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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone watch that drama tonight called Dive?
brisket Thanks Poolshark. I must make a point of seeing it. [ more ]
Poolshark It was Brill Brisket, quite darkish, slightly slow moving, but very heart felt, unfortunately I will miss the concluding part tomorrow, so will ask my flat mate if I can see it on BBC i player on his laptop. Tonight showing was from her perspective, tomorrow it's from the lads perspective. I knew as soon as I saw the trailer it would be good. British TV is crap at the most of times, but when they get it right, they definately get it right. Unmissable drama! [ more ]
brisket I'm afraid I was unable to see it Poolshark. But the preview in my newspapers TV guide gave it an excellent notice. They said it was "intelligently written" and "the kind of simple, affecting drama that British TV does best." [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think we are stuck with "Buzz Killington"
Soozy Woo Reference: Nor can I see him getting any boooo's when he does leave. Nor does he deserve them .............there are very, very few HM's that deserve boos - unfortunately it's the done thing these days and it seems everyone gets some. Boooooooooing should be saved for real nasties IMO .........that way it hits harder. [ more ]
stonks Reference: I cant watch Family Guy Hamish runs to the telly screen and wont stop barking it must be the way they talk must be cos my cats sit and watch it as though they're really fascinated.... [ more ]
Fairfax Nor can I see him getting any boooo's when he does leave. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sooo I missed the HL's
~Lee~ Reference: You are all meanies - except for Erin who is the queen of loveliness. Yep and the pope is Dave's leader and the leader of all Christianity....According to Caoimhe that is. [ more ]
Fletch I missed HL's to but saw some LF this afternoon with a Robot and Steve competing at whisking egg whites. [ more ]
Former Member You are all meanies - except for Erin who is the queen of loveliness. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Woo hoo Freddie Fisher wants....
Jones YaY!!! .... I agree with lovely Freddie Nathan OUT!!! [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: Would even reinstate The Bea Brigade again , even though she would be on our hit list. Top of the bloody hit list!!!!!! [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Would even reinstate The Bea Brigade again , even though she would be on our hit list. You would then end up even more confused than JJ, best for you if she don't go in I reckon [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please let the awful Steve be up for eviction next week.
Cariad Reference: I cannot stand the way he spoke to Ben just at the closing of tonights programme. How dare he lecture / roar at Ben about WW2, telling him that men fought to save ponces (or some such insulting word) like him. That got my dander up too Fairfax. I've not seen any live feed so dunno how truthful a representation it was. [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks Doubt Steve will get nominated by his HMs. Just hoping someone will replace him after winning the S and R task next week. [ more ]
Senora Reyes He is a crap HM...He's a right "Buzz Killington"(Had to throw a Family guy reference) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Woman to be stoned to death in Iran
Garage Joe I have nothing against Islam any more than another religion. I'm happy for people to worship any entity providing they don't impose it on me or the democratic system such as it is. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: My point is that this is not a Christian country. It's a parliamentary democracy. Yes! Even after the saps voted in the tories. Iran's wacky leaders describe themselves as a n Islamic people's republic or some such. oh, so now we are talking in terms of individual countries . That's a totally different argument Cologne was talking about the muslim religion as a whole, and that's what I was addressing.... I thought you were supporting her argument. [ more ]
Garage Joe My point is that this is not a Christian country. It's a parliamentary democracy. Yes! Even after the saps voted in the tories. Iran's wacky leaders describe themselves as a n Islamic people's republic or some such. [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eff eff eff,yeah yeah yeah,eff eff eff
~Lee~ Reference: I think he /they think it sounds big, and grown up..... but in effect, all it does is show how childish he/they are.... not to mention, ignorant! Coupled with that scowl of his I ask myself what is he trying to achieve. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: I don't know how I have got to my great age without needing to eff & jeff. You're probably not a football fan [ more ]
Baz I think he /they think it sounds big, and grown up..... but in effect, all it does is show how childish he/they are.... not to mention, ignorant! [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Leccy Reference: remember a group in the bathroom talking about corin? shabs said' i can see the cacks becoming evident in her' at which point corin walks in and asks' you can see the cracks in me shabby what do you mean?' hahahahaaa quick bit of backtracking from shabs and people shuffling about awkwardly... Yes, Shabby started talking about how Corin had seemed down the day before or something...that's not what she was going to say if she hadn't been copped [ more ]
Leccy Reference: He won't take Corin on...... he's too much of a wuss.... and knows he would come off worst Reference: Wish she caught him.. Reference: Corin's nobody's fool. She's going to catch them bitching about her sooner or later and take them down several pegs. She might be a bit dizzy but stupid she ain't. A huge sycophantic YES to you all [ more ]
jacksonb remember a group in the bathroom talking about corin? shabs said' i can see the cacks becoming evident in her' at which point corin walks in and asks' you can see the cracks in me shabby what do you mean?' hahahahaaa quick bit of backtracking from shabs and people shuffling about awkwardly... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother house hitting an all-time low.
Prometheus Reference: Okay, so it was a tiny bit funny! It was kind of funny but lo and behold Kevin has taken up the mantle of Chief Witch. Unfortunately she's a bit dense (I'm being kind here) so I doubt she'll drum up much support outside of the sympathy votes she's gathering in the house. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Lowest of the low... bitching about ex-housemates... Reference: Dave: 'The best week I've had since I've been eeyer!' Ben: 'That's because the head of the coven has gone.' Grrrr Okay, so it was a tiny bit funny! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I did. There was a few in there that I liked. This year the only one I don't want to decapitate is Corin Luvvit like..she's proper mint [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A question to 'Bens Buddies'
justafriend it cant get no worse for him i dont think, they all hate him for 1 reason or other, Ben is Ben he does try with everyone. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: I don't doubt Ben's sincerity... it's hers I have concerns about. Ditto. [ more ]
Baz I don't doubt Ben's sincerity... it's hers I have concerns about. Given the way she turned on her *best friend* Shabby, I wouldn't trust her further than I could throw her. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave still at it!
Former Member Several of the nasty fukkerz! One of them had a finger missing! Wish I'd known about the 'family jewels' they would have been on a short lease too! [ more ]
stonks Reference: The one that everybody avoids like the plague, and hopes he doesn't get them alone in a corner! you have one aswell Tidds?.... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Stinkyyyyyy e's like the Uncle weirdo who turns up when there's a party going.... The one that everybody avoids like the plague, and hopes he doesn't get them alone in a corner! [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Nathan disrepect women?
brisket It wasn't being disrespectful of women particularly, but I thought it was disrespectful of everybody when Nathan appointed himself to the position of king of the kitchen without full discussion. [ more ]
Marguerita I dont like him considering he cant string a sentence together without swearing I cant make out anything he is saying, but have noticed he seems to be talking more this week and I kind of understand what he is saying although he is a terrible mumbler, he is dull and boring not a good HM to watch. [ more ]
stonks Reference: Psssst Stonks,you forgotted your drawers. I am wearing my pantalooms.... Reference: 'whispers to Lee' why do you think she likes swooning? *swoons some more*.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Three not five new HMS go in on Friday.
Marguerita Reference:Kattymieoww I've not fancied any BB blokes since Alex Sibley He was gorgeous I wanted him to win he was a great HM also loved Roberto [ more ]
Baz Well , not much there to get excited about then! Although the girls look like they could give Josie and Keeva a run for their money [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: 19 year old maths geek ....I fear for him He'll be eaten alive. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin vs Nayfin!
~Lee~ Reference: She's now giving Steeeeeve a wee conscience prick, and he's not liking it one bit! Hope she gets round to telling JJ to rack off too! Me too and well dare his mum and counterpart butt in. [ more ]
Former Member She's now giving Steeeeeve a wee conscience prick, and he's not liking it one bit! Hope she gets round to telling JJ to rack off too! [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Gutted I missed this. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBLB starting on E4 now - let's see what this "exciting news" is...
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: don't worry Mario will protect him oh god, the poor'll be fun to watch though [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: Andrew will be torn limb by limb by the pack don't worry Mario will protect him [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Rachel for Corin, because the others are ganging up on her. Keely for Ben, he needs it Andrew will be torn limb by limb by the pack [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blizz'ard Josie pulls up her 'friends' on things she doesn't agree with, from what I've seen. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: mENTY Are Josie and Keefer bitchy males?! Explains a lot lol Yes they are bitchy, as well as Corin and Iffy (the most horrible little user of everyone she can persuade she's a sweet wee thing), but they are female and it's expected of them. The male population of the house this year, have taken nastiness to a whole new level! [ more ]
cologne 1 I don't know is the honest answer. If Josie could be as honest to Keeva as Shabby was (ie. her behaviour towards Sunshine) then I think they will fall out. If Josie just goes along, Keeva will play the game too. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Potential HMS
MrMincePie Bit of a spoiler below... shows HMs that have been announced to go in. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: They make Mario and Lisa look like a vicar and his wife. That Graham has normally been in the BBLB audience every year, even shaving his head on one occasion. I think I would actually love it if he went in. Graham has also frequented the Jeremy Kyle & Trisha audiences but only when Jezza used to ask the opinions of the audience. They even did a reality show naked! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Please let it be Graham and Ivy They are obscenely funny. They make Mario and Lisa look like a vicar and his wife. That Graham has normally been in the BBLB audience every year, even shaving his head on one occasion. I think I would actually love it if he went in. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nathan and Ben kicking off on LF
Former Member He's rapidly going from hero to zero for me. He's really starting to p1ss me right off! [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Steve whipped them all up this morning, into the usual Ben/bitchfest. Expected much more from a father of 8 to be honest. I'm of the same opinion Tidds...He either joins in the ganging up or stands idly by doing nothing to stop it....As an older HM I did expect better from him. [ more ]
Former Member Steve whipped them all up this morning, into the usual Ben/bitchfest. Expected much more from a father of 8 to be honest. He also comes across as a follower, rather than a leader, and he's another waste of space sailing along under the radar..........for the time being! [ more ]
See all 120 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I admire Ben for being his own man...
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: they do the same to him longcat it works both ways It would be interesting to see how long it took Ben to copy them after they started it. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: You can be your own man/woman AND be a team player, they are not mutually exclusive...although Ben does seem to think that they are He uses his "i'm an individual" argument to justify the fact that he is bone idle, selfish and just generally can't be arsed [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: You can be your own man/woman AND be a team player, they are not mutually exclusive...although Ben does seem to think that they are He uses his "i'm an individual" argument to justify the fact that he is bone idle, selfish and just generally can't be arsed You took the words right out of my mouth. As for JJ and Nathan ganging up to get him to walk that is quite ridiculous IMO. Maybe they are just fed up with him mincing around the place, never doing anything to help and holding... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
1 rule for Nathan....
stonks Reference: I did not see it stonks it seems to apply to most of them depending on what has been said, Ben did ruffle most of their feathers in what he was saying about his comments about the war and they let him know ...dont know the thing about Shabby .. The thing is Marge at the start of BB Nathan told them all if there was a disagreement between 2 HM's noone should join in, then Shabby backed up what Josie was saying and he flipped on her but today he never said a word when Ben was being... [ more ]
Former Member Does he have any? He always had his hands down his pantz, maybe he's looking for some of his own! [ more ]
Sky Reference: I thought Shabby confirmed what Josie was saying ....and Nathan confirmed that, she never had "balls". [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lets say for example... (a BEN thread)!
Blizz'ard He's one of the biggest wannabes in there! I speak dead posh, too. [ more ]
~Lee~ .Reference: I just wish Ben had a pashmina Awww never mind you can borrow his floral bandanna instead, ....Oops edit sorry it's Barbie Boy who has the bandanna. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! ok Squigs - I've got L/F on, thought I heard someone say Ben was in there - just wanted it confirmed [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What did Keva mean when she called Corin "rough"
Dame_Ann_Average DID Totally agree with everything you said, concerning Corin and Keeva [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: I took it to mean, cheap and tarty No - you can call a small child they are being mardy when they are being a bit whiney or sulky or are putting on a whiney voice. They aren't being mean, cheap or tarty at all. [ more ]
Jones I took it to mean, cheap and tarty [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big announcement to be made on BBLB Thursday
Former Member So we still havn't found out [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* thanks Hyper, but I never click on your links. . last time I did [a good while back] the browser caught it and blocked it as a phishing site so now I ignore em.. Sorry Kaytee the code for this smiley is : o [without spaces] so when you quote and put Olly next to the reference word you get the smiley if you don't do a space first .. [ more ]
hyperstar Maybe you should look at my thread as I found something hidden on the Big Brother website [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Instead of being from the outside looking in...
Fairfax Reference: So I can understand why they all get ratty with each other, but I don't like it when they start ganging up on one HM. Exactly.Which is what happened today IMO. [ more ]
Yogi19 Fair points RR. Some of the characteristics which make someone a brilliant HM for viewers, can also make them a bit of a nightmare to live with. In addition, it is a pressure-cooker environment, where minor irritations can become major areas of conflict. So I can understand why they all get ratty with each other, but I don't like it when they start ganging up on one HM. [ more ]
Marguerita I could not live in a house with all those people 24/7 you would find fault even with the nicest person in the house,they are hand picked characters and they wont all get on that is the concept of BB, as much as I dont like my own company I do like my own space which is something they have not got in the house,it must be hard for all of them. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
More rubbish from Mario
brisket I've seen very few little tantrums from Mario actually. I suspect if there was a chart for hissy fits, Mario would be near the bottom and there are quite a number of contenders for 1st place. [ more ]
Kaytee Mario seems to spending time having hissy fits over very little and sporting a face like a slapped a*se to boot. He's either a very desperate wannabe, or he really is the BB mole [ more ]
WILDER X Reference: I think some of you may be missing the light-hearted aspects of Mario's remarks. Much of it is teasing. I think the humour is being missed. I still like Mario. One of the most self-aware housemates. I agree brisket. I can't stand corin she so fake. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oooh Ben's sleeping out tonight....
RiverRock Reference: even if he tried bitching I cant take him serious Are you serious?? He does nothing but!! [ more ]
suzybean I've said it before, I can't wait to see Ben and Corin's baby [ more ]
Azure. he can irritate the hell out of me, I shout at him telling him to shut up and leave it now but he does'nt listen just goes banging on putting his feet in his mouth sideways, sometimes its damned hard supporting the numpty, but all his endearing qualities and one liners make up for any annoyance I have with him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Funtime Josie
kattymieoww Not liking her much at all.I hope they put in at least a few decent housemates tomorrow. [ more ]
Marguerita I am not a fan of Josie but she does know how to handle JJ and thats got to a good thing to have someone like that around you especially in the BB house [ more ]
~Lee~ The only thing I really like her for is how she can handle Barbie Boy...She can soon put him in his place but I really dislike how he calls her mummy. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The anti Ben thread. We need at least one thread that isn't
Former Member Reference: Ben has been espousing his Oswald Mosely views this afternoon Really?! What was he saying? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: think this thread needs some gratuitous shots of men's bottoms Greef, J-Lo's waxing appointment is overdue! [ more ]
Former Member Ben has been espousing his Oswald Mosely views this afternoon......Nathan got really cross [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Our HMS.
Moonbeams Oh dear imagine being in a fight when you were at school. The shame. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:kimota Lesbians, gays and squatters, Its a Daily Mail nightmare! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Dancee Can't you cut and paste...i hate giving these rags my traffic (although I am nosy and would like to know what they say ) It's basically just talking about the first night and introducing the housemates. An edited version of the Channel 4 site's housemates info. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG! I'm so unlucky on e bay O/T
Former Member Reference: Ikataili Are you suggesting I am faking a hymen Vegeroo? Well, not the first time obviously [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Blue Diamond Soozy, I actually prefer to do it at the last minute (puting my max bid on) otherwise you can become a victim of shile biding. I have been had a few times on there for puting my max bid on too early. Right now I am bidding on three items from the same seller and I really really want these items to complete a collection, but I have a feeling he is driving the price up. That's happened to me too and it's so annoying, I now put in my maximum bid right at the last minute... [ more ]
ikataili Are you suggesting I am faking a hymen Vegeroo? How DARE you [ more ]
See all 27 replies...

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