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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rumoured punishment For JJ/J
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I was simply saying what I saw ....that's all. and I'm simply stating what he said, check it out for yourself on BB website, it's on video there. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: He said it himself not me, are you saying they don't lie in bed a good deal of the day and I guess some people read what they want to read. Reading is one thing all depends who writes it. seeing with your own eyes is a bit different IMO. I was simply saying what I saw ....that's all. [ more ]
~Lee~ Yeah yeah yeah BB,that is such a harsh punishment for those pair,not. ...I'm sure BB's kid gloves are almost worn out by now. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For the first time EVER I'm voting
bateman I voted for all of them. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Weve all been voting for him at work today lots of votes to cancel out Hope not on your work phone?? At least we have paid our cash on our own phones and did it the right way [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Weve all been voting for him at work today lots of votes to cancel out We should really be sorry that everyone gets stuck with poisonous Dave if Ben does go, still I suppose if they have voted to keep him in they deserve it. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I like John James and Josie!!
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Josie was trying to get John James to kiss her on the mouth. He was wriggling and squirming like an eel to get away from her. There is no romance. John James does not fancy Josie, not one little bit. Only if he knew she was either trying to save him from eviction or she thought she could play the hart brooken black widow after he is booted out. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I would like it, if I didn't think it was one sided and Josie was being led up the garden path. Have to say Blizzie, although i am not a fan of Josie, JJ is taking the pee right out of her, he said the other night she isnt the full dollar, which was nasty. She does have feelings for him, thats plainly clear. JJ2 has obviously filled his head up, that if he carries on having this "romance" it will do him good [ more ]
Blizz'ard I would like it, if I didn't think it was one sided and Josie was being led up the garden path. And getting most of the blame! [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James now doesn't mind gameplayers
Ducky Reference: I do not care what abuse his fans throw at me, this is NOT normal behaviour. When have you been abused by JJ fans? [ more ]
Former Member He doesnt care about BB its only a stupid show and the public can go to hell. For someone who thinks this way he is putting up a good fight to win! Maybe he will give his winnings to Dave, for the "orphanage" [ more ]
Fairfax Reference A Due to the editing we never got to see him talking about recording the phone calls, his mothers, his mates, he stores all PM's and keeps all texts on stored memory cards, so he can prove people wrong if the forget something. He argues with strangers on youtube, and researches the internet about the subject before he rows with strangers. What a guy He really is not right in the head. I do not care what abuse his fans throw at me, this is NOT normal behaviour. He is one sick bunny [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does my Ass look big,asks Josie.
Fairfax Reference: Cologne Everytime she opens her mouth she's leading. If the answer isn't to her satisfaction she goes to bed and cradles her thumb. Spot On [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Disguising another statement with a question Everytime she opens her mouth she's leading. If the answer isn't to her satisfaction she goes to bed and cradles her thumb. [ more ]
Former Member Disguising another statement with a question [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie, LF: I'm querky, goofy, geeky, arrrrn't I ...
Former Member Reference: Genuinely quirky people always think they're 100% straight - and are all the more interesting for it I agree, my daughter is quirky she cant see it, which is really quite charming. Plus i would like to know what Josie didnt want in the press.... [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: People who say they are querky [sic] and goofy are never anything of the sort. It's like tedious pricks who describe themselves as zany. It's a (paper thin) mask for just how crushingly conventional and boring they really are. Gawd I hate those 'wacky' people She certainly isn't geeky either [ more ]
bateman People who say they are querky [sic] and goofy are never anything of the sort. It's like tedious pricks who describe themselves as zany. It's a (paper thin) mask for just how crushingly conventional and boring they really are. Genuinely quirky people always think they're 100% straight - and are all the more interesting for it. [ more ]
See all 93 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Small Mac Yeah i say that in the most loosest of terms mind you [ more ]
Former Member If you mean the Rev Dave, I think 'MAN' is a misnomer Mac! Fingers crossed he's a gonner though eh? [ more ]
Former Member Wonder if he'll get hammered when he hears his followers the crowd? [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
o/t did anybody see BBC Breakfast News this morning?
cologne 1 Reference: I'm quite happy to delve into O/T threads like these (especially where music is concerned) regardless of eviction frenzy or not! This is brilliant, he's combining folk, rock, classical, c/rapp, just great. I haven't liked a bit of music as much as this for ages and would love to hear the whole thing. [ more ]
Karma_ I'm quite happy to delve into O/T threads like these (especially where music is concerned) regardless of eviction frenzy or not! [ more ]
cologne 1 and yet you're the only person finding out. It's eviction frency, I probably didn't choose the right time. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Loving the shopping task but....
Small Mac Corin was just sooooo funny ,she did well the girl [ more ]
watcher1 Absolutely loved Corin and actually believed that Mario didn't know that it was his grand-dad (who clearly has a great sense of humour). [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: It would be great if they gave a breakdown of how many fails each housemate got. Especially as Dave would pipe up that he only had the one and he has had loads! So has Team Leader Steve [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How annoying is Rachel?
Demantoid She's a flaming nightmare. Still kicking the arse out of Ben's 'betrayal'. I enjoyed it when he asked her how many times he'd hugged her, though. Yes, that's right love - just the ONCE! Stop acting as if he's left you pregnant at the altar, FFS.. [ more ]
Baz Reference: Wouldn't you just love to be on a flight with her and there's a bit of turbulence? Cue Rachel running up and down the aisle "we're going to die! We're going to die" OMG!! OMG!!" [ more ]
Suzi-Q Wouldn't you just love to be on a flight with her and there's a bit of turbulence? Cue Rachel running up and down the aisle "we're going to die! We're going to die" OMG!! OMG!!" [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corin in the diary room
kimota Corin is the main reason I am still watching and I enjoy her interactions with Ben. Sadly it looks like Ben will be gone tonight , but I hope not!C [ more ]
Liverpoollass I think she has the most amazing wardrobe of clothes. Wish I could carry off what she wears [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Suzi I bloody loved that! The expression on the boys' faces was priceless. I think she knew they were watching and she probably had a good idea that she had lots of time left and was nearly there. I really don't mind that she spends so much time making herself up. Something to do, isn't it? Shame others don't bother. I laughed at that, but I do think it's really sad how insecure she is about her looks and figure. She was talking about make-up, yesterday, and saying that even in... [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben & John James Fans
monkey13 Reference: Biased editing has a lot to answer for this year in particular....Who goes you decide my butt. Your right! [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: what did you think of the Reds chances. soon be time to take up camp in the footy thread. Not sure TBH, got a lot of youngsters in the team. Pre season has looked impressive, but you can never tell can you. I think Spurs will do really well this season. Harry is certainly building a good team. [ more ]
RZB Reference: Looking forward to the start of the new season? ...I went over to WHL to pick up the season tickets only yesterday, My real worry is, we never seem to follow up one good season with another, what did you think of the Reds chances. soon be time to take up camp in the footy thread. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Those who want Dave out
Senora Reyes Reference: Have you seen this yet Senora? What an absolute Piss take! He makes a mockery of people who have genuine faith, whether they be Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc... Sorry to use the word hate, but I do hate this guy for multiple reasons, the one one that touches my nerves the most though, is seeing him being pushed around in a wheelchair. My eldest brother suffered a stroke a few years back and is now a wheelchair user, and he copes really well now. Monk Dave just takes the piss on... [ more ]
Scotty Reference: LL I didn't say there was anything wrong with it actually . I was merely expressing surprise, it that's ok. It was a rhetorical question. I`m ok with you being surprised. I`m not. Like Corin, most of them have been fooled by the wheelchair user. Anyhoo.. back to the phone LL Dial 09011 323 004 [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Right I'm here reporting for duty! Nice to see like minded troops gathering to get the evil con merchant evicted..I have been steadily voting and will increase my votes against the poo stirring Monk! We can do this! Have you seen this yet Senora? [ more ]
See all 71 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's gonna be one looooong sermon from Monk Scum today....
Baz Reference: How bizarre that a person who claims to have so much love, should use it malevolently I agree Brisket.... at best he is a shallow hypocrite..... and at worst.... well, that's unprintable!!! [ more ]
brisket I really think he is crackers. Well there is something not right. How bizarre that a person who claims to have so much love, should use it malevolently. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference:Blizz Apologies to anyone offended. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I felt the glory of the lord and....
squiggle That link messed about PinkBabe and lead to a different bit, I'm off to seek out the correct link now. EDIT I think this one should work [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Reference: his is another of the Creep's U tube offerings and leads to plenty more What is he on????? Still I don't usually read the comments below the video, but in this case I did and laughed my head off. My phone is red hot with all the redialing, dread to think what the phone bill will be like when it comes, will definitely have to hide it from Mr Pink [ more ]
Blackpudlian I wonder if the glooorrrry of R. Lawd will be offended by Mario stripping naked in the garden again (just reported on BB Twitter) [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it true that it's Sam going in tonight?
Liverpoollass Mind you, we have this alot of the time. New HM's spouting off about how they are going to do this and that. They get in the house and we never hear a peep out of them [ more ]
Amythist He singled Josie out as someone he wants out I foresee Andrew crossing swords with him [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: The Hms really didn't want him in. This could be very interesting Why is he going in and not Joel or the pretty blonde scouse girl. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! I felt physically sick when I saw those videos. Thankfully I do not have close relatives who need to use wheelchairs all the time, but my aunt has to use one from time to time when her arthritis is too bad and when she was recovering from operations. To tell his "congregation" to go and buy wheelchairs from EBay to reach out to people is just wrong. Dave's comments remind me of the (in)famous comments that Glen Hoddle (ex England manager made about 12 years ago that disabled people were... [ more ]
squiggle Reference:Spy I know this will be one of those posts that wil be jumped on and I won't be very popular but.... I wasn't hugely offended by the video of Dave in a wheelchair, I kind of got the feeling he was only using the wheelchair to reach the people he wanted to reach. If he had gone around dressed in his monk outfit on foot then I bet less than half of those people he blessed would have stopped. Although I DISAGREE with his pretending I don't think it was the sick twisted thing some... [ more ]
Scotty Done x 10 again! Come on everyone... get this creep OUT! 09011 323 004 [ more ]
See all 62 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie, like me, baseball hats do you no favours...
Fairfax Reference: I look silly in a baseball cap too, it doesn't go with my Hérmes Birkin and Gina slingbacks...Victoria Beckham, please note. Lovin it [ more ]
Green&Pink Funny thread... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Senora Reyes offline 10048 Forum Posts Today at 12:56 AM She is dressed in a hoodie and baseball cap, ahd she looks horrendously rough...What's happened to all the nice clothes she used to have? I thought that the other day when she was slouching around the place, thumb in mouth, with that hideous grey hoodie on. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve slips up.
~Lee~ Reference: Well, there's a change.... I'm suitably covered I'll have you know. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Well, there's a change.... [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Whilst I am NOT a fan of Steve I think people need to calm down about his throw away comment. I have heard many people and myself included saying things which you don't actually mean or have any intention in doing so. I have said 'If she says that again I'll punch her lights out' - Ive never hit anyone nor have any intention of doing do. He may well be a violent man or he may well not be... Steve is a tool though! That's what I meant Lazybug,a throwaway comment, which I dare say... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member whats happening on the 6th? i am seeing shabby on the 7th [ more ]
Saint Well our kids wanted to make one - so i can hardly say no Probably their school name or name of their town lol Bless [ more ]
Yogi19 Congratulations on getting the tickets, Renton. Are you making a banner to take with you? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i rather like rachel.
Liverpoollass I cannot find many redeeming features with Rachel. Pretty girl yes, but that is about it. Voice like a foghorn and like fingernails raking down a blackboard. She is just loud, obnoxious, stupid, desperate and annoying. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: She's not unattractive IMO, but I think tanning's aged her massively. I don't think she's unattractive at all, in fact I think she's really pretty, but she looks too harsh with the jet black hair and those eyebrows She could really soften up her appearance with a few tweaks here and there, but it's up to her what she wants to do with her boatrace [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Carnelian Sorry if you're a fan! Although, I'd have to take back my kind words above if you were! Ah...... erm..... [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Im very worried about Dave.
Liverpoollass Reference: jacksonb offline 5,744 Forum Posts Today at 8:23 AM Last Edited: oh, and it's meant to a 4mm tube ,LL not a drainpipe from B&Q's... I think I have thrown my B&Q's receipt away now [ more ]
Amythist I hate lycra.....always shudder when I see a lycra clad cyclist Dave in lycra.......puts me in mind of Galloway [ more ]
jacksonb oh, and it's meant to a 4mm tube ,LL not a drainpipe from B&Q's... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The only housemate left who takes the p*ss out of JJJ is leaving tomorrow
Amythist I like Ben but he doesnt help his cause with his duplicitous behaviour and acid tongue........which I find amusing. Dave should leave as he is responsible for the lurve and happiness in the hose,lawdy be,hes gotta go. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: I dont care what anyone says - crab-eyes IS jealous of Ben the midget would give anything to stand tall like Ben. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Why would it be JJ fans that are voting Ben out? ..............c'mon he really isn't any competition. I know Ben fans will take comfort in the fact (if he goes) that it's JJ supporters who vote him out ..........did it ever occur to you that he may be being voted out because he's a complete and utter arsehole? [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You would never know the eviction is tomorrow
Senora Reyes He's so cocky right now...Thanks to idiotic JJ2. JJ1 thinks he's ruling the roost with his Bristolian Chav bird...If there's any justice tomorrow night I want the whole house to get a shock when they hear Dave's name called..JJ1 will go into meltdown. [ more ]
Karma_ Oh. Sorry I'm not really paying full attention to here or the tele tbh. [ more ]
Former Member I am being sarcastic. Dave is attention seeking like you would never believe. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live programme - and what have we got?
Scotty It must be difficult but I`m so glad Ben isn`t far. If you keep your head down Ben, Dave`s plan to rile you will fail. [ more ]
brisket Throwing things around the bedroom. A din. Shouting. Throwing. Lights on. The usual unpleasantness to anyone who may be trying to sleep. Thoughtless, selfish people. [ more ]
Mathematics I am pissing myself laughing. Steve thought he saw a midget clown running across the bedroom in the dark. Mario said he saw a small shadow too. Now all of the housemates are paranoid and searching around. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave's u-tube vid.... can someone stick the link up please
Carnelian What a scumbag! Even Richard Dawkins couldn't really make that up. Looking at the comments and their dates on YouTube I'm quite surprised it's taken this long for it to reach this forum. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I'll stick a bump in to thank Erin for bumping - its all for the glory eh? [ more ]
Former Member bump ,just in case anyone missed this. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who is that God-botherer not giving a sh*t about now?
Mathematics Reference: no.... Dave was lying next to someone - most likely boring them to death - looked like a womans arm - but could have been Ben's that he was grabbing That was John-James' arm. They are bed neighbours. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! no.... Dave was lying next to someone - most likely boring them to death - looked like a womans arm - but could have been Ben's that he was grabbing [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Ben is in his own bed with Andrew. Or was. They just got called to the diary room. BB explaining to Ben that's not the kind of education Andrew signed up for? [ more ]
See all 6 replies...

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