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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If I ever say I like a housemate...
PeterCat Reference: JJ strikes me as rather inexperienced and to that end likely to have rather reached his ... comeuppance as it were while I was still (as an elderly woman) getting into gear... Post of the day! [ more ]
brisket You see I often don't like the housemates who are nast and/or controversial and annoying. Many say it is entertaining, but I don't find it so. Of the current housemates, there are some I would simply have to gag all day so they couldn't speak - Dave, Ife, JJ, Josie, Nathan, Corin would all be better without voices. [ more ]
Cariad Reference: I could think of another way to keep him quiet. *leers* I'm not sure we're too far apart Mr C but in all fairness JJ strikes me as rather inexperienced and to that end likely to have rather reached his ... comeuppance as it were while I was still (as an elderly woman) getting into gear... [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New Groups - Corin, Nathan and Ife...
Dame_Ann_Average I think the problem is, Josie JJ and Keeva have decided to show their dislike for Corin, it's going to happen when you get excluded. Ife is always going to stir whichever group she's in and Nathan knows Keeva dislikes him. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: I dont think Corin is in a group she talks to everyone .. I don't mind Nathan or Ife, Corin is lovely too. [ more ]
Marguerita I dont think Corin is in a group she talks to everyone .. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm thinking about joining DS
stupidcupid I started posting there this year for the first time even though I've been a member for years. I joined at the same time as I joined channel 4 bb forums but never used my account as I couldn't remember my password and everyone on ch4 forum said it was too scarey. I've started posting this year and find it ok. I miss the frantic nature of ch 4 bb forum though. Sometimes when on lf I switch over to the forums when something happens expecting to see a thread about it. It would never fail to... [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: He posts the exact same threads (word for word, even title) over there at the same time as he does over here. Always makes me laugh that [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose I have the same name on DS but rarely post there tbh - I much prefer it here and am willing to put up with the gliches [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Ify got new batteries in ?
Fairfax Iffy= SHUT the hell up! [ more ]
brisket Reference: Prometheus She's one of those people who can (and will) talk for hours on end without actually saying anything I agree. Much of it is aimless waffling, and has no aim other than to prevent the blissful silence there would otherwise have been. I also think she does Mariono favours by invading his time and space so much. I don't trust her. I also agree with spidermonkey (in an earlier post) that tactics are very transparent [ more ]
Azure. Ify is a pain in the proverbial butt, I cant stand the patronising, devious woman, she never shuts up and its all me, me, me, me, bejebus shut ya gob woman you are ruining my live feed. [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caiomhe proposes
Prometheus Reference: Firstly, there isn't a housemate called Kevin, and secondly - as pointed out already; Iffy stooped fairly low herself with the slut comment. Firstly, I am referring to the FM's right to insult Kevin since Kevin has said things to people in that house which are far more insulting and personal. Secondly, yes there is a housemate called Kevin. Nobody is ever going to convince me that thing is female. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: At least she didn't call her a "f*cking whore". Only Kevin stoops that low. Firstly, there isn't a housemate called Kevin, and secondly - as pointed out already; Iffy stooped fairly low herself with the slut comment. yes there is - it is the blokebird. Everyone knows that. OHHHHh you have decided to support Keeva now.. Well this should be funny. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: At least she didn't call her a "f*cking whore". Only Kevin stoops that low. Firstly, there isn't a housemate called Kevin, and secondly - as pointed out already; Iffy stooped fairly low herself with the slut comment. [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK now the forum is finally working again, can I just say...
Former Member Cant stand Ify , she is sly and manipulative. She was determined to split Keeva and Shabby up. I think Shabby showed great strength, i would imagine Shabby on the outside world not being so calm with Ify, if you get my meaning ... [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) I agree spider, she scared scabby out of that house. [ more ]
~Lee~ She's gave me headache tbh. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Who do you want out this Friday?
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: i DID NOT WATCH LAST NIGHT SO BIT LOST.. IS SCABBY STILL IN THERE OR NOT PLEASE? THANK YOU.. opps, sorry, caps.. bit tired i think lol no she walked yesterday afternoon [ more ]
Baz Reference: Can't abide JJ, but unfortunately I think Nathan will go. Ditto Senora.... [ more ]
forgetmenot i DID NOT WATCH LAST NIGHT SO BIT LOST.. IS SCABBY STILL IN THERE OR NOT PLEASE? THANK YOU.. opps, sorry, caps.. bit tired i think lol [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheryl Cole has Malaria
Karma_ Reference: Jesus, Malaria is nothing to be laughed at & moreover I don't think we can lay the lack of world support for Malaria sufferers at Cheryl Coles/Tweedy's door. I'm not laying any lack of 'world' support at her door? WTF?! I said she could use this PR exercise (cos she didn't hav e to tell the press what was going on) - in a supportive way by highlighting the disease and how it not only is affecting her, but also those who are not in such a privileged position to be able to... [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Malaria is nothing to be laughed at & moreover I don't think we can lay the lack of world support for Malaria sufferers at Cheryl Coles/Tweedy's door. I agree. [ more ]
Fairfax Not a fan by any means but feel quite sorry for her. Jesus, Malaria is nothing to be laughed at & moreover I don't think we can lay the lack of world support for Malaria sufferers at Cheryl Coles/Tweedy's door. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why are people happy about who won the task?*spoiler within*
Prometheus Reference: You think the producers super-glued Caoimhe's bum to the saddle? Probably. Did they have the save and replace task before or after the stupid bint went to the diary room mumbling about wanting a BB wedding? JJ claims to have thrown the task but that's probably just bravado. If he did I hope he gets slung out Friday. [ more ]
Fairfax Jebus, enough already with the spoiler talk. If you don't want to know what the outcome is..don't come on a BB forum. [ more ]
Cariad Calm down folks. You think the producers super-glued Caoimhe's bum to the saddle? But either way, it might have been a while yet before Nathan was nominated, unless he is far, FAR more of a kitchen nazi than the HL show reveals. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can I just please ask..
Dame_Ann_Average I don't like DS, the threads are so serious and I find it really intimidating...there again I'm a coward [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* I only look at Ds when I want to find something out that I can't find out here... that place is horrible a lot of the times.. I never go there when I am watching the feed myself tho and LUTTing it at the same time.. [ more ]
MrMincePie If you think its bad here for spoilers... check out DS [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yesssssssssss! - Task Result SPOILER
Shizzlex Myke Hawke is action man he looks like hes going to melt and has the same voice that comes out of all my little boys abc toys [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: Reference: Myke Hawke Please tell me that's a real name.... Has to wonder Mr "Hok" had to become a hard man (excuse the pun)...the teasing he must have got as a child [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Please tell me that's a real name.... Somebody said on another thread that was his name (and the spelling ) and since he was saying 'welcome to Hawke's Hell' I suppose it must be. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James almost sucked his thumb!
~Lee~ Reference: Does Bronco Barbie throw herself off? I'm sure they'll programme her to tolerate him [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Yee Haa....We need to contact the makers of Barbie and see can we arrange a Bronco Barbie for him Hope it's not a blow up one, he'd need a foot pump and hope he inflated it in less than 30 seconds [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: I think he'd love it Suze,I mean he's extremely proud he's an owner of a dark haired Barbie imagine Bronco Barbie. Does Bronco Barbie throw herself off? [ more ]
See all 72 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF: Here we go again... all gang up on Ben
cologne 1 Reference: It angers me that Barbie Boy claims to have been bullied in school because of his height yet he has no qualms purposely and regularly mocking many aspects of Ben....Hunted became the hunter? True and I have a feeling that Ben knows a thing or two about being bullied. Someone like him in boarding school, would be easy fodder. I can just see him fagging for all his days. [ more ]
~Lee~ It angers me that Barbie Boy claims to have been bullied in school because of his height yet he has no qualms purposely and regularly mocking many aspects of Ben....Hunted became the hunter? [ more ]
Marguerita suzybean [ more ]
See all 126 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww Why does anyone want to wait to hear the news? That's what makes for a bit of excitement.I was always desperate to hear what was going on,more fun that way. [ more ]
LowonIQ Reference: Think he bottled it thinking he couldnt pick anyone, mmmm this is the one that called Ben a coward! Well maybe he is just smarting cos he got beat by a girl, who knows... That's what I think too. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Sorry to anyone I offended Baz, you couldn't even if you tried Now if you suddently started liking JJ, that with be another matter entirely [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Biased task.
squiggle Reference: Phil Edgar-Jones Yeah thats him... remember people refering to him as "PEJ" Meaty it does make you wonder why, quite sad when you think about it, they prefer that funny lot over at DS to us nice bunch who they threw quite ruthlessly overboard [ more ]
Fairfax Ladies, please, stop lowering the tone. [ more ]
Moonbeams Reference: JJ's knob came off in his hand So not even 30 seconds then [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cat help// broken ribs symptoms
El Loro Crunchy, I hope by now you have taken your cat to the vet. I did a Google seach on "Cats" and "broken ribs" and there is little doubt that the only safe advice is per Wiki answers which ties in with what others have posted: "Take it to a veterinarian. There is no way to treat this yourself safely." [ more ]
Former Member awwww poor puddy tat alternatively, she may have been in a fight and have a puncture wound somewhere hopefully you have taken her to the vet and had it sorted by now crunchy ... i do hope so [ more ]
Former Member Any update Crunchy? Hug for the poorly pussy cat (((hugs))) My smilies aren't working! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James - 3 more reasons
Fairfax Reference: JJ is being singled suprise there. Well RR you shouldn't be surprised! He is mentioned more than the others because he,if not always the main instigator, can be guaranteed to carry on with all the nasty name calling / slagging off that goes on in the house. Particularly directed at Ben. Yes the other hm's rib Ben but JJ drones on & gets nasty,I don't think this is just my opinion as the hm's have pointed this out to him and told him to stop. There is nothing smart or... [ more ]
brisket Reference: Fairfax he sat on that bed, all squinty eyed and slack jawed and you could see, literally see him try to come up with something clever to say back to Ben and he just couldn't do it So true Fairfax You could fair see the cogs struggling to turn. He was anxious not to submit and desperate to keep the targetting of Ben going. But he doesn't have the wherewithall or the gumption. [ more ]
RiverRock Josie, Mario and others gang up on Ben but JJ is being singled suprise there. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blackpudlian Reference: He doesn't think being up is so funny now, does he Blackpudlian?. Every other week he has practically gloated. Not funny at all, Baz. It's hit a bit of a nerve with little JJ but he's trying not to show it (for now) [ more ]
Baz He doesn't think being up is so funny now, does he Blackpudlian?. Every other week he has practically gloated. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Can't wait until JJ starts picking on who he thinks nommed him [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last night's LF - Ben
Blizz'ard Did it not all start because Ben takes other people's clothes without asking, even wearing them to bed, takes their towels, even when they've told him twice that it is theirs, takes their pillows, because he has a bad neck... etc.etc.etc? [ more ]
brisket If John James had been the target.....well not difficult to guess. I believe JJ would not cope with receiving the sort of stuff he was dishing out! [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Ben versus the rest of the housemates apart from Corin and Caoimhe. At times it was lighthearted although JJ tried many times to make it as sinister as he could. Many of them were ripping apart Ben's character and mocking his accent. In places it was toe-curling to watch. Ben seemed to take it in good humour (as always) but I did wonder if it was someone else on the receiving end if they'd be so good natured about it. Many thanks for the update Spidey, couldn't get head no tail of... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eff_Jay Reference: Dave, Steve, Ife, Nathan Shabby and Caoimhe all are characters that BB failed epically on choosing. The first 4 contributed very little to the house and the last 2 have turned it into a bitchfest with one walking out. BB did bad. Steve was chosen because of his injuries, there is no other reason, sounds harsh but its true. It depends what you're looking for in a housemate. They've done the wacky-out-there contestants before and they're just awful to watch, imo. As it stands now, I... [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Reference: Steve was chosen because of his injuries, there is no other reason, sounds harsh but its true. I`m in agreement with that RR [ more ]
RiverRock Reference: steve is a waste of an hm spot. mario is nommed him this week. Seriously, do you not understand that some people don't want the nomination results spoiled. You did this last week as well, its in poor form. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hate Dave!
Blackpudlian Reference: Also, his conversation with Ben about the prize money, in that if he won he would want to set up an orphanage in India rather than donating the money to Steve. I thought, really? You're supposed to be a christian and want to help the world, here's a person that you actually know that could do with some help in improving his life, particularly given the circumstances of what happened to Steve and you have a problem with it? Dave does seem to be self serving & self promoting,... [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] His `goody two shoes` attitude annoys me and how he so gleefully relished the opportunity to show Ben up with the Army task. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: He is following the religious theme in that he practises the 'kiss of Judas'. Stick the knife in but do it with a smile. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who nomed who(spoiler)
Baz I think that is cos he won the task Aimee.... so they are giving him a week off [ more ]
Aimee Dave got no votes [ more ]
brisket I'm pleased to see that Ife has now arrived among the highest nominated. (Ben, Caoimhe and Dave nominated her.) She annoys me more and more each day. A strange mixture of being very juvenile, and pretty crafty. But I think she is more transparent than she thinks she is. She is cringeworthy round Mario (and I believe she is jealous of his relationship with Ben to some extent.) [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF, Nathan is chatting with Ben
longcat They are blaming Shabby for everything. They are even saying Keever is now getting a chance to be herself. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Blackpudlian They have been having very civilised chats in the last few days I need to watch more LF. Baz, it was an interesting conversation, I just doubt Nathan's motivation. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Now call me cynical, but I think Nathan expects Ben to be nominated and he's trying to ensure Ben doesn't pick him in the Save & Replace task. Until today, I have never seen Nathan have a proper conversation with Ben. They have been having very civilised chats in the last few days [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin fans
Marguerita Hi Shizzle I dont get Josie she winds JJ up (not that it would take much) knows what buttons to press and instigates a lot of his arguing, then stands back in front of other HMS and has a go at him,then does her rounds slating him I think we would see a Bea side of her if they brought another HM in for him to like Hope you are well [ more ]
Shizzlex I really can't stand Josie i'm not a big Corin fan but i understood why she would be annoyed about the beds i can't help but hope they bring a hit sheila in for JJ to fawn over see the real evil Josie come out [ more ]
Shizzlex I really can't stand Josie i'm not a big Corin fan but i understood why she would be annoyed about the beds i can't help but hope they bring a hit sheila in for JJ to fawn over see the real evil Josie come out [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Keever is a mean girl, remember her attitude toward Sunshine?
Blackpudlian Reference: especially when Shabby was giving her lectures about being mean to others Shabby has a problem with being consistant, for example on BBLB yesterday, she was asked a question and first answered it one way then contradicted herself and said the complete opposite. She stirs things then sits back and complains that someone has taken her at her word. She has got so used to having tantrums over ridiculous things that she is oblivious to the effects it has on others. I got so tired of... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Blizzie Today at 03:57: I'm talking about way before Crispgate, Eugene. She would often tell the other two that they need to listen to Sunshine more and try to understand her. As for Crispgate, most of them got a bit annoyed about that, and I'm not defending her behaviour in all that, but she was hardly nasty to Sunshine, just embarrassed at the reaction she got from Sunshine. She's far from my favourite, but she's not the bitch that everyone seems to think she is. The point about... [ more ]
Cold Sweat BTW... I still reckon that in the movie Mean Girls, the good girl did push the head mean girl under the bus! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caoimhe to Ife: "don't you dare raise your voice to me"
jacksonb the wig was much at dancing than ife was. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: all she was doing was letting her hair down (literally when that wig flew off). [ more ]
suzybean Reference: For a pro-dancer she should be a bit more thick skinned. But it wasn't about the dancing, it was about 2 people taking the piss out of her when all she was doing was letting her hair down (literally when that wig flew off). I'm not defending Ife, she was as bad as Shabby and Caiomhe bitching and sniping, but they had no right to diminish someone letting go. What's that as if no one is watching you!!! [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
| cannot WAIT for noms reveal tomorrow...
Fairfax Reference: JJ said if he is up he will not win the task so that he doesn't have to choose anybody to replace him. This will hand the immunity to Keeva and she is the one the others have to worry about. Did he really say that Lets see if he is a man of his word, I doubt it. I reckon if Caoimhe gets the chance to vote, she'll pick Nathan. [ more ]
longcat Reference: If you actually listen to the complete shit that comes out of Ben's mouth, it's incredible that he's not up! [ more ]
longcat Reference: Sadly if JJ wins the save task and it is more probable that he will, who will he choose, Ben JJ said if he is up he will not win the task so that he doesn't have to choose anybody to replace him. This will hand the immunity to Keeva and she is the one the others have to worry about. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is Shabby on BBLB seeing as she walked?
suzybean Reference:cold sweat A rare opportunity for George and Emma to interview an intelligent, articulate and thoroughly interesting former housemate! Hardly surprising that Shabby has been invited back today… Yah, she's been a genius housemate, not at all contrived, no siree bob! [ more ]
~Lee~ what it's like to grow up in the wrong century when you are a 19th century street urchin/chim chimennny sweep. [ more ]
Cold Sweat A rare opportunity for George and Emma to interview an intelligent, articulate and thoroughly interesting former housemate! Hardly surprising that Shabby has been invited back today… [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Im sort of sad that Shabby has left.
Sky Oops morning suzy and everyone i'll be in and out when possible. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: I'm gonna crank up some Handel's Zadok the Priest ooooh even better [ more ]
suzybean Reference: I hope you had Land of Hope and Glory playing in your head as you read it I'm gonna crank up some Handel's Zadok the Priest and put out the bunting And my manners, good morning Lee, sky and all the keepers of the noble hat [ more ]
See all 53 replies...

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