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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam has just said Andrew was not at launch night
Karma_ Reference: Oh yes, there was that, as well. You know the score *taps nose* [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Karma Oh I'm sure someone will still have him down as a member of the Taliban or something Oh yes, there was that, as well. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: And there was me about to start a conspiracy about Andrew being one of the Producers nephews!... Stop it [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karma_ That last sentence was mental but I loved it Meh, life's too short to please other people. If you don't wanna go, then don't! Claim severe PMT and you'll soon find they'll be making the excuses for you not to attend. Sometimes it's bloody wonderful being a bird [ more ]
stoory The whole fitting that kept it in fell out ........and stop making excuses for me to go to this birthday bash Karma're starting to sound like my hubby.......I hate my brother-in-law. You would hate him too .........I'm not making husband isn't keen either...he's loyal though [ more ]
Karma_ Stoory, you can get stuff to stick the crown back in from the chemist, failing that (and in a dire emergency) you could use chewing gum or even household glue. Good job I aint your brother-in-law! Or am I.... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good news for Ben fans at last!
~Lee~ Reference: "Mum! Mum! It's John-James! Mum! Look! Mum!... MUM! He looked at me! HE LOOKED AT ME, MUMMY! That means he is my boyfriend now! YAAAAAY!" Poor kids, he'd probably pinch their Barbies for his collection. [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: "Mum! Mum! It's John-James! Mum! Look! Mum!... MUM! He looked at me! HE LOOKED AT ME, MUMMY! That means he is my boyfriend now! YAAAAAY!" And that's just the over 40's..... [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: "Mum! Mum! It's John-James! Mum! Look! Mum!... MUM! He looked at me! HE LOOKED AT ME, MUMMY! That means he is my boyfriend now! YAAAAAY!" [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When will Monk get his message from
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I usually blart along with the housemates as they get their vid messages.... might have an exception or two this time round [ more ]
Senora Reyes He'll get a message from George Bush telling him what a great job he's doing in the house. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! like I have said in other threads, I predict that ol crab-eyes will feel the need to leave (again) - he cant get away from farmer giles and now he thinks that WE think they've been up to norties under the covers.... a message from his mom willturn him into a snivelling wreck [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What an effin wanker!
stonks Reference: Not to be maudlin, but she was on Oprah - dear God her injuries are horrific. OMG it was ral?? ..well why were BB making fun of it?..I thought it was just something Josie had said or made up.... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I want to meet this woman Not to be maudlin, but she was on Oprah - dear God her injuries are horrific. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Reference: I agree that was confusing - althiugh Mario was forced to ignore his grandad and Corin ignored the custard tarts, It would/will be interesting to see where the fails occurred. Acording to BB rules, neither Corin or Mario had to ignore - they were just too confused to realise. Which means Ben didn't fail - no one failed anything once they got into the DR. I'm probably wrong though. [ more ]
See all 103 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say 'I don't like Sam'!
Former Member Reference: You see I don't have LF so I can't see what is happening [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: You see I don't have LF so I can't see what is happening... I will reserve judgement on him until I see the next HL's but he's still weird and creepy. Bed beckons You have LF now. [ more ]
Lazybug You see I don't have LF so I can't see what is happening... I will reserve judgement on him until I see the next HL's but he's still weird and creepy. Bed beckons [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Scotty Reference:Fairfaxykins Ohhh I like that word..panache I might be tempted to throw that into a sentence of three I`m looking forward to that. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Ohhh I like that word..panache I might be tempted to throw that into a sentence of three It's a great word, I agree, let's try and use it as much as possible. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan For once, I actually enjoyed some parts of BBBM. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cheers Ben.
Fairfax Reference: Ben has managed to make BBBM watchable for the first time Was just thinking the same thing [ more ]
Former Member Ben has managed to make BBBM watchable for the first time [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Sorry if I've left anyone out. Cologne, my wee darling....what am I like. You have been brilliant and I forgot to put your name THANK YOU SO MUCH - you've been brilliant (You get a big hug AND a kissy)xx [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben Fans
SpiderMonkey Reference: I wont be supporting any of them it would have been Corin but it appears none of Corins fans supported Ben during this week so I pass on Corin even tho she was my second favourite., To be fair, Corin and Ben and Dave fans combined would still be no match for JJJ's tweenie posse. They control the show. [ more ]
Lazybug Ben [ more ]
Azure. I wont be supporting any of them it would have been Corin but it appears none of Corins fans supported Ben during this week so I pass on Corin even tho she was my second favourite., [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'll give this Sam geezer a day or two
Eugene's Lair Davina's already disappointed with him (she thought he should have tried to shake things up when he was in the DR), and she says that she'd have preferred Joel to go in... TBF though, all of the new batch of HMs have been disappointing. Remember how JJ promised to "inject some energy into the house"? [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! who cares what he looks like Lazybug - he's got ol crab-eyes all of a jitter that his mommy back in australia might think he's getting up to norties under the covers...... I bet a fiver he will be in that diary room before the end of the night explaining that its just a brother-sister thing [ more ]
Lazybug I really don't like the look of Sam - He looks like a twonk! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I doubt Crab eyes will be under the duvet tonight
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I'm loving in paranoia-paradise for ol crab-eyes - thinking he might have been perceived to been being erm...... 'seen to' under the covers by farmer giles...... oh dont u love it when a plan goes wrong - his mommy wont be talking to him now [ more ]
Senora Reyes I thought Sam said last week that he liked Monk Dave? [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: As for the other JJ ,how aggressive was he grabbing the key from Sams neck That shocked me [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a bad eviction night
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: True. Dave in particular was very devious in his efforts to turn the House against Ben Your so right you said it twice [ more ]
Baz I think Corin was the closest thing to a friend Ben had in the House... [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Thinking back I don't think Ben had many real friends in the house. True. Dave in particular was very devious in his efforts to turn the House against Ben [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So Ben going had nothing to do with Ben and everything to do with...
Prometheus Reference: I would really like Corin to be in the final, but the way the voting is going we will probably end up with JJ, Josie, Steve and Dave in the final......! No, I think Corin will be okay. Nobody's nominating her at the moment. [ more ]
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. And the grown up who think he's a wanker ... maybe [ more ]
Baz I would really like Corin to be in the final, but the way the voting is going we will probably end up with JJ, Josie, Steve and Dave in the final......! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Funny how Rachel gets confident whenever she's got Monk Dave hanging off her...
Liverpoollass Reference: Skylark24 (Bens Buddy #48) offline 3,644 Forum Posts Today at 9:32 PM Last Edited: Reference: Manners cost nothing, and i would be happy if some of the 50.s manners wore off on her, she hasnt stood up for women one bit, She was very happy for Steve, a married man, and a bit of a letch to rub his hand up and down her thigh.... Absolutely [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Skylark Manners cost nothing, and i would be happy if some of the 50.s manners wore off on her, she hasnt stood up for women one bit, She was very happy for Steve, a married man, and a bit of a letch to rub his hand up and down her thigh .... Excellent [ more ]
Liverpoollass She really is a nasty little girl [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've turned the sound down..Smug Monk Dave & Jedward are too much for me to bare..
justafriend now what? only corin to look out for, well for me anyway, ive lost interest in a second. i just cant watch evil monk and jj being all smug [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Divine intervention would have struck the fecker down with a thunderbolt! Maybe God as a rumbly in his tumbly for our Dave? [ more ]
Fairfax How the hell is he still there [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I wish Dave would take his glory and shove it where
Scotty Reference: Well with the LAWRD on his side Scotty, what did we expect? Nothing less Baz. Dave`s LARWD works in mysterious ways. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I'm thinking that his good edit is not doing anything for unpopularity with me. It's having a more extreme negative effect by the minute. [ more ]
Baz Well with the LAWRD on his side Scotty, what did we expect? [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed dave "Im quietly confident"
Mary Seacole SMUG GIT (sorry folks but feel very angry) how dare he not go tonight. [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Reference: im gonna miss the off out... but i have voted and everything so fingers crossed comrades ! Ok, check in at intervals [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: im gonna miss the off out... but i have voted and everything so fingers crossed comrades Enjoy your evening Gyps [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave's belly
Former Member I missed BBLB tonight, I will have to catch it up so I can see her for my [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: At least it will save another man & woman having to put up with them Absolutely Blackie.. only someone as mad/bad as him would condone his suspect activities. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I just saw the revolting display in front of his wife. Could he be any more disrespectful? It was vile wasn't it? Horrible horrible horrible bloke. I am at a loss as to how he will stay in... dreadful man. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Remember Ben if/when Davina calls your name
Cosmopolitan Reference: It's not so much that Ben may go, it's that people seem to detest him more than Dave that I can't get my head around. I can't either, Baz. Even Dave should admit it's one of god's little mysteries. [ more ]
Former Member Crab eyes and Co can find another whipping boy. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Its maybe for the best Ben is out ,the show is dying a death .This way he gets to enjoy his 15 mins. Most of the others when they come out will not even have that. I think in ways it would be a blessing in disguise Erin....Barbie Boy is getting wound up tighter by the day,he'll pop soon. ....Meantime Ben can sit and watch him unfurl free from his abuse. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Right guys, remember. When absolutely nothing happens, we do absolutely nothing in the glory"
stonks And on that note its time for me to go before the spoilers arrive on the net.... [ more ]
stonks The live show is 15 minutes delayed so it is cut and edited.... [ more ]
Mathematics Reference: That is how I always used to decide who was going Maths... and it usually seemed to be right.... But who was speaking tonight please, cos I am not watching....? Dave. But I don't mean on the highlights part of the show. I mean the very end where they cut live to the house for 20 seconds. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Classic BB moments number 534 in a series of 1000
Ninja Reference: Some of them can type too I suspect at least 80% of their grammar's plagiarized. And they speak, the way they text. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Shouldn't JJ's little 'fans' be tucked away in bed at this time of night? Lazy parenting I say,school holidays or not kids should be in at a reasonable hour. [ more ]
Prometheus Reference: Props to them for being able to talk though. I never expected that. Some of them can type too. I've seen it on here. Amazing innit? [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
09011 323 004
Cinds The votes are now closed. Please please please don't let me have wasted the last 24 hours pressing redial. [ more ]
Former Member Lets go girls........and boys............last surge 09011 323 004 [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Come on...get him OUT!!! I'm trying Scotty, I'm trying!! 09011 323 004 [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The money shot,
Karma_ Reference: Money Shot generally refers to a video or photograph that is worth a lot of money. In nudity terms, it would usually be a woman's vagina. In this case, Josie was referring to the (fake) sex. I'll give you an A+ for good use of the word vagina. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Money Shot generally refers to a video or photograph that is worth a lot of money. In nudity terms, it would usually be a woman's vagina. In this case, Josie was referring to the (fake) sex. I see,TY Maths. [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Fairfax Don't worry Skylark, don't you know JJ doesn't approve of women selling themselves to papers of mags...remember his tirade against Rachael. Oh thats right, he is very moral, i forgot [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JoJam you nasty spiteful llittle turd!
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) the latest picture of JJ from the house [ more ]
Suzi-Q Reference: Nope ...........I think he see's him as I do .............a toff who is so self centred, egotistical, up his own arse and a crashing bore. I think Ben is hilarious! I think Ben is self centered, but no more so than John James or Mario. I even think that Ben is much more self aware than any of the other housemates. Ben knows he has faults and will gladly list them. John James, of course, doesn't have any faults, nor does Mario. Yes, Ben is a bitch and a gossip, but aren't all of us... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Is it down to jealousy because Ben is better spoken, better educated, more funny, less aggressive, and just more likable as a person? J Nope ...........I think he see's him as I do .............a toff who is so self centred, egotistical, up his own arse and a crashing bore. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...

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