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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF: Caiomhe v Keeley...
Kaytee Reference: *slaps own head* she bluddy does doesn't she? Tiddlee ....yep! Some times more than others, but it's there and I wish it wasn't [ more ]
Former Member Reference:k-k-k-kaytee The problem that I have with Keeley is that she looks like Nikki Graham. *slaps own head* she bluddy does doesn't she? [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: *puts cushions back on the bench* Fancy a brew ? Good morning gorgeous, coffee would be lovely,milk one sweetener pls.*Plumps cushions* [ more ]
See all 52 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Steve Sympathy Vote
SazBomb Thats a crazy readback Lecs [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: BARMYBRUMMIE 1,934 Forum PostsToday at 12:07 Last Edited: As a lot of you will know, I have a disabled daughter who is wheelchair-bound AND I have an uncle who is paralysed from the waist down, through both of them I have learned a LOT - an awful LOT about disability - ANY disability. I dont see the disability, I see the person and I absolutely cannot abide Steve, it seems he can say anything he likes, he is very pervy (noticed it a while off - whenever he speaks he gets... [ more ]
Karma_ Sorry have been away seeing to the boy (and watching the JJ ruck)...haven't seen what you initially said, but will catch you on FB about it x And thanks for your help with all this stuff, never knew the half of it! [ more ]
See all 95 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed last night Josie's Bitchfest(Youtube)
Green&Pink I saw this on DS Erin. It proves the point on Senora's thread that Josie does have a lot of control over the housemates. She has set up the bitchfest and everyone joins in.. almost everyone. I am disappointed at Mario.Note how Josie is so soft spoken. Sounding oh, so reasonable. She is the puppet master. Winds them up and watches them go. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ and Keeley video
suzybean So she assumed wrongly, but that's the way to deal with JJ...even her apology was being thrown back at her by the Angry Aussie! I wonder what JJ's blood pressure is like, he always looks like this [ more ]
Former Member [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Shipwrecked?
Saint iTUNES has a whole series for download [ more ]
suzybean I loved this show when it reminds me of a good Saturday night out before and chilling out in bed all Sunday with my mister, both nursing a hangover in our first flat. That was just before parenthood...since then it's been difficult to follow the more recent series. [ more ]
El Loro If you look at the comments on this C4 page on Shipwrecked it looks as if the series has been cancelled [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I the only one who has no sympathy for Keeva?
Fairfax Reference: Brisket I don't like Caoimhe, Josie and John James. I have no sympathy for any of them. They, more than anything else, have caused me to lose a lot of interest in this series. Same here [ more ]
Demantoid No sympathy here [ more ]
Former Member no, ive not sympathy at all. Im terrible though, no second chances and she blew it when she was horrible to my shabby! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ asking BB if he can get into the DR ,Keeva is in there!
Former Member I cant stand the woman, i hope she does walk [ more ]
suzybean hahahaha Caiomhe on the Titanic with only one space left on the lifeboat [ more ]
Demantoid See her talking to Josie about storming the fire escape in the garden on last night's HLs? It's her dealings with Shabby all over again - claim you want to leave, persuade a 'friend' they need to go too, give them a final push towards the door and once they're out, change your mind and stay. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie and her Period
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Well I thought I'd give meditation and chanting a go cos it was supposed to relax the baby (I tried every bloody thing - I'm so easily sold to ) and I bought a couple of these tapes and one was the noise inside the womb (apparently). Have you ever heard that? WHAT a racket Womb music I think its an acquired taste! [ more ]
DanceSettee ooohh seems like the ideal thread to drop this pic in [ more ]
Leccy Reference: they did a good job with mine and the scar and everything. My scar is rancid It's HUGE, she was 3lb 11oz why is it so BIG! [ more ]
See all 135 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its just PURELY coincidental
bateman Oh joy. :/ [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: Wish there was a Womens Premier Footie league so us fellas would have a chance of becoming HABs. There you go... fill yer boots [ more ]
Former Member Reference: It's a small world! It is, maybe I know you in rl !? (Oh and my nephew through marriage played for them too!) [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it a little hot in the Bedroom?
Former Member Reference: Because John James is wearing a knitted tea-cosy on his head. [ more ]
brisket Reference: erinp Is it a little hot in the Bedroom? On the contrary; I think it may be cold. Because John James is wearing a knitted tea-cosy on his head. [ more ]
brisket After Mario departed Rachel squeezed herself underneath Ben's legs so that she was apparently pinned down but at the same time could fondle his legs. Subtle? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie's a nasty cow.
bateman *contempt/10* [ more ]
Former Member Updates: Day 42 01:18 Josie tells Ben, Rachel and Keeley that Caoimhe brings out the worst in John James. 01:14 Ben tells Josie her conflict with Caoimhe has 'sucked the life out of her.' 01:10 Mario comments that everyone in the winners party: "Looks like they've got a face like a slapped arse." 00:57 Caoimhe is telling John James she wants to leave the house and can't wait until she may be evicted on Friday. 00:45 Mario says he wants to work in fashion or video games when he leaves the... [ more ]
Xochi Reference: I do think she will be remorseful about tonight... and go on a huge guilt trip about it. Yep... she will Ditty, but I think with more attention on her in mind than actual guilt. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin on live feed
Starfleet Admiral hoochie I suppose there are times when you just want/need to voice your feelings - whether it's sensible or not .... drink always exacerbates this. [ more ]
Former Member you really dont want to hear your other half talk like that about anyone. not good. [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie I think Corin has let the drink go to her head - although she said she'd not do anything about it, if I were her gf I'd not be happy [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There may be trouble ahead .
Former Member Reference: Thanks for the update,I can't get into live streaming at the mo, [ more ]
Bojangles Thanks for the update,I can't get into live streaming at the mo, [ more ]
Former Member Josie has changed ...again .a little purple ensemble. Ben rach Mario have a little massage train going on [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
keever right now looks like..
~Lee~ The dark hair and really fair skin is common among Celts....Quite a few of my family are like that. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: I notice an FM on DSpy has started a thread asking if Caoimhe is a closet ginger! Quite possible IMO .......she has incredibly white skin. Why hide the fact though? Does she shave her chest too like ginger Tim? [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i hope she doesn't blow up tracy island......... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG - i thought Josie was really walking!
stonks Reference: She smirked her way through that totally unconvincing but now de rigueur wanna leave routine. Hope Keeva wins S+R just to keep her beak outta joint [ more ]
Cold Sweat Has anyone got the damning footage of Caoimhe from Friday night either saved to disc or in screen capture form? [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! oh I agree totally CS - Keever DID overstep the mark - SHE can see the ££££££s as well as Josie and JJ if there was a romance in the house. IF JJJ really do have a thing for each other (and I've said this previous BBs) - what the hell is 3 months to wait, if not less?? Why not wait? All three of them are coming across as a bit desperate to me - JJ especially, trying to look 'cool' about it and confused at the same time - if a girl says she fancies you - WHAT DO YOU THINK IT MEANS?? And so we... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh god. Dont they learn?!
Mathematics Reference: are they really Maffs??? I've missed a bit 2nite between chores - I hope they are It didn't last long. They only lasted 5 minutes. They are dressing up now. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! are they really Maffs??? I've missed a bit 2nite between chores - I hope they are [ more ]
Mathematics Reference: I guess we can never imagine how bored they must be being under lock and key 24/7...............I would never ever dream of doing that ......maybe they get like a prisoner mentality .........I'm sure they'd never do it at home. I'd be all over it if I was bored. I'd go as far to paint on the walls if bored enough. Me and boredom don't mix well. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tomorrows save Spoiler
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I have just read this and I thought that was the task ,break a T Bag in a cup! I was thinking,eh? aww it's been a long day Erinp [ more ]
Former Member I have just read this and I thought that was the task ,break a T Bag in a cup! I was thinking,eh? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Groan! I see's it also.The black legging cladded widow spider will be still be there yet. My PG tips never lie Katty, bit I do agree she's not known to keep her word. She gone on for days on live feed she will not try, we'll wait and see I think Shabby knew the minute she walked out, Keeva had played her like a fiddle...shame really, I think Shabby might have been a better house mate if Keeva had not been there. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rachel big gub!
Soozy Woo I quite like her ......although my viewing has been scant over the last couple of days. i think she's harmless ......nothing sinister in any way IMO. [ more ]
brisket I can't stand her hair. I hate her when she messes with it. Her voice can be heard booming anywhere within a square mile. [ more ]
stonks I don't like her and she could ruin our Ben viewing.... [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The most harmonious and high-spirited BB house ever.
Cosmopolitan Reference: Also: Jon wouldn't have a garden to look after this time.. No naughty tomato plants...? But at least we'd get another hearing of Hotel California. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Oh, I don't know about putting the Ticklemeister in that list... I'd love to see him with Eugene, but I'd put money on him trying to bait Cameron about his religious beliefs again , and he'd definitely have a go at Dave... Also: Jon wouldn't have a garden to look after this time... [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Tickle to win. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Self-employment? Erk!
brisket Peter, I only have limited knowledge of this sort of thing, but it appears there are people on this thread who are offering constructive and useful advice and support. So I'll just send you very best wishes that 'things' will soon seem clearer and more satisfying for you. [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie My brother has dealt with a similar company PC. He has gone self-employed because he came to believe he had no other choice.... and you are correct these companies are paid on getting people off the jobless figures. My brother was promised all sorts of support and help if he went self- may be surprised ( or not ) to know that now that he has, very little of this has been forthcoming. He is also now on his 3rd Advisor Lesson learnt - look very carefully after your own... [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: It sounds to me as if the person who contacted you is just after commission!! Sort of. Basically, he's part of a company which is paid by the government to "deal with" long-term unemployed people. They get paid by results, if I guess rightly, so his main interest is getting me off JSA by hook or by crook. I am currently retraining, doing a 4-year Diploma which I paid for out of my savings. In the meantime I'm also looking for work. However, this will probably not be enough to... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James bitching again (basically admits that he is a bully and will argue with people until they walk)
Former Member His very own words! Maybe he meant faceachebook! [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: He boasts that his favourite pastime is arguing with folk on youtube, until they block him! What a lovely young man! oh so he is waht the You Tube trolls are like They're uber trolls on that place [ more ]
Sky Reference: Who knows as we speak Dave may have immigrated One-way ticket, Lee [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew & Dave
Mary Seacole Reference: I get the impression that Andrew isn't too keen on Glory Dave. I also think Josie has Dave summed up. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: i think a lot of them have under-estimated Andrew, he is very much is own person Agreed, so far I'm liking what I see in Andrew. [ more ]
Former Member SR...that was one of my best moments so far! i think a lot of them have under-estimated Andrew, he is very much is own person [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Official Liverpool FC Thread
RiverRock Joe Cole joins Liverpool today. Great signing. Now if we keep a hold of Stevie G and El Nino we could get back into the top 4 after last years shambolic season. [ more ]
RiverRock Joe Coles odds of joining the club have shortened to 4/5 [ more ]
RiverRock he 62-year-old former Fulham, Inter Milan and Switzerland manager has agreed terms with the club on a three-year contract and becomes the 18th manager in Anfield history. He will be unveiled this afternoon after overseeing the first day of pre-season training at Melwood. Hodgson joins from Fulham, where he guided the Cottagers to the Europa League final in May and was voted Manager of the Year by the League Managers' Association. He said:... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caoimhe banned from nominating
Former Member Reference: I’m starting to feel a little sorry for Caoimhe! Not only do all the hm’s hate her – now BB is picking on her as well! Erm… or is this a sneaky ploy to drum up a little extra support for her (via some sympathy) given that she seems a little devoid of the likability factor. New crush alert - oh now we are going to be inundated with boring interesting snippets all about Keeva and all sorts of justifications as to why she is more sinned against than sinning, a really lovely person... [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: Are they nearly all done yet? Yes. Noms-revealing video up on the BB site. [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: Are they nearly all done yet? Yes. Noms-revealing video up on the BB site. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If ****(spoiler thread) wins the SAR task ,who will she put up .
Mentalist Don't know, don't care, as long as she wins. I've been saving my pennies for weeks now to vote Keever out!! [ more ]
Cold Sweat If Rachel wins SAR Caoimhe is toast - regardless of who she is against. I think Mario is the softest target to use as a replacement - he has survived being placed up twice already and they heard the cheers that he got on Friday night. Mario to replace... regardless of who wins the task. [ more ]
kattymieoww Keeva will not throw the task,she always does the opposite of what she intends.If she wins the save and replace I think she'll pick Keeley.That way one of the newbies will defo go. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Heard The News?
Smarting Buttocks Reference:ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ We need better tasks, secret rooms and more alcohol. Totally agree. I only have 2 cans of cider left. [ more ]
Baz Reference: JJ, Steve and Dave in a row BAM!! Now that would ace Rawky [ more ]
Baz Reference: 24hr tasks, Yes...... we could do with some more *Belinda , Belinda, Belinda, on a bike * tasks Even the ice cream task last year , that went on all night was amusing* Mind you, no way Ben would stay up all night, bless him [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marcus BB10, gives his opinion.
Former Member The bookies seem to agree with Marcus re Andrew. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Marcus At first glance you would think he's a bit of a tit, but look a bit further and he is a tit. Could be writing about himself. [ more ]
Leccy Reference: "At first glance you would think he's a bit of a tit, but look a bit further and he's funny, intelligent and quirky enough to go far," he said. "He's become one of my favourites already - though that's mostly to do with everyone else being so crap." I agree with him Though I still love Corin! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...

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