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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They are not even singing!!!!!!!
Blackpudlian Reference: Did one of them take an earring out of Jos ear? After he had been poking her arm, it looked like he ran back an removed an earring. They have the manners of a bucket of frogs [ more ]
Cinds Did one of them take an earring out of Jos ear? After he had been poking her arm, it looked like he ran back an removed an earring. Master Cinds came in to the room when they appeared, he looked said 'oh not those spoons' and walked back out again. [ more ]
Blackpudlian It is high time that Jedward were taught what acceptable behaviour is - and respecting Fire Alarms is at the top of the list [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ewwww Sam
brisket Like a child going through his "trying to shock/quirky" period. What a pity we have to go through it with him. So irritating. The semi-fixed idiotic grin and the camp-inflection voice. Uggh no thanks! [ more ]
Jones however, I do love the way he keeps sucking his thumb at josie .... I can't stand the josie thumb sucking [ more ]
Jones he's quite revolting isn't he ..... obviously making his mark by being an alternative kinda HM [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Play prank on everyone - except Steve
Liverpoollass Reference: Zippy offline 355 Forum Posts Today at 8:41 AM Last Edited: Reference: Joe-James says the only person he doesn't want to eat one is Steve. May I ask why? because it's pretty clear to see that JJ sees steve as some kind of super hero and holds him in very high regard .... that's always the impression I've got anyway. I think most of them see him that way Zippy. [ more ]
Scotty Joe-James said it was because he didn`t fancy a right hook from Steve. [ more ]
Former Member I definitely think Steve should have a chilli injected jelly baby. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Disappointed at the winner
Liverpoollass I want Corin to win and my other choice (apart from Ben) was JJ. Not so sure about JJ now, but there is no-one else really for me [ more ]
Former Member Aww Gerry was the only one I really liked in that BB - apart from the toys! [ more ]
Jones So who are we thinking? .... at this moment in time, I'm thinking Steve (whom I've thought from day 1 ) and JJ, as the front runners ..... I see JJ .. Corin .. Josie .. and steve, all there at the final. I'm going to predict: Steve first JJ second corin third josie fourth mario fifth anyone else want to hazzard a prediction ? oh & just for the record, this is by no means who I want to see win I'd probably say: JJ or corin to win [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Go forth and spread the word of the Lord....
stonks Reference: They were sold by the Pub Grub Company initially at the time. You got them with microwave sausage rolls and burgers oh and frozen onion pieces. OH you towney your just bragging now..we got C&O and S&V when we went posh we got bacon fries.... [ more ]
Tayto. They were sold by the Pub Grub Company initially at the time. You got them with microwave sausage rolls and burgers oh and frozen onion pieces. [ more ]
stonks Reference: King Crisps were exclusively sold in pubs but they were never as good as Tayto. Alls we ever got were Tayto C&O and S&V..we get Kings in Feeney's shop now but I remember years ago in England as a child a shop sold them by us.... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The GaGa hamster has finally left the building.
Fletch Reference: Cheers Fletch I'll have a look. I've been to TIBBS before there seemed to be hardly anyone there. I'll have another look Register and log in---- more on there from what you see on the link. There are folk from here who have been banned . [ more ]
Prometheus Cheers Fletch I'll have a look. I've been to TIBBS before there seemed to be hardly anyone there. I'll have another look [ more ]
Fletch Reference: It seems to have got worse lately. Maybe they have a lot of traffic on one of the other sub forums, who knows? Which other BB forums do you go to? TIBBS Ds and [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
andrew wasn't at the launch or one of the 79 initial potentials
Prometheus They all seem to be hand-picked this year. Hand-picked by chimpanzees. For example, some clown thought a girl who can't speak basic English (Keeva) should be approached on the street and invited to go on the show. It's all a bit pathetic. [ more ]
Former Member Cheers Darlo .Its when he said he did not know anyone from the Lockdowns ,then they said he wasn't at launch night or part of the original 79 ,I wondered when or if he even auditioned . [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) He had his exams around that time I think so BB contacted him for when they wanted new housemates to go in . [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I predict a meltdown!!!
stonks Reference: Do you really think that? I expect he has .....................his friends know him for who he is - why would he have no friends now? Cos he's a prize turd.... [ more ]
justafriend erin still looking for it , but can tell you theres some bad comments [ more ]
justafriend give me time i'll try find it erin, i hadnt seen them till yesterday when my friend told me about them. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do you think Dave is so popular in the house?
Fletch Reference: I am still in shock at Dave the charlatan is still in there...I need to drink, lots tonight.. Best post of the night. [ more ]
Mary Seacole Yes Aimee,I see what you are saying,but how many of the public know of Dave, there doesn't seem to have been anything in the press detrimental about Dave, maybe these young ones, don't read any forums, or know anything about Daves private life. [ more ]
Aimee Reference: Reference: Why do you think Dave is so popular in the house? Because the majority of the public and HM don't know what he is REALLY like,I said to my daughter today that I voted for Dave last night(many times), she said oh no he is so funny, so I told her the gist, and pointed her in the direction of youtube, she rang me back and was horrified,she said next time hes up she would make sure all her work mates voted for him. I agree with you, my friend doesn't watch L/F or use the... [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario: "I've lost one of my best friends in the house".
cologne 1 Reference: May have to give up for tonight I think! Might be an idea, it's been going wrong for a few hrs. so maybe best to leave it until tomorrow. [ more ]
liverbird Me too Cologne - I've just deleted my second one May have to give up for tonight I think! [ more ]
cologne 1 Sorry about the multiple posting. It told me the post hadn't gone so I tried again. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Girls Aloud to reform minus Nadine
Fairfax Reference: Her god-awful Irish-American accent is hilarious though Agree, she needs to come with subtitles [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities As far as I am aware (and apologies for just commenting, only just seen thread) they had never split, but were pursuing solo interests, therefore reformation is not necessary. Quite a lot of bands pursue solo projects, but are not considered as having split. Anyway, as a band I think they have pretty much done what they needed to do. Going solo would be the best thing for the band. A bit like Take That, there was no need to foist more music by numbers albums on the poor public. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Sarah Harding can hold a tune or 3. I have always liked Sarah Hardings voice the best. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good Video
Jenny Awww they look like they are having so much fun! Thanks onetoo and El Loro [ more ]
cologne 1 That is so cute. Thanks onetoo an loro. [ more ]
El Loro Reference: onetoo Ever since the last round of big changes it won't let me do some stuff I think some souces like the one you used and the BBC video clips let you copy on to Facebook and some others, but not on here. But Youtube seems to be the most reliable source of clips which we can use here, and that's where I found the clip above. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Messages for Ben
Yogi19 Reference: RR lol yogi. Its like a book of condolences! We are down but not out, RR. Just wait till Dave is evicted, we'll be partying till we drop. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I find it difficult to see the attraction in Ben she says that ... but already the hair says different [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Its like a book of condolences! It was a shock RiverRock but I think by now most of us are just glad to think of Ben enjoying life again with real friends. [ more ]
See all 83 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Josie
~Lee~ Reference: There's nothing to focus the mind as a bit of honest criticism. JJ reckons Sam could force them to snap....Why am I not feeling this can't happen? [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Whatever it's done it's ensured movement today,up and out off bed this morning,early There's nothing to focus the mind as a bit of honest criticism. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Think he's given crab eyes food for thought about what's being said about him and his nomance on the outside. Whatever it's done it's ensured movement today,up and out off bed this morning,early. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How was the ITO Task considered a PASS ?
Soozy Woo wHETHER THEY PASSED/FAILED IS IMMATERIAL TO ME.i JUST THOUGHT IT WAS THE BEST TASK EVER.(Sorry for the caps) New lappy - still getting used to it. [ more ]
Katerina Reference: Mentalist 4,603 Forum Posts Today at 09:17 Last Edited: Should have given them an individual fail limit that would have really pee'd some of them off. That would have been really good. I don't think they were ever going to fail the HMs, because we get the emotional messages episode every year and they were never going to take that out of the show. [ more ]
Blackpudlian I suspect BB only counted the fails that appeared on the HL shows. Everyone who has the Live Feed know that the HMs lost the task by a country mile. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave you tosser!
The Devil In Diamante Reference: What an obnoxious, attention seeking, horror story of a man. Brilliant Reference: That force laugh really pushes my buttons. Same here Lee....what a moronic buffoon he is... [ more ]
~Lee~ That force laugh really pushes my buttons. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: while sitting and rolling around in Steve's wheelchair. Dave has to keep in practice - mustn't disappoint his cult, must he? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jedward please please please just f*** off!
Former Member Opportunity knocked. And they all missed it [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: It is a sad day for entertainment when people find twits like this amusing. The mind boggles. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Blackpudlian online 2,763 Forum Posts Today at 1:06 PM Last Edited: Reference: I thought they acted like a pair of very silly 8 year olds which would be funny if they were 8 but they aren't. It is a sad day for entertainment when people find twits like this amusing. Even sadder that Jedward believe they are good I don't think they do believe they are good. They are the first ones to admit that they cannot sing. They just don't take themselves seriously, like other people do. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben got 52% of the public vote
bateman Thank God [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: we do have a giggle there but maybe its just a different sense of humour to some eh? You're probably right. We're not all the same. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: I didn't see it like that at all. I think Z was trying to inject a little humour into the thread ....................he hadn't banked on the fact that some people simply don't have one. TBH........all this talk of working so hard etc. - when you look at it realistically - don't you think it's just a teensy bit OTT? It's a gameshow/TV programme FGS. That's your view. Some people have different views. No reason to accuse people of not having a sense of humour. Pop into the thread... [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sad at Ben's departure
monkey13 Reference: I like Ben, he was as annoying as hell and got away with a shit lot of stuff especially on here! But him and John James were the 2 biggest characters in the house- I liked the pair of them where as usually it's people supporting one or the other. Anyway, wish they'd get Dave and Steve out pronto. Totally agree! [ more ]
squiggle I get the awful feeling we are probably stuck with those two now, I think they have other fish to fry as far as nominations are concerned. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John-James has already picked his next target.
Demantoid I can't stand her. Thick, over-dramatic poo-stirrer, and very dodgy in the way she encourages Steve's wandering hands. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Oh the Rachel who drapes herself all over Steve and seeks him out to sit on his lap. Doesn't look to me as though she minds him "pawing" her [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I actually like Rachel , prefer her being with Dave without the Baron wanting to crawl up her legs. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben's been brilliant on BBBM.
Liverpoollass Yeah he did Deman. Didn't seem to take himself too seriously and had most of the audience eating out of his hands. I think even Davina took a shine to him [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: I hate BBBM, so didn't watch it. Same here, but I thought his eviction interview was pretty good. Not even a fan of his, but he came across well. [ more ]
Liverpoollass That's so good to hear - still don't understand why he was voted out. Oh well..... he can now enjoy himself and hopefully get some sort of career or whatever out of being in the house [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave on LF telling JJ1 about Bennys bitching
Liverpoollass I fear we will never get Dave out now. He is going to be there until the end [ more ]
kimota J.J and Dave have rivaled (supprased?) Ben for being bitchy without giving an ounce of the entertainment value! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: the evil 1 lives on to do his false jolly good fellow act To think Ben said he wanted him to win. Wonder if he will still feel the same when he views his 'friends' backstabbing, fraud act. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam's wordrobe LF.. funny
Liverpoollass Reference: greenandpink ~ CHARLATAN DAVE OUT!! offline 1565 Forum Posts Today at 11:59 AM Lol@ Sam trying to fob off the awful clothes BB has given him as his own. They are going to twig its a task. He's making it obvious. Funny to see the others trying not to laugh. I didn't realise it was a task [ more ]
Scotty Thanks for that G&P Lip bitingly funny is a perfect way to describe it. I`m laughing my socks off here. I hope he fails. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: Oh, didn`t know it was a task G&P. I nearly fell off ma chair when I saw him! It is as task Scotty... (info gleaned from DS) Sam has to convince the HM that he packed that gear himself. If he passes he gets his own suitcase, if he fails he has to wear he dodgy gear for the rest of his stay. He keeps going on about packing the stuff himself and they have rumbled him for sure. It's still lip bitingly funny though. [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How are we going to stop 'em?
Liverpoollass Reference: darloboy (Supporting Josie!) offline 48,722 Forum Posts Today at 12:21 PM Last Edited: Oh my days it's so fun being a teenager, we're being blamed at the moment for Ben going, at least my night out on Thursday took my mind of things BB related Yes, it is all your fault! [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: I still have hope that the wider voting public can throw a spanner in the works and make Corin the winner! Corin and Mario are the only deserving winners. [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Oh my days it's so fun being a teenager , we're being blamed at the moment for Ben going, at least my night out on Thursday took my mind of things BB related . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The cherry on the top!
Green&Pink Reference: Did you hear him describing what 'look' he was aiming for? Something about going for green, wild and natural look. Oh we could do with a giggle after yesterday Boy do I need a laugh today Squiggs!!. I am so glad I switched on LF. It's proper spit tea out stuff. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Sorry Squiggs, didn't see this thread before starting similar. Lol.. it's so funny. That's OK sweetheart I've done that myself before Did you hear him describing what 'look' he was aiming for? Something about going for green, wild and natural look. Oh we could do with a giggle after yesterday [ more ]
Green&Pink Sorry Squiggs, didn't see this thread before starting similar. Lol.. it's so funny. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam - basically he's a mole
Karma_ Reference: "a small, congenital spot or blemish on the human skin" Gracias [ more ]
Ninja Reference:Karma is there another definition for a mole that I don't know about "a small, congenital spot or blemish on the human skin" [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Not a mole as such - but let's say I think he was made aware of why he was going in and what was expected of him. I think the same of JJ2 Kaffy,bit of support for Tiny Tears. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave is the luckiest man on the face of this Earth tonight
Liverpoollass Reference: squiggle Ben's Buddy No.1 offline 5,409 Forum Posts Today at 8:59 AM Last Edited: Reference: Sorry about all you Ben doubters out there but Ben was the star of BB11 and an allstar HM. Well said Vids [ more ]
Demantoid I'm not a Ben fan, but he was great and funny in his interview - I almost started liking him! Dave is one lucky git. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: Sorry about all you Ben doubters out there but Ben was the star of BB11 and an allstar HM. Well said Vids [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ2,not happy that Sam has mentioned
~Lee~ Reference: It would be brilliant, he is never going to win, but he now has the potential to make his mark as a memorable BB house mate. I hope he drives them insane Sort the chaff from the wheat. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: LL I hope Sam is brave enough to continue like this until he gets kicked out It would be brilliant, he is never going to win, but he now has the potential to make his mark as a memorable BB house mate. I hope he drives them insane [ more ]
Liverpoollass I hope Sam is brave enough to continue like this until he gets kicked out. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Haha Sam has sent Farmer Giles, and the two JJ's into meltdown!
Liverpoollass Reference: Fairfax offline 4,282 Forum Posts Yesterday at 11:58 PM Last Edited: Reference: she wishes Doesn't she just. Her attempts at 'dry humping' had me heaving Oh me too. It wasn't funny at all - more embarrassing. [ more ]
Cinds Once they were allowed to acknowledge Sams presence, why did JJ2 immediately go over and try to take the keys off Sam? edit to add: And did you hear Dave say something about hearing about Sam saying n nice things about him on the outside. I didn't think I was going to like Sam, I might be changing my mind. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: He so does not know what to do with her ,he does not want to kiss her. Did you see them in the bed yesterday (or the day before) when Josie was trying to kiss him on the mouth? He was wriggling and squirming, desperately trying to get away from her. How can anyone believe that John James fancies Josie? [ more ]
See all 16 replies...

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