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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - I do not have a sat nav and am proud.
Former Member Reference: daughter had the map as back up..... she was on a mission to out do the sat nav.... it kinda got personal... I ended up ignoring the satnav so she didn't feel I trusted it more than her! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing daughter had the map as back up..... she was on a mission to out do the sat nav.... it kinda got personal... I ended up ignoring the satnav so she didn't feel I trusted it more than her! [ more ]
Former Member I had an experience in Hemel the other day... *shudders* But I got out to tell the tale. Had I had a sat nav it would have blown up. All those stupid roundabouts. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin on HL Tonight
Former Member She isn't fake. Well her boobs are BUT she is just as she is. The trouble is if someone is happy and silly and just spontaneous others who perhaps are not like that, perceive it as being fake. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: of course they can bliddy well believe it, it was them that wrote the bliddy laminate! Mint! [ more ]
Gel Reference: More of a gallstone imo [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
3 Fire engines on the way to the BB house....
justafriend so dave still going on at ben for not standing up, dave really got a panic on that hes being evicted. [ more ]
brisket The house dynamics and no longer allowed to play themselves out. Too much awareness of tactics and programme knowledhe by the housemates, along with too much tweaking and twisting by the producers. The surprises are almost predictable. It's lost all its originality and spontaneity. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Reference: I just cannot stand that Dave I can't stand any of them now, I've overdosed on BB. . tho some are a tad sneakier and nastier than others in there.. Well except for Andrew for his task today, that cracked me up so he's on the just about able to bear list for now.. .but am sure that'll wear off soon [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The BB sofa
Fairfax Reference: In small, medium and new Silverback size.. He's like King Henry or a pontiff on his throne. All rotund and barking orders. [ more ]
Demantoid In small, medium and new Silverback size.. [ more ]
Cinds Reference: I've heard that he's sprayed his area. That made me think of Femme Fresh spray, so I googled to see if there is a male version, I couldn't find one, there should be [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew is getting a TOT task!
Mount Olympus *Olly* I keep watching it. .. it is a cracking task, so well executed... .the best bit of BB so far this series IMO.. Brilliantly done. .loving Andrew's commando rolls too... and Corin and others nearly weeing themself laughing... Well done Andrew loving the fallout of the task too with the paranoia spreading [ more ]
Gel yes, it is darlo, even tho I charged in to watch it earlier on lf because I didn't know what the shouting was about, I still watched it Pity they had to end it there though and not show the volunteering bit [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) PMSL the Agent Andrew strikes video is hilarious . [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I love you Jose
suzybean I'm about to chuck up my BBQ lunch thinking about it's soooooooo contrived yet soooooo bleugh [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I have just caught up with yesterdays highlights.... & I love it !!! I love that he went and put his football top on, I love that he we laughed and put his head down when they pulled him up on this.... & the I love you thing! Tis happy stuff in the big brother house... makes me smile! [ more ]
brisket Thank goodness all relationships don't have to go through this tedious game. They seem so shallow, and I'm not sure they share my definition of "love." [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Boxer JJ wants to shower naked
Cosmopolitan Why is he announcing this as if it's a big deal? The bloke is (supposedly) a boxer - they communal shower all the time. Of course, it is possible to shower nekkid, TURN your back and keep some privacy. But I don't suppose that's his intention.......... What a bore. [ more ]
Demantoid I think he should go right ahead.. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Exhibitionist I was just about to type that LL [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My wee Hammy died last night..
Demantoid Awwww, katty! I knew he was getting old and had had a few health issues, but it's always a wrench, isn't it? I remember you posting about him when you first got him - his long fluffy 'skirts' and how pleased you were when he became tame. He obviously had a great life, and a long one! My remaining ancient two are still truckin' on. Motley is looking pretty geriatric these days, but Gray still thinks she's a nipper, even though she's about two-and-a-half! [ more ]
kattymieoww Maybe I encountered a large invisible dangerous flying ninja type thing,, [ more ]
kattymieoww Bloody symetrical wasps..they don't fight fair. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jo`s lips - something not quite right?
Scotty Reference: He shoots from the hip, Scotty Love it suzy..that really made me lol! Got to say, Mr Scotty`s a bit more subtle. I don`t know whether it was this thread that did it but I had vivid dream last night that I had stubbly moustache. Mr Scotty didn`t say anything. He just packed his bags and left. [ more ]
suzybean He shoots from the hip, Scotty [ more ]
Scotty Reference: suzy One time I got a little crazy with some glitter and my husband said I looked like a fairy had been sick all over me And they said romance was dead. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pretending to be interested
suzybean Reference:LL I think JJ has always, to a certain extent, shown alot of interest when talking to people. For all his bad points, this is one of his good points imo. It's coz he's building up his dossiers so that he can turn round one day and say "You said this at 10.15 am 3 weeks ago on Thursday that blah blah blah and now you're saying this, I don't like liars mate, I don't like fakers. I have a high moral stance and you made me angry ............................................." ad nauseum [ more ]
suzybean Reference:cosmo For a woman of 40+ she seemed full of "Wow's" and "Amazing's" the other night over minor details. It was as if she was hearing revelations of mind blowing proportions. Unless she's lived a sheltered life I think she may be full of BS. Great point! Reference:eugene Jo's a make-up artist. As with hairdressers, small-talk and feigning interest are part of the job description... Hmmmm, so you planning any holidays soon?, hmmmm WOW, that's amaaaaazing. [ more ]
Cold Sweat I get the impression that the newbies have a tendency to give stock answers rather than say what they mean - perhaps due to them knowing more than they can (or want) to reveal. Laura, for instance, has already said yes around 16 million times as a contribution towards conversation. I think it is harder for newbies to be themselves due to outside knowledge and opinion formed across 6 weeks of viewing. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poor Mario is lumbered with them tonight
Liverpoollass Reference: Zippy offline 328 Forum Posts Today at 7:55 AM Last Edited: Reference: Dave and Rachel (2 of the loudest night-time people) so inconsiderate .... what beats me is, why don't those who want to stay up chatting until all hours go into the living area ? .... what would be wrong with that ? ..... so bloody inconsiderate It's because they are so bloody inconsiderate that it wouldn't occur to them to do that. Selfish buggers. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Well he was loving all the group hug snog session on the HLs. Cat that's got the cream he referred to himself as. He has to take the rough with the smooth [ more ]
Jones Reference: Dave and Rachel (2 of the loudest night-time people) so inconsiderate .... what beats me is, why don't those who want to stay up chatting until all hours go into the living area ? .... what would be wrong with that ? ..... so bloody inconsiderate [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Dave been drunk on ghost lately?....
Suzi-Q Now that he is "popular" he doesn't need to use his Holy Trinity for attention. As soon as he is up for eviction again, he will revert back to it. There is nothing that I despise more than hypocrisy - and have a look in hte dictionary for hypocrite and you'll find Dave's picture. [ more ]
stonks Reference: honestly think that he is the creepiest guy ever to be in the BB house.What the feck is wrong with them in there! Hoi! Nooooo he's a bloody weirdo! That must be how some God Botherers operate,Oh I love you..etc...voms. I had to hang with some of them cos of my BIL, biggest gang of weirdo's woman would'nt sleep with her BF cos she was saving herself for her married chritain lover but she's do other things,,her lover never left his wife.... [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: fat b*stard freaking fraud wierdo PMSL [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sat night/Sun morn ?
brisket Ah! Thanks ~Cosmo~ I'd forgotten that! [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: We have a dafty in denial Cosmo I know, darlin' but I'm pretending I haven't seen her. But he's a real man, Brisket. It's wimmin's work all this domestic business.... [ more ]
brisket JJ tidying the kitchen and asking John James where various items were kept. "Where do these go?" and so on. D'ya know John James had no idea. At one point he said "Well I tink they used to go there." So Dave was right when he said John James did not lift a finger to help in the kitchen. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB give them a grown up party.
Carnelian Reference: yes get ol crab-eyes drunk and watch him make moves on 'Benji' - he's as gay as the world is round Big style. He's a proper gayer, there's little doubt. All that "I love you Josie", he's not fooling anyone. Well, except for Josie. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! they are being watched 24/7 so let them get pissed as farts - its got to be better than watching them all watching their mouths in case they get nominated. Let them all get wrecked every night..... I for one would miss a few sleeps for it - loosen their tongues and let them away with who they did/didnt nominate and who they would/wouldnt nominate on Monday [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! those were the days eh Katty? [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pianos around London
brisket Black notes? [ more ]
Mary Seacole Reference: but I can still play a damn good chopsticks So can I, I can also play, Can you wash your fathers shirt can you wash it clean, can you wash your fathers shirt and hang it on the green, those two things cost my parents a fortune,they where the only things I remember to this day. [ more ]
Former Member If they put them in Glasgow they will have to bolt them down [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Josie getting jealous again.
Blizz'ard Reference: spiderminkey I notice how they incorrectly call it "Josie's Jealousy", rather than "Crab Eye's Mind Games". Zackerly! [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I actually think ol crab-eyes is scared of women - I'm not making excuses for the little prick - he's a mommys boy and most probably promised his mommy he wouldnt do 'sex' in the house - he's still a dog turd anyhow [ more ]
Former Member A bit of both Spider. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jo is not the sharpest tool in the box
Eugene's Lair Reference PeterCat Today at 22:29: Fair enough. I'm still disturbed by Britatin being the capital of England Oh, sure: that was dumb! [ more ]
PeterCat Reference: what she was basically trying to find out why John James had travelled all that way to take part in a game show. Fair enough. I'm still disturbed by Britatin being the capital of England [ more ]
Baz Reference: Now that was disgraceful I agree.... talk about self obsessed! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does Laura have a problem with her legs?
PeterCat Reference: Does Laura have a problem with her legs? She doesn't appear to be able to keep them together. I'm sure Dave could heal her. [ more ]
Baz Reference: gosh though that was Megan for some reason No... it's Laura & Jo... perhaps Megan was one of the other ones..... [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Reference: No, the young blonde girl Ros,,,, gosh though that was Megan for some reason [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The final straw. I'm decided.
Fairfax Reference: And now Rachel is back on her favourite hobby horse - Josie and John James. She's worse than bloody Davina She is now offically my most disliked female in the house. [ more ]
Lazybug Well she irritates the hell out of me too so I'm with you there Mathematics! Her pathetic screeching and noise is really getting up my nose. GET HER OUT! [ more ]
PeterCat And now Rachel is back on her favourite hobby horse - Josie and John James. She's worse than bloody Davina! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve considering walking now
Soozy Woo Reference: He wished she was his squeeze! She always recoiled from him. His wife must be so proud of him. Did she? I must have missed that bit .....all I saw was her snuggling up to him and giving him some sort of encoyuragement ..never detected any squirming TBH .....I found it pretty sickening.. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Me too Yogi Hi Baz. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I'm willing to help with that. Me too Yogi [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Feel Good Thread
Yogi19 Loving the clips everyone, thanks for posting them. [ more ]
El Loro This is the original Riverdance as performed in 1994 at the Eurovision interval when they were unknown. I have posted the one shown on Austrian television (which is the reason for the foriegn speakers at the beginning and the end) as the visual quality is substantially better than the alternative, particularly if you are watching on on the full screen. If you don't already know this, to watch the clip full screen, start playing the clip, then once the clip starts click on the picture again... [ more ]
Scotty Re: The Feel Good Thread [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Questions about Steve
brisket I so agree about the difficulties of not being face to face. Thanks for understanding Isadora. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Perhaps it is the sort of person that they are that makes them feel sorry for themselves and they would feel sorry for themselves if they did not have a good reason - do you see what I mean? Indeed I do see what you mean. An excellent point Isadora. I expect you are right about it being contentious. I hesitated some time before posting it. (I may have been unwise.) However I think I now have such affection for GaGa and the forumers that I felt it would be safe to post it. You have... [ more ]
brisket Reference: Isadora Perhaps it is the sort of person that they are that makes them feel sorry for themselves and they would feel sorry for themselves if they did not have a good reason - do you see what I mean? Indeed I do see what you mean. An excellent point Isadora. I expect you are right about it being contentious. I hesitated some time before posting it. (I may have been unwise.) However I think I now have such affection for GaGa and the forumers that I felt it would be safe to post it. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
First impressions
Former Member I did think that the new JJ was a bit 'me,me,me' last night on lf....I may be going off him already [ more ]
brisket Reference: he loves himself so much Doesn't he just! My guess is that he doesn't do humility. [ more ]
PeterCat I'm assuming that prick-JJ is the new one, since he loves himself so much? [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So there is this woman on Come Dine with me..
Blackpudlian Reference: I thought she'd gone a bit further and had a facelift, she seems to have that peculiar look. A dimple in her chin and a little beard? [ more ]
Former Member Ohh Glad you watched it too Cologne. She just looked PLASTIC! and all the other diners fawning all over her. What a bi atch that Karen was though. Oh and Darren won on flipping mexican packet mixes. [ more ]
cologne 1 I thought she'd gone a bit further and had a facelift, she seems to have that peculiar look. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you get wot I mean !!!
Mount Olympus *Olly* I can see I am not the only one bugged by certain HM's vocabulary foibles am surprised 'the glory' never made it in here .. correct? what what! [ more ]
spongebob squarepants john james joins in........WHY DID YOU SAY THAT? WHY?WHY?WHY?...WHY DID YOU SAY THAT? WHY? WHY? TELL ME WHY? JUST TELL ME WHY YOU SAID THAT? WHY? WHY?..........'BB....I WANT TO LEAVE sniffs for effect...... [ more ]
kattymieoww With "SUCK SUCK " noises by Josie..her thumb! Leave it. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Laura
brisket I agree Eugene's I thought the pre-entry videos where they named their favourite or who they would nominate was a desperate measure and an unwelcome one. I get fed up of BB interfering to create confrontation. They'll do it quite well unaided thanks. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Baz... Today at 13:45: Didn't there used to be a rule that they were not allowed to say anything about what they had seen..... that seems to have gone out of the window, along with lots of other rules...! The problem, and why I have some sympathy for the new HMs, is that BB got them to name both their favourite HM and who they are most likely to nominate for their VTs shown to the HMs on Friday. By definition, such information would inform the HMs about what has been seen on the... [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Maths I can mostly agree with that. The misconception is that she did it to be nasty. That wasn't the case, so I stick to my previous point. Maybe I`ve missed it Maths but I haven`t read anyone say she did it to be nasty. I certainly don`t think that...I said so in my post. [ more ]
See all 64 replies...

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