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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG.... Farmer Giles is SO using Sam!!!
Liverpoollass Reference: Senora Reyes offline 10,317 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:39 PM Last Edited: She is one manipualtive cow.. .She seems to want JJ1 to defend her...As if she can't denfend herself! She was doing a good job in the bedroom where was giving Sam as good as she got. I agree with that. I would want my guy to defend me too, if I were Josie. Has nothing to do with the fact that she can defend herself, it is a matter of chivalry. Maybe that is old fashioned nowadays, but that's how I feel. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Oooh what happened with Mario? (whoever said 2 birds with one stone) I don't think Mario's ever going to do that.. [ more ]
Karma_ Oooh what happened with Mario? (whoever said 2 birds with one stone) [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you lot really think the cocky evil Monk will go over Rachel?
Liverpoollass I have a feeling that Rachel will go. I would rather see smug Dave go, but would be glad as well is foghorn lil went. [ more ]
longcat It will be Rachel and Dave will sail through to the final along with Steve. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Me either...He also dislikes women.. Yep, they should cover themselves up, and leave more space for him to get his moobs out. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Live feed now ,do you think Sam just.
Demantoid It's a piss-poor pool this year. They may as well piss in it. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Now rhe cameras on sam. they've all got in the pool So true ,first time I ahve seen them in the pool. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: That would be to much,I think they forget that he will be up but can replace. And even if he stays up, there's no guarantee he'll go if we want some other irritant out sooner. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew being pathetic echoing everything Josie says.
Leccy I haven't seen tonight's highlights or any live feed. What's that you say, Andrew has kicked a puppy? LA LA LA LA LA LA *fingers in ears* NOT LISTENING! Please don't tell me Andrew is rubbish, I wanted him to be a Eugene without the der dit der da der dit der da stuff and slightly more social skills! [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Demantoid I am finding that particular situation to be a great source of amusement. 'I'll stand up for you Jose' then... silence Oh, I know! Someone get an x-ray machine in there quick, to check whether he actually has a spine.. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Andrew is aggressive, Sam just spouts his thoughts. Neither of them is stupid, although some ppl would give Andrew the leg up because he's in Oxford. I would say that Sam is extremely aggressive only he expresses it through his nasty little asides and attempts at humour. [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Demantoid Reference: Lee Deman you just described JJ. He's another one, Lee. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: katty I like him... Deman we are going hamster hunting this Friday .I stated no more Hammies! My niece said I'll buy you another one because you bought me my first over ten years ago,,,sigh...I didn't protest too much we have that big triple decker cage needing another resident..."Jake " here we come.I want a black(rare) or deep chocolate brown hammy. Phwoaar... the black ones are brilliant, they look like miniature black bears! Brown ones look like mini grizzlies when they rear... [ more ]
Former Member c’est la vie [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HELP!!! Anyone with a V+ box and HD tv???
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! me too Kaytee - I got this awful feeling of dread tho - my daughter has the same mix of hd/v+ box in her bedroom and she's had no probs... though she does only watch it in bed... I'l give it a wazz 2morra anyway - thanx chick x [ more ]
Kaytee Hope it works BB [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! right - I've got it now - will try it 2moz - thanx in advance, will let you know how it goes lol [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
w*nker Dave is SO not bothered about being up for eviction
brisket I agree katty that no-one is more desperate than John James and Dave [ more ]
kattymieoww That is what's pissing me off most! Those two getting all moral and indignant! Oh Mario shouldn't have done that etc.It went on for hours literally.They both bloody nommed Mario.Dave with his "Ring fencing" friends etc.JJ pissed off because he would have nommed Corin etc,.HYPOCRITES ! there capitals. Now I've gone off Mario because he did the dirty on Ben etc.but in the end it's a game show not a love in.They have ganged up on him. I don't like mob bullies...Pah! Oh and JJ saying Mario... [ more ]
brisket I go along with that katty You've got his technique well observed too. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who to vote for?
justafriend so its vote the monk man out yes? [ more ]
brisket I don't think we could get John James out this week. Rachel annoys me such a lot. But she doesn't have the venom of the duplicitous minister. He is very nasty, and it may be our last chance to get rid of him. (He seems to have done a Svengali and hypnotised the lot of 'em.) Dave to go. [ more ]
Baz I'm voting Dave... cos Rachel doesn't bother me too much..... and JJ, well.... sadly, that's a lost cause.... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How is Chicken Chow Mein?
Baz Reference: I see that he did sign in on Sunday morning, so he may well have seen our postings on his blog. I hope so [ more ]
brisket I hope so too. It would be nice if he knew people were wishing him well and showing concern. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Although I'm not aware that Chicken has posted anything, I see that he did sign in on Sunday morning, so he may well have seen our postings on his blog . I do hope so El Loro. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: this week's eviction
brisket Dave is not a very sporting player if things don't go his way is he? Neither is John James. They are both so angry because their plotting has been thwarted. They thought they had it all mapped out They have been out-smarted. Many would accept todays choices graciously. But not these two.. they have shown bad grace. Now we also see that the passion to do well in BB (which they accuse Mario of), applies to themselves. [ more ]
kattymieoww Dave the charlatan Hypocrite...he's now saying on live feed "well they(Mario) have to live with the consequences of their actions" etc,sweet talking Rachel too.He nommed both her and Mario he's a cult! [ more ]
Kaytee Rachel to go, JJ to be saved [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Deadwood..still so much
kattymieoww Corin to win! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Cologne There is nobody left in there, with the exception of Corin, that I would want to watch anymore. Same here [ more ]
kattymieoww Yes Eugene.I posted about that on Ds,so many "newbies" still in there.In past BB's they always (mostly ) targeted newbies as in a.. we have been here from the start mindset..They should go before us.Unless they are trying to get their "Big" rivals out.I don't actually think that is the case. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Come On BB, Use The Plasma!
Fairfax Reference: Dame Ann Because it's only those two planks that have carried on all afternoon about who Mario picked and the hypocrisy of what they were saying was unbelievable . It's not going to happen, but having a fantasy is not a bad thing. Spot on [ more ]
Former Member Re: Come On BB, Use The Plasma! [ more ]
Baz Reference: And also I'd love to see the look on Steve's face when he finds out that he was Dave's other choice for nomination this week. Me too...... Showing the noms this week would certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Skippy lay off Mario, you lost, jog on !!!
cologne 1 Reference: I've left you a message in the live feed thread [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Same here. I can't blame them though because he set himself up as Mr. Go Between, but still holds on steadfastly to the company philosophy. If they were serious, they'd take some heed. The last time I saw a reply from him was yesterday and saying it was just a show and everyone should chill, wee we bloody would it he played the game right I've left you a message in the live feed thread [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I know, I'm like >>>>>>>> Same here. I can't blame them though because he set himself up as Mr. Go Between, but still holds on steadfastly to the company philosophy. If they were serious, they'd take some heed. [ more ]
See all 63 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie and Dave the most flustered by Sam.
monkey13 Sam the squirt is pushing his luck a bit, but at least he's shaken things up a bit so Josie isn't getting everything her own way. [ more ]
Shizzlex Of course he has the right to ask they are on a reality tv show and are public property thats what they signed up for he has the right to ask same as she has the right to decline the answer but most of us want to know John James do you fancy Josie do ya well do ya ??????????? imo the answer is no [ more ]
Former Member Just want to ad that i dont like this attitude of its "nobodys business about JJ and J,s relationship". They are in a TV studio on a TV show, it is not their home! Although sometimes the way the two of them go on you would think it was ! [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why didn't Mario put Josie up?
Katerina Reference: [Eugene's Lair] Eugene's Lair: I said this last week, and I'll say it again: there is absolutely no way that any HM (with the possible exception of Sam) is going to publicly put Josie and John James up against each other. It would be practically suicide in the house, and considered cruel Oooh imagine if Sam wins S&R this time next week........ [ more ]
Former Member Reference:vid Yes Steve did bottle it, but thats no excuse for Mario to follow that trend Not at all, but as was said, JJ , allegedly, gave a veiled threat that he would be angry if Josie was put up. And to be honest they havent much backbone the lot of them, its easy in the DR, but face to face is a different story. I think Mario would have gained a lot more fans had he put Josie up, one for having the courage to do it and two for standing up for himself and showing he has a mind of his... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Vids But you'd rather watch that showmance?? what the hell does it matter whether the house has more men or women in it?? surely it's about who is more entertaining and whats best for the show. No, but I like Josie and the only bloke in there that I like is Andrew. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF Now
Former Member Thanks for updates, i had to give up, i couldnt post and then my LF went off Mario chose Dave, interesting.... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: thanks dame they really think they have this all sorted out dont the sadly yes and they probably have, due to nothing negative being shown on HL's involving JJ & Co [ more ]
~Lee~ Get JJ out,Dave won't win,not a chance but that other one must have a stash of big b*ll tablets with him,he's getting too big for his boots. [ more ]
See all 441 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Put A Sock In It Jo!
Scotty Oh, I can`t bear it. Switches off again. [ more ]
Scotty Reference:LL Glad we agree on this Me too. *phew* [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Scotty (Corin`s Cribette #5) offline 14,432 Forum Posts Today at 4:19 PM Last Edited: Reference: Just watching last night's HL show. Gawd she don't half go on. Who made her the House Oracle? She did LL. Self appointed. I`ve had to mute LF right now because of her gibbering nonsense. Jo seriously does my head in. Glad we agree on this [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Techy Help !!!!!
El Loro For the techies - pressing F5 by itself just refreshes the screen, but Ctrl-F5 clears the cache for the screen and then refreshes the screen. So Ctrl-F5 takes slightly longer but obviously in this case seems to work. [ more ]
brisket I've been getting that too today. I tried clicking on "Toggle WYSIWYG" (bottom right of this box) and then submitted it worked. Also tried pasting from Word - that sometimes works. But I like Charli's suggestion above. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I got the same message a few minutes ago Dame Ann. I just left it for a minute then clicked submit again and it worked fine. I've had it for hours Tayto, but Charlie and Stonks's replies sorted it thank god [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ's and Josie's punishment....
Bojangles I think they have been stopped from sleeping together as well Liverpool.Thank god for that. [ more ]
Liverpoollass They should have separated them at night too, so that they cannot sleep in the same bed. I bet the "punishment" only goes on for a day. [ more ]
Former Member The wee mummy's boy has threatened to walk if he's parted from big momma for longer than to-day. I've got deja vu again! [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: John James & Josie
Liverpoollass It would have been much more interesting if BB had separated them a while ago. [ more ]
Tayto. Love Josie, dislike JJ but I don't hate the 'couple' just because C4 deem it the only highlight of the show. It doesn't say a lot about the other housemates. One thing about them is they both have personality which is sadly lacking in most of the others. Hi Kates. [ more ]
Kaytee I hate these showmances where they have pound signs instead of stars in their eyes...unconvincing twaddle...hasn't really ruined BB, it was on it's way downhill anyway [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Skippy, curious, does anyone know.....
Lockes Reference: As it was just over 2 years ago, who knows what path his life will take, Has he actually retired ? anymore than the other contestant since the show started. good point, I personally havent heard him say he has retired but others seem to be under the impression he has, but my point was really that if he can support himself he can choose to do whatever he wants, it doesnt mean he is lazy if he chooses to retire [ more ]
RZB Reference: well his dad was killed tragically, the money was compo and if he as the means to support himself and wants to retire, well thats up to him, doesnt mean he is lazy, I can tell you one thing if it was me I would retire and I am far from lazy As it was just over 2 years ago, who knows what path his life will take, Has he actually retired ? anymore than the other contestant since the show started. [ more ]
RZB Reference: I don't mind him tbh, better than some house mates, not as good as others is the way I see JJ, I certainly don't see him as the root of all evil, [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T ~ I am so proud!!!
Soozy Woo What a lovely story.It's incredibly sad when parent/child relationship breaks down. So many kids go off the rail.................very fortunate (and lovely) that you and your husband are there to love, help and guide. do you have kids of your own? [ more ]
Former Member She sounds like a good un, and you have every reason to be proud of her. Take some credit for yourself though, as you and your other half have obviously been a very good influence on her outlook and guided her along to have the ambitions to be the best she can be! [ more ]
Kaytee Lovely to hear about your lovely niece G&P and congrats on the new arrival of the little car.....enjoy many happy miles of notoring together [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Last 4/5 contestants
Baz Reference: JJ 1 and 2 Josie Corin That's interesting Super Why do you think JJ2 will survive that long? Is it cos no one noms him, or cos you think the public will keep him in? [ more ]
Baz Reference: I don't like any of them in the house so it doesn't matter who's there in the final but I'd love the monk to be out this Friday The way Dave is sucking up to JJ1 Pengy, I think we are sadly going to be stuck with him until the bitter end [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I'd love the monk to be out this Friday Can't see that happening Pengy [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Just read the WHATM thread Sam has mentioned the "Wheelchair video's".
Kaytee Reference: misrepresenting yourself is dishonest. misrepresenting yourself and preying on people's good nature and compassion , is manipulative. causing cynicism in compassionate people is damaging those you have misrepresented yourself as. and he's a twat anyways. Well said JB [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Prom You might get some perspective on it if you were disabled and wheelchair-bound and saw some complete twat being pushed around mocking your disability giving fake 'blessings' then laughing about it afterwards with his mates. Yeah, I think that might give you the perspective you need alright. [ more ]
suzybean jacko *mwah* [ more ]
See all 210 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please dont let it be over already???
~Lee~ Reference: Was it ever in doubt Lee? Silly me, I forgot that JJ1 is the realist, most honest housemate to darken the doors of BB Loyal and true,all translate that he's as mercenary and self serving as they come. [ more ]
suzybean Reference: .Again his *team spirit* thrown out the window Was it ever in doubt Lee? Silly me, I forgot that JJ1 is the realist, most honest housemate to darken the doors of BB [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: He said he was not allowed in the same bed as Josie - asleep or awake. The punishment for breaking the conditions is something that will affect the whole house. So presumably they have decided that they don't care if the rest of the house are punished. How charming of them. How selfish! Absolute hypocrite....Again his *team spirit* thrown out the window,his double standards make me so angry,what a waste of space he is. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
J.J fans reactions to the 'punishment'
~Lee~ Reference: lee u iz wel unfair!! wayz all da ppl dat dont lyk john james iz lyk wel old lyk bout 30 or sumfink.n dey r jellus....iz obvs... Step away from the keyboard Spongette,remember who pays the bills in your house girls. Reference: ps:...lee........don't 2 think john james is a ......'butt munch'.........i don't think that's a good thing...... Yay,glad to see the Spongettes have taste,imagine them bringing him home Spongey,you'd be forced to do bad things,to him. [ more ]
suzybean spongey [ more ]
spongebob squarepants ps:...lee........don't 2 think john james is a ......'butt munch'.........i don't think that's a good thing...... [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This Corin and JJ thing.
Fairfax I like Corin but I'm not liking this juvenile talk about JJ. She needs to stop it now. Particularly as he is deadly boring, dull and full of himself [ more ]
Shizzlex hes just so blooming boring apart from lick JJ1 and J's backside what does he do [ more ]
kimota I liked Corin's comment " his mum will be saying 'stay away from that woman' Corin's mum will probably be saying 'step away from the little boy' [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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