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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Suddenly feeling wierdly sexually attracted to George Lamb...
Senora Reyes Re: Suddenly feeling wierdly sexually attracted to George Lamb... [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks I was attracted to Phil Edgar-Jones when he used to do the serious telling off in BB. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Thought you had lost your bloody marbles SR, but I liked him for the same 30seconds. Nah Siavash continues to tickle my pickle as you well know Erin... [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Couger My Asp!
Amythist Reference: Hope I havent left anyone out [ more ]
cockney-chick I am not fond of her either, and she thinks she is more attractive than she is. IMO, she barely scrapes past a 4 out of 10 for looks; if I was a man, young OR old, I wouldn't give her a sideways glance, and I think it's hilarious that she tries to make everyone think that men fawn over her and want to shag date her. She thinks she is soooooo wise too, just because she is over 40. Makes no difference what your age is; age does not always bring knowledge and wisdom. And those comments she made... [ more ]
Marguerita Hi Kaytee HI Brisket Hi stonks Hi Yogi Hi Zaphod Hi Justafriend many thanks I have missed you all Hope I havent left anyone out [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Task Mentality
Mary Seacole Reference: Sandwich anyone? Tom sauce? with lettuce, yuck. [ more ]
Former Member Allowed 2 fails and so far they've had 3, one for sure because of Josie helping herself to food without requesting a token. That's ok though cos she's allowed to do what she likes apparently. Add selfish and non team player to her list of being a complete eejit! [ more ]
Former Member Sandwich anyone? Tom sauce? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Now Joise Can't nominate Sam
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: She's not the only one Kebab in one hand, can of Stella in the other. Class personified, me! But it was bloody fun [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: We can send in a Tesco trolley, I am sure she has been pushed around in one of them many times before while out on the town She's not the only one Kebab in one hand, can of Stella in the other. Class personified, me! But it was bloody fun [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Josie will never walk, it would require too much energy! We can send in a Tesco trolley, I am sure she has been pushed around in one of them many times before while out on the town. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Get Dave out"...
Sezit Reference:Cockney Chick I would LOVE to see how Josie copes without him to bounce off. Thats the trouble. She only tries to bounce on him. [ more ]
Leccy *peers over specs at Maths, like a really annoyed Granny* Yes Z, the more pitchforks the better! [ more ]
Zaphod Spot on Leccy.... drunk on the lord? bollocks.. stupid tosser... bring out the flaming torches and pitchforks Z. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T: Working Lunch petition
cologne 1 Reference: It was more a threat. I didn't even take action as it wasn't serious enough Why say it in the first place hyper? We can't all afford to pay or don't want to because the LF can be a load of shoite. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Is this the same person that reported the free LF ? No thanks [ more ]
hyperstar Reference: Is this the same person that reported the free LF ? No thanks It was more a threat. I didn't even take action as it wasn't serious enough [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know I am in the minority...
Former Member I don't mind a laugh... but he ( and JJ and Dave et al) are cruel And therein lies the difference. [ more ]
kattymieoww He makes me laugh that's why and those muppets in there are there to entertain us ,not to have a bleedin' free holiday. [ more ]
cockney-chick I haven't read through the thread Isadora, but can assure you that you aren't in the minority: everyone I know personally, hates Sam, and I think he is a vile little pig. I thoroughly detest him and people who are like him. I actually KNOW people who are like him.... And they get off on sniping, picking, baiting, and upsetting people and thinking that they are 'clever,' and something special because they 'say what they think.' Why do people think it's a 'positive trait' to say what they... [ more ]
See all 113 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The reason JJ is in the BB house.
~Lee~ Reference: and he could have a civilised conversation with Ben about other things than the bloody BB house and the nomance he'd more to offer than some who are still in there. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: I found it ironic that Nathan was slated so much for swearing when JJ is every bit as bad....As for nose picking ,well at least he picked his own and he could have a civilised conversation with Ben about other things than the bloody BB house and the nomance. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I don't think being hairy and having questionable personal habits is the same as being a right evil git I found it ironic that Nathan was slated so much for swearing when JJ is every bit as bad....As for nose picking ,well at least he picked his own. [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Housemates Punished!
Eugene's Lair I don't know if this has been clarified elsewhere, but as far as that news item is concerned Sam is only protected from being nominated by certain HMs. There's still more than enough HMs who can nominate to put Sam up for eviction, and considering how many he's annoyed in there I think there's still a very good chance he will be. Also: as far as I'm aware, he's not protected from SAR, which BB seems to be treating as a separate issue from nominations. So: if Dave survives tonight, is put up... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: Rachel will go That's what the bookies think, Dave is now 25/1 [ more ]
kattymieoww Reference: Well she is one very silly girl if she does that. She's already wrecked her time in the house with that waster John James, to follow him out would be just pathetic. Perhaps she's just saying that because she doesn't think he'll go tonight.Anyhooo, who knows...I'm bored rigid with the pair of them Ditto for me,there is no romance there at all.Even if there was I hate the couples thing on any of the BB's,boring banal stuff.I still think Rachel will go,the tweenies are gunning for her. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Something's never change with JJ.
Fairfax Reference: Are you surprised FF?...Remember this is the one who records conversations with his own mother and keeps emails etc from his friends on memory cards You're so right Lee, don't know why I'm surprised at all. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Can you imagine being JJ, storing up every perceived slight and row he's had with someone. He has never forgiven or forgotten that Corin stood up to him, Sometimes that boy comes accross as one sick bunny. Are you surprised FF?...Remember this is the one who records conversations with his own mother and keeps emails etc from his friends on memory cards. [ more ]
Fairfax Can you imagine being JJ, storing up every perceived slight and row he's had with someone. He has never forgiven or forgotten that Corin stood up to him, Sometimes that boy comes accross as one sick bunny. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam Pepper has become one of my all time favourite HM's...
Baz Reference: He's gone in with his own agenda... that doesn't involve winning the show! That is exactly what the show should be about, so he is the viewers HM for me. He's doing exactly what we all shout and argue about on the forums for us! Spot on Xochi [ more ]
Baz Reference: Justa, I really think that's why he is so, so popular, 'cos he's behaving like a fm rather than a hm. I think you've hit the nail on the head there JAF & Super.... at least as far as I'm concerned All the annoyance and frustration I felt with some of the HM's and the show in general, has evaporated since Sam went in [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: Super I think he might secretly fancy her Yogi ......and yes, I agree, he's playing a blinder, I can't see the public voting him out, I see him as a definite finalist and possibly even the winner That has crossed my mind, Super. I agree, he is playing a blinder and I'd love to see him in the final. [ more ]
See all 111 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
brisket I don't recall knowing anybody who giggles as much as Josie. I know other forumers have suggested to me that it may be a nervous thing. It seems so unnatural to giggle so frequently. However, more importantly.... I felt on the night they all entered the house that Josie was "performing". Nothing that I've seen since has changed my mind. I cannot shake off the feeling that she is "performing." [ more ]
Cinds Re: Josie [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I am rather repressed with bodily functions I wish some of my bodily functions were repressed.. [ more ]
See all 79 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I want Velma out.. But picture the scene, if Skippy is evicted?
Senora Reyes Reference: That was a tad OTT. She went into melt-down, so can you imagine what she would be like if JJ went? I hope we get a chance to see tonight... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: stonks offline 9,886 Forum Posts Today at 9:37 AM Last Edited: Josie's reaction to Govan leaving was bad enough.... That was a tad OTT. She went into melt-down, so can you imagine what she would be like if JJ went? [ more ]
squiggle Reference: As much as i detest Dave i think JJ going would really shake the house up, if he doesnt go tonight i fear he may win BB Although at the mo its looks like Rachel is going, that wont change the house much, although it will be quieter !! Somehow I get the feeling that John James has thrown one too many strops in the DR. I hear (although I haven't yet watched it) that they did him a quite cutting edit on the H/L's last night. I am just hoping, against hope let's face it, that even the... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Consider Yourself - video
brisket Joe-James definitely the best mover. Nicely 'light on his feet' (to coin a phrase.) The others pretty much unco-ordinated. [ more ]
Senora Reyes JJ2, Andrew and Sam were brilliant! I thought they all did well considering. Thanks for putting it up Brisket.. [ more ]
Yogi19 It wasn't a bad effort. I thought JJ2 and Andrew put plenty of effort into it - Sam too, although he only featured towards the end. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How funny would it be if they all put Sam up and
machel i think you have to be a bit bonkers to go in, the more extrovert the better - but i would be the thinking mans hm, not siding with anyone and keeping it "real" [ more ]
Rexi Reference: machel if he goes can i go in ?? Blimey machel - you must be bonkers, there's no way I'd go in there [ more ]
machel it does appear that sam seems to say a lot of what i am thinking, if he goes can i go in ?? [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can anyone see the resemblance
Lazybug Reference: You're joking right? Besides would a relative of Davina be allowed to participate in the show. Hmmmmmm probably. It's the last one so who'd care if there was an uproar after...? [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Compare the shape of his eyes and nose, they are so Davina's.Davina and Mario are related for sure. You're joking right? Besides would a relative of Davina be allowed to participate in the show. [ more ]
Bojangles Compare the shape of his eyes and nose, they are so Davina's.Davina and Mario are related for sure. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ2 - what exactly does he bring to the party?
The Devil In Diamante Reference:Carnelian Has nothing to contribute and is just coasting to the finals night on his looks. His looks??? He's okay I guess, wouldn't stand out in a crowd though... [ more ]
Scotty Not a sense of humour...that`s for sure. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: IMO, JJ has been the most disappointing of the latecomers this series (with the obvious exception of Laura). Remember, this is the bloke who promised to "inject some energy" into the house... Spot on Eugene. [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kaytee Gaga has been a bit Gaga for the last couple of days, especially when trying to post. The hamsters have taken a few days off and let the cogs run riot [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Thanks for that info too Dame Anne....i think the site was punishing me for posting too many blasphemous pictures of Dave Nah DS, it's punishing us all for laughing at them [ more ]
Bojangles Thank goodness others have had same problems,I was thinking it was my pooter. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Of all the game plans, Corin has the best one!
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: She lost it with John James awhile back too, but hasn't held a grudge. I agree, but some will say it's her mask slipping, I call it human nature. However positive you are in life,you are bound to lose your cool at some point, and tobacco was that raw nerve [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: I suspect that Dave has her marked down as his next target for nominations now he can't nominate Sam. Along with Mario of course [ more ]
kimota Being yourself or the best 'you ' you can be is always the best gameplan in that it doesn't hurt anyone else and makes other Hms experience a more pleasant one! [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
...and still Dave goes on and on about Mole
justafriend i think its why jj1 darent say to much to sam hes thinking he will tell josie jj1 sees her as a sister and dont fancy her in any way, maybe thats changed for jj1 now though [ more ]
stonks I can't believe he still can't get over it but what annoyed me most yesterday, he was affraid of what Sam was going to come out with so kept talking over him.... [ more ]
Liverpoollass Please tell me he isn't still going on about it [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Joe John
Fairfax Don't like him one little bit. [ more ]
Liverpoollass I don't like him at all. I wouldn't trust him and I didn't like the way he made straight for JJ and Josie and aligned himself with them. [ more ]
suzybean Reference:Brisket I notice he has been fondling himself quite a lot tonight. Oooh I say! Is he in a happy place? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did BB make them promise to stay awake at night?
Liverpoollass I remember in previous BB's where they used to stay up until 4 am - prancing about in the garden and in and out of the pool naked or otherwise. That was when BB used to ply them with cheap booze all the time, hoping things would escalate and kick off. Which, of course, they did. [ more ]
Xochi Reference: Xochi - I agree also. The sleep deprivation thing has always been a part of Big Brother hasn't it? It has brisket! It's one of the things I've loved about BB. Make it as unreal as possible and make it into a Reality Show! Somehow that paradox works for TV! [ more ]
Yellow Rose Brisket, BB knew full well they'd never last the task that's why they put them together lol. I understood both pov's that if either were to be evicted why spend one of their last days holed up in an uncomfortable room, especially when it's with uncomfortable company as they nominated each other lol [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
aww look at farmer giles in the bath...
Karma_ Blimmin nora Brummie [ more ]
Former Member Reference: can promise you there's no resemblance to Kevin, and my name has been on this forum way before that nipper got her claim to fame [ more ]
KeenViewer Reference: KeenViewer,every time I see your name I think of Keeva !! I can promise you there's no resemblance to Kevin, and my name has been on this forum way before that nipper got her claim to fame! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Horozontal Josie
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! ok Blizz - if you want to go down that road - she's a FAT lazy cow ok? and that is the FACT of the matter - shes a FAT LAZY COW [ more ]
Blizz'ard So, you ARE having a go at her weight? [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I AM very happy actually Blizz - all things considered - I just say how I see - and she is an overweight overeating lazy cow - quite a few of them are bloody lazy as well and dont know their arses from their elbows - simple as that [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For John James
~Lee~ Reference: With regard to Josie, I don't know if Skippy is keen to bounce around in the bush [ more ]
Triggers With regard to Josie, I don't know if Skippy is keen to bounce around in the bush [ more ]
Former Member Reference: For John James...... Nice one He is a T*T. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looks like BB dont know whats going to happen in the SAR task next week.
Eugene's Lair Reference erinp Today at 00:10: Sam, meanwhile, wondered why it was only the three housemates up for eviction who were punished. Yeah: funny that... Sam's only going to "lose" two nominations next week, so there's every possibility that he's still going to be up for eviction anyway - Regardless of SAR. [ more ]
Baz Reference: I wondered that myself tbh. Me too Lee.... cos even on the HL's tonight Josie was shown joining in... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Cheers Erin [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shabby's topless magazine shoot!
Leccy Reference: Faint? She's bloody stalking her as we speak Hahahahaha [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Reference Dirtyprettygirlthing Today at 23:34: and the shabby pic didn't look as bad as I expected.... she had her hands over her boobs and a silver star on her stomach! From what I've seen, it's roughly equivalent to Rachael's photos in Nuts Magazine. Remember that both apeared on the front cover of their respective mags, so there's a limit to what can be shown anyway... [ more ]
Cinds Reference: Gyps will faint Faint? She's bloody stalking her as we speak [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rachael didn't want to do the task either
Eugene's Lair Reference watcher1 Today at 23:46: Rachel will feel like a million dollars when she realises that it was her that JJ objected to, and not the task. He said 'why couldn't the other Ms Havesham have been JJ or Josie ?, This is the real insight, though. Sure, he may not like Rachel, but it's telling that the only alternatives he suggests are the two he's been almost exclusively spending his time with recently. John James has been isolating himself, and he's become increasingly happy about that... [ more ]
watcher1 Rachel will feel like a million dollars when she realises that it was her that JJ objected to, and not the task. He said 'why couldn't the other Ms Havesham have been JJ or Josie?, but wasn't prepared to finish the task so that they could have a bigger shopping list. Sour grapes too as he's not sure if he'll be there next week. An absolute charmer (spelt w*nker). [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Exactly how I saw it Lee... It's the level of hypocrisy which is so laughable Senora, this from him who ranted and belittled others for their unwillingness to fully participate in tasks. [ more ]
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