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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie is a bunny boiler
Former Member Reference: She is as sly and unpleasant as they get, She stabs people in the back and then makes a show of stabbing them in the front to make herself out like good old honest upfront Josie. By the time she has stabbed them in the front, her victim has keeled over anyway. Job done. Josie spent the last 3 days dripping poison in everyone's ear, While people like Corin were genuinely concerned offered good advice, Josie's attention wondered because she had done what she wanted to do...poison... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Hmmmm, yes but he hasn't made any moves on her and I honestly think he didn't realise that she has feelings for him until just recently. He doesn't seem the type of bloke who would willingly do that as he now seems mortified that she feels this way about him. Just my take on it like, could be totally wrong [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: How has he led her on? Perhaps saying he loved her and his I'll never leave you Jose had an impact. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sorry Josie fans, Josie has way too much power in the house!
Liverpoollass Yeah, you're right Cologne. I dunno what to make of her [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I think Josie has, perhaps, turned the tide against herself over the past few days. Silly girl. I think that's her in a desperate situation though LL. She can't cope because of her jealousy, ergo, that's Josie. [ more ]
Former Member Well she got what she wanted, Keeva gone. Lets see her next game. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Save & Replace task cancelled
Liverpoollass I did want Keeley out, but after the betrayal of Rachel - I want her out next [ more ]
Former Member Couldn't have JJ at risk could we ,have to keep going with the fake romance. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: I don't mind Keeley but as I want Rachel to stay, she'll have to go I think Keeley will most likely go. The tweenies on the CH4 website hate her, especially after her argument with John James yesterday. A lot of them are very excited that she has hurt her leg. :-/ [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lets reminisce about all the Quitters and Rulebreakers of BB
Karma_ Reference: Chanelle BB8 - without question a memoorable hm [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Demantoid Last heard of, working in a pub hahaha I'm glad I don't really do pubs anymore! I thought she was supposed to own her own employment agency or some such gubbins: She is just the sort of person who would enjoy raking in an enormous contract from the DWP for terrorising jobhunters into prospectless, minimum wage slavery Shizzle - sheep dip pmsl [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Jayne the belching goon I remember Richard saying during his eviction interview that she had a 'smelly tooth' as well. What a delightful lady she was, straight out of charm school. Edwardian Lil would have a fit [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonights BBLB
Former Member awww, she was all excited to see the evil keeva she'll soon get over that. [ more ]
Cold Sweat PMSL @ those moaning about Shabby getting 2 minutes of telly time! If she hadn't walked you would have been seeing her 24/7... which is the lesser of 2 evils? Am looking forward to seeing her again - not home until 6.45 so very grateful for e4+1! [ more ]
Former Member I dont watch it, but i will now shabberrrsssss [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The curse of the day 42 Noms....
stonks Reference: We're still not up to Noel Edmonds/Michael Lush nightmare standards quite yet, but give it a few hours.. Wonders if the production team is using this now like the Josie chimp ripping the face off that woman.... [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Nice isnt it... one walked and one has possibly broken her leg? Next one is death and the one after that police will enter and arrest someone for drug trafficking We're still not up to Noel Edmonds/Michael Lush nightmare standards quite yet, but give it a few hours.. [ more ]
Kaytee put the bloody lot up and lets have a clearout [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rachael crying in toilet....
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: Yes you are and you missed me.....again Again! Have I dropped a house on you before Wow you must be very annoying .. but then I guess the avatar is a heads up on that [ more ]
Former Member Reference: grotbagz I'm not a witch I drop houses on witches *drops house* Yes you are and you missed me.....again [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Baz Now Keeley crying in the bathroom with the Baron for comfort! Sweet baby Jebus, what next [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ Fans
Blizz'ard I think they all dress as tweenies. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: I think the point is contrary to popular belief all JJ fans are not Tweenies I know Stonks... but even if they were... so what? [ more ]
Former Member do we actually have more than a handful of under 20s on this forum I think skulduggery is afoot with this poll anyway NON teenybopper JJ fan bumping. [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So... Who is the next victim???
Former Member Indeed BD. That would have been good Now we've got Josie rewriting history [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: BD I am glad she went, but if I were her I would have stayed and played for JJ to tip Josie over the edge Have to say, I agree with you. Now that would have been something to behold [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) She isolated herself from the rest of HMs by moving into josie and jj's pretend love shack, she steped out of line and got kicked out by mother hen. Josie made sure she would be looked upon as a jezebel and looked down on by other women in the house. BB house is hardly a place for her to make do without others. I am glad she went, but if I were her I would have stayed and played for JJ to tip Josie over the edge. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ crying!
Former Member Ooh let's just go and 'ave a fag! [ more ]
Former Member Message received and understood. Cue thumb. [ more ]
brisket JJ had told Mario that their relationship was the equivalent of JJs relationship with Josie. He pretty much regarded Josie in the same way as he regards Mario. JJ also said he would not wish to become sexually close to Josie either inside or outside the house. It's amazing that their communication is so pathetically poor that JJ and Josie have not made this quite clear to each other. A bit less anger and Fing from JJ and a bit less giggling and thumb sucking from Josie, and they might have... [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Isadora If you get your kicks out of bitchyness, nastyness, moaning and generally attention seeking behaviour then I suppose one might say you are right. Keeva was NOT non conformist - she was just sullen and rude and had NO personality Me I prefer laughs, people getting on with each other. games. a little bit of arguing and drunken behaviour with some explosive personalities who may well throw their toys out of the pram but wouldn't sit around brooding and complaining for days... [ more ]
Sky WHOOHOO! best news all day! *does cartwheel out of thread* [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: shes still in boreham wood ....get on it...they will just chalk it up as another murder, make their day it will Your right Reference: awww I'm sure you'll have plenty of other opportunities to vent your spleen [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I guess there will be a Get Rachel out campaign now?
Yogi19 Reference: Ditty the laughs are few & far between on here for a poor ol Shabby/JJ/Josie supporter! You could start a group called Masochists United. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Reference: HAHAHA! stop... its hurting now... (Ickle was particularly amused by that one) PMSL at least she said in the bedroom though, I mean if it was in the bathroom I can imagine there being fake tan all over the place . [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Yogi STOP LAUGHING!! I'm sorry Yogi.. I can't! the laughs are few & far between on here for a poor ol Shabby/JJ/Josie supporter! But I will accept the hug though [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How do I pm someone?
El Loro Some forum members have set their Permissions from the Control Panel to untick the World box by "Send Me Dialogs" (that makes sense if you are looking at the Permissions page). As a result, unless you are one of their Buddies etc, if you try the gingerbread man route you will find that the Dialog option won't appear. If you try the other route via the Livecloud logo, you will be able to select the member and you will be able to write the message. Unfortunately when you come to sumbit it you... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Isadora God I am a fool Well than so am I, I hadn't a clue how to pm either [ more ]
Former Member God I am a fool... I have done it - thank you xx [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie not in the line-up then!
Suzi-Q Reference: Had it been to do with being up im pretty sure she would of left three weeks ago when she was put up. The difference this week is that I think Keeva knew that she was going to look like a tease and someone who would go after a guy her mate fancied and would be sure to go. When she was up before, she was up against Sunshine and thought Sunshine would be evicted - after all she was in the big lesbian love affair storyline at the time. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Cologne I would have thought a wee bit more of her if she'd just confronted Keeva and not trailed round the house for two days, talking to all and sundry I agree, she was an absolute spiteful, two faced biatch, going from person to person slagging Caoimhe off. In my opinion, Joise has come out of this very badly. Good riddance to Caoimhe but hope JEALOUS JOSIE isn't too far behind. [ more ]
MrMincePie Reference: I think she knew though - especially after she was banned from nominating for telling people to put her up. She knew she wasn't well liked anyway and the whole JJ/Josie scenario was the nail in her coffin. Had it been to do with being up im pretty sure she would of left three weeks ago when she was put up. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do the walkers have something in common?
Demantoid Reference: Blackpud Sandy thought he was all above everyone. He was, when he got up on that roof [ more ]
suzybean Reference:cold sweat I think we need to separate facts from assumptions. We have had one walker and MANY other hm’s who have talked about walking (including Ben and Josie). Those that talk of walking but don’t actually do the deed have just as much in common with those, such as Mario, that feel the need to express the opinion that they would never walk I’m not sure how you tie Shabby in with: Experts in Big Brother, in human behaviour, in relationships and so on or Perhaps what they really... [ more ]
Blackpudlian OOooooopppppssss [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Clip clop,clip clop.
~Lee~ Reference: Young Japanese girls are like that wearing any type of heels. You can hear them from miles away! Really?,Is there an explanation why Peter? [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: Caoimhe wearing those shoes again,has she a mic strapped to her ankle she's so noisy. Young Japanese girls are like that wearing any type of heels. You can hear them from miles away! [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: When she flounced like a carthorse I'm telling you KT some poor wee leprechaun is sat barefoot,she stole his shoes. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Keeley's noms been voided
SpiderMonkey They should put Josie up so JJ's army of jealous teenage obsessive girls can vote her out. [ more ]
Kaytee Who did she nominate? Because if she nominated someone with just one more vote than the next HM down the list...there will be a few up I would think [ more ]
Baz It must be a nightmare for BB at the moment.... unless of course they voided Keeley's votes to keep JJ out of the mix , should they decide to go for the next in line votes.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member The big fat hypocrite accompanied Mario- who had his ball and chain out, to Ben's bed the other night. Now he's gossiping about Keeley's noms, bursting to know who she nommed. [ more ]
Aimee He's really getting on my nerves now, he keeps bringing up how Keever was walking about with her breasts out, yet he is quite happy to sit at the dinner table with no top on not the same i know but i wouldn't like to be eating my dinner looking at that [ more ]
Former Member The Lord hasn't hammered him for a while. Maybe he's also seeing him for what he really is [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hope Keeva wins S+R if she stays.
kimota Rachel seems the nicer person and I like her developing relationship with Ben, so I hope she stays! Keeva has been in there longer than she deserves and seems genuine about not liking it in there anymore! [ more ]
Liverpoollass It wouldn't surprise me if Keever walks. If she doesn't, I hope Rachel wins and chooses Keeley [ more ]
Kaytee Tiddleeeeee that's a good point, maybe they would have to put the rest up as well...there was quite a lot of them with 2 noms, but to be fair it would have to be the whole house [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Demantoid Reference: Don't think anybody said they don't like her. I don't like her much - she tries way too bliddy hard, butts into every convo and acts as if she's known them all their lives. [ more ]
Scotty Toid [ more ]
Baz I don't dislike Rachel... but agree that she is a bit OTT, and loud [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin and Ben jump into second and third place to win with the bookies
Kaytee Ben, JJ, Josie and Corin for the final. Love them or hate them they are the best of a pretty poor HM bunch, but are playing the game [ more ]
Liverpoollass Ben, Corin and Andrew would be a good line-up. Oh and you can throw JJ in the mix as well [ more ]
Former Member Those 3 would suit me as top 3: the best of a bad bunch imo, (although Andrew seems okay too?) [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I think this series is going downhill fast
Liverpoollass I wish they would give them some decent tasks to do. Or perhaps the HM's themselves could use their imaginations and do something to entertain us and themselves. [ more ]
brisket They were so right to decide to pull the plug on Big Brother. This is now sheer tedium. And I say that as a BB fan who has watched every series. But it is now breathing from every pore that it is past its sell-by date. [ more ]
Cariad Reference: JJ has a f**k in nearly every sentence Well judging by his earlier comments about his staying power I'm hardly surprised.... [ more ]
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