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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonight HL show on at 8:00 (contains spoiler)
squiggle Reference: Correctomundo We are a tiny little group compared to the army of them they have on DS. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Josie isn't the chosen one, with the amount of fans Ben has they wouldn't want to cross them Correctomundo [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: I see BB are making sure thier chosen one Josie gets a lot of air time They've cut out a lot of the bitching too including Corin and Nathan's chat about JJ . Josie isn't the chosen one, with the amount of fans Ben has they wouldn't want to cross them . [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
KEVIN (Grrrrr) Calls Our Corin "Rough"
SazBomb Reference: She believes it is human nature to be selfish and bitchy and admits to being a bit of a diva 'but only in a tasteful, sophisticated and elegant way'. pfffft, I don't think I've seen Keeva do anything in a tasteful, sophisticated and elegant way She's perfected bitchy and selfish though [ more ]
kimota Reference: just think its Rachael Rice all over again In a way it is, with Josie, JJ and Keeva satnding in for Luke, Jen and Bex. All scared stiff that Corin will get her hands on the £100.000 cheque (or whatever the ammount) Corin blows up twice in the house in a month and suddenly shes 'fake' ----hmmm! , [ more ]
Baz Reference: but she's not *rough*.....if you want *rough* Keever and Josie, just look in the mirror [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Brian Dowling to return plus 3 new housemates next week according to the Daily Star
Fairfax Reference: Please please don`t let him go in. I really couldn't stand it either [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] I`m hoping he`s not actually going in - just going to do a link up. Please please don`t let him go in. [ more ]
Joyron What a disappointment. Thought Brian was going to actually "DO" something. Live to the BB house; no just a word with Goerge Lamb!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Earth only 6 thousand years old and the dinosaurs were wiped out in Noah's flood...
DanceSettee Reference: All this reminds me of my sister putting in an RE that Moses parted the Red Sea to help the Jews escape Hitler.... hahahahahahahaha [ more ]
Croctacus All this reminds me of my sister putting in an RE exam that Moses parted the Red Sea to help the Jews escape Hitler.... [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: So if it's all false does that mean when there's thunder and lightening it's not God moving his furniture in heaven or switching on an off the lights? Don't be was always Thor who did that sort of stuff [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Jonathan Ross moves to ITV in new chat show
RiverRock I love JR, he will be a big loss for BBC [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: Claudia Winkleman, apparently oh FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! talk about dumbing down....I hate the simpering cow!! [ more ]
El Loro Reference: although I do feel rather sorry for the Four Poofs.. I doubt if we've seem the last of them as they were in exixtence as a group before the Ross show and have done other shows. They may just follow Ross over to join him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh Dear
jacksonb Reference: So who was responsible for her childish outbursts and constant attention seeking/ hogging camera time. Her, of course oll, she cannot be blamed for the producers thinking that's what we wanted to see.I'm sure the other hm's must have been doing some thing, not that we'll ever know. [ more ]
Kaytee yes, but that established her as BB's *chosen one* and there was no way back from that tbh. I don't think she should have I said elsewhere, the fiery ones keep the show going and us talking on's all a pantomime and when they're gone, we move on to another victim. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: i don't think you can blame shabs So who was responsible for her childish outbursts and constant attention seeking/ hogging camera time. Her, of course [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
After Nathan is evicted on Friday
Kaytee Reference: So have I, a swamp a the bottom of my garden .....he's a good HM for getting us all talking....we need the fiery ones, even him, until they put some decent HMs in there....btw, he'd be good as a reed in your swamp, he bends whichever way he thinks the wind is blowing. That he's always wrong amuses me [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I still have a soft spot for JJ, So have I, a swamp a the bottom of my garden [ more ]
Kaytee I still have a soft spot for JJ, although it's getting smaller every day...I want Nathan out on Friday, he's just foul-mouthed wallpaper [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheap Holidays Online
RiverRock Thanks Caraid!! Thats sound good, but the only thing I'd be worried about would be messing up something as its all done separately! [ more ]
Cariad Never been to Portugal or used those providers so can't help you there RR. However, I rarely do whole package deals. I tend to book accommodation directly and arrange a cheap flight separately. As far as transport is concerned you can usually book a hire car to pick up and drop off at the airport. if you don't plan on using a hire car then Google airport transfers for the name of the airport and see what comes up. Last year we went to Menorca and for £25 the 3 of us had a minibus from the... [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF - JJ doing a Siavash
Marguerita Reference:Blizzie task because you can't be bothered doing it if he did throw the task he punished himself by being up for eviction not the whole house .. big difference ..but he still did the task regardless even if he did decide to lose it to Josie, unlike selfish Ben who does not give a toss about the others he will do what he wants to do [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: spiderminkey Yes but if JJ did indeed throw the task (I don't think he did but we will find out tonight) it would once again display JJ's hypocracy. Didn't JJ nominate Ben this week for not putting effort into tasks? Well he said he was going to, in so many words, and then he looked like he did, so I think he did throw it. My point is, throwing a challenge in order to let someone else be saved, is different to throwing a task because you can't be bothered doing it, even though the... [ more ]
Baz Reference: He is either a hypocrite or a liar. I'd go for both Spider [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Sun may have set, but rising in the West is...
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: ta for the quorn sosij dame ann our pleasure DS, anything to keep you out of the crib for forum lurve [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: i'm a vegetarian I'm so sorry I will eat chimp though ta for the quorn sosij dame ann [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I'm so sorry don't worry Rawky you can have both breakfasts and DS can have the Quorn, I shall try and arrange a much better brunch tomorrow [ more ]
See all 126 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I thought we were getting new playmates?
mary_bee Reference: There there Mary if I had known that the terrible subject of Bea (with piccies) was going to be introduced into this harmless thread I would have put a health warning Just the subject alone is hard enough to deal with but pictures as well just bring back the entire affair, it's too much to handle [ more ]
Rawky-Roo BEST HOUSEMATE OF BB10 EVER!!!!!!!! Worst housemates of BB10 = Freddie + Marcus [ more ]
Demantoid Knock yourself out, Rawks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So who are you keeping? Rent-a-fight or the walking swearmobile?
RiverRock Nathan out. Is it possible to put a poll in? [ more ]
ikataili I cant think past wanting Ife out to consider anyone else leaving at the moment, it's turning into an all consuming brain attack [ more ]
mary_bee I feel I may be alone here, but I quite like both of them and I don't really want either to go and I wish JJ had won the challenge rather than Keever. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hmmmmm and so it begins.
~Lee~ Reference: when he is being good I usually put that down to Josie pulling his paranoid reigns in. . and he chillaxes a bit Josie's role in the BB house Barbie Boy's babysitter ...Seriously though he is a grown man surely it shouldn't be down to another person to keep him in check,no-one should be so far gone they need another person to help keep them in line , if so should they even be in there in such an intense environment? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Highlights on again at 8 tonight, so I'm thinking all JJ, Josie's and Keeva's effing and jeffing about Corin will not be shown. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I really struggled with JJ's ranting that "people are playing a game but I haven't worked out who yet" which implies he has no evidence that this horrendous offence has even taken place but still chooses to rant on. I think it could be perceived that JJ is "playing a game" by trying to stifle & surpress & control the other HMs by his accusations. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lucky Lucky JJ.
Marguerita Reference: behaviour baffles me One rule for one and one for another is always the way [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Thanks, you lot! There are plenty I want out before him too, Olly, but the outrage at any ribbing he gets about his appalling behaviour baffles me! Amazing the licence you can get if you just talk nicely, eh? [ more ]
Blizz'ard Thanks, you lot! There are plenty I want out before him too, Olly, but the outrage at any ribbing he gets about his appalling behaviour baffles me! [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who was a genuine BB winner
RZB Reference: Sorry Jackson but they did, it hit the papers before the final night. The first I heard of it was when he gave the cheque to the girl on leaving the house, I hadn't heard he was donating the winnings. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Remember crying when Nadia won! Me too. Her reaction had me bawling my eyes out [ more ]
Rexi Reference: ahh i hadnt known that me either [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve.... WTF?
Baz Reference: They never learn. Steve and Dave have sprung every secret task. If someone is doing something they shouldn't be, shut up and let them do I agree... plus none of the other HM's ever challenge them about it.... as I am sure they would if it was anyone else. [ more ]
Demantoid He and Dave are both as thick as mince. [ more ]
Liverpoollass To be fair he wasn't the only one who called out Mario and Ben over secret tasks, so did the other HM's. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Nathan...
Moomin I didn't like Shabby at all, I USED to like Nathan, however I took Shabby's side in that exchange. No one can get their point across simply by effing and blinding at someone. He DID lie about using the word smashing, which I take to mean destroying, not his definition, and he DID (to me) sound intimidating. And later on he said (to Ife I think) that he didn't lose his temper then - well God help everyone in the house when he does. [ more ]
Fairfax He was way over the top, and anyone that swears that much looses the point they are trying to make anyway. Surprised that nobody has pointed this out to hairy man Nathan, or perhaps he is so aggressive they are afraid to do so. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Lee Ahhhh but was it a task like Josie [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Velma" Has become a tad too cocky..
Green&Pink "Velma" So true! [ more ]
suzybean It's just a matter of whatever floats your boat...I happen to prefer 'Thine be the Glory' to a rock anthem. I also prefer an Anglican hour to a Pentecostal 6 hours of worship on a Sunday....but having said that I haven't been to Church in months. I know I am excused [ more ]
Liverpoollass At the end of the day, he is entitled to his beliefs and to portray them as he see fit. I just don't want him preaching them to me, even if I believed what he was saying. [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nathan: Tone down all the swearing you $**%$@"; idiot
Scotty It seems to be part of his vocabulary. I wonder if he swears like that in front of his Mum and Dad? Just a thought. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Aww, come on! Those are the only parts of Nathan's conversations that I understand! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: Kind of warped logic imo Maybe so, but if he'd removed the torrent of swears from his outburst at Shabby, I suspect he'd have earned universal approval. Using that many obscenities detracts from his actual point he's trying to make, and leaves (some) viewers feeling that he's being unnecessarily aggressive. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
wind ur neck in JJ and go to bed...
Former Member Unlkike his mouth, maybe it just decided to shuttup! [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: P.S. He doesn't have a bottom/ It fainted and never recovered. [ more ]
brisket JJ has just said he "wouldn't take the p**s" from anyone. How quickly he forgets last night's extended episode with Ben. I've just been looking at his face. Disregarding his facial hair he appears to have no lines or wrinkles. He looks totally bland! No interesting character lines at all. P.S. He doesn't have a bottom. . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remember this.......
Former Member [ more ]
Soozy Woo I'm so out of kilter with folks on here ............I actually found Nanna really funny. I'm giggling now thinking about it (partly because of how it wound everyone up). [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I will never forgive you erin Go on ,try [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Too much info Josie.
Blizz'ard Reference: Low Blizzie every year the same, they spot it, they blab, they loose out. BUT... more importantly we the viewers lose out And they think they're being clever! [ more ]
LowonIQ Blizzie every year the same, they spot it, they blab, they loose out. BUT... more importantly we the viewers lose out [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: darlo However David and co have sussed it out, therefore losing the housemates a chance to win alcohol. Oh, why are they so bloody thick?!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I the only one who is wondering why Keever decided to do BB?
PeterCat She's on there for much the same reason a Rachael and others of their ilk. They think that they'll get attention because they think they're gorgeous. Not that self-delusion has ever stopped people from becoming BB housemates. [ more ]
Former Member [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Blackpudlian Today at 23:39: Could anyone tell me what Caiomhe is a student of? If she has mentioned it, I must have missed it. I believe it's French and Spanish. She's apparently lived in Spain for a couple of years and is fluent in the language. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok own up...
PeterCat I refer you to my avatar. [ more ]
~Lee~ I agree Sooz....I was cringing listening to her . [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: She was fibbing, She was on a task and said it was the first thing she could think of to say to avoid being sussed.. Clever stuff but ...............might it have been nicer to say that she'd simply wet hersel?. It's a tad more palatable ................or perhaps she could have said that she was being sick or something. (This actually may make very little sense as I haven't seen what's going on). [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
keeva - tears soon dried up then
Baz I agree Senora..... Listening to JJ on LF now, he trying sooooooo hard to convince everyone that he doesn't care if he stays or goes.... at the same time running down the other HM's for wanting to stay as long as they can.... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Corin would wipe the floor with all of them, she maybe a sweetheart, but I think Corin is more than capable of holdin her own. I quite like the fact that she was ranting the other night, I would have been pissed off too. [ more ]
Baz She, Josie and JJ are really going to town on the HM's at the moment... and she really seems to have it in for Corin. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Especially since the nasty troll has said he would do magazine shoots himself. What a blody hypocrite Exactly Fairfax, he said last week he'll take every opportunity that comes is way...well hello JJ, that's what the girls were on about when you were screaming abuse at Rachael. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: it's a bit ironic he pulled Rachael up on that particular trait. Especially since the nasty troll has said he would do magazine shoots himself. What a blody hypocrite [ more ]
Baz Reference: Reference: that needs his ears boxing. You take one ear and I'll take the other.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ is always picking fights with the girls
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! from what I have seen of l/f today since the noms/task - JJ hasnt as much as raised his voice to anyone... last I saw, Ife and Keever were mouthing off at each other over a smoke.... noticed Nathan has had a lot more l/f coverage today as well, and he TOO is being nice as pie - am about to stick l/f back on tho - things might have changed [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average He just picks on who he thinks is the weakest, I said earlier today he won't pick on Nathan this week like he did with Rachael and Sunshine when they were up for eviction. [ more ]
~Lee~ He'll only argue with anyone he perceives to be weaker than him....The females and Ben,says it all imo. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...

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