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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steam Cleaner
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Is that all? My mate says he paid that for a front fork and a seat! [ more ]
Saint . . . . however £199 for a what is basically a big kettle is a lot Having said that I did spend £1000 on a mountain bike [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I only need an indoor cleaner as I live in a Penthouse apartment But I will see how this fares and if it lives up to it's billing and performs how I expect, then I can see me buying more products in the future. I've purposely not cleaned my toilet for 3 years to see how good this cleaner works. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Science of Everyday Living (Funny)
Saint Made me laugh and is a bit like HHGTTG [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities To be honest I have been full of cold so my extended stay in bed was more necessity than want No gigs lined up at the moment. I would have seen the League on Dec 4th but I don't like big arenas much prefer the smller venue. I did catch a bit of them and its about promoting thier new acoustic album, which I will buy when it inevitably hits the 2 for £15 section in HMV. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities This is also a cracker: There are others I'm working my way through. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Black Friday
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities As you all probably know by now I am a big buyer of music and film. Just starting to see the deals come trickling through for items I have had my eyes on and some surprises I have not. Ideally I get some bargains but not too many as the bank balance takes a bit of a hit. [ more ]
Yogi19 Re: Black Friday [ more ]
Garage Joe Well Germany seem to have done rather well in recent years. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poppy debacle
El Loro The Welsh and Northern Ireland FAs are also to be investigated by FIFA due to fans wearing poppies. I always thought that wearing poppies was showing respect to those who died or wounded in the services. Clearly FIFA has no concept of respect though apparently players and managers are expected to show respect to referees. [ more ]
Yogi19 Good link, Fluffs [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Is this the sort of information you're looking for saint? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lori Yep, I DO know. It was two years ago today, in fact. I still miss him something fierce, but in his brief moments of clarity, he felt trapped in his uncooperative body and mind. It was no life for a man that deserved so much better. Things are so much easier for my mom, too, who was his principal caretaker...It's hard to watch your parents go through that, isn't it? [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Sorry Lori I missed this post. No, it was a slow decline (took a few years) and I think one of the worst ways to go, but it sounds like you know exactly what it's like. Awful disease isn't it. It was nice that Cosi remembered and PM'd me a year after it happened. Hope things are better for you now. [ more ]
Lori I'm sorry, EC. That can't have been easy. I lost my dad to Lewy Body Dementia 2 years ago this month. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Leonard Cohen has died
Kaytee Leonard Cohen has always been one of my favourite artists....exceptional in every way RIP Leonard you will be missed [ more ]
Garage Joe I've done this material before, however I remember going to parties in the very early seventies, the sort where modern middle class Mums would put matresses about the house and leave their kids to it. The arty girls wished to listen to Laughing Len whilst the rest of us wanted to listen to PF, LZ, FZ and JT. One cold December night one of the arty girls insisted I walk her back to her parent's farm, an incident which I now know led to me contracting glandular fever. After that we would hide... [ more ]
Baz I only know Hallelujah.....but I love that song . RIP [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Formula E - Marakesh - Now on Channel 5
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Sam Bird on front row. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I have noticed that they sometimes lose the readout or its goes to something like 1237% - my guess is there is either a lag in the telemetry or there are small adjustments if its on thr cusp. Would have been great if there had been just 1 more lap - lol [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Strangely, it jumped back up to 1% just as they went to the adverts. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Sorry mate, I did not click on the link - too busy cooking noodles ...and watching Top of the Pops on BBC Four - Stranglers - Strange Little Girl. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities It's actually got better today (been watching all day) and as I import from the US any increase is a good thing. £1 buys change % 52 wk-h 52 wk-l US Dollar 1.25550 +0.01480 +1.19 1.52920 1.21240 [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hello. A tinie tiny self pity post involving family and the election.
pirate1111 oh least donald has finally met theresa [ more ]
Lori And THIS is why I rarely discuss politics with family... Rawky, I don't know if you've heard yet, but we are all expecting to move in with you. [ more ]
Amythist's difficult, the Election and Brexit have caused a divide between people ,all those who feel scared, betrayed and unrepresented need time to heal and adjust, but we mustn't let hatred divide us as well as ideology. Have time away from social media and enjoy the beauty of Canada, you sound like you are really enjoying it [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Broadcaster and radio presenter Sir Jimmy Young dies at 95
Kaffs legend though he was, I'm a bit fed up listening to 'Too Young' and 'The Man from Laramie' today! [ more ]
Baz Re: Broadcaster and radio presenter Sir Jimmy Young dies at 95 [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Yes: amidst all the talk about his (admittedly quite extraordinary) broadcasting career, it's worth remembering that he was also the very first person to have a UK Number 1 with this classic: [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
State pension triple-lock should be scrapped, say MPs
Dame_Ann_Average Don't even get me started...1) what they did to women born in the fifties was illegal. 2 ) they have put the years up in stamps to 35, so anyone taking a break to have children are up sh*ts creek without a paddle and they have stopped being able to claim on your husbands NI payments to cover those years. 3) they have no conscience, I advise everyone to watch I, Daniel's factual, researched to high heaven and based on true stories and this happens everyday to many thousands of... [ more ]
Former Member It's the people who were born in the fifties that have had the mat pulled out from underneath them! [ more ]
Former Member Mine is 67! I'm 55 now....We've got no chance [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's gerrin on me nerves now!
Videostar Oh thats sad that she was so timid...some people shouldn't be allowed to go anywhere near animals. I'm sure she had a very good life with you tho, so she got the luck she deserved in the end. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I love a good firework display. I was at a family do last night. But like Xmas fireworks should be confined to a small window in the year. When I have to rise for work at 5:15 Monday morning, I certainly don't want to have been kept awake until 12:00 by people just letting them off for sh*ts and giggles. [ more ]
Baz I agree ....I always remember , when I was a kid , guy next door got his hand blown off by a banger [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caption Competition
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Not to put down Eugene's post (all contributions welcome) but I think some of the forum postee efforts are better than PE. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities EC has been out and about recently, not much chance to get online and when I do its usually mobile. Now be careful what you wish for, I have two weeks and one days leave coming up from Friday. [ more ]
Former Member EC's looking......mind you, he's been looking for a good while [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yogi19 With my amazing powers of deduction, I had realised that. [ more ]
Former Member I should say, that, that spam only comes to my dedicated jobsearch mail address and good for Google, actually it filters it straight away but I'm convinced that some (maybe all) of these agencies and the offshoots of them are selling our numbers on [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Looks like another interesting one next week. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
happy halloween...!
Former Member I remember getting sick of running in and out to have my candle in the turnip relit [ more ]
pirate1111 when i was about 10/11 i decided to go carol bear in mind i didnt know many..i plucked up the courage to knock on a door & started with silent night-this old neighbour opened the door but i froze-i just stood there with my mouth open like a cross between a xmas card choir boy & a blow up doll..she said Yes? what do you want? i ran away [ more ]
Kaffs I agree with all that Eugene.. and I'd add, I don't have kids but it worries me that all the kids who knock at my door are strangers to me. When we were young, we'd get ready to go guising and Mum would give a list of neighbours we were allowed to go to and she'd have whooped our asses if she thought we knocked on a stranger's door. Oh.. and there was no such thing as pumpkins either - you spend days whittling out the biggest turnip you could find - the smell of raw turnip still has me back... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
PETE BURNS has died
Carnelian He was no Bowie but he was a follow on who did his own thing on his own terms. Dead Or Alive were part of that mid 80s thing when the gay bands and singers were making the best dance music and breaking down barriers. [ more ]
Saint Don't get me started on Rex - reminded me of Gordon 'Bleu' Ramsay. [ more ]
Kaffs Apart from loving Rex and refusing to comment on the last sentence.. I agree... Seriously though - who hasn't been tempted to handcuff someone to a radiator at some point in their lives eh? [ more ]
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