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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
PETE BURNS has died
Carnelian He was no Bowie but he was a follow on who did his own thing on his own terms. Dead Or Alive were part of that mid 80s thing when the gay bands and singers were making the best dance music and breaking down barriers. [ more ]
Saint Don't get me started on Rex - reminded me of Gordon 'Bleu' Ramsay. [ more ]
Kaffs Apart from loving Rex and refusing to comment on the last sentence.. I agree... Seriously though - who hasn't been tempted to handcuff someone to a radiator at some point in their lives eh? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the kids coming to uk from calais
Former Member Re: the kids coming to uk from calais [ more ]
pirate1111 i used to get a bit of xenophobia years back-i said it on the original big brother site but i dont get it so much anymore its like the west indians came here & got attitude then the indians came to uk-got attitude off the west indians then muslims got attitude from west indians & indians then the polish got attitude get my drift or were the polish first-cos they flew with the RAF in WWII i dunno anyway, we should all be ganging up on the tories when dave said 'we're all in... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average You obviously didn't read the article or if you had you would known that this wasn't propaganda.. it is about the attitude we have in taking refugees and don't tell me that xenephobia or racism isn't on the rise, you just have to check the police reports...40% rise since Brexit. I actually rarely read anything in the Guardian..that link was passed onto me. Me, I just think whats happening now in not so great Britain is disgusting, what happened to humanity and what makes us superior to... [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bob Dylan wins Nobel prize for literature
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Your iPod sounds like it has a class selection of artists and tune GJ. [ more ]
Garage Joe Yes I have that one on my electric iPod classic- a personal favourite. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities My David Bowie joke-ette aside, if we are talking poets then I am going to throw a heavyweight into the ring; Gil Scott-Heron. Try this on for size: The Revolution will not be Televised. *aapologies for formatting, I'm mobole* Lyrics You will not be able to stay home, brother. You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out. You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and Skip out for beer during commercials, Because the revolution will not be televised. The revolution will not be... [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Humans, Series 2
Saint I've gotta girlfriend She's not real She's plastic [ more ]
Saint Never mind - moving on . . . . I got a reply from my Synth-sister, Poppy - she wrote to me, " Hey, it’s me. I wanted to let you know that I escaped and discovered something amazing. There are more Synths out there, just like me. I’ve been told to watch Channel 4 tonight at 9pm to try and find out more about them. Thank you for everything, I won’t forget you." [ more ]
Saint *waits for reply* Youngsters these days, always in a hurry, on their phones - when I was young this was all fields, and these new £5 notes - well I saw one in a terrible state yesterday ... Winston looked like Mother Theresa - I need a lie down . . . . [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Amazon HELP !!!!
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Another attempt (5 minutes ago) has proved fruitful. Finally got my hands on the parcel, 1 week and 1 day late !!! Now I have to get in touch with Amazon to send back the replacement disc (which arrived Friday) and to pay back the cash they refunded me. TBF I'm more than happy to do that as I have my hands on the goodies, and one of them has increased in price by £6 so still saved me money. Thanks for the advice. ^ [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Me too. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I'm still going to keep trying my neighbour though. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CJ (ex Eggheads) arrested by police over an allegation of murder
Baz It's certainly a strange one El Loro !!! [ more ]
El Loro Former Eggheads star CJ de Mooi will "continue to co-operate with the Dutch authorities" after a failed attempt to extradite him to the Netherlands over an alleged killing. The ex-quiz show panellist, 46, from Caldicot, Monmouthshire, is accused of manslaughter, murder, assault and battery in Amsterdam in 1988. He was detained under a European arrest warrant at Heathrow Airport last month. Dutch authorities reportedly abandoned a bid to bring him to the Netherlands. Mr de Mooi, whose real... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities He will not get back on the show now. They gave just recruited another 2 Eggheads. There must be at least 8 of them now! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
El Loro's neighbours, across the road there.
Garage Joe Yes of course El Loro! [ more ]
El Loro Here's a link to their Christmas puzzle last year. It's the first part of a puzzle. In order to progess to the second part you needed a mobile phone when the puzzle was launched. Since then I think the second part etc has been published. Incidentally I'm just over 5 miles away from GCHQ. [ more ]
El Loro ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBC One @ 9pm - Ordinary Lies - Series Two
Garage Joe Posting blind! We've only just caught up with Cold Feet. There's so much decent telly at the moment we can't keep up. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities If Series One is still on iplayer, might be worth catching up on. Not completely necessary as they are quite independent. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Yes. No spoilers here... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shpock - "The old tat app"
Saint Exactly - I want to see the place first [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities There was a programme about these type of apps. Most small takeaways sign up. It's not always profitable for them, but if they don't some business can go to competitors. Also, I have seen stickers on takeaway windows saying that they are part of 'Hungry House' etc, personally I would not normally buy from places like that as they looked a bit iffy, but you don't always see that with an app. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Quite the contrary, this is not an annoyance, in reality I find it quite amusing. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Doggie Watch
Jen-Star I love doggies and always had one growing up but i'm the meany in our house as i couldn't handle any more responsibility... once a child or two leave home i will be defo adopting a rescue pooch x [ more ]
Saint The eyes are wide - the snout is long What more could you want? Meet Stanley [ more ]
Former Member I actually saw a grey squirrel running through the trees in a churchyard on my way to work yesterday morning [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Petrol Price Increase by 5p
Kaffs Conservative chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee, and prominent Leave campaigner Sir Bill Cash thinks the government has a strong case, saying:"To attempt to revisit the decision by another Act of Parliament is a kind of fraud on the electorate." Like the entire 'leave' campaign you mean? So basically, meglomaniac May can use an ancient law to decide on the future of the country, against the wishes of parliament and despite a proportion of the people who voted leave, doing so because... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Now there's interesting - I hadn't been aware of these groups and actions before. [ more ]
Moonie ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Strictly Come Dancing ....New Spoiler
Videostar Never liked Will Young, his childish outburst to Len the other day just sums him up...I think he knew he damaged any chance he had of winning after that and decided that he should bow out...just my opinion of course...but he has a history of not taking any negative comments very well. [ more ]
El Loro [ more ]
Yogi19 That's a shame, he was doing quite well. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fun with Flags
Eugene's Lair Don't worry about the text, Baz: it's the flags that matter. The only text that matters is the title: "Vexillogy" (although that should really be Vexillology ). Everything-else is related to the game "Perplex City" that the card comes from. There are no instructions: part of the puzzle is to work out what's going on! Having said that, the text at the bottom reads "The scribe that wrote this puzzle needs to see Anna Heath for grammar lessons immediately. S." - a game-related reference to how... [ more ]
Baz I can't read the writing Eugene .....and if I try to expand it it just blurs [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Not sure how well this will come across, but ideally you need to view it side-on (i.e. with the Welsh flag top-left), then work top-down, left-right. The unreadable text at the bottom implies that the puzzle-setter needs grammar lessons, and the answer is now wrong (the card was created 11 years ago), but still - any takers? [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Samsung permanently stops Galaxy Note 7 production due to fire risk
El Loro According to pcadvisor, the Galaxy Note 7 was due to go on sale on 2 September but pre-orders could be made from 16 August. Those who pre-ordered would get it 3 days earlier. There was someone on the BBC news at lunchtime with one of them. He said that he had been able to replace it and wasn't happy that the replacement was risky. Presumably he was one of those who pre-ordered and so got it in the 3 days before 2 September. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Have you not heard? .... [ more ]
Saint Hey hey hey !!! There's nothing wrong with the LG Viewty Snap [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Switching Utilites
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Maybe it;s the form that's at fault! If both the form and the photo are at 100% then you would think/expect everything to fit. [ more ]
Former Member Yep. I've had photos taken for ID for job and uploaded one of them to the pooter but I just can't get them the right size to attach to the form [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Have I missed something - have you tried a photo booth? Or do they not have them in the wilds of northern England? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Creepy Clown Craze
Former Member I think it's just the overall look of a clown possibly? cos even some people are scared of circus clowns [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Probably - at least in the modern era. It certainly wasn't Stephen King: "It" popularised the concept, but it didn't create it. [ more ]
Cold Sweat That sounds reasonable. But I wonder how (timeline wise) this - as in was there a noticeable clown-phobia that some people apparently suffer from fits in with it's publication? [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Update re the murdered ex-Eastenders actress - her partner has been sent to prison for life for murdering her and her two young sons
El Loro Baz, even if there was a successful appeal against the whole life sentence, he wouldn't be released until he was in his 80s (he's 49). [ more ]
Baz Good ..hope they keep him there for a good long time !! [ more ]
El Loro Arthur Simpson-Kent sent to prison with a whole-life sentence. Mr Justice Singh said there was "no doubt" that Simpson-Kent should serve the rest of his life in prison. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celebrity Island with Beer Grylls
Saint Once he said drinking your own pee-pee could be a life saver. He whipped out a laughably small dinkle and pee'd onto his t shirt then tried to ring out said t shirt with p*ss poor results. Alternatively . . . . He could of pee'd into his cupped hands and drank it all immediately. Plus ... his clothes wouldn't reek of human effluent making him a doddle to track by the local, ravenous wild life. Man's a ruddy faker who probably works at the local employment exchange. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Not This Thread - unless you want to hang around by yourself. [ more ]
Baz Re: Celebrity Island with Beer Grylls [ more ]
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