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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When does this year's BB finish?
Aimee Thanks for that barney Thanks longcat [ more ]
longcat According to Wiki. The series launched on Wednesday 9 June 2010, [ 2 ] and will be broadcast on Channel 4 and E4 for 77 days with the finalé on 24 August 2010.After the final series a 2 week extra called Big Brother Ultimate will begin with previous Celebrity Big Brother and Big Brother housemates [ more ]
Former Member not sure when it finishes aimee i think the winner does stay in with the "allstars" not much help there am i [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What an unpleasant individual..
squiggle Reference: Or perhaps he won't be evicted From the sound of it we need to keep him there as long as possible, like medicine it might not taste nice but you know its doing you good [ more ]
squiggle I haven't caught up with the H/L's from the weekend yet BUT I am looking forward to seeing this little imp in action. Just what the house needed from the sound of it, disturbing all their carefully laid plans and schemes. HA! Sam looks like the kind of guy I would not want to meet but the kind of guy who is just what that house needs at the moment. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: spongebob squarepants offline 5,162 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:11 PM Last Edited: oh i agree col...........but as he's a h/mate i wish he'd do something else other than insult and irritate people......otherwise it just becomes as boring as the duvet kids......the first time he copied josie sucking her thumb it was the fourth or fifth time its lost its humour and just becomes repetitive........all he's doing is taking the pee out of people......there's nothing else... [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
DS Asking after old Forum Members
Former Member Hiya Gouryella, LTNS. anything you need to know, just ask [ more ]
Gouryella Reference: *gold star for Slinki* She's not a bad lass.She tracked me down and enticed me over here with promises of 'fine wine and Belgian chocolates'.Either that, or a fish supper and 2 pickled onions at the Anstruther Fish Bar. [ more ]
Kaffs Reference: You can stand under my umbrella anytime Given the way it's been p-ing down here tonight I'll take you up on that. I'm just off to bed, but hope to see you around here now you've found it *gold star for Slinki* [ more ]
See all 148 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Message denied ,Dave
suzybean Oh! So they have message envy now? They comparing what their message lacked that others got? And Steve was sad that they hadn't put out the bunting for him in his home town!!! Jeeez these people are all me, me, me! [ more ]
kattymieoww Dave out,,and Rachel and Steve ..and JJ2 ..and JJ1 ..and Josie ..and Jo..and Mario...and Andrew and errr ....anyone else..except Corin. Sam's ok too. [ more ]
cologne 1 It's dawning on Dave that it's time to brick it. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am not into cricket,but I do not want JJ mum to be right.
Former Member Corin's gonna stump him [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Alex and Gene? I missed the whole shebang, I caught up on it all in a marathon internet session with maybe one series left? Then realised why everyone was so naff and LOOOOOO.....ZERRRR ish. Bugger me it was good,it was dead good [ more ]
Blizz'ard I was thinking, who the flupp are Alex and Gene? Alex Reid, maybe? Can't remember a Gene! Ah, the programme! [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cologne 1 I've just had a chat online witth my older gransdaugher and she hasn't got the foggiest about BB. I m very relieved. [ more ]
Leccy I was being serious there, I couldn't say either of the "C" words till I had the internet, I think massageboards have made me immune...but the sucker and mother words still make me flinch. God knows why...It must be some last remaining thing me Mam drummed into me (she's a proper lady, brought me up not to swear at all...but as usual I chucked most of her good advice away) [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I didn't see that. For all I have a mouth like a sewer I get oddly prudish about that word and the mother...... one Well obviously it can be totally funny, but in the context of me explaining why I don't particularly like him, that comment was relevant, because it demonstrates what I meant. Anyway, everything I post get taken to shreads by blizzie, sio I wont bother anymore. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam starts world war 3 in the house and the HM's still say...
Former Member Sam managed to stir trouble in the house this evening, as he told Josie that he thought she would love to sell a story about her relationship with John James to the newspapers. After realising that the Bristolian was offended by his remarks, some of the group leapt to her defence, and Andrew and JJ confronted the newcomer during a chat in the garden. "Obviously you don't give a shit," began JJ. "You can't base your opinions on stuff you've seen on the telly." Andrew added: "You've made it... [ more ]
LowonIQ Jo handled Sam very well, saying she didn't understand how peeps were taking him so seriously, 'you're a wind up merchant, we said you were the moment you came in' I think some of em are enjoying sam 'outing' crapeyes and Josie as fake. They are letting him say it for them. [ more ]
Karma_ Re: Sam starts world war 3 in the house and the HM's still say... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Never, ever be honest in a house full of fakes.
Leccy Reference: My apologies. I need to remember where I am sometimes! IMO, you have to imo, or you are making an EVIL BLANKET STATEMENT OF DOOM THAT WILL BE HORRIFIC! imo [ more ]
Leccy Reference: That we did, missus. I stopped rocking the day my dad came home to find me skating across the carpet all over his precious Elvis LP's though Mr L's brother pittled all over their Dad's Marty Robbins LP It's a funnier story than I can give it credit [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: That doesn't count. You have to say 'allegedly' My apologies. I need to remember where I am sometimes! [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam is dropping bombs all over the house .
Blizz'ard Reference: erinp He couldnt be clearer He has serious problems, if that's as clear as he can manage!! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: but is afraid the answer would be "No", to a proper relationship, and doesn't want to know while she's still on TV, 24/7. He couldnt be clearer,she knows ,.but wants to run with the romance. .. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: erinp I think Sam is trying to find out what sort of relationship it is ,he like us have been give Josies take on it ,we have JJ take on it ,both differ . I bet Josie would like to know too, but she has to wait until they leave the house, apparently! Personally, I think she would like to know, but is afraid the answer would be "No", to a proper relationship, and doesn't want to know while she's still on TV, 24/7. [ more ]
See all 97 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Sam Fan Club.
Fletch Off to bed now Night folks and keep the support up. [ more ]
Fletch Reference: Well he certainly put the dogs back in their kennel. We have not had to watch a Duvet today or tonight. Josie has been upright all day. Hit a nerve with Dave . We have not had to watch their pre noms sh*t. And all thanks to Sam. He could be our saviour, to end this misery. There is a god after all. and feck yours Dave. [ more ]
Former Member Well he certainly put the dogs back in their kennel. We have not had to watch a Duvet today or tonight. Josie has been upright all day. Hit a nerve with Dave . We have not had to watch their pre noms sh*t. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The code name is "Curry House"
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! n'nite Goury - was busy Dave-dissing [ more ]
Gouryella Reference: our Shizz had a little boy called Fionn Good stuff Barmster!.Nice name too.I love a story with a happy ending! Over and out!. [ more ]
Gouryella I've gotta go to bed now.Nice to speak to everyone again.It's been a long time since the 'good old days'. Hope to be kicking around here on a regular basis and having a laugh with everyone. Senora Reyes-sorry for hijacking your thread.I guess i oew you one!. See you all tomorrow!.Nighty night. [ more ]
See all 93 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know why Dave's family looked uneasy in their message to him...
Shar Reference: Yes i do. can you explain to me what all the fuss is about? I believe the intent on blessing individuals in the street was quite genuine. He's a complete and utter charlatan ... of course none of the 'blessings' were genuine ... He's a nasty, sick, utter waste of space ... and I hope the turd has some conscience left in him to walk. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Soozy?? Do you really believe there was nothing wrong in that?? Yes i do. can you explain to me what all the fuss is about? I believe the intent on blessing individuals in the street was quite genuine. [ more ]
Shar Soozy?? Do you really believe there was nothing wrong in that?? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Next weeks nominations.
cologne 1 Lee, I can't copy and paste AGAIN. Just laughing about your last comment. PS. The forum has been playing up since Friday now. [ more ]
~Lee~ *Notes Cols noms* I have added another for JJ,he's just called Rachael The Grinch. [ more ]
cologne 1 My first nomination is Josie. I can't stand her smugness and security of staying any longer. As the duvet has been encrusted on her my second nomination doesn't have to be it, but will instead be Dave. He's a con artist of the highest order. We've seem him in the house behaving like a salesman and that's it in a nutshell. He doesn't want to recruit, he wants to collect. Money. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eww, eww, ewwwwwww... Letchie Steve...
Leccy Reference: I know it's incredibly un PC to say it ..........but once in that position he's rather like a slug That's not un PC (and I'm a fully paid up brigader)...but it hads stuck a horrible image in my mind of him wriggling on top of Jo, oh *voms* [ more ]
Soozy Woo My husband said the same all honesty though he doesn't have the knees to push up and move away from a situation I know it's incredibly un PC to say it ..........but once in that position he's rather like a slug - he'd have had to have wriggled off. Although in Gods name why he thought it was OK to get into that position in the first place is beyond me, What a sickening man he is! [ more ]
Former Member He almost lost his balance trying to get closer ,she promptly pulled the bed clothes towards her ,smart Cougar . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Was it telling that Corin didn't get a message
Rocking Ros Rose i read somewhere that Corin gets upset cos her mum is ill and was going to walk if she didn't find out why her mum wasn't used - don't know how true it is [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: This is from her official profile (i.e. before she entered the house): "Corin may put her relationship with her girlfriend on hold whilst she's in the house so she doesn't have to worry about her behaviour. If she thought she could get away with cheating, she would do so with a man and thinks her next relationship will be with a guy, not a girl." Doesn't really suggest a happy relationship, does it? TBH .........................either finish the relationship or commit [ more ]
Leccy Weeks and weeks ago she was telling Steve about how much her and Rachel argue, then she has mentioned a few times since that the relationship was more "off than "on" [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wow really mature!
brisket Reference: darlo Funny how Corin and co didn't want to do it to Steve because they were scared of upsetting him though Yea, I noticed that darlo. Are they intimidated by him or what? It's odd that they should make an exception for Steve. I don't see why he should be treated differently. [ more ]
Former Member John James didn't swap any pillow. He told his fum sucker to do it! [ more ]
spongebob squarepants i like josie but didn't think it was a good or funny thing to do........that said sam has been shoving his veg in her face and generally insulting her since he got in there......i think it was always a case that she would return the favour somehow.....and to be fair to sam he took it well......if he dishes it out......he's got to expect something back.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crab eyes and Josie writing on each other,rule break
Mathematics Reference: wonder if they get away with that Probably. Big Brother producers have got a huge amount of viewers eating out of the palm of their hand. BB have ignored past rule breaks by the duo, so this probably won't be any different. [ more ]
justafriend i think so too erin, it will be interesting to see who they nom tomorrow along with jj2 [ more ]
Former Member Reference: wonder if they get away with that Yes, no need to wonder,they will. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
More ham than a sty full of pigs!
cologne 1 Reference: She's gathering the troops to back her up! Sounds typical, but I get the feeling it takes some to rile Sam. He knows his part and he's playing it. Thanks for the info btw. tiddles. [ more ]
Former Member She's gathering the troops to back her up! [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Sam is telling folks what JJ * J's nomance is all about, and she's giving it large in the bathroom, that he's a troublemaker. All he's doing is warning them what they look like to the viewers, and she's really taking the hump. Brilliant, Sam please carry on. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve's tattoos. How many does one man need?
SazBomb Reference: With some of the usernames I've seen over the years that would be soooo funny! Can you imagine people turning up and asking for the likes of Norfolk Enchants, Ahmeds lovely tooth, Angry of Mayfair....... What about the multiple username peeps? Some people would have to get them all down their back [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: That's why I want the 2 that I want done aswell, cos they carry a personal meaning. They're the best kind... I don't think you will get sick of something if it has a strong personal meaning to you [ more ]
Leccy Cariad! Thank you Awwwww I can feel the manliness from here. Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Propoer hairy testosterone fuelled MEN with no moisturiser in sight. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did you know Rachel was a behavioural expert? I'm really shocked....
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Shes thick [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Well HE never washes his hair, and SHE is still in the same clothes as yesterday, cos she slept in them all night. Yuck!! [ more ]
Former Member Well HE never washes his hair, and SHE is still in the same clothes as yesterday, cos she slept in them all night. Mind you she straightened her hair after a few hours of waking up, but the fly crawling over their duvet must think it's in heaven! Wonder what Rachel makes of that? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Reaction to housemates
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I takes me a few weeks to start to form real opinions, but I quickly disliked Shabby and Keever. Dave has annoyed much more over recent weeks to the point that I am wanting to turn the sound down, the guy's a tool. Mario got on my nerves when he started doing the good cop bad cop thing with Ben. I don't like Mario now. Ben, he began to irritate me and I am not sad he has gone. Most of the rest are just wallpaper to me. Josie, I like. She is the only one who genuinely makes me laugh. The only... [ more ]
Former Member I took an instant dislike to Shabby - I was not disappointed. I also took an instant dislike to Steve,Dave and JJ. Again not disappointed. [ more ]
cologne 1 I liked Ben right away and didn't like Josie, I'm glad to say, both first impressions have held water for me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crab eyes has not got a clue.
Former Member He gave up his job wjen his father died an he inherited money. [ more ]
squiggle Reference: He told her and Caoimhe about his 65k car,he's upgrading it when he gets back to Aus,apparently. Of course he is, with the prize money. D'ya ever get the feeling that we are being made mugs of? [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Josie was whispering with Jo earlier today in the kitchen, she was saying that she thinks John has alot of money in the bank, maybe thats what she see's in him He told her and Caoimhe about his 65k car,he's upgrading it when he gets back to Aus,apparently. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ben's Toast
Soozy Woo Reference: i wish he had outstayed the evil monk but one good thing is he probably knows all about him now. TBH ...........I think FM's read far too much into things .............I'll bet that Ben will be there hugging Dave at the end of the series ............they are all in there just doing their own thing - living their own life one is truly evil. I know that Ben will see that. [ more ]
~Lee~ Good luck Ben,I wish you every success and happiness for your future. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Princess Ben`, perhaps? PC, you are in Tokyo. How can you possibly be interested in this tripe (tripe compared to visiting half way round the world) [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Twitcam live feed .Rodrigo/Sunshine on
Former Member [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Erin, where's the justin LF today? Try one called (I think) Rubber Duck TV, on Justin, I had that on earlier and it was working, it gets less viewers than the others. [ more ]
Leccy Blimey, Sunshine's fascinator looks like a bridal one My daughter will be gutted she's out, she's missing Rodrigo, she luuuuurves him [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No suitcase for Sam. Well done Dave.
Demantoid In Dave's world, it's more important for him to show off how clever he is at spotting secret tasks, than for HMs to actually win them. He did the same when Josie had the 'shoes for booze' one, and cost them all an evening on the pop. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I wonder how selective they would all be if it was someone else, would Josie out JohnJ, would Dave have outed Steve, I would like Sam to tell them all what the outside world thought of each of them, then his punishment could be that all the house was up for eviction. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I wonder how selective they would all be if it was someone else, would Josie out JohnJ, would Dave have outed Steve, I would like Sam to tell them all what the outside world thought of each of them, then his punishment could be that all the house was up for eviction. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Come on Corin!!!!
longcat Reference: We shall agree to differ longcat Soaking the cushions from the garden in the pool so the others can't use them is interesting banter - very witty. We shall agree to differ I have to confess I laughed at the cushions [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Soaking the cushions from the garden in the pool so the others can't use them is interesting banter - very witty. I say bad sportsmanship. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: You say bad sportmanship I say banter. We shall agree to differ longcat Soaking the cushions from the garden in the pool so the others can't use them is interesting banter - very witty. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Greetings from Forn Parts
Leccy Hope you're having a lovely time Petercat! [ more ]
Cariad Can you still get Vimto...? PC - if the assorted relatives prove too much there is always another bottle of wine waiting to be opened!! [ more ]
DanceSettee Reference: I wish I had a favourite Shinto shrine... **sigh** I have a favourite Vimto shrine you can share Cariad Nice to hear you are having a great time Petercat...i am jellus [ more ]
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