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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Definitive Album
Jenny I think I'm going to move in with Leccy so I can listen to her collection! 'Course, she probably would have something to say about that! Some really good calls here! [ more ]
RZB David Bowie - The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust. Every track a classic. [ more ]
mary_bee Reference: but Mary made me think of Pablo Honey I think Pablo Honey is my least favourite, or Amnesiac. Although, Thinking About You is an amaaazing song. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jennifer Saunders and her breast cancer fight(OT)
Rev. Dim Dale Reference: Stay well Jennifer and positive vibes to all folk who are battling this curse. It is a bloody curse, my wife and 3 friends all had their mammogram at the same time and she was the only one to be spared. Frightening! [ more ]
suzybean I absolutely (fabiously) adore Jennifer Saunders and I wish her better. [ more ]
~Lee~ Stay well Jennifer and positive vibes to all folk who are battling this curse. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you are thinking of voting for Nathan this week...
RZB Reference: He's just Carole with a slightly hairier chest. that's debatable. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I loved Shabby and am in the process of spending £100+ on voting Nathan out just because seeing the back of him will make me feel better - plus i no longer have a more constructive or meaningful reason to vote this summer! Personally if I had £100 going spare I'd donate it to a worthy cause like cancer research or a local hospice....Lining Endomols pockets with £100 wouldn't cross my mind .BB is only a TV show. [ more ]
longcat Reference: He's just Carole with a slightly hairier chest. I bet Carol's chest is as hairy as her chin. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Declare your votes here.
longcat Reference: Or maybe it's a case of Corin not being as liked as I first assumed. Or perhaps viewers are seeing a different side to Corin like the HMs are. You never saw much of her when the house was full. [ more ]
kimota I voted for JJ. He is clearly still sulking that Corin told him off back in week 1 about his behaviour towards Rachel! [ more ]
kattymieoww Not voting,but I'd rather JJ went.I'm getting bored of his so called arguments..he drones on and on and on.. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben dislikers
stonks Reference: I used to really like her...Up until last night when she was supposed to be having a shower, and JJ, Keever(I can't bare her at all) and Josie were bitching HARD about Corin...Ife was earwigging the whole time, then she decides to pitch in with her 10 cents worth regarding Corin..The moment of clarity came for me then, as I realised she is no better than Govan was. She was as bad as him right from the start but she's very clever about it.... [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: I made that mistake today when MrMeat started his Keeva appreciation thread. I really can't stand her and felt he only started that thread to wind people up. I should have just kept out of it (and have since) sometimes you can get carried away but I let my guard down there. This is a much friendlier and happier forum than C4 ever was. I certainly didnt make it to wind up or provoke anyone, I do actually find her an entertaining HM and actually rather attractive. I made the thread... [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Exactly how I think. I broke my own rule today I wouldn't worry about it tbh....I actually thought it was a tongue in cheek thread. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben v JJ. Teeshirtgate. Anyone remember that?
Soozy Woo Reference: Absolutely....let him earn them back. I wouldn't hold your breath. He'd probably be minus his suitcase until he's evicted. Not that it will worry him because he has lots of friends who'll do things (or lend things) for him. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Same happened to me with The Stand, I loved that book..but I don't know what happened to the bloke.... Definitely his best book. He also wrote some excellent stuff as Richard Bachman. I can't remember the four novel collection that included The Long Walk but I highly recommend it if you can find it. [ more ]
stonks Reference: i lent a really good friend an book i loved,when i asked about it(which annoyed me anyways) 6 months later they blithely announced that when they moved house they'd lost it, and that was that , it seemed. i never spoke to them again, now he's a lard arse in a council flat with ugly kids and an offensive wife, which pleases me considerably.. Same happened to me with The Stand, I loved that book..but I don't know what happened to the bloke.... [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HMs need not worry if they are ever up against JJ
Former Member He later was in the DR and told BB that he probably didn't do what was right for the game or the programme but his morals were in the right place which is important to him. [ more ]
Former Member He said to Mario and Dave he had to do what he had to do .There was no way he could put his mates up ...never. How could I live here knowing that I was the reason "she" went home . There was no way she would have been able to compete with anyone out there. [ more ]
strike why did he throw the task erin ? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario Bashing Day...
jacksonb i guess for some he will forever be imagined sitting in his library in a frilly shirt and velvet codpiece. [ more ]
jacksonb ello suzy,x. ive heard him talk about coronation st and emerdale, i remember cos i was horrified he would admit to watching what i condsider to be tripe. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:squiggle Ben really has never watched the show. I don't really think he watches TV at all tbh. How well do you know Ben squiggle? If you know him as much as I and all the other BB viewers know him then stop talking in absolutes. He might have said that, but he has told a few porkies while he's been in the house so, as much as I find him amusing, he's not overflowing with integrity. [ more ]
See all 98 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB11 Phase 2: The Josie Show?
Cold Sweat Reference: would like to see a couple of older HMs in there - Steve has been a dead loss so far altho he was funny talking to the robot tonight. The trouble is, the older HMs that have been in there, have on the whole,been a load of complete nutters! Well, just as long as they don't stick in relatives or love interest of current housemates! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Too much of a woman for you? No comment! I'm beginning to wonder about the newbies now and how the narrative will continue to evolve. Will they put in a female that the other women will hate... a gay guy for Mario... I would like to see a couple of older HMs in there - Steve has been a dead loss so far altho he was funny talking to the robot tonight. The trouble is, the older HMs that have been in there, have on the whole,been a load of complete nutters! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Too much of a woman for you? No comment! I'm beginning to wonder about the newbies now and how the narrative will continue to evolve. Will they put in a female that the other women will hate... a gay guy for Mario... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For all the talk of slyness etc.
Kaytee Reference: Jensen I really like Josie I really like your new avvi .....I completely lost my thread in the thread [ more ]
Ducky Reference: i think it's quite sensible. [ more ]
jacksonb i like josie too, she seems to just get on with it, mostly, and is funny. she's said she's likes to be around jj when jj is being normal, and she can't stand him when he's being unreasonable and moany. i can't see that as 2 faced, i think it's quite sensible. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How darn well unfair BB.
Kaytee .....Lee, he's the sort that any female with an ounce of gumption could run rings around, not that I excuse his behaviour in any way. I always hate it when the public vote out the ones that make the most noise and we're left with a pile of wallpaper at the end and a default winner. Much as I disliked Shabby, I didn't think she should have walked. These people give us talking points good and bad while they're in the house, but when they're gone they're gone and we all move on [ more ]
~Lee~ TBH KT what irks me most about him is how he targets certain HM's....If he were across the board with his vindictiveness I wouldn't mind as much as he'd meet his match eventually....Instead he focuses on females and those he sees as weaker, being as he claims to have been bullied at school I find this appalling. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: not to mention Corin and Ben fans running to the phones to vote him out. I'm a sort of Corin and Ben fan.......and I wouldn't vote JJ out....he's a cracking FM....pain in the butt certainly, but the type that should stay in the house as long as possible. In fact, I think I'd vote Corin out beforeJJ, if push came to shove *puts on tin helmet* [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you still think ousting Sunshine was a good move?
Prometheus Reference: it was the best move for Sunshine that's for sure, if Keever has aligned herself with JJ and Josie they would have destroyed Sunshine this week. They would have had her up for sure but I don't think she would have went. She only went out that week because of the truly awful HL edit she was given over Crispgate. That would have blown over by now. [ more ]
strike it was the best move for Sunshine that's for sure, if Keever has aligned herself with JJ and Josie they would have destroyed Sunshine this week. [ more ]
Kaytee I wanted Keever out, not Sunshine [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ, Caoimhe, Josie - 3 hour long bitching session yesterday evening dissing Corin
strike last Thursday and Friday was enough for me, they have their favourites and they will edit it how they want and who they want out, i'm glad this is the last series. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: They did show some of it though They showed the one from late afternoon/early evening where Caoimhe called Corin "rough". They completely failed to show the one running from midnight onwards. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: The more the merrier I say Indeed. Such a crucial omission from tonight's highlights demands awareness. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: next eviction
Former Member Blondie. [ more ]
Moonbeams Nathan. [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Nathan to go - he`s common, uncouth, has a vile mouth on him, can`t speak properly, picks his nose, scratches his goulies - just yer average lout. Leave my lovely little John James alone - he`s my sweetie pie and he makes me laugh when he gets cross and he makes me happy when his face lights up with that lovely smile. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nightmare HM's
Former Member shabby Pete Idiot woman who won it last year Nikki jason there are probably more but I will get back to you [ more ]
Cariad Reference: Frannie Jonny Regan. Grrrrr. That's him - the scunty little fireman. How are you Frannie? How's t'bump? xx [ more ]
PeterCat Nikki, Helen, those bloody twins, Sezer. And many more. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Deeeeees Times!
Senora Reyes Reference: (but there the similarity ends completely, absolutely, definitely ends) [ more ]
El Loro Reference: My mate is 6ft 3 anyone would look tiny to him...Deffo was her though. So I would also look tiny to him because as it happens I am exactly the same height as Shabby (but there the similarity ends completely, absolutely, definitely ends) [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Was she looking around for her admiring fan? My mate did say she she looked like she wanted folks to recognise her... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caoimhe trying to fill the dominant female role now.
~Lee~ Nope no wind up...Were you watching late last night or today if not I'll forgive you for being unaware. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: Listening to her since Scabby left it seems that way to me....Last night and now she's gathering and enlisting her troops, already having targets in her sights....A fm posted the other day would be see a new side to Caoimhe when Scabby left and indeed we have,she's got worse. Shabby and Caoimhe were a pair of outsiders for the last week or more with no power or elevated status within the group. Dominant? Troops? Targets? Is this a wind-up? [ more ]
~Lee~ Chins would do too I suppose...KT she has got worse since her partner in crime left,much much much worse ,and I am afraid to say I think there's more to come. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this what people are moaning about?
Cariad Mario reminds me of Craig Coates. I bet he looks like Myra Hindley in a blonde wig as well. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I actually think that MArio looks very unwell too, very pale and listless. I don't think he is enjoying himself as much as he thought he would He's looking iffey. [ more ]
Fairfax I actually think that MArio looks very unwell too, very pale and listless. I don't think he is enjoying himself as much as he thought he would [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bitching about Corin in the bathroom
Senora Reyes Back at ya Spidey.. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I gave Ife a good few chances too, Senora. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: The difference between them is Caoimhe makes no secret of her nastiness where as Ife is entirely sly and pretentious. I have to agree with you Spidey...I so liked Ife in the beginning but last night in the bathroom when she just pitched in with the bitching, nade me go off her big time. [ more ]
See all 96 replies...

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