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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben the body fascist
RiverRock Reference: Funnily enough in the early days if this series I recall her having some really nice long dresses that looked good on her She had to give them up to get tobacco remember. [ more ]
Liverpoollass With that bit, I must be [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: LL I don't think Ben was rude about Josie. What he said was true, although I happen to think her figure is ok. She has become somewhat of a slob in the house. Well, he was saying that she was dressing 'up', since the newbies had come in, so you seem to disagree with Ben, LL! [ more ]
See all 178 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave now tells Ben what Crabeyes said last night.
Fairfax Reference: He can talk - as Corin said, she came from half an hour down the road, not the other side of the world. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: John James actually said he liked Mario, but wishes Mario and Corin were not quite so passionate about Big Brother. No, because he can't handle the fact that he's not the only one who knows every fiddle fart of the programme, and has competition from anyone else who wants to win as badly as he does! I think Ben is the only one in there who couldn't give a stuff if he wins or not, and that's why crabeyes is so obsessed with him, because he thinks he could win it! [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: John James actually said he liked Mario, but wishes Mario and Corin were not quite so passionate about Big Brother. He can talk - as Corin said, she came from half an hour down the road, not the other side of the world. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mental Illness
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. I think this lot are a lot less so than people in the past. I think most of them seem odd as they are acting. They are not being themselves. [ more ]
Ninja Reference:Karma I may be tapping on you for pointers though now you've made the grave mistake of telling me you've done it No worries. **says to self - self, STFU in future** [ more ]
Karma_ xxx I have sent you and Deman a dialogue/pm x [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Angry Crabeyes is back
brisket John James was vile last night. He was angry and bitter. Lots of swearing. Lots of saying he is not bothered about this that and the other. But everything he said and did belied this fact. He was very bothered indeed. Rather stupidly he was pouring forth most of the time to Dave. (Big mistake) I thought he came across as a truly obnoxious man. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: It's a bit like arduous ~decides to discontinue smut train of thought~ [ more ]
Liverpoollass It would be interesting to see how they cope if one was to leave the house. I think Josie would fare alot better then JJ. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jo's lips. Can we just get to the bottom of this?
watcher1 Jo's lips seem oversized, like Josie's arse...but then, I'm not focused on appearances... crab eyes excepted, lol. ...and before someone adds that Jo and Josie talk out of their respective orifices, I should say I like them both. Just wish BB would show more interaction between them. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Tidds Trying hard not to laugh at the dubbly thread title! I don't want to know about anyone's bottom lips [ more ]
Former Member Trying hard not to laugh at the dubbly thread title! [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A lesson with JJ.....
Blackpudlian Reference: The entire fiasco was instigated by Dave (the monk with very dodgy habits) late last night he told them both about a 'private' conversation where Andrew confided in him. Couldn't wait to blab as usual, fekking gossipy auld biddy. Hopefully the "monk of make believe" won't mind that people have put his bragging about his wheelchair wheelerdealing in the public domain. [ more ]
Former Member The entire fiasco was instigated by Dave (the monk with very dodgy habits) late last night he told them both about a 'private' conversation where Andrew confided in him. Couldn't wait to blab as usual, fekking gossipy auld biddy. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I hope no-one has recorded JJ1's conversation with Andrew or it may look like JJ1 told a lie to Andrew when he promised him that he wouldn't say anything about the matter to Josie, then got in bed with her an repeated it all (well not all of the ummmm, errrr etc) [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave you Bas***d
Former Member Crab eyes should not be speaking to Andrew period .Dave was given that information in confidence. [ more ]
longcat Reference: I wouldn't say JJ is squirming. He seems to be having a good chat with Andrew. I thought I was watching a different conversation. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I wouldn't say JJ is squirming. He seems to be having a good chat with Andrew. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Looks more like he's warning his cash cow off andrew! He's going to blow again sometime to-day, so he's laying the foundations for things to come. He's such a narse! [ more ]
Former Member How dare Crabeyes approach Andrew ,this information was given to Dave IN CONFIDENCE. Crabeyes is warning Andrew off his cash cow,well one out of the two right. [ more ]
Former Member It's started, he's warning her to be careful! He's desperate for an arguement, so here he goes laying down his rules and regulations advice to her! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have an idea spurned on by spineless Steve!
Blizz'ard Just cancel the S&Rs. [ more ]
Lazybug Reference: They should do an announcement... 'Steve, you nominated Josie and john James....As John James is already up for eviction your other nominee, josie will automatically now replace you. Please move the cards onto the correct board.' In the event that both the winners nominees are available to be picked they should just tell them to pick one and if they are both already up then they get the free choice. Ooooooh that's exactly how I envisage it!!! [ more ]
Lazybug Reference: Lazybug the producer of BB goes on to DS. If you are a member over there why not put your idea up over there? They might go for it. Oooh good idea - but I am scared to post over there There are some big scary hairy people over there... As to other responses about nomms being affected I think it'll make HM's be more thinking about who they nom rather than the easy option... [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Farmer Giles seems very desperate to 'do it'
Ev (Peachy) Reference: I think she's just a natural comedian and often uses humour to lift the mood and, in some ways, to protect herself in certain situations. She will often laugh, instead of getting angry. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: But if that is the case, it can blurr good honest direct communication. Where there are important issues to clarify good communication is vital, but if it is distorted by humour it can become less accurate. I agree Brisket... and I am one of those people that should communicate more honestly & directly but sometimes when I try, when its the most important time to communicate directly and the stakes are high, I panic, freak out, & humour is the default setting that I click... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: brisket (Ben's Buddy/Mario's Mole) offline 8,569 Forum Posts Today at 3:11 AM Last Edited: Ok Blizzie. I can see that may be possible. But if that is the case, it can blurr good honest direct communication. Where there are important issues to clarify good communication is vital, but if it is distorted by humour it can become less accurate. I think the use of humour is smashing - as exemplified by your own posts - but there are times (as you also display) when a direct and... [ more ]
See all 115 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When Joe John went in he said he hates housemates who walk or threaten to walk...
Shizzlex hes an annoying little twonk and very very boring [ more ]
Prometheus It just occurred to me that lots of HM's are blatantly walking round the house and Joe John is openly not hating them. Faketard. [ more ]
brisket Damn! I missed that bit. JJ2 said "....Mario thinks...." (then the sound went) The response from JJ1 was something about "attention" and he did a masturbation gesture. Was that a genuine remark which JJ1 didn't like? Or was JJ2 deliberately stirring things for his own ends? (I don't trust him - not 1 little bit.) [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So... JJJ seem to have messed up.
Fairfax Reference: SB Wont bother Ben, as according to other housemates he rarely showers anyway. Well you may be right there reagarding the shower and we only have sarky,pick on Ben brigade's word for that, but he does wash, as he explained and has been in the bath. Won't bother JJ because he hasn't washed his hair in 8 weeks. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Senora Reyes offline 9,991 Forum Posts Today at 1:48 AM Last Edited: Reference: but the loss of hot water will be a tough concept for the others to handle. Maybe it's a way to make JJ unpopular! They'll just find a way to blame Ben... Oh without a doubt! [ more ]
Xochi Sorry all! I just saw them coming out of the DR and telling everyone about their transgressions... Please ignore this thread then [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will other housemates now turn against JJ/J?
Liverpoollass Reference: erinp offline 6,941 Forum Posts Today at 1:38 AM Last Edited: Brisket ,just about to post the same .I detect a definate atmosphere in the house . Crabeyes knows the HMS are turning,he also knows that JJ is not impressed with them tonight. Has anything particular happened? I can't say I have noticed a turning or any atmosphere in the house in respect of these two [ more ]
brisket Reference: JJ is not impressed with them tonight. I sensed that too erinp [ more ]
Former Member Brisket ,just about to post the same .I detect a definate atmosphere in the house . Crabeyes knows the HMS are turning,he also knows that JJ is not impressed with them tonight. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ and Josie have just DIED omg.
Liverpoollass The best thing for the house and for us, is for one of them to leave or be evicted. Or, perish the thought, BB actually show us something else that is going on in the house. Anything, will do! [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: I have the best dreams out of all of us. I'm going to sleep again to see if I can have that one again Prom, could you please have a dream that Dave is evicted on Friday and the wheelchair scam is played for his best bits? Your dream may be the closest we come to getting rid of the wanker this week if the polls are to be believed. [ more ]
brisket JJ (using loads of swearing) now seems to hate everybody. He is confiding in Josie and Dave. He says is not bothered, and yet this entire tirade of bitterness from JJ tells us that he is very bothered indeed. He is trying to suggest he is above all this game playing. But all he is suggesting is that he is very very concerned. Otherwise go on and on and on. Goodness I loathe him even more tonight. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm now bored with this show...
Senora Reyes Reference: Josie and JJ are so boring that as soon as they start up with their usual inane school yard musings on their non-relationship I just switch off mentally and lose interest in the whole show, It's the same thing every day. Josie in particular, is draining the very life out of the whole show. I'd have thought the other housemates would have more interesting topics of conversation than just constantly indulging Josie's self obsessed witterings. I get the feeling that Josie brings... [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: I'm bored with it too. I think it's been poor. Started off very well, but has just got bogged down with repetitious conversations. [ more ]
Carnelian Josie and JJ are so boring that as soon as they start up with their usual inane school yard musings on their non-relationship I just switch off mentally and lose interest in the whole show, It's the same thing every day. Josie in particular, is draining the very life out of the whole show. I'd have thought the other housemates would have more interesting topics of conversation than just constantly indulging Josie's self obsessed witterings. I get the feeling that Josie brings every... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jo: "I'm proud of being a woman and my West Indian origin"
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Reference: I'd rather they didn't bother showing any of it, than to wet your appetite and then pull out before the climax! Sounds like Mr Pink!! Seriously, I like Jo and that sounded like it could have been an interesting conversation, but as usual we got stuck with the boring twins.... no wonder I have given up on this year until one or the other have been voted out. [ more ]
kattymieoww Reference: I cant remember! Mc Frizzle You want fries with that... [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Frtizl firtizzle ma nizzle karmizzle [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben to Mario: "I would never have put you up"
Former Member Mario deserves a right good kick in the mole hole! [ more ]
kattymieoww Ben is the only one in there that is interesting.We have Dave the mad monk, Mario the sleaze,JJ/Josie duvet pair,Corin is nice, Steve melded to the furniture,can't really remember the rest. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: He has a sense of loyalty. So that's why he voted for Sunshine was after that (whatever his reasons) that he lost all respect from both JJ and Mario. He is a narcisisitic oaf ............he has long lost any respect of his fellow HM's and got the nominations he so justly deserves. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
gone right off that Rachel
brisket I can't bear her frightful voice. I also find her extremely, yes extremely immature. And she tries far, far too hard. [ more ]
Senora Reyes I liked her in the beginning...But her whole bunny boiler episode with Ben has put me off. She also has no feckin manners, she buts in when two people are having a private convo, and she is so thick, it's actually worrying. [ more ]
kattymieoww She is oozing more desperation than Mario,and that takes some beating! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Reckon Josie should cop off with Steve
Leccy I had an image in my head of Steve's wife being a right little cutie, not overtly sexy or owt, but dead cute looking. Funny isn't it the mental picture you build up of people, for no particular reason... [ more ]
Fletch Josie should cop off with Davina-- On a friday night show after being evicted. [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: Think of Steve's wife. Somebody on the forum said the other how can I put this politely? *thinks....nope* that she looks like a brickie [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What makes a good HM?
Former Member Hoochie Hallo! In past years , and for the most part this year, it's what people do/ how people are in the house for me. This year though ( and I'm getting to the stage about it!) Dave's really rattled my cage ! I think if I wasn't aware of some of his activities outwith the house , I'd probably just see him as a mildly annoying " you don't have to be mad to work here but it helps" look -how-zany-I-am type, but my views are really coloured by some of the interwebby stuff that's out there and... [ more ]
Lockes Reference: well my favourite HM of all time was Glynn I loved watching him go through the BB experience. He really did it for the experience actually I also really liked the journey Ashleen went on too...........another one of my favs [ more ]
Lockes Reference: weep silently into my perfumed handkerchief. or a snuff scented one [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Tefal Actifry(s)
Former Member Anyway, I've gotta go to bed........Bah! this work thing! Thanks for your comments though everyone [ more ]
Former Member I've just 'binned' my George Fletch. It was one of the early ones though with the non removable plates. [ more ]
Former Member They seem better Longcat *lives in hope* [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have really tried....
Baz Reference: re Farmer Giles and Crab-Eyes in bed then Baz (for a change) Barmey... [ more ]
justafriend havent had any live feed on today, i knew evil monk would be trying to cause ben as much hassle as possible along with the banshee. hes turning the screw on ben to save his self from what ive read on here. [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie I watched Gok earlier .... I cried at that ... I genuinely felt for the woman on there [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GRRRRR Josie's child like voice.
Soozy Woo Reference: She's a nasty manipulative mare because of her insecurities and we all know why she feels that way, but we are not allowed to say it because the PC brigade will jump on every perceived slight. I have no idea what you're talking about. I've obviously missed something ...........give us a clue. Seriously I don't know what you mean. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: cologne There you go proving me right. How is that proving you right? I don't even know what your point was, but Ben is always moaning about having to be too PC! [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: OMG, you're starting to sound like Ben, now!! There you go proving me right. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I missed Rachel's argument with Ben today?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Don't care if a HM declares their love for the chickens. Steve has been eyeing them up. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: I dont get her, she was never in a relationship with him in the first place, hardly as if he's cheated on her lol The BB house this year has been full of obsessive, loony females. Bet you, she will be stalking Ben after BB, Scabby will be after Camel, Josie after JJ and don't forget the biggest woman of them all Mario who will also be after Ben. Poor old Ben, Josie can eat her hart out Ben has a man and a woman infatuated by him and the best Josie can do is chase after a Crabed... [ more ]
watcher1 Quite frankly, any nomance is better than JJ/Josie. Don't care if a HM declares their love for the chickens. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last man standing
Ev (Peachy) Grrrrrrowl s as well... I have been for 10 years [ more ]
Cariad Reference: Wonder how this bunch of agent-on-speed-dial little twonks would cope with the old BB, where it was porridge, chickens and an hour of hot water per day? **starts weeping** And Johnny - yes he was fecking annoying. **growls** [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Remember poor ol Johnny who was up for eviction every week and lost practically half his body-weight Up for NOMINATION! As he screamed at Jade across the pool [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did anyone else note the irony?
Former Member Reference:RR Corin calling Rachael loud The thing is tho, they can say to Corin to quiet it and she does, especially at night. She doesnt have a chip on her shoulder, Rachel , however would go on and on and on............Corin has respect, unfortunately Rachel hasnt [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: Or when John James nominated Andrew 'cos he gets angry! Talk about pot and kettle I couldn't quite believe that one [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Steve ,Josie doesnt make good TV. That one wins the gold medal for me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gradually coming to the end of my tether.
SpiderMonkey The Chanelle and Ziggy relationship of BB8 really spoilt that series because BB force fed us it. I think a lot of the tweenie JJJ posse didn't see BB8 so this is new and exciting to them. For those of us who have been watching BB for years we are sick to death of showmances. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Excellent post Maths Apart from the bits about Dave [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Skylark I do fear the last weeks will be the JJ and Josie show, which depressess me. I do so wanted to enjoy the last BB I know, I feel exactly the same way, they promised all sorts for the last show and yet we are being force fed a stupid romance with two very unlikeable people. Its such a shame. I've stopped watching the HL's show because I just couldn't face those two every night. The BB producers have ruined this years BB for me with the JJ&Josie overkill [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction Polls & Betting THREAD
Former Member Reference: that poll opened this morning and is showing the after feeling of last nights HL Show Ben really needs a good Edit tonight other wise he could be in trouble yes he will have Josie and JJ fans now wanting him out.... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Because (if you're sad enough) you can clear your cookies and vote any number of times Jeeezzzz [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Reference: why such a huge vote for Ben on that one? Because (if you're sad enough) you can clear your cookies and vote any number of times. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...

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