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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF last night - Dave wasted on the Lord
Mary Seacole Reference: I hope this shit is included in tonight's highlights. Worth it. That will make good LF later on tonight when the men in white coats go in to get him out, his neighbours and the little girl in the corner shop must be missing all Daves love. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Slinki Yup, he's been at the demonade. [ more ]
Fairfax I'm actually sick of him now, he is absoluely full of crap [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James is going to refuse to nominate...
Smarting Buttocks Reference:ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ Didn't Siavash lose half his fan base for doing something very similar last year? I thought Siavash was a complete tosser for his silly not nominating thing last year. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: but I want rid of the wallpaper first So do I Kaytee, as long as he doesnt win it [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: I hope it's sooner rather than later for my sanity your sake, I'm just thinking about you Kaytee Of course you are Dame Ann...I wouldn't believe anything else ...but I want rid of the wallpaper first [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who would you like to boot out next?
Leccy Reference: Impressed that they have bothered to find out the male version of her name in Irish Lee did mention it the other week, I think for some people thought it's just a play one how many Keeva spelling's they've seen [ more ]
Fairfax Thanks Leccy, just nice to know. Impressed that they have bothered to find out the male version of her name in Irish [ more ]
Leccy Reference: JJ. By the way why are people calling Caoimhe - Kevin Because of the many varieties of spelling Keeva I've seen on here, Kiva, Keeva, Keever, Keefer...might as well chuck Kevin into the mix. Plus isn't Caoimhe the feminine of Kevin?...Yep...Caoimhín, just checked. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
crab eyes and snake face..
Mary Seacole I am now really bored with the JJ and Josie saga,they are like kids in the play ground, JJ is now being a martyr and not mixing in with the treat.cutting of his nose to spite his face. [ more ]
Blackpudlian JJ is now in the Diary Room instead of sitting down to his Treat for winning the Task. I suppose now he has been "orphaned" by Josie he needs BB's shoulder to whine on. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: Manly maybe. But he's horrible agree with you there Fairfax [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's the matter with Ife?
Kaytee Reference: Really??..we can get really clean while fighting.. It'll all be JJ's fault Stonkssy, everything else seems to be [ more ]
stonks Reference: I've never heard of a OCD fight before Really?? ..we can get really clean while fighting.... [ more ]
brisket Ife had a wakeful nightr. She was in The Nest, Diary Room, garden, Diary Room, aimless and restless. Earlier today she apparently said she was unhappy in the house. But I've no idea if she has taken it further than that. But she does tend to cry wolf a bit. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What happened to the task?
Former Member John James, Ife and Dave have won today’s task. Today’s ‘Dizzy Quizzy’ challenge was a test of how well the housemates have gotten to know their new housemates Keeley, Rachel and Andrew. The trio were told that they would not be taking part in the task but would get to share a feast tonight with the winning team. Participating housemates were split into three teams of three. The green team consisted of John James, Ife and Dave, the blue team included Mario, Corin and Caoimhe and Josie, Ben... [ more ]
DanceSettee what's an ass broom??? [ more ]
Leccy Reference: cheap ass broom handles to spin around on The mind boggles [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Day 32 Highlight spoiler!
Former Member Keeva by all account didn't like Keeley when they stood beside each other on launch night ,Keeva was never going to like a female that is smart and attractive. Cheers Darlo. [ more ]
Fairfax I can see Keeley heading for the high jump quite soon. She seems to have rufled a few feathers with her remarks on the state of the house and Ben's hair. It might have been nicer to keep those opinions to herself for a least a day or so [ more ]
Leccy Reference: She may have a big arse, I not seen it yet Neither have I, I'll be looking out for it now. Still it's a catty thing to say. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve is emerging as...
Liverpoollass Reference: Scotty (Corin`s Cribette #5) offline 13,942 Forum Posts Today at 12:26 PM Last Edited: Reference: Would people have thought it "seedy" if someone other than Steve had said it? What`s your point? What do you mean what's my point? I thought I was pretty clear [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: [jacksonb] jacksonb offline 5,291 Forum Posts Today at 1:57 Last Edited: That's a good one as well JB ....looks prickly, just like me [ more ]
jacksonb oh, when i clicked it , it went to a pick up [ more ]
See all 159 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If JJ woke up tomorrow with the face of Worzel Gummidge...
Liverpoollass I think his behaviour towards Rachel was out of order and totally unnecessary. I go from liking the block to wanting to deck him. He is full of contradictions and insecurities, which do not excuse his behaviour but explains it to a certain degree. I think he can be quite sweet and a good shoulder to cry on, but he just needs to listen more to what people say to him. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Obviously a face like a slapped arse is better than a face like Worzal Gummidge [ more ]
Gel Aw I quite liked Wurzel loved his different heads [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Bangladesh have beaten England in cricket
El Loro Reference: You are not going anywhere El Loro. Stay right where you are Well, if you insist [ more ]
brisket You are not going anywhere El Loro. Stay right where you are. [ more ]
El Loro DS, my thanks for you pointing out my pathetic stupid mistake which I have now corrected. My sincere apologies to everyone for the gross offence that I have unwittingly caused. I clearly am heading back to the mental hospital where I was for several months earlier this year. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ = the new Shabby
Fairfax Reference: I think Shabbys tantrums were acting to some extent,she's a clever girl.but JJ is just a mean spirited little scroat,a brainless himbo. Spot On [ more ]
kimota Reference: . I find it a bit insulting that it's often assumed that those who like him are all so shallow they are unable to judge him on anything but his appearance. I am sure that JJ does have some fans who like him for more than his looks. His little boy vulnerability perhaps? but I still feel that a lot of his fans (particularly the younger ones) are swayed by the looks. Would he really be so popular if he looked like Dave? I just don't see it! [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: shab's tantrums were usually involving inanimate objects,and flouncing out,when she went at people it was with some cause, like ben and the hand rubbing thing. What jb just said. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ife during the night
Fairfax Reference: Attention? Camera time? Sincere? You can only cry wolf a number of times before paying stop listening. Spot On Brisket. You have her well sussed. [ more ]
Kaytee I think she was left out of the shenanigans in the bedroom, Dave was hogging the limelight and the others weren't taking any notice of her at maybe she was both attention seeking and looking for airtime...she didn't look upset at all. I thought when I saw her that maybe she wanted to sleep but couldn't because the bedroom was very noisy....but maybe there was more to it. [ more ]
Former Member Seen it Brisket, walking around with her grey hoodie up .At first i thought she got up because of the noise in the room,but she went back to bed and even when it was quiet left again .I think it may have something to do with tabacco,she hates being without and she also hates having to recycle the old smoked butts. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a horrible feeling JJ's going to win it.
kimota Reference: But at least Brian wasn't a nasty little bullying scroat Indeed! Although I am now fed up by Brian's antics, I thought he deserved the win purely on the fact that he was the only one other than Chanelle to stand up to Charley, even though he quite liked her. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: 'd be seriously depressed if JJ won. Me too, I'd probably feel as hacked off as I did when Brian Belo won. But at least Brian wasn't a nasty little bullying scroat. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: have just read every message, I like JJ, I am not a teeny either, both my husband and me like him, not thinking of him as a son either, I have 3 of my own, I like JJ to win. I don't like Corin, but not once have I every run her down in a thread, I shan't come back in this thread so you can say what you like. From a John James lover, grandma to 8 grandchildren, going on 70 LOL.. This is a thread about JJ and his apparent lack of respect for women. I think he is a nasty little man... [ more ]
See all 159 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gel Whoah I hope they can bring Titan back in at some point, thought he was brilliant [ more ]
Former Member No, you were just looking at his pelvis werent you you were, i know this [ more ]
Cinds I think I was just too awe struck to notice anything sensible [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thoughts on Corin v JJ?
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: . I expect that josie's popularity will go down too if she doesn't make up with JJ today! Josie's went out of favour with me when she teamed up with JJ and Keeva, I think in the long run Josie would be better off not pursuing the fake romance with JJ and trying to avoid Keeva and JJ's bitching sessions. I agree with you about Corin, she reacted to JJ taunting and probably like many people when they blow they blow. She probably didn't do herself any favours, because she let her... [ more ]
kimota A lot of the background to the row was left out, but even so , I felt that it was JJ who started it and Corin is not the type to take it. Despite some peoples claims of 'mask's slipping' Corin was upfront from the start. I noted on the first night her V.T comment "don't be a bitch with me and I won't be a bitch with you" and I thinks that's the truth. She is a reactive arguer whereas JJ seems to go looking for it! that said I did think Corin lost it a bit and went a little over the top,... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: longcat online 2,055 Forum Posts Today at 9:39 AM Last Edited: I thought she made herself look an idiot. The thing started outside and Josie was just as guilty as JJ for taking the mick. But she only took offence at JJ. JJ was in the bedroom packing when she came in winding him up. Then she let herself down by screaming like a banshee. The minute you raise your voice or swear you have lost an argument. She also proved she's been hiding her full personality for 5 weeks behind a... [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saint Ben already calling Keely Cruella
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: Ben is right. What about when he talked like a robot and made up what the boy Andrew had said to him? [ more ]
justafriend i agree with senoras post. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Ben cracks me up! I know he bitches, but when you copmpare him to waste of space HM's like Ife/Mario/Steve.... Ben adds up to being a pretty good HM. I loved Brian from BB2, and he did his fair share of bitching when he was in the BB house, but was still a likeable person, thats how it is with Ben for me. [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ and Josie latest arguement.
Liverpoollass I haven't seen the argument yet, but I would imagine that an insult coming from someone you see as a friend and care about,is far more hurtful then coming from someone else. So, I can understand why he is upset. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: does she have a cunning plan? She has, but we must all remember her track record with cunning plans is not exactly exemplary. [ more ]
Mentalist Reference: Baldrick sticking his oar in does she have a cunning plan? [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The house without Dave...
Amythist While I think a lot of Daves religion is deeply suspect and cobblers, I cant help liking the man. He has found a way to tap into extreme happiness (which he says is gods love) without using mind altering he used to.Now thats really something Im sure we'd all like.......but without the old scriptures bringing us down. He is a good influence for the most part. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: The house without Dave... ....would be a much nicer place. Well said Brisket. Dave pretends to be something he isn't and what he really is isn't very nice at all. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: "No Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists" "No Atheists. Sorry guys, we love you, but you ain't coming in" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ahemmmm...... CRAB EYES
Cariad Reference: him pulling on his jacket ONCE he had heard Nathan's name being belted out to be evicted Whilst I accept John James has a LOT of issues I have to say he did start donning his jacket well before Davina mentioned any names... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: We have seen many examples of bad acting in Big Brother over the years. But this year there are a number of very poor performances. I hope next time he puts it on, he'll be keeping it on Brisket [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Why did the bloke, Who won't do mag shoots, Fly all the way from Oz? Cra'ab eyes. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina twitter comment...
Soozy Woo Reference: I'd love to see her if he were to verbally abuse her or her daughte I'm sorry if I'm sounding argumentative (well I am a bit but) why isn't a woman able to hold her own in a verbal confrontation? He's never shown any signs of getting physical ........don't we live in an age where women can and should be able to give as good as they get? All this talk of JJ picking on women's bloody words's... [ more ]
kattymieoww This is the woman remember who thought Luke and Becs were great, [ more ]
~Lee~ I'd love to see her if he were to verbally abuse her or her daughter(If she has one) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction tomorrow night...look out for us!
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. When Nathan's name was called he slumped when he was booed. this was not when he was told he was out. They cut away from it tonight. as it would have made JJs coat putting on look like the show it was. [ more ]
Former Member all this stuff about universal cheers they are going on about in the house PANTS he was booo'd to kingdom come every time his name was mentioned last night and the boooos when he was evicted were deafening whats that all about? [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: its frustrating... trying to explain it a forum-muggle! [ more ]
See all 152 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
you see, I think I might like Andrew..
Karma_ Happy Birthday Juniette Isadora! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: she is having a great time yesterday her boss spoilt her rotten Today her Godmother and I did the same tomorrow her Dad will Monday her BF will Tues me and my OH will oh I miss week long birthdays! Good to see you celebrating too! I am a big beleiver in celebrating my part in it all on the kids birthdays. Empty Womb Day I call it! It is a celebration. We gave birth... we should so take some of the credit [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: she is having a great time yesterday her boss spoilt her rotten Today her Godmother and I did the same tomorrow her Dad will Monday her BF will Tues me and my OH will oh I miss week long birthdays! Good to see you celebrating too! I am a big beleiver in celebrating my part in it all on the kids birthdays. Empty Womb Day I call it! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
89% Wow
Former Member uhuh.. partly so's I don;'t have to iron though! ( that's what radiators are for!) Nahh really, it's a wee bit chilly here..rather it was that way that hot and humid though, sounds grim x [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: just had to put the heating on here! really? its unbearable down here! really unbearable! [ more ]
Former Member that's the one Ditty! (except with a Glasgow accent ) not seeing any apostrophe catastrophe , think you're safe Hot?! just had to put the heating on here! [ more ]
See all 96 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Reference: They used to make them do a good cleaning about once a week,getting the overalls on and playing music into the house.They haven't done it this year at all. Yes Katty.... that's what I remembered too.... but thought I must have missed it or soemthing... [ more ]
brisket The other night Josie dropped the excavations from her nose on the bedroom floor. The sitting, and laying on the kitchen table and worktops is really bad. [ more ]
Baz Reference: they still haven't collected lappy yet - not till Monday and could be weeks before they fix it And yes.... they are a lot of slobs, aren't they. I guess in previous years there has always been at least 1 HM that was a clean freak, but this year, none of them seem to care...... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ is a lot like BB9's Rex
Blizz'ard They both bullied a Rachel/Rachael. This could get confusing! I agree with spiderminkey, though. Ben is the reactionary in that house! [ more ]
Baz The difference I see between Rex and JJ is , yes, they are both arrogant, but I really don't remember Rex sitting around nastily bitching about other HM's behind their backs. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Reactionary as I understand it means opposed to change. I'm not sure that's how I would describe JJ. Now Ben on the other hand... I see them the other way round. Hey ho. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The 'Keeley and Rachel are delicious' topic.
SpiderMonkey Reference: Is Rachel the blonde? Naw I think Rachel has the dark hair (scouse accent). He's the nicer of the two in my opinion, in looks and personality. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Napoleon complex yeah my dog has that! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Is Rachel the blonde? She is stunning! I haven't really watched LF much since last night so dunno what her personality is like. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Keely told JJ to sort out his attitude
Senora Reyes Reference: Nor me I will say I personally do not find him attractive, but I can see why 12 year old girls would go gaga over him. [ more ]
Baz Reference: ..Oh no! not a thick Aussie!!..pretty well sums him up, Way to go Mr Kaytee. Mind you, I doubt JJ would give a Castlemaine XXXX about it Oh and regards his looks.....I think he has the same problem that Shabby & Keeva have...... passable looks, spoilt by the mirror of their personalities. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: don't think he's good looking though Nor me KT....Granted he'd pass in a crowd,with a big push,but any attractiveness he may posses is overode by his nasty personality. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...

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