beautiful sun shining through the sky,and keeping with tradition she named the baby after the first thing she saw Sunshine.The young boy thanked his father and walked away,but his father called to him "Why do you ask two dogs Sha**ing in the Park"? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't know who I dislike more now
Rocking Ros Rose Reference: Ife has turned into a pot stirring little mare, but she's still a furlong behind Keever too true [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Reference: here is something about all of them I can dislike with the exception of Corin and Steve they are just enjoying the experience they are the two most positive genuine people in the house IMO. totally agree marg [ more ]
Kaytee Ife has turned into a pot stirring little mare, but she's still a furlong behind Keever [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
YESSSS, JJ is up for evitction
Baz Reference: How has Ben avoided being nominated this week. I don't know..... even as a fan, I felt sure he would be up for sure. [ more ]
Kaytee I have been noticing that JJ has quite a following on those LF channels that have a chat stream running down the side.....Keever has no fans at all...pity....never mind eh? [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks How has Ben avoided being nominated this week. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My summary of the highlights
Fairfax Reference: Oh, sure. Just to be clear: I'm not defending Shabby or Caoimhe. I think they're all a complete shower. I mean, Shabby hasn't got the right to have a go at anyone for playing-up to the cameras - then again, neither has Ife, but that's what she did to Sunshine... [ more ]
Leccy 5th (or so) attempt, I agree with Dance Settee again. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference DanceSettee Today at 22:37: the thing is even if Ife was performing and even if she did feel a fool when her wig came off (which i don't subscribe to myself)...real friends wouldn't mock and bitch , they'd tease or laugh WITH her, not AT her. Oh, sure. Just to be clear: I'm not defending Shabby or Caoimhe. I think they're all a complete shower. I mean, Shabby hasn't got the right to have a go at anyone for playing-up to the cameras - then again, neither has Ife, but that's what she... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby: I'm the best kisser, I'm the best at cunn...
suzybean Reference: I think if anyone seriously challenged her, she would throw a wobbler. She wouldn't be the only one [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: It was a harmless girlie talk about kissing Harmless, yes. But there was serious intent on Scabby's part to ensure Keever and the rest of us knew she was the best. Not the first time she has done this. I think if anyone seriously challenged her, she would throw a wobbler. [ more ]
Baz Reference: OMG I thought i was only one who thought it was a cold sore, it looks well dodgy. LOL.... no.... I seriously thought that was what it was Senora I only found out when someone on the forum mentioned that it was a ring [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby and Kevin leaving the house update!
~Lee~ I agree Kaffy. ...She made her bed time she lay in it. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: It really hacks me off that she gets a BBLB slot. They should get 5 minutes in the diary room and the bus fare home. I agree Kaffy. ...She made her bed time she lay in it. [ more ]
Kaffs It really hacks me off that she gets a BBLB slot. They should get 5 minutes in the diary room and the bus fare home. [ more ]
See all 321 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby's first interview.
Former Member Reference: i liked her interview, i thought she seemed dead genuine. Well she is an actress. [ more ]
Former Member i liked her interview, i thought she seemed dead genuine. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Isadora Shabby realised she had milked every little drop of attention seeking behaviour from that house thus she walked and now the Shabby show can commence on the outside, probably There's got to be at least a few cameo pieces out of all this for her, in something like a new Dickens adaptation or a BBC3 programme. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby: "Ben to win!"
jacksonb we are fighting a losing battle cold, hm's for the most part on here seemed to be judged n how they react to, or treat ben,whether in the past or currently, no avenue for changing an opinion is allowed as the weeks wear on, he is the falkland islander amongst us, and his wishes are paramount... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Shabby can't stand Ben. This is such a misconception. She often had nice things to say about him and positive opinion - in typical BB style, some only choose to remember the negatives... [ more ]
jacksonb Reference: I think that was the case at the beginning, but she was getting on with him alot better. absolutely right. on the morning of ben being tipped out of bed, and bens attitude to it and then repeatedly calling jj stupid, the camera panned to shabby's face and you could see her reaction to ben, i'd say it was a mixture of respect and pleasant surprise. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: Did Caoimhe intend to leave?
jacksonb i think last night she had every intention of leaving. [ more ]
Scotty I agree with hoochie too. Today, she`s getting on well with Josie. She always did but I believe she watched her step because Shabby could maybe get jealous. On LF now she`s bantering away with JJ, Mario and Josie. Telling jokes and laughing. She told a bad joke..nobody laughed.. but still... Yes, we could see a "different girl" now Shabby`s gone. [ more ]
Mary Seacole I don't think she had any intention of leaving,but without Shabby there she can get closer to the housemates that she thinks are most popular with out feeling guilty or upsetting Shabby,, she will be less popular because of the pact she had with Shabby one goes both goes. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Sunshine
suzybean Reference: Oh i wouldn't go that far...a few sharp slaps should suffice I aint gonna lie, that sounds good to me [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: They should bottle her Oh i wouldn't go that far...a few sharp slaps should suffice [ more ]
suzybean I was very pleased to see Shabby looking so happy on BBLB, considering she stated that was on the verge of a breakdown. They should bottle her [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does Nathan childishly flap his arms around...
Liverpoollass I have never taken to him from the very start and why the female HM's think he is hot, I do not know. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: He's hardly a barrell of laughs himself though, is he? He certainly isn't. I can't stand him. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: but he called Shabby a: "Fecking Stormcloud of doom" just before she walked. Gotta give him props for that He's hardly a barrell of laughs himself though, is he? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Iffy threatening to walk now!
Karma_ Oh FFS what's she wanting to walk for now [ more ]
Baz Reference: Ify getting on my wick, big time She is so sly and shifty, and doesnt she like a drama ! Mine too Skylark.... and she has not once even hinted that she may be slightly to blame...... [ more ]
Former Member I agree Baz, get them all up. They all deserve to be, they talk about noms all the time! Ify getting on my wick, big time She is so sly and shifty, and doesnt she like a drama ! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
DanceSettee Reference: 'm starting to wonder if Keeva lured her into this decision in order to get rid of her. more like the other way round, where scabby was trying to spoil Caiomhe's chances and it backfired ah well, who cares the nastiest one has gone.....and all's right in the world [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Iffy treating herself to the sound of her own voice...... and giving people the benefit of her vast experience.... yet again! That's Ife all over, why use 5 words when you can use 500. Reference: ...and a hat and some tobacco. All the important things in life [ more ]
Baz Reference: Ife showing her flair for melodrama "She's been to the brink destruction" or some such gubbins. Oh please, she was in a house with a pool and parties and they argued over crisps... This is not Darfur. Iffy treating herself to the sound of her own voice...... and giving people the benefit of her vast experience.... yet again! [ more ]
See all 80 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Losing interest
MrMincePie I expect viewing figures to go down in next two weeks, the most controversial HMs who have the balls to give their opinion are going to go... do people ever learn It was the same with BB9 + 10, got rid of the "nasties" who actually gave everyone a reason to watch BB. Now stuck with all the nicey nicey HMs who sit on their arse all day talking about the weather [ more ]
Baz Reference: Thanks Baz. Sometimes I just don't know where I'd be without you. LOL... you're welcome Brisket We can cheer each other up.. *passes brisket bag of sparkly sequins* [ more ]
squiggle Brisket I hope you're not feeling down too The HM's are still to find out that Shabby has legged it, Mario is waiting for her to come out of the DR [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben and Mario convinced Kevin to stay.
ikataili It was Deyahhhv an' all, channelling 'the Lord' no doubt while trollied on a line of the good book [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Kevin. It's such a funny name. Her name is the feminine for Caoimhin which translates Kevin. [ more ]
Baz Reference: Mario and Ben are still my favourites. But I wish they hadn't bothered persuading Caoimhe. (Although, I suspect she is crafty enough to have never intended going in the first place.) Same here Brisket....... and it worries me when they align themselves with the likes of Keeva & iffy...... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: To go or not to go?
kimota One down . two to go! [ more ]
Leccy Go, all of them, get rid. Even mentioning it in passing should mean they get turfed out. [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: The DR Chair should have a built in space shuttle with automatic lift off triggered by the words "I want to leave" Or trap door with Dr Evil style lava pit underneath. Voted yes to all three but I'm prepared to bide my time and I'm in no rush to see them all leave. Nathan is higher up my list of HMs needing eviction that anyone at the moment. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
At the risk of sitting on the fence....
~Lee~ Reference: can't stand either of them, but this was Scabby's idea. I think she was expecting Queefer to talk her out of it, but Queefer decided to join in. [ more ]
Former Member Not bothered if either of them go, but have noticed that Keeva is regretting getting involved with Shabby and is rather hoping she will go, but it looks like Shabby wants to go but take Keeva with her...the house is better getting the 2 of them up this week and its guaranteed that one of them will go ! [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: I can't stand either of them, but this was Scabby's idea. I think she was expecting Queefer to talk her out of it, but Queefer decided to join in. Is this being hoist by your own petard? I've always wanted to say that! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben just told Keever he may well leave himself at some point
ikataili I am really enjoying this conversation he's having right now with Kevin....a bit of an insight into just how much Ben is aware of all the sniping around him... [ more ]
suzybean Onan in the Bible was struck down for doing that [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: They could have, at least, put a withdrawing room in. Although Dave would probably say it was against God's law. Every squirm is sacred.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
12 hours later and .......
brisket They have obviously been open to persuasion. If they had made it abundantly clear that they fully intended to go quickly, it would have been over by now, and they'd be out. I think Shabby shilly-shallied, and Caoimhe and BB obviously realised they could be persuaded to leave. So all the time, it was no more than an empty gesture. Well thanks a lot girls for insulting the viewers' intelligence. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: The bloody hypocricy of those bints calling Sunshine an "attention seeker" Sunshine was an apprentice in comparison to these pros. [ more ]
brisket This is just plain ridiculous. Dragging, dragging, dragging it out. Please stop. It is not entertaining. (And to think they said BB would go out with a bang! No sign of a bang so far.) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Excuse me while I ........
Demantoid Reference: Excuse me while I ........ ...kiss the sky (well, it beats watching that load of histrionic cobblers) [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I thought those two were bad....Now Ife wants to go too...AAAAArrrrrrrhhhhhhhh. wonders if I will get anything done today.... I'm trying to do my bedroom and watch,and post in the forum, cleaning the bloody keyboard and booted myself of the computer and lost my live feed [ more ]
Gel Reference: There's loads of us doing the same moomin Or NOT doing ... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Meanwhile in the lounge...
~Lee~ Lemons you say Tidds,we'll let you practice with Gruesome Twosome if you like....No need to be gentle or careful [ more ]
Former Member Is it ok if I practise with a coupla lemons Lee? Goes to find the Rev Davey bhoy ------ [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Who threw Blizzies pillows on the floor?.... That's where she drags keeps them! [ more ]
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