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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Saturday Night / Sunday Morning Singalong!
PeterCat Reference: why does christopher walken frighten me ? Have you ever seen the video where he dances in a hotel lobby? Fantastic! [ more ]
TiGi Reference: why does christopher walken frighten me ? I'm with you on that.. [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: As Robbie Williams sang: Sheeeee stood there laughing I stuck my **** in her mouth She laughed no more.. Robbie Williams doesn't know the really bad version though [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Still liking 'aRR Josie!
Blizz'ard Reference: Ninja I 'ad a feelin' you wuz a good sort Blizzie! Always trust your instincts, Ninj! [ more ]
Former Member Sometimes she drives me mad with the JJ stuff but she is very funny and I actually think she is, by and large, being herself in their... well as much as anyone can be with cameras looking at them 24/7. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I like Josie - she's funny, pretty, means well & has a good heart... but is riddled with insecurities - and I kind of like that about her... she's an open book! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CH4 mods
Senora Reyes LOL's brilliant Spidey! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: So in conclusion, if you want your comment to be posted you must be pro-JJ, you must talk about housemates kissing, and you must end your message with xxxxxxxx. Well, they cleared my latest post this morning which started with... BB11 IS RUBBISH... and ended with... BRING BACK SHABBY!!! [ more ]
Triggers They rejected my well considered opinion that JJ is a "self-obsessed moron" I think my remark's inherent integrity threw them. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is the most entertaining HM?
Fairfax Ben all the way . His little treat time in the diary room, for me is BB gold..Babs Streisand warbling in the backgroung, sipping his sweet wine.. Fantastic ( I have high hopes for Andrew too) [ more ]
Former Member Ben.Corin.Josie. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants josie ben and corin...........dave i find funny too but in a weird cringe way!!.......jj could....and would start an arguement at a funeral.....chicken keeva just bitches and smokes......steve just sits about......mario's getting boring.....andrew has potential....but like others have said he seems to have disappeared........keely i think could be good if there was a scrap!..rachel is deadwood [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is JJ leading Josie on?
brisket They've only met for a few weeks for a tv gameshow. Why on earth are they talking in this mock-serious way? [ more ]
brisket I actually switched off last night. I could stand no more of their whining around and around in circles going nowhere. It has become deadly dull and tedious. I couldn't wach the thumb sucking, and listen to the Aussieupward inflections any longer. I found the news much more entertaining. [ more ]
Angel Reference: he didn't like her in that way I don't think he does. I think he looks upon josie as a kind of mother figure if you like .... she's a strong woman, a protector almost .... that's how I see it. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I fear I am terminally board of Big Brother :O
Former Member Im really enjoying this one [ more ]
Carnelian I think this series has been the best in years. I've hardly missed any of it. I gave up on BB last year almost straight away and I doubt I watched much more than three hours of the celeb version. The tasks are amusing and the housemates are a good mix and as infuriating as they need to be to make it a watchable BB. A bit less Josie and JJ would help. [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: We would have a different program completely if they just would just let go. Hell yes It's like they are playing a game of chess and trying to work out the moves of there openents and modify there behaviour to make aliances etc. Keeve being a very good example of this I think. Tho now she is more like a prison top dog. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ smoking!!
Blackpudlian Reference: Are you sure you're not just seeing smoke coming out of his ears because someone mentioned his bad perm? I'm wondering what sort of cigs he smokes as he is very paranoid [ more ]
DanceSettee Are you sure you're not just seeing smoke coming out of his ears because someone mentioned his bad perm? [ more ]
longcat I have seen him smoke a few times. My husband is like that,he can pick it up and put it down for months even years. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ashley Cole
Angel Reference: but the boy must have thick skin to put up with the shite the British Media throw at him can't take the heat, keep outta the kitchen .... he's reaping what he's sewn .... no sympathy for him whatsoever. A married premier leauge footballer sleeping around all over the place .... what does he expect .... he's an arsehole, through and through. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I think he is a poor excuse of a man. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Videostar ..I cant stand the cow and I bet anyone any money they like that shes very cold in the bedroom. Whoa What an amazingly bold statement to make! [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ defends JJ in convo with Dave - LF 03:50
kattymieoww I wouldn't mind if he put up a good argument,all he does ir repat,repeat and repeat nasally.I can't stand him.Oh and as others have said he cares very much about the public etc. [ more ]
jacksonb have to say, from just watching the highlights last night, ben came across as the instigator of that fight and jj came out of it smelling of roses. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Josie said more or less the same thing the other day. She had forgotten she was on a tv show. Yeah right [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The JJ/Josie show again on LF.
Liverpoollass I think it's probably because there is naff all else going on in the house. They have to show something on the HL show and if all that is going on is JJ and Josie, well.... [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: JJ needs that shredded wheat shaved off no!!! I love his unemployed hair! [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: He needs a hairdo seriously though. He does, but so do JJ and Josie. JJ needs that shredded wheat shaved off, and Josie needs a pint of conditioner and some Domestos for those roots. [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T What's your view on Roual Moat's ex girlfriend?
Liverpoollass Reference: Aimee offline 10580 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:32 PM Just seen on the news that she has sold her story to TNOW for a six figure sum JIMO i think she started most of this, Moat was the offender but she started the turn of events All she did was to fall out of love with the bloke and find someone else. She had been trying to leave him for a while after suffering years of abuse, so not sure why it is her fault. [ more ]
Mentalist He picked up the gun, he pulled the trigger, he takes the blame, that's all there is to it. [ more ]
longcat I think no matter who she had said her new BF was he would have still gone on a rampage. In his mind she belonged to him so he was going to make her suffer. Don't even get me started on the Facebook nutters or the people who are laying flowers for him and calling him a hero. I wonder how many of them have ever laid flowers at a Cenotaph. [ more ]
See all 129 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF they're talking noms!
longcat Dave had already made sure Keeva would be up when he was in the kitchen with Ben, Keely and Rachael on the morning He is constantly talking noms and getting away with it. [ more ]
Scotty Night Tiddly [ more ]
Former Member FFS he's back to the beginning of the loop, and back to Ben and his Jerry Springer sketch! Outta here before I punch his nebby spiteful crab eye face through the screen! [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT Urgent cake icing question!?
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: LLF, we're still waiting for that dinosaur cake I was about to say.... Little Leicester Fox is the cake lady... LB - yes!! pics!!! (I have a block of regal icing in the cupboard... I always seem to find an excuse not to use it.... todays excuse is that I am gonna make a banana pavlova! icing not required!) [ more ]
El Loro Reference: DanceSettee oh noes....if only this forum had a member that specialised in the making of fancy and wonderful cakes The Forum Coalition Government desperately needs a specialist cake maker LLF, we're still waiting for that dinosaur cake [ more ]
Lazybug Reference: oh noes....if only this forum had a member that specialised in the making of fancy and wonderful cakes If only *ahem* [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Should Isadora finish the chardonnay????
suzybean ooo I missed all this...nice one Issy [ more ]
Former Member Awww you did a poll for me. Well I finished the glass and then fell asleep on the settee with my contact lenses in. .. slept till stupid o clock and OH put me to bed. Surprisingly I feel fine this morning. [ more ]
Fletch Reference: She should pour it down the sink and repent of the Lord for her evil ways Are you Daves Missus? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bedroom noise
Demantoid Juvenile twunts. I'd take my quilt and go sleep in the nest, and to hell with what BB said. If I got punished I'd refuse to take my punihsment and make sure all the others got punished for me refusing. Sod 'em all. [ more ]
brisket And they are at it again tonight. JJ is being very loud, Caoimhe is snuggling close to him. Rachel is loud. Josie is also talking. No effort to keep the noise down at all. Even more unfair is that Josie, JJ and Caoimhe have taken over Mario's bed. He has just entered and can hardly get into his own bed. Such rudeness and extreme bad manners and selfishness. [ more ]
Angel Reference: quite late when others are sleeping. Then they proceed to talk at normal volume clatter doors, laugh, even shout. I've got neighbours like that ..... so inconsiderate!!! I don't know why the others, who want to stay up dont go into the nest or the living area and leave those who want to sleep in peace .... it's bloody selfish, imo. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Too much....
Demantoid I know. I'd love to hear what people in there think, apart from what they think of each other. And I have no interest in seeing whether that pinch-faced Aussie kisses that silly mare from Bristol, I really haven't.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If there was one 'common' HM...
Demantoid Reference: Why did the other Housemates have to do the task so Ben could get his suitcase back while he was wined and dined in the Diary Room? To see if they would [ more ]
Tayto. Why did the other Housemates have to do the task so Ben could get his suitcase back while he was wined and dined in the Diary Room? [ more ]
PeterCat I actually think they were beating him with his twonkdom, though. (Love that word) Ben is really a posh-person-wannabe. That's what was being shown up from what I could see. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
words used out of context..
Cosmopolitan Reference: Did anyone see Mitchell and Webb this week? There was a funny sketch involving a grammar pedant Was it the one where Mitchell shot everyone....and then had to shoot himself? Was funny [ more ]
Katerina Did anyone see Mitchell and Webb this week? There was a funny sketch involving a grammar pedant I can't stand it when newsreaders pronounce 'secretary' as 'secketary' [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: I'm disliking the new gay, meaning useless, meaning, like. The term gay was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy" Sling a Noel Coward songbook at 'em and confuse the little blighters. My neighbour, for some strange reason, couldn't say absolutely or actually - so she used to mix them together and tell me something was Acksholutely. She was another from the Pacifically school too. [ more ]
See all 162 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie moans about her weight...
Leccy Reference: rinse the wedge Muwhahahahaha [ more ]
Fletch Reference: Just been thinking some more, aswell as I said above, the minute she came out I would get her signed up with a store that does larger clothing now (like New Look, DP's etc) sell her to the highest bidder and have her feature in mags showing how clothes can look good on a larger framed lady. Then the whole weight loss thing could start, then after the liposuction I'd ger her signed to model TopShop's summer collection to showcase how TopShop is relelvant for the older lady and not... [ more ]
Karma_ Just been thinking some more, aswell as I said above, the minute she came out I would get her signed up with a store that does larger clothing now (like New Look, DP's etc) sell her to the highest bidder and have her feature in mags showing how clothes can look good on a larger framed lady. Then the whole weight loss thing could start, then after the liposuction I'd ger her signed to model TopShop's summer collection to showcase how TopShop is relelvant for the older lady and not just 19... [ more ]
See all 100 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I cannot post a poll!!!
Smarting Buttocks Reference: I cannot post a poll!!! [Isadora] Isadora online 1108 Forum Posts Today at 10:38 PM So do I fisnish the chardonnay or not cos that is what I was going to ask!! I have done a poll for you. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: So do I fisnish the chardonnay or not Depends how many you've already had??? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: It is the best wine ever... I blame Budgens - they keep hving offers. I blame meself for drinking it [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why is it suddenly a problem for JJ when housemates discuss "the programme"?
justafriend oh McDonalds strawberry milkshake i just love them [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: Senora welcome to Hypocritical world of JJ... He's so full of shit it's almost funny. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Reference: I can tell you that I have only tried a McDonalds Shake once and I almost puked. It's like a mixture of ice cream and plastic... What you on? The Shake's not for you [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wow, BB, I'm impressed...
Blizz'ard Reference: spider No they didn't. All we heard was Keeley say, and then Ben also say later, that JJ had been picking at Ben the whole task. When Ben made his comment about JJ having the hair of an unemployed man that was merely the catalyst JJ had been waiting for. We didn't actually get to see JJ picking at Ben, we were just left with clues from other housemates that it had occured. The catalyst JJ had been waiting for to start laughing? Because that's what we saw. The argument didn't start... [ more ]
Prometheus Well let's face it, if they don't show JJ scowling at some HM or other or crying in the DR over his fake showmance he'd never make the HL's at all and we can't have that can we? [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: They showed who started the second one, too! No they didn't. All we heard was Keeley say, and then Ben also say later, that JJ had been picking at Ben the whole task. When Ben made his comment about JJ having the hair of an unemployed man that was merely the catalyst JJ had been waiting for. We didn't actually get to see JJ picking at Ben, we were just left with clues from other housemates that it had occured. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin has broken JJ run
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! everytime I see this thread I keep thinking it says 'Corin has broken JJs arm' [ more ]
Kaytee I think Rachel got herself evicted because whether she really was or not, she seemed to be too full of herself, with a look that could curdle milk to boot. Govan got himself evicted because he was a little weasel Sunshine got herself evicted because of the carry on she had about perhaps showing her knickers....what did she do when she got out....dressed like Lady Gaga Iffy got heself evicted because she irritated everyone Lets just wait and see who is up next week...apart from Keever, that's... [ more ]
Lockes forgive me but I always thought the public evicted the hms [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie Reade hanging around with Kenneth Tong...
Frannie Blimey. He really is as nice as he came across on the show then! Thanks for the explanation. x [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Frannie Today at 20:58: What did he do to Carly? Kenneth sent full-frontal nude pictures of her to everyone on their mail list (he's still using the KarlyAndKenneth twitter account). This was apparently for revenge after they split. He also widely posted links to a website which had the same nude pictures on its home page. He got into a lot of trouble for the latter as he was in breach (at the very least) of his contract with his service provider. As for the mailings, last I heard,... [ more ]
Frannie What did he do to Carly? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Caiomhe
Cold Sweat Yet in the time between nominations and SAR everyone is her best friend! [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Where,s the famous team spirit JJ rants on about??? He wouldnt have moved unless she asked He's ok with the theory but he falls short on the practical [ more ]
Former Member Where,s the famous team spirit JJ rants on about??? He wouldnt have moved unless she asked [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nasty and nastier!
Former Member She put it all out there last night. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: erinp There will be trouble tonight after cocktails,Josie is going to blow.Keeva went for JJ and it looks likes she has got him . That was always Keeva`s plan. Her "concern" for fixing Josie and JJ`s relationship was a ruse. That was the last thing she wanted. She`s cunning but not as smart as she thinks she is. It will backfire. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: Keeva went for JJ and it looks likes she has got him . She's obviously forgotten about that proposal , sounds like her boyfriend might have had a lucky escape and John James will have to deal with Shabby's wrath . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF - JJ and Caoimhe bitching
SpiderMonkey Reference: JJ's fans will probably blame Josie Yeh they did last week when JJ and Josie had that argument. They were being proper nasty. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I agree Caoimhe has very quietly muscled her way between them. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Josie was a fool to think JJ liked her in that way. He said his type was Corin and she was a 10 out of 10, gawed knows how he treats them if he really dislikes them. He gave Corin the lickings of a dog [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This forum versus C4 forum. Who wins?
PeterCat Reference: I guess he isn't all that photogenic Or maybe he's just an ugly bastard [ more ]
Karma_ Super he's wearing one of those 1990 circa leather goose jackets And his hair looks crap! Just been trying to find a good photo, but erm, I guess he isn't all that photogenic [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: I thought me and Peter were going to get slapped wrists there Let 'em try! [ more ]
See all 82 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why JJ is so popular..
kimota Reference: re you serious? On DS's week 5 poll him and Ben were far and away the two most popular house mates, Ben 1st JJ second. He Beat Nathan (Not a particularly unpopular or despised housemate) in the eviction by 89%-11% share. His popularity seems to be everywhere except on here. I am well aware of it, I am just saying that I feel there has been a big shift in the people now on forums(apart from this one ) and perhaps in the wider voting public over the last year. I feel that J.J would... [ more ]
liverbird Reference: I think its ironic people who berate JJ for dissing someones appearance, and they are the very people who pick every fault they can in JJ and slag him off. [ more ]
liverbird Reference: He's a crab eyed twat! Other crab eyed twats like to support their own! Is there any reason to take it to a personal level. ? .. bad form I'd say I agree Olly - there's something about him I like and I most certainly AM not crabby eyed!! [ more ]
See all 59 replies...

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