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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It looks like Rachel may not be going after all.
Prometheus Reference: The real (and (nasty) JJ came out again tonight. Has been hiding his true character under Josie's 'skirt' for a while but in having to don a skirt of his own, he was well and truly exposed.. Clever BB. If he hadn't latched on to Josie he would have been out ages ago. She has definitely distracted him from his inherent nastiness and spite and shielded him from the public. Yet another reason to hate their pathetic fake romance. I would so love it if he went out tomorrow. [ more ]
watcher1 The real (and (nasty) JJ came out again tonight. Has been hiding his true character under Josie's 'skirt' for a while but in having to don a skirt of his own, he was well and truly exposed.. Clever BB. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: If he does, how on earth will Josie cope without him? Dont care to be honest She in her own words has taken lazyness to another level ,does nothing,she has barely been upright the last 2/3 weeks . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LOL's great edit BB!
cockney-chick I have quite liked John James up til now, but he is going the right way to get evicted this week; maybe he has had enough of Josie mooning over him. LOL [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy ,at last the idiot is being shown in his true light. Me too Erin, it's been a long time coming.. [ more ]
Former Member I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy ,at last the idiot is being shown in his true light. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do JJ1 & particularly Monk Dave, think that they "Run tings" in the house?
Katerina erinp 7,356 Forum Posts Today at 1:56 PM Last Edited: BBLB also showed Josie and Crab eyes in the DR ,Josie praising him for not having argued for 2 days!!! wtf. That was really weird, it was a clip from weeks ago and they cut it with scenes of Zig and Zag and their comments. I felt really sorry for Mario's mate, she was outnumbered and completely shouted down. [ more ]
Leccy PEJ said JJ was his fave HM (well according to DS he said that) [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Mathematics online 1,428 Forum Posts Today at 8:37 PM Last Edited: Two seperate reasons. All of the housemates like Dave. All of the housemates are intimidated by John-James. This is also reflected in nominations. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
L.F. Now. The men are still chelping on about evictions.......
kattymieoww JJ1 would throw a hissy fit and take up residence in the diary room and insist the producers let him get his way as usual. [ more ]
Former Member There was a time when Davina announced that the two HMS with the least amount of the public vote ,were Makosi/Vanessa .The rest of the HMS were told to stand and nom one of the two to be evicted from the BB house .Vanessa went . [ more ]
squiggle Do you all remember the BB when they made them (quite cruelly), name a HM to evict and if I remember that HM had to go there and then? Was it year before last? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF: BB playing noms talk into the house...
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Dame, we all know she is BB's chosen one this year. Shame they can not prise (sp) her away from JJ or the duvet. It's a strange one BD, looking at threads on DS they are saying Steve said he would nominate him too, I never heard it though. I have heard Joise constantly more or less saying he would be her nomination for monday. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Dame, we all know she is BB's chosen one this year. Shame they can not prise (sp) her away from JJ or the duvet. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: He is running his own BB from the house. I don;t get why Josie is allowed to vote Sam either [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie picks her nose and wipes it on her dress.
~Lee~ Reference: She picked his nose Well maybe being a country girl it isn't such an issue? Isadora yes she did pick snots from his nose, not being from the country I've no idea but I think it's disgusting,even with our kids, once the reach a certain age we leave them to their own devices in the nose picking dept, [ more ]
Former Member Reference: She did pick his nose and tbh that was just toooooo much for me....I said before I went up the aisle for my husband,went to the labour ward several times but I have NEVER gone up his nose for snots,never. She picked his nose Well maybe being a country girl it isn't such an issue? [ more ]
~Lee~ She did pick his nose and tbh that was just toooooo much for me....I said before I went up the aisle for my husband,went to the labour ward several times but I have NEVER gone up his nose for snots,never. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Liverpoollass Reference: Croc Ben's Buddy no. 28 offline 7,365 Forum Posts Today at 3:45 PM Last Edited: I don't believe anything untoward went on....after all, where were the tissues and rubber gloves?? [ more ]
Former Member Reference: In my experience, jogging bottoms are ideal for a little surreptitious juggle yeah, I agree, easy access all areas [ more ]
suzybean Reference:brisket As I recall Joe-John was wearing jogging bottoms, or trackie bottoms (or whatever they call them), so access would not have been straightforward. In my experience, jogging bottoms are ideal for a little surreptitious juggle [ more ]
See all 124 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I like Corin and JJ2 together.
Liverpoollass I don't think he has any interest in her in that way and has more or less said it. What is it with the women in the house? Have some respect for yourselves and stop throwing yourselves at these blokes. At least Corin changes her clothes and makes herself look decent every day, which is more then Josie does. On BBLB, it was suggested that Corin and JJ2 may decided to get it on because of the comment Sam made about making money from magazine deals. I wonder if that is going to be the case. [ more ]
watcher1 Still like Corin. She said she wanted a cuddle so to watch JJ2, just lying there, all smug, with his hands behind his head was quite embarrassing. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: RZB offline 4,304 Forum Posts Today at 3:32 PM Last Edited: Reference: As to what she was doing to him under the duvet, It took it she was stroking his stomach. Looked alot more to me and why say "is this bad" if that is all she was doing. Corin I am disappointed in you - thought you had a bit more about you. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bah Humbug!!
Liverpoollass BB doing what it does best, being picky and inconsistent when it comes to punishing HM's. [ more ]
justafriend they are still talking about it erin so perhaps bb wil do more come monday. josie and andrew have both admitted they have said he will be up. [ more ]
Former Member The good ole monk bhoyo is saying the very same thing, and she's not looking too smug for a change! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Speech I don't fully understand
Garage Joe I have very definite views on this subject. I spent my formative years surrounded by a bunch of conservative countryfolk and vowed that I would never turn grumpy like them. English is a wonderful language which lends itself to a bit of misuse, creativity, or bricolage, here and there. In some ways it's refreshing that we can view people using and abusing it. In my day if you didn't use the Queen's English you had no chance of fame or fortune but. [ more ]
brisket suzybean I'm pleased to learn that I have my uses. and Tayto - yes that "Yes, no" or "No, yes" business always tickles me. It usually seems to be said without thought. As for "like" - oh don't get me going. It drives me daft, (or should that be dafter.) [ more ]
Tayto. You forgot to add Like to that Brisket. " So he turned round like and said like....yea yea yea yea" and my favourite one when answering a question in the positive "no, yes" or like wise "yes, no". Throw back to The Vicar of Dibley maybe but I've heard respected tv presenters doing it. (should that have been likewise or alternatively) Where exactly should the question mark go? Inside or outside the brackets? It's too much. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John James is washing his hair
suzybean Reference: He's washed his hair....and yet still has that manky hat on, I knew it! That hat needs burning. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: He's washed his hair....and yet still has that manky hat on, which is probably failing them the task as we speak, because he's supposed to have a veil on like Rachel does. He's so conceited he won't even wear his full task outfit. He is such an arrogant bugler - rules don't apply to him [ more ]
Lockes about time, I wonder if Ben has washed his yet [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Interesting post from DS
suzybean I used to playfight with my brothers. How all 4 of us survived it is a constant source of wonder to all of us. [ more ]
Soozy Woo I always tell my kids (and grand sons) it'll end in tears. Guess what? It almost always does. I hate playfighting, [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Playfighting taken up a notch by Dave. He laughed about it but he looked pretty worried when he saw the mark he left. Right from the start of this BB, Dave has been "heavy handed" with his playfighting and was nominated for it too. Hopefully HMs will start to nominate him again for this behaviour (assuming he stays on Friday). My granddad hated seeing us playfight and always told us to "stop tapping" as he knew it could escalate and end in tears. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Problematic work colleague
~Lee~ Reference: Lee the problem originates from my childhood. I didn't receive much love and encouragement, and there was a lot of domestic violence which made me withdraw from society and spend a lot of time on my own. I guess that is the reason why I find it hard to relax around people now. I really do need to see someone about this problem, as I don't want to feel miserable and so painfully introverted for the rest of my life. However I have seen a counsellor before and it didn't improve... [ more ]
sheryl18 Lee the problem originates from my childhood. I didn't receive much love and encouragement, and there was a lot of domestic violence which made me withdraw from society and spend a lot of time on my own. I guess that is the reason why I find it hard to relax around people now. I really do need to see someone about this problem, as I don't want to feel miserable and so painfully introverted for the rest of my life. However I have seen a counsellor before and it didn't improve things for me so... [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Thanks Lee, you are so right, I do need help. I have always been insecure, self conscious and paranoid about people thinking the worst of me/not being accepted, but for some reason, this has got worse in recent months. It is a living nightmare, constantly worrying about things that really shouldn't matter Sheryl perhaps it's time you stopped looking out for answers/reasons and get the help to look where the problems more than likely originate from,inside....IMO most of us need a... [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Day 57 Highlights Spoiler
Leccy Reference: He says that Dave isn’t handling being up very well and that he’s started to put on weight again because he’s eating more with the stress of it. Dave repeats to Sam over and over again that he’ll be up next week and then he’ll only have been in the house for two weeks whereas he’s been in for nine. That says it all. Thanks Monkey. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average at bloody last, it shows some of JJ's antics in the house oops edited to say thanks Monkey [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Steve 's comment to Rach last night
Soozy Woo What a horrible man. [ more ]
watcher1 So that's Steve's big contribution to BB? He wouldn't have directed that comment at any1 else. What a filthy and mean thing 2 say. I now wished Mario had put him up. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Carnelian I wonder what the reaction would be if he directed that comment at Josie. "Yay! Steve's a hero. He's really stirring things up in there, Woo Hoo!" [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crab-eyes & The Sinister Minister...
The Devil In Diamante I agree Brisket....they hardly know each other really, they are not friends, just acquaintances who have learned to live in the same house together for a few weeks.... ...friends, lol...half of them are too self centred to even form a friendship!!! [ more ]
brisket I agree with the general thrust of this thread. I think they are both very unpleasant people. I particularly loathe the malevolent style of Dave attempting to hide nastiness with a smile. Utterly nasty. Just a point about when they resentfully make comments about nominating "friends." I remind myself they are using the word "friend" extremely loosely. It takes longer than a few days on a TV show to form real friendships. They are using the wrong word when they say "friends". They are only... [ more ]
Sezit I found this, I am sure most peeps will have seen it, but it shows what The little prick had in mind from the start. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Oi Monk Dave whilst you're having a dig at Mario, why not tell them that you nommed Mario in the first place?
Blackpudlian Reference: As for all that pretend 'stumbling' last night when he was 'drunk on the Lawd'...he needs some serious help. Does he think he's fooling anybody...he'll be claiming he's the Messiah next.....what a freak and a fraud... I wish Dave was a quiet drunk who just falls asleep, also Dave has likened himself to Jesus when he stated that Mario was like Judas betraying Jesus, He also said that Judas was only forgiven when he hung himself. [ more ]
Katerina I wonder if BB have considered playing the noms, but are worried at the reaction of John James......maybe it would tip him over the edge and cause more trouble than they're willing to provoke. ......or perhaps they think Dave will throw his Bible out of the pulpit in a big way?! Who knows. I just wish they'd stir it up and show up the hypocrites. [ more ]
monkey13 This bloke has got away with this all his life, he believes he is untouchable. His loud, obnoxious bullying ways have made him believe he is a leader (bully). If there is one good thing to come outta BB this year its that this man will be known to a few more and they can be pre-armed against his sinister minister ways (bullshit). The twat thinks he's the muts nuts FFS! [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - A nice day out for the kids!
Shizzlex that surely is a man [ more ]
Cinds I saw part of his interview on the news this morning, and was absolutely choked listening to him. This is what pees me off about most of this and his supporters, it's the fact that he did this to a policeman, that in his moronic supporters eyes makes him a hero. Will they be supporting him and be so against the police if or when they need police support. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Maybe the silly cow & all the other sickos who want to make him into a hero & a matyr should read this, he was a killer, simple as... In The Line Of Fire is on tonight....this Mans story.... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
hahahaha sam :D
Liverpoollass JJ2 is indeed a waste of yet another HM. He does nothing, except follow JJ and Josie around the place. I cannot stand him. [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: Sam is the ultimate WUM! He winds up those that he knows will react, like Josie. Josie continually says she is going to ignore him, and then turns around and has a dig at him. Too right Suzi. On the HL last night, he and Josie had words in the bedroom, he went out to the garden the she followed and started again under the guise of needing a fag....more words then he went back into the house....he removed himself BOTH times, she seems to like having someone to loathe.... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante Reference: The winding-up and other comments make me laugh. Let's face it, he has certainly livened up an otherwise boring house - imo. I like him now I've got used to his daft mardy voice... Let's face it. JJ2 is a waste of a HM and has done nothing....I can't even express a like or dislike for him because he just lies around all day, mute.... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sezer, Maxwell, Monk Dave...
Fairfax Reference: My hate HM was Makosi LL she was my most hated female hm, could not stand her closely followed by vile Bea [ more ]
kimota Seza for me, but at least people knew when he had it in for them, which is not always the case with Dave. Aside from the obviously beyond the pale Alexandra and Denis, my most disliked HM remains Luke Marsden [ more ]
Liverpoollass Ooh had forgotten about him. My hate HM was Makosi and pervy Craig [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You gotta "Hand" it to Corin...
Former Member I think she slept with him the two previous nights, on account that when you saw them in bed the first time she was wearing black and white spotty pj bottoms, then the next time she had on a grey short skirt thingie, then last night she had pink shorts on [ more ]
Former Member He shaves everything.... and I mean EVERYTHING! I don't agree with much Dave says ( well nothing as a rule) BUT I do agree with him when he told JJ to "man up" on learning this. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Not sure where, if anywhere, Corin and JJ2 are going. I hope Corin isn't wanting to jump on the "romance" bandwagon. I would be dead disappointed with her. JJ2, I wouldn't trust him at all. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ is NOT fit.
Fairfax Reference: I don't see the appeal...He has zero personality, he's a bully, a pussy, that only picks fights with women whom he perceives as weak... Fit my arse !.. He looks like Steptoe, and also whenever he occasionally does smile..I just think... He needs to return the teeth in his mouth back to Sea Buscuit.. Well said Senora, my sentiments exactly [ more ]
longcat We don't all like the same thing. What appeals to one may not appeal to another. Which is a good job else we would all be single and waiting for Angelina to get rid of Brad. (Not that either appeal to me, that's just an example) [ more ]
Former Member Reference: He managed to make me overlook the fact he is blonde. That's a HUUUGE achievement! No fears Ducky, it's out of a bottle [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie has to stay until the end.
Shizzlex shes turned so lazy shes just like a slob now never doing anything just sucking her thumb and staring at her idol she also only listens now to people who have any interest in her relationship shes really obsessed [ more ]
Liverpoollass Hiya liver Yes! I watching the HL show the other day and when they woke up in the morning, she was wearing the same clothes that she had worn all day [ more ]
liverbird Reference: I couldn't believe she didn't have them done either. I can't believe that she didn't take any nightclothes in with her and sleeps in the clothes she has been wearing all day does she?? [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave comparing Mario to Judas
Liverpoollass Is Dave still going on about it? [ more ]
brisket And still Dave goes on and on about "Mole" shafting him, upsetting Dave's 6 year old son, and all the other things he has been spouting for hours and hours. It has all worn very thin now. He gets a few cheap laughs in the house, but they must know that Dave is really tediously over-milking it to the point of backlash. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Dave should know all about Judas - he's the biggest frickin Judas in the house - slimey freaky little fraudulent, non-wheelchair-user, happy clappy little turd that he is [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jo ,Delmonte studs
Liverpoollass I don't really like or dislike her tbh. I did like what she was saying to Josie and JJ the other night - it made alot of sense. [ more ]
Former Member I like Jo a lot and yet she has been called fake on here! Maybe I am just rubbish at spotting so called fakeness but I can't see what is fake about her. [ more ]
Leccy I really like her, I know I'm in the minority but I just find her "nice" and nice is an overlooked trait in BB-land [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ever since Mario put Monk Dave up I've warmed to him again..
Former Member LL - I am not arguing with you for the sake of it. I am merely pointing out that one HM does it and gets away with it, whilst another is seen to be bad. I would have challenged anyone on that.... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Isadora online 1,496 Forum Posts Today at 7:36 AM Last Edited: Reference: No, I still don't like him. I cannot forgive the way he treated Ben. Yes it's horrible when HM's pick on each other needlessly and make snide remarks.. oh wait - doesn't Sam do that? Aha, I see we are going to have one of those days on here eh? So argue with yourself isadora or someone else [ more ]
Former Member Reference: No, I still don't like him. I cannot forgive the way he treated Ben. Yes it's horrible when HM's pick on each other needlessly and make snide remarks.. oh wait - doesn't Sam do that? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How is BB going to edit tomorrows HL show.
Liverpoollass I didn't see the task, so no idea how it went. I would imagine that BB would show as little as possible of JJ moaning and bitching. [ more ]
longcat I don't care how they edit it or bad they make him look. Just as long as they show that Rachel wanted to give up before it started and kept saying that she wasn't going to do 24 hours and that she actually failed the task before it began by not taking her prop in the room with her. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I wonder though who in there would have passed the task if they were with an hm they didn't get on with for 24 hours. Then told they either stay awake all night or sleep sitting in a chair. No way would I have stayed there under those circumstances [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you were a HM in the current house and won the Prize money, would you...
Liverpoollass Reference: Tayto. offline 10,739 Forum Posts Today at 1:27 AM Last Edited: I can't answer that after reading those answers they made me think but I agree with you Senora. I felt so sorry for him last night when they were all in the pool messing about and he was just sitting looking at them complaining about the noise they were making, He kept saying they're like kids. They are kids compared with him but he also lost out on those fun years when you don't have a care in the world. Absolutely... [ more ]
Former Member I don't feel sorry for him at all. I don't like the man but I do admire what he has achieved in his life despite his appalling injuries. But pity is the last thing I feel for him and I would imagine he would hate it if someone said they felt sorry for him. So no I would not give him any money - the fact that he is in the BB house means that he will probably be able to buy his own anyway. [ more ]
stonks Reference: I can't answer that after reading those answers they made me think but I agree with you Senora. I felt so sorry for him last night when they were all in the pool messing about and he was just sitting looking at them complaining about the noise they were making, He kept saying they're like kids. They are kids compared with him but he also lost out on those fun years when you don't have a care in the world. Oh I feel for him that way Tates, I often think of him and feel for him, it... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Mastermind Quiz
brisket I know you like a quiz stoory. Your perseverance and ultimate success are admirable. I enjoyed doing it too. [ more ]
stoory I love a quiz Brisket, but I had to play three times before I got a good score food and sport.......I considered my third best marks, although two of them were complete guesses. Good fun though [ more ]
brisket That's great Baz I'm proud of you! [ more ]
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