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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LF now....
Scotty I had to turn the sound off. Jo`s speaking. [ more ]
squiggle I did think it was a bit funny when he said he knew a man who could get anyone into any country (but not out again), not much use then is it? [ more ]
kimota Reference: now hes talking about hes got a man who can get him into any country. wonder why he wants to go to warn torn countries? So he can boast about it on TV shows? send him to Taliban territory in Afghanistan to preach [ more ]
See all 125 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dry your eyes, Dave
Former Member he really thinks hes the life and soul of the party. hes a nob [ more ]
DanceSettee awwwww Big Brother doesn't like him, which means he's not as entertaining as he thinks he is........gutted [ more ]
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: Dry your eyes Dave I know it's hard to take ...but our minds have been made up We know you are a complete fraud........ **To the tune of 'Dry Your Eyes Mate** That very same tune came into my head when I saw this thread! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why did Josie tell Corin JJ said she was 'gorgeous'...
kimota Josie was exaggerating, but changed her tune a bit under questioning! Corin was still under the impression that shouting at Sam had blown it for her though, rather than J.J 2 just not liking her. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Cinds offline 4,452 Forum Posts Today at 1:20 PM Last Edited: In all fairness to Josie, she did eventually say that he hadn't used those exact words but had said 'she had a fit body'. Not quite the same thing as "Corin is gorgeous" [ more ]
Marguerita I dont think Josie did anything wrong by saying JJ thought she was gorgeous when Corin kept asking did he say that, Josie then said not in them words he said you were fit, she also told her that JJ did not like the side of her when she spat out at Sam and he did not fancy her she was very honest. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tonights HL Show (spoiler)
kimota No favourites? what was that with Nikki and Charley then? In Nikki's case they had already lined up a tv show for her before the start of the series and so had a vested interest in keeping her in as long as possible! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: PEJ Statement says it all .we will do what we want ,when we want . Soap Opera!! The bliddy cheek of him, just because he's got the sack, (which, lets face it is what it is) he feels he can do what he wants [ more ]
Former Member PEJ Statement says it all .we will do what we want ,when we want . Soap Opera!! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie me old mucker..
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Reference: He's not intersted in sex...Period.. Nor me, too messy [ more ]
squiggle Reference: It will be interesting (or not) to see how long this "relationship" lasts after they leave the BB house. My advice LL, don't blink or you'll miss it, John James will be wanting to be adored by his fans. [ more ]
Liverpoollass Reference: Demantoid (Corin's Crib # 7) online 10,680 Forum Posts Today at 12:31 PM Last Edited: Dancey Wee Willie Winkie Runs through the house But his tiny dinkie Couldn't satisfy a mouse. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Barbie really found his Ken or is he an Action man sort of guy?
Senora Reyes Reference: I think Ken would prefer Cindy..she;s sluttier. Hmmm...Kinky! Although, In this thread Ken represents Josie... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Are we saying that JJ has the hots for JJ? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average He's not too fond of being a the a@se of a ginger horse, it's the colour he doesn't like, he' s used to being the a@se. [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest Eviction Odds
Liverpoollass Reference: monkey13 offline 2,091 Forum Posts Today at 2:18 PM Last Edited: Reference: A double eviction would be good with Jo and Dave going LL, thats music to my ears Mine too monkey, but I doubt it will be a double eviction and Dave will probably survive again [ more ]
Shizzlex has Dave got much chance of going though? and will people really vote Joe out i'm not so sure Sam will stay even though i'd like him to [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: A double eviction would be good with Jo and Dave going LL, thats music to my ears [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Brie of Temptation
monkey13 Reference: Maybe thier giving him a letter as a leaving present for Friday... Oooh Oooh be still my beating heart! Adios Dave, ya bellend! I can hope. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Maybe thier giving him a letter as a leaving present for Friday... [ more ]
brisket Dave gets a letter? Why? I would have thought such a "wise, wise" man would have thought it all through before entering the house. Perhaps it would be best if he left the house and joined his family. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T how do I delete lots of links in Faves in one go
brisket Thanks for that El Loro. That may be useful to me at some point. [ more ]
El Loro This is the quickest way to bulk delete IE favorites. I found this on a google search, but haven't tried it out myself as I use Firefox. Firefox Bookmarks are stored in a different location to IE favorites. Step 1 Open the "Start" menu and select the "Computer" or "My Computer" option. Open the local disk by double-clicking on the C: drive. Step 2 Click on the "Users" option to view a list of users for your system if you are using Vista. XP users must open the "Documents and Settings" folder... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Thanks anyway Brisket guess I'll just have to devote a few boring hours deleting them one at a time [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
McCririck is definitely going back in to the house
Rexi ewwwww ... sorry Growly, but that is not a good look [ more ]
Former Member I'm beside myself with excitement. I'll have to sign up for the live feed now so that I don't miss a minute of the Love God. [ more ]
longcat Reference: I think I might have died and gone to heaven I've hardly watched this BB because I loathed all the housemates so much, especially Corin, but I will have to watch when the Love God goes into the house. But what will I do if he's in there with Plate Face Bass? Or *shudder* makosi? I worry about you [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How about another round of Rank the Housemates?
Green&Pink Reference: Corin/Sam Mario Andrew Steve JJ2 Jo Josie Dave John James Yogi, yours is very similar to mine except I would swap around John James and Josie. Oh, and Dave would be at the very very bottom of the list .. [ more ]
Green&Pink Sam and Corin ... Mario Steve : Want him to do well. Like him or not, you have to admire his fortitude in getting on with his life after such debilitating injuries. He is brave.Hero or not. Dave and JJJ to come out to deafening boos.That would be nice. [ more ]
kimota Corin Andrew mario Most of the rest of them Dave and J.J 1 [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
For the record BB ,JJ1 is going to nom Corin every week.
kimota There is probably only another week of normal noms anyway as it will probably be 'vote to save after that. Corin deserves to see the final, but sadly if she is up, J.J's barmy teen vote will see her gone, no matter who shes up against! [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Either not allow him to nominate Corin and his cohorts who were in on the discussion and put him up for automatic eviction, or use the plasma and show all his nomination chats, including Mario and Steve. Agree [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Now that would be just FABULOUS In all fairness Farifax, he's been allowed to get away with it for weeks, and he's been punished, after last nights bitchfest surely they have to do something drastic. Either not allow him to nominate Corin and his cohorts who were in on the discussion and put him up for automatic eviction, or use the plasma and show all his nomination chats, including Mario and Steve. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
You should have spoken to me first
Former Member Reference: .but blokes like john james have a way of manipulating people to their way of thinking..look how in one of their first rows he told her 'you made me do it'....he likes to control everything......and words things in a way that makes the other person feel bad and they end up apologising...... Absolutely spot on and the really clever part is that friends and family don't see it. Often these men ( or women) are absolutely charming and salt of the earth to those outside the immediate... [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: *** kisses teeth *** [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Karma Blizz NOBODY ties their laces up these days How very non-street of you. And you're an M25 chick an all. Karma, NOBODY puts my beer at risk, with untied laces!! *** kisses teeth *** [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T: I did not realise how much I missed it until I lost it
Yogi19 I get serious withdrawal symptoms when I can't access the internet. I am quite shocked that I have become so dependent on it. [ more ]
liverbird Ooh yesI feel my right arm has been cut off if I lose my internet! I remember when we lost it for a few hours because we were switching provider - just as I needed to google UK hotels as my Eurostar break had just gone belly up (remember the tunnel fire) ooh how did we cope before the internet?? [ more ]
longcat I bounce off walls when I have no internet. My husband and my sons leave the house and if the dog could walk herself she would. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MARIO, Steve, Jo, Corin and Sam all bottled it today.
longcat I have to say fair play to Andrew. He went first, he stood by what he would do in the diary room. So did John James. The others seemed to be playing "You did me so I am doing you" [ more ]
Senora Reyes It was a complete Fiasco today...I blame BB, and the gutless HM's.. [ more ]
brisket Todays nominations were intrinsically unfair anyway. Those who nominated first were going blind, whereas those who nominated towards the end knew what had happened before and could vote appropriately. The real culprit today was Big Brother, for not allowing secret nominations. I blame BB. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I wonder what Becks thinks of his #1 fan
Senora Reyes My advice to Becks Victoria ...Run like hell!! [ more ]
~Lee~ Victoria would soon sort Barbie Boy any road but how he tries to copy Beck's look,a dated one granted,and that bedroom of his is like a shrine....Beware David,he may nobble you. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! madam..... I'm thinking more along the lines of repetitive strain injury - or maybe vibration white finger (on crab-eyes behalf of course) [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can someone tell Josie how to eat corn on the cob...
Karma_ Reference: I can't eat in posh places. I get the giggles, when they lift their silver platter up! I'm as happy in Maccy D's as I am in Jenny's caff round the corner as I am in a Michelin starred restaurant. But in a restaurant I wouldn't be tearing the head off a fish with my bare hands - saying that I wouldn't in Jenny's place either cos she'd tell me to 'get saaam feckin manners before you start all thaaat malarky in ere'. (Jenny thinks she has a Michelin starred establishment). [ more ]
sandra omg .............. did she do the deed ? [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: Senora. I think it's unfair of BB to do this because it just fuels those who have a problem with those who are Josie's size/weight. Didn't realise so many were so judgemental about such a thing. Steve and Dave's weight aren't mentioned It's the mysoginist mess that is the media...A bloke can be as fat she likes on TV...and no mention..If you are a woman over size 14 on TV you are called humungous...For the record Josie isn't even that big IMO, she has a beautiful face and a nice... [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't think Sam can Nominate next week
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I think they will all be up next week I'm hoping the plasma comes into action Erinp, it's about time. JJ1's been reading the rule book and openly admitted him and Dave have broken the rules every week. Seems strange that Sam's been pulled in and JJ hasn't after he said he would nominate Corin at every opportunity tonight on live feed. [ more ]
Former Member I think they will all be up next week [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Crab Boy: "Even if you were my girlfriend..."
Karma_ Reference: HEEEEE'S GAY! He's not the only one I've wondered what bat they really like to swing [ more ]
Senora Reyes HEEEEE'S GAY! [ more ]
Carnelian Reference: She's not stupid. She's letting it happen. Yep, she is. The prize is a z-list celeb relationship with the house pretty boy and possible media career, so she's weighing up humiliation vs relationship with pretty boy and possible big bucks magazine deal and media profile. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
23.15David, Steve, John James and JJ are talking in the garden about how many days are left in the series. Steve asks how much money they will have earned up if they last until the final week, and David says "about three grand".
Yellow Rose Does Dave not work? if not under what circircumstance can he claim benefit [ more ]
Sezit Reference:YR he's earnt £2.000 by now Hmmm.......Cos he doesn't go out and 'earn' money like most dads do, he lives on benefits and scams. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I've read a few times they earn £30 a day, don't know if it's true and I'm hopeless at maths so don't know what they've earned by now, but I heard Dave say 1/2 nights ago he's earnt £2.000 by now [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looks like Sam and Dave have had words
Karma_ I can't help thinking of Sam and Dave from the Motown era when I read this thread title Normal service shall resume shortly. I thank you. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: sam surviving over him would be another shock the house needs. And it will be the motivation I need to watch the show next week... [ more ]
watcher1 BARMYBRUMMIE - Defintely joining you in switching off if Sam goes. I think the allstars should be great...and Sam should be amongst them (lol) since he's certainly been the star of this series. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why has everyone given up on getting Dave out ?
Former Member If it normal eviction ,I will not vote .Jo will be out . If its a double then the tweenies will not be able to save both Crab eyes friends ,so Dave or JJ2 would go,if its a double I will be voting Dave out. [ more ]
Prometheus To the OP, sorry but that post is just plain wrong. Dave didn't move from being a degenerate to a born again. He's not a born again, he's not even close to it. His 'interest' in religion extends only to something he can use as a comical front. He's not even vaguely religious. He's done so many things in the house that are hugely contradictory to Christian beliefs I am amazed anyone takes him seriously for even a second. As for the 'book', as has been pointed out on numerous occasion he... [ more ]
Sezit I havn't monkey. My finger will be on the redial button on friday. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Most desperate person to win the show In your opinion...
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Corin has the personality, JJ has the drive, Josie has a bit of both + subtlety ... I think Josie might just edge it! [ more ]
Ev (Peachy) Corin is clever. She would love to win. Dave really wants to win. [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Reference: Maybe it's her voice but she is just a typical manc - lubbly and kind hearted - she is not overly bright but will always do anybody a good turn [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What is the deal with Jo?
Karma_ Scared of John James?! WTF? So he thinks his money and 'worldly' intelligence causes fear and inferiority? Can't run from the fact he's one insecure arsehole [ more ]
watcher1 Advice for Jo: just walk before your eviction on Friday, and leave the whole back-stabbing, bitching and fake romancing bloody mess behind. [ more ]
RiverRock Reference: Is revenge that hard to fathom? For someone who bleats constantly about how much she hates JJ I would think revenge could wait. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Mobile contract advice please?
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I don't either Dame Ann, but I've been with Virgin long enough to get something out of them If you can't get a better deal, keep your contract phone when it's over and get it uniocked. and then go with O2 oops just read your on PAYG [ more ]
Former Member I don't either Dame Ann, but I've been with Virgin long enough to get something out of them [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Bloomin eck! Honestly Onetoo it's brill deal and my daughter reckons there's free internet minutes, but I'm not sure peeps would have to check up on that, I never use my phone for the internet. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why did Corin break her promise to Jo
Senora Reyes Reference: I'll still support Corin, but if she goes then I've decided Sam's the man, just to piss the rest off [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: ame here, couldn't agree more *high fives* Fairfax [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I can see Sam winning it and good luck to him I say, I'll still support Corin, but if she goes then I've decided Sam's the man, just to piss the rest off Same here, couldn't agree more [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Actually I won't bother voting this week after all
Senora Reyes Yep Spidey, the whole thing is a joke... [ more ]
Former Member JJ1 wasnt far behind last week, the tweenies havent got that much money! I think JJ1 wouldve got a good vote this week, but then nobody had the b*lls to put him up [ more ]
Kaytee Jo has said that she wants to go....she'll get her wish, although I would like to see the back of JJ2 and ain't going to happen, so I'm not voting [ more ]
See all 7 replies...

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