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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Give her the packet..... shut her up!
Green&Pink Reference: BBrummie hasnt farmer giles been either on her period or thinking her period is due.... to being ON a period......every day????? erm... [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! hasnt farmer giles been either on her period or thinking her period is due.... to being ON a period......every day????? erm...... Chanelle anyone???? Tomorrow farmer giles will be airlifted out of the house to recieve medical attention.... (yes I know Chanelle wasnt AIRLIFTED out of the house... but this is farmer giles we're talking about - they might need to knock a few walls down too) [ more ]
stonks Reference: Awww! Point taken Blizz Take no notice of Blizzie, she's dissing Ben in my thread.... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ is an Addict
LowonIQ Reference: 'can u guess what I'm gonna do next.... (to win) - in my best Rolf Harris voice obviously. You wouldn't, the RSPCA might have something to say I thought crapeyes and Jossy were moving their beds further apart, more for the cameras [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! 'course u can - fair dinkum - u told me n Jose the other night in the DR.....'..... [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! 'can u guess what I'm gonna do next.... (to win) - in my best Rolf Harris voice obviously.... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben vs Dave vs John James vs Steve *** Who goes you decide ***
Prometheus I voted Dave if only one goes, JJ as well if two. Steve would probably be third choice for me. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Josie would cope without John James BD , not sure if he would cope without her though and she would tell him to stay if he's thinking of walking. I'm worried about tomorrow yes . [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: John James is not going anywhere. u es worried about your girl, are you concerned she might not cope without him? [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Davina Mc Call has a go at Andrew.
Cosmopolitan Reference: It's a fecking game show, for chrissakes Yeah, but does Davina realise as much? Maybe, after 11 shows plus a few Celeb BB's, she's finally sussed out what she's actually presenting. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I actually thought that if you walked, you automatically forfeited any deals etc., unless they have changed the rules So did I. [ more ]
Sky Reference: If idiots will pay then no rule imposed by Endemol/C4 could stop that. Good point. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario the FAKE
Cold Sweat Reference: I am sure that it was not a serious suggestion. Well, i sleep safer at night with the knowledge that he and Ben are not politicians! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: WHATM 18/6/10 6AM-6PM Davina had nothing on Govan 26/6/10 Lee, If you need to check the context try the above threads on DSpy as a reference. [ more ]
brisket I am sure that it was not a serious suggestion. I think it quite safe to say that Mario does not approve of mass genocide. Clutching at straws. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. Reference: Blue Diamond They might if she manages to get her thumb out of her gub for long enough. I read to the word thumb..... then feared what you would write next [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: They might if she manages to get her thumb out of her gub for long enough. It wont happen then. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) bateman 723 Forum Posts Today at 21:53 Last Edited: On the (completely unfounded) assumption that it's a male parrot, you have to admit the producers have a tough choice. Either way they'll be filming a cock. Blizzie 13,444 Forum Posts Today at 21:54 Last Edited: Rachel is going to do her Ronaldinho impression. It's quite uncanny! @ this thread. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass Reference: SazBomb offline 3,906 Forum Posts Today at 8:42 PM Last Edited: Reference: So, Rachel isn't up then and we will have to put up with her for another week Its worth it if we can get rid of the mad monk [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: Mario - Ben & Steve as Ben is negative and Steve leers at the girls He's not wrong there. [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: So, Rachel isn't up then and we will have to put up with her for another week Its worth it if we can get rid of the mad monk [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario shouldn't have nominated his friend Ben.
Blizz'ard Agreed brisket. [ more ]
brisket Interesting Blizzie. Thanks Reason enough, if he needed one, to nominate someone. People should really forget the relationship Ben and Mario had during the first week. That doesn't exist any more. They manage to get on. But that's it! [ more ]
brisket Mario said that he was (I can't remember the word) but somewhat besotted about Ben for the first week. Then realised he was wrong, and their relationship took on a new nature and found its own level. We should remember (as several housemates commented before evictions) that we are now approaching that period when they have to start nominating people they like. It's how Big Brother works. There will only be a little leeway now with 3 new housemates. But from now on there will be no option but... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Could you manage without it.
Ev (Peachy) Reference: No, bott Parp [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: the only time it made an impression on my holiday was when paul and helen were getting it on and i had to go to greece (see how i say had to go lol ) anyway i bought english papers every day sad The very first one when Craig and Nick kicked off i was in Ibiza, i bought the papers every day. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Use wifi. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oh dear it looks like John James just told Josie the truth
Smarting Buttocks I thought Laura told her all this when she entered the house. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) They are both as bad as each other. Thye need their heads banging together. [ more ]
Sky Reference:LL I know what you are saying and if I were Josie I would be well confused. But.....he has told her how he feels,but it seems she just won't/can't accept it ......maybe because she's confused? [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New Task should be fun
Sezit Reference:longcat I could ignore everything they put in that house unless they put my dog in. Remember when they put Ziggys dog in the house and it ignored him and barked at him. (crikey, that's twice today that I have mentioned that creeps name.) [ more ]
Former Member Reference: The task sounds excruciatingly horrible I think it will be fun. [ more ]
brisket The task sounds excruciatingly horrible. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So the idiot JJ tried a breakout?
~Lee~ Reference: "Next time we're having a heart-to-heart under the covers can you brush your teeth That would be all the pooh he talks. [ more ]
Former Member Here is his explaination. John James and Josie have had a secretive and emotional heart-to-heart as he explained why he tried to break out of the house earlier today. The 24-year-old Australian busted through a fire exit in the garden after an argument with Josie, leading to a rather awkward moment later in the afternoon where he tried to explain his actions to her, Corin and JJ. "Things can get difficult when you've got the spotlight on you all the time," he said. "Sometimes you want a... [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: I don't think he will lose popularity - I still like him Agree though that BB is biased and always has been. Totally agree Liverpoollass [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gynaecologist needed in BB house.
~Lee~ Reference: These things require deep analytical probing, so you might be on to something there. Deep nasal probing ? [ more ]
Sky Lee! These things require deep analytical probing, so you might be on to something there. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: She'll be thinking about that woman who had her face ripped off by a chimpanzee soon. Hmmmm begs the question was that woman trying to pick the chimpanzees nose. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Forgive me for being slow but....
justafriend hes a fraud and a con man been saying it for weeks he makes me feel ill. i just wonder what steve jj1 josie and a few of the others would make of it. [ more ]
Fairfax So another contestant that was 'Invited' by BB. Did any of them actually go for the auditions or were they chosen or invited. Makes a mockery of the whole thing. [ more ]
Former Member Just watched it, i feel sick [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is going on???? What is John James up to?
suzybean RL is so much more fun atm.....and it's the summer hols.!!!! I'm listening to six 11 year olds, four 9 year olds, and two 2 year olds have more stimulating banter than JJ and co. in the BB house. The World has turned upside down [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: He's now turning his crabby eyed angry face on the 'friends' who didn't try to stop him. Apparently only JJ and Revdave were the only ones who 'stepped up to the plate'. What a flippin' cheek! He's a lost cause Tidds. [ more ]
Former Member He's now turning his crabby eyed angry face on the 'friends' who didn't try to stop him. Apparently only JJ and Revdave were the only ones who 'stepped up to the plate'. What a flippin' cheek! [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: John James & Josie
~Lee~ Reference: it, and JJ have spoilt BB for me.... Ditto. [ more ]
Former Member I wish they would give each other a Good seeing too, to get it out their system [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Katerina offline 319 Forum Posts Today at 6:28 PM Last Edited: I need an option that says 'I have enjoyed watching some of it but sometimes I want to slap the both of them silly' The series really would have been a lot duller without these two. But their relationship is at a stage where it needs to change and move on, or end. They can't keep on with the duvet whispering one minute and then going off in a strop the next, it's getting really old. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nominations twist
cologne 1 Reference: Maybe Ben's public school education will have imbued him with a killer instinct when under threat...I won't hold my breath though I really can't see it KT. [ more ]
Former Member [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: If it is Dave v Ben this week, Dave is definitely going to win the S&R task. Maybe Ben's public school education will have imbued him with a killer instinct when under threat...I won't hold my breath though [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is up for eviction?
Liverpoollass Reference: Videostar online 7,502 Forum Posts Today at 5:49 PM Last Edited: Reference: They did same to me last week Though, to be fair... I did call the guy a cnut WOW I got a whole week for just calling Ben haters "haters" LOL I never went as far as you lol But they reduced it to 48 hours on appeal. lol DS banned you for that? Good job they don't do that over here with the amount of time people use the word "haters". [ more ]
Lister_of_Smeg Reference: Your not a Ben supporter by any chance are you.? Ben isn't my favorite i want him in the final as i also want JJ1 to in the final as there the 2 biggest characters [ more ]
Videostar Your not a Ben supporter by any chance are you.? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This...Is...Pathetic - Producer + JJ
suzybean Reference: QUOTE Our favourite Aussie has returned to the House. What the Blazes [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: As I recall, the teenage HMs just got on with it and had sex... But, but, but that would only give JJ 30 seconds of air time, this way he hogs the whole show [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference ~Lee~ Today at 18:38: I doubt we'd have saw such infantile antics on the teenage BB. As I recall, the teenage HMs just got on with it and had sex... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Sometimes I feel I need a good cry...
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: .what's it called again?...ah! Empathy I aint got none of that for most of these either Suze, it's us I feel it for It'll be better tonight, JJ's had a chat with the producer, we've had the camera on a duvet cover for a couple of hours...alls well in the air time world [ more ]
suzybean No Blackpud, I feel worse That poor woman! [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: ...but then I think of that woman who got her face ripped off by a chimpanzee Did it cheer you up? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Of course John James came back
suzybean Reference:deman He didn't get on a 23-hour flight and come halfway round the world just to leg it through a fire escape. Despite what he says, he's the most desperate in there to win, and the one who thinks about nothing but how he's perceived and what other HMs are plotting to gain popularity. Careful now, the JJ1 Lurve Shack will have you down as Hater. [ more ]
MrMincePie The guy is a tw*t. Goodbye. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: I am convinced Crab Eyes is Gay , Asexual or has never been with a woman Been saying the same thing, Erin. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James is outright bookies' favourite
Sky Reference: I'm afraid we can no longer be friends [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: The Devil In Diamante (CC 3 / BB 13) offline 6,272 Forum Posts Today at 3:18 PM Last Edited: I'd be happy for John James, Ben or Corin to win, though I do suspect most of John James's fanbase consists of 13 year olds who cannot see past his good looks....he can be quite horrible at times and I swing from loathing him to liking him..... Am with you there [ more ]
Joyron I seriously do not think that John James will be the winner. There is still a lot of time before the final votes are cast. Nobody thought Rachel would win (sorry to mention this) but things do turn round all the time. I would be seriously sad IF John James won. He does not deserve to. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Josie learnt anything from this?
Demantoid Reference: hope she's learnt to stay away from men with shredded wheat hair who are prone to kicking off every 5 minutes about jack all..... [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) well he did tell her he loved her the other night........ True i hope she's learnt to stay away from men with shredded wheat hair who are prone to kicking off every 5 minutes about jack all..... [ more ]
Kaytee I said in another thread that this is a re-run of the Ziggy/Chanelle saga...only with role reversal ....and that one was bad enough [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is this Joe John's Girlfriend?
suzybean Reference:deman Nice to see he set Stratford alight after his exit from telly hell. He didn't, did he? hahahahahah [ more ]
Demantoid "If you've been hurt in an accident and it absolutely wasn't your fault, call us. 100% lawyers, 100% compensation." Nice to see he set Stratford alight after his exit from telly hell. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Karms Johnny Allen Bill Murray left cos he wanted a hardcore role but ended up wearing pink Lacoste jumpers and white chinos. I do like Bill Murray Well done that man [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James does a runner!
~Lee~ Re: John James does a runner! [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Blizzie It wasn't tongue in cheek. It was serious. That's why she makes people laugh. No, it was finger in nose and thumb in gob [ more ]
Former Member She's as bad. In bed pretending to be asleep with her fum in her mouff. How old are these people, and who analyses and assesses their mental state before they let them loose on the public? [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James has done a runner
Joyron He NEVER had any intention of leaving. Just likes the extra airtime it creates!!! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: John James & Josie had a mics off chat under the duvet, he told her he doesn't fancy her, she told him to move to another bed, he disappeared out of the Fire Exit, 1 minute later he came back in. thanks Pud I always miss all the drama [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: What's happened and why does it happen when I'm out? John James & Josie had a mics off chat under the duvet, he told her he doesn't fancy her, she told him to move to another bed, he disappeared out of the Fire Exit, 1 minute later he came back in. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yayyyyyyy.. Dave and noms
Green&Pink Dave is sweating it now. The noose is tightening. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: t why haven't others been barred from nominating for talking about nominations? The housemates are constantly talking noms, especially John-James. Can't stand Dave, but I do understand where your coming from, I've heard both JJ and Ben say they would not nominate their friends. [ more ]
Baz I want Dave to go..... but it isn't fair that the others are allowed to get away with it..... [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T For anyone who missed this...
suzybean Reference: Leccy, suzy? I thought it was Lee. You could be right Scotty hun, I've had 2 lady glasses of wine to take the edge off a sleepover that we're getting ready for (only 6 11 year old boys and 6 9 year old boys )....I'm fine though, I have 2 Nanas and an Uncle as 'help' [ more ]
Scotty Thanks barney. Sad if it`s true though. [ more ]
Scotty Reference: Toid Cheers, Scotty mun I am a bit partial to a good Scortish one as well Ah wiz gonnae answer ye in pwure Scortish but ah didnae wantae pit ye aff. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T, I have a dilema....
brisket She wants to wash her hands of all responsibilities? Not blooming likely. We all have responsibilities. Why does she deserve an easy ride? [ more ]
stonks If you say you don't know where she is, your lying for her so I'd grass the fecker up, can't stand people like that.... [ more ]
Kaytee Grass her up, you owe her nothing....and yes, help the landlady to put things straight in the house. If the debt collectors keep phoning you....get yourself a solicitor's letter stating that this woman and her affairs have nothing to do with you whatsoever....just in case eh? [ more ]
See all 25 replies...

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