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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Joe-John angry
Baz Reference: He was clearly very angry with Mario. Mario was laughing a lot with Jo. Jo-John brought Dave from the bedroom to challenge Mario. Jo-John thinks Mario is on a task. He called Mario a "little sh*t" and left angrily. He has been in John James's company too much; he seems to be taking it all just as intensely and analytically. But I noted the degree of anger from JJ2! Unbelievable! Seems that paranoia is a communicable disease in there.... [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Well he's right about Mario being a little sh8t, but he's no better, takes one to know one. That bit of wallpaper needs scraping [ more ]
Kaytee Well he's right about Mario being a little sh8t, but he's no better, takes one to know one. That bit of wallpaper needs scraping [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Messy Noms - Whats your opinion?
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: I think a number of them were intimidated into being - shall we say - 'cautious' with their nominations. ^^^^ This I think it badly back fired, BB expected JJ to get more votes and more drama and tantrums. Instead he got none and yet he's still managed to whinge on about other people's nominations. [ more ]
Fairfax Spot on Brisket, daft unfunny idea [ more ]
brisket I blame BB for having such a stupid idea. I think a number of them were intimidated into being - shall we say - 'cautious' with their nominations. For whatever reason I don't believe it was a true reflection of the housemates' opinions. A daft idea. (It wasn't even funny watching buckets of gunk poured over heads.) [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave the t**t...
The Devil In Diamante Reference: someone blow up the bridge.. While he's crossing it because we don't want him here either [ more ]
Demantoid I can feel my blood pressure rising, just at being reminded what an odious lump he is. Worst thing is, when he's out he's going to come back to Wales - someone blow up the bridge.. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Lets face it...Dave's just a Bitch on wheels... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Bathroom B1tches
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Corin nominated her because her ears were bleeding listening to Jo moaning and wailing every single day for days on end about how much she hated being in there and wanted to go. So up she went. I would have done the same as Corin She's hardly cracked a smile Scotty, Cougar my a@se, more like Jo Meldrew Bloody moan, whinge, moan, whinge and in between diary room visits wanting to go home. [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Reference: Dame I feel prior to Corin's nom, Jo was already on a downer when Rachel2 left, they got on well.b Corin showed a great deal of patience to the moany bleeder Senora Doesn't mean to say she was Corin's best bud, Jo assumed this. I know you've gone off her Senora, but to me she's been the best out of a bad bunch, I know Sam's popular and I quite like him too, but he's only been in two weeks, who is to say he wouldn't have his ups and downs after a few weeks. [ more ]
cologne 1 IMHO Jo was much less honest. After going on about JJ1 all week, she decided to go for petty revenge instead of dislike. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I almost have my final three.....
SpiderMonkey Reference: I dont really care who wins it as I have not got a favourite one part of me wants Josie to win another part of me would love to see Andrew win With you all the way Marge. [ more ]
Liverpoollass This is quite hard. I have my winner i.e Sam but the other two....... I guess it would be: 1. Sam 2. Andrew 3. Corin [ more ]
SpiderMonkey My final three have either disgraced themselves or been evicted. Instead I'm left with just Josie and Andrew as housemates I would consider as acceptable winners. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jo crying ,off to the DR(1.45)Will she walk/
Fairfax Reference: JJ2 is merely leaching onto JJ1and does not appear to have a personality of his own I don't like him at all. He's another one that struts around, thinking he'a all that! Nailing his masts to the JJ1&Josie bandwagon turned me off him immediately. [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: Why is JJ2 least favourite to be evicted? He is so bland, I forget he's even in the house. JJ2 is merely leaching onto JJ1and does not appear to have a personality of his own [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: As long as either Jo, Dave or JJ2 go and Sam stays, I will be happy Me too. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The big question. The only question worth an answer.
Emm Reference: They call it an Aussie Tickler. He may as well grow a tashe. [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: DanceSettee it was always a myth ...perpetrated by women who give a shit about men's egos. I have never suffered from this affliction myself [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Could be this (beware!) Poor bloke,despite what that say size does matter imo,unless they, erm,make up for it in other departments maybe. [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
AGHHHH NO I refuse to like Sam..
squiggle Reference: I wouldn't mind if Sam won. I agree Yogi. John James is sure his plan is succeeding having flown around the world, he has the whole house frightened of him and has made a total fool of Josie so I would hate him to win. Josie certainly doesn't deserve to win having glued herself to John James and attempted to fool us with her big 'romance' so I would hate her to win. Dave is a charlatan and a horrible back-stabber so I would hate him to win. Corin has, imo, presented us with a... [ more ]
Demantoid Have to say, I felt a bit sorry for Sam. He's calmed down quite a lot and didn't deserve that from Mario. [ more ]
Liverpoollass What a turn about it would be if he won I would love him to [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wait a minute is Monk Dave moaning about noise in the bedroom?
Yellow Rose For various reasons have missed LF tonight. From observation Dave is unpopular here, so is John J and Josie. None of them annoy me to the point of wishing they would leave one way or another. I'm trying to make the most of hm's who've entertained me and/or made me laugh, different for everyone I suppose This is supposedly the last BB. Why are so many complaininging about it? [ more ]
Karma_ Reference: He's is the worst offender for making nosie in the bedroom. Freudian slip? [ more ]
brisket Then John James and Josie talk at ordinary volume and at length about "money shots", and "love" and such, interspersed with much giggling and complaints from Dave about all the noise they are making. Yes, pot, kettle etc. Josie actually refers to marriage. John James giggles (hysterics???) Finally Dave refers again to Mole and that he thinks he is "up to something". It is firmly stuck in Dave's head that Mario was called to the DRoom as "head housemate". Dave is unsettled by this and... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
the worst thing you could call me is skippy..
DanceSettee Reference: guess he'll be pleased with whingy crab eyed control freak then....... surely you mean whingy small willied crab eyed control freak i just want him to come out to see a crowd of banners with pics of Shirley from Eastenders on it and i'd like BBLB to give him a find Shirl task like they did with Ben [ more ]
stonks Reference: guess he'll be pleased with whingy crab eyed control freak then....... [ more ]
Former Member Reference: ^^^^^ w'os that Skip....??? There's a child fallen down a well and needs rescuing???? Wassatt? There's TWO children down the well? Whassatt? JJ and Josie? Fark sake skips throw JJ a rope....QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whassatt? Nah she'll be right, we'll send the emergency services over sometime before the weekend, Mum's got some watermelon in the microwave, but it'll keep! [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Does John James......
brisket He's just said he doesn't like wearing stuff on his head, especially when he's asleep. We know he is lying. He has just told Jo that he wouldn't have gone to bed until she came out of the DRoom. (They thought she was upset and may be wanting to leave.) I'm sure he wouldn't - but not out of concern. He wouldn't have gone to bed out of curiosity. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! he DOES nt do something - he gives a rip (fack) - too righty he does [ more ]
Leccy He does nowt, even Dave (his Sunday night best buddy) and Ben said as much. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB has just called headhousemate to the DR ,Mario went!!
brisket Dave has now found his latest thing to hassle Mario with. "Head housemate". Goodness he is envious that Mario was called to the DRoom as 'head housemate' (although it may have been 'head horse mate'. Gosh the efforts he makes to suppress others is bottomless. Dave doesn't like that Mario was called head housemate (or horsemate.) [ more ]
sandra gnite all i'm bamboozled [ more ]
Yellow Rose Reference: Steve is a narse! Steve's boring Tiddly, end of from what I've observed of him, can't believe he's still there [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Will BB Punish John James for not wearing his task costume properly?
Former Member Why is it any of his business what anybody else does? [ more ]
Senora Reyes Which furthers my theory that he is not only Gay, but a Bitchy Queen as well. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Crab eyes does not get punished ,its his gaff. Just read his latest prediction.the little sh*t. 22:23John James jokes that past housemate Rachel will probably show him a cutting of her in Nuts magazine at the Big brother final He is a jalouse bit$££h [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member That's nice dear! [ more ]
Yellow Rose John J doesn't wind me up like he does so many here I see him for what he is warts and all, who doesn't have them lol. I watch the prog to see who entertains me the most, some hm's do, some don't. John j still entertains me for whatever reason, so does Dave whos'e also apparently disliked here. I'd rather the entertaining ones than the boring ones like Steve, Jo, and jj2 [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: I can dream.... Don't have nightmares....Ooops sorry they would follow the encounter. [ more ]
See all 50 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i may sound like davina mcaw
Former Member Fex ache madam, thought you meant the Shiner/Josie lukey likey for a minute there [ more ]
sandra awwww naw he wants a bex lookalikie lol i didnt see it on bblb but i did see his room in a magazine or should i say shrine [ more ]
Former Member Oh purleeeese, anybody that thinks those two have got anything genuine going, needs their bumps felt! [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB4 revisited
Leccy Reference: BB4 was indeed a vintage forum year, hehe Indeed Marg, we still call "tuna" "toona" in this house and mention how tuna fish are "the size of a cooooo" It was a daft convo between Ray and Cam, Ray thought that tuna were the same size as the tin... It's not funny now when I describe it but but me and Mr L cracked up laughing [ more ]
Marguerita This one is one of the worst BB last years was not much better IMO BB4 may have been boring but I loved Cameron he was a deserving winner [ more ]
Katerina Haha yes, beanbags, that was it! BB4 was indeed a vintage forum year, hehe [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I hate it! Hate it! Hate it!
Yellow Rose Agree Barmie. Supposedly, this is the last show, instead of people enjoying it warts and all there's constant critcism, some take too much too heart instead of just enjoying the prog and not getting so personally involved with hm's they'll never meet. In the past I've got really fuelled up by some hm's, now I realise what's the point, what will be will be, enjoy what you can from the show, if it's not gonna be here you'll all miss it [ more ]
Leccy Hms who analyse the whole thing to the nth degree drive me scatty. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! Hi Marg sweetie - its been a bit up and down for me as well - probably best that its ending (on c4 anyhow) - its far too lame and tame and all that - not like the old days. Good to see you back - hope ur well xxx (i cant get half my emoticons - thats a HUGE hug for u!) [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does everyone overlook Mario's slyness.
Katerina Reference: [brisket (Ben's Buddy/Mario's Mole)]: Actually I thought it was John James who followed Mario - probably to try and rile him and upset him. But Mario did not rise to the bait. He could see what John James was doing this time. Yep, there was no reporting back by Mario to John James, the Aussie did it last week after S&R too, hounded him for ages and analysed his decision by talking at him, and tried to do the same again this week by the looks of things. [ more ]
brisket Actually I thought it was John James who followed Mario - probably to try and rile him and upset him. But Mario did not rise to the bait. He could see what John James was doing this time. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! what was very telling for me was the way Mario felt the need to go and report back to crab-eyes first before explaining to Sam why he swapped him. I think Mario is 2nd in line to the most desperate 'throne' - currently held by 'couldnt give a fack, and the public can fack themselves' crab-eyes. Crab-eyes IS the most desperate in there to win, Mario MIGHT have been, but ol 'couldnt give a shit' crab-eyes is VERY desperate indeed [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So now JJ's telling Josie she has to discuss who she's nominating with him first?
spongebob squarepants so tidds what you're saying is that you love him cos he's a fit bit of trouser is it....?...*runs*..... [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Son of Ispetus LOL ace bit of ranting there The sooner he farks off back to Oz and a speech therapist, in fact every other kinda therapist, the better! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Blue Diamond Will they punish those two? By the looks of it they do this all the time so they said. Josie said, "But I'm not allowed, John" and looked puzzled. Then the control freak said that she should have discussed what method she was going to use! [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario & Corin would sell thier grannies to win BB...
~Lee~ Reference: I was shouting at him and she shouted over me! You need to save your voice Blizz,no further strain on those vocal chords,save it for JJ. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I was shouting at him and she shouted over me Yep, there were fishwife tones going on in that there garden [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: erinp Ben could really mimic Mario. That was his Vincent Price. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hahaha Monk Dave you Wanker...Not "Drunk" on the Glory now are ya mate..
Senora Reyes Reference: What a berk. [ more ]
Leccy I love that he thinks being up twice and staying is some kind of heroic act...oh and that surviving three times is "a record" What a berk. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Tonight seeing Monk Dave, bitching, braying, and whining like a 4 year old in the DR has been one of the best episodes for me...I know There is a God... And not the one Con man Monk Dave and his followers worship... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Everyone afraid to nominate Kangaroo Boy face to face.
sandra i wish someone would stand up to him ........... show some balls fgs i think he would like that [ more ]
bateman Hilarious. [ more ]
Former Member Reference: They know he can argue until the cows come home. They know he can reduce a person to tears with arguing. They know he can argue for hours. They know he claimed he could argue until the other person left the house. Intimidation. If he wins - and I desperately hope he does not - how proud he will feel! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why does Corin keep nominating Jo?
Former Member Looks like a taker. [ more ]
Marguerita I felt sorry for Corin as her tears looked genuine to me and Jo did say she wanted to leave,but the othert side of the coin is Jo felt betrayed as she saw her as a friend,I realised afterwards Corin has nommed her in the diaryroom last week, she was not really her friend only when she wanted to use all her makeup and perfume.. [ more ]
sandra do the HM's know there is going to be an allstars finale ? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"Taking the easy option... "
~Lee~ I'm disappointed in Corin,very disappointed tbh,she will have to cover some ground to make up for this imo. [ more ]
Marguerita I thought she was genuine when she was crying the only three who were honest in their nominations was Andrew JJI and JJ2 the rest of them bottled it big time [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: I got so vexed yesterday about Corin, so all I'll say is I've gone off her big time. Massively dissappointed in her Fairfax, feeling the same... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T My NEW exercise regime.
Former Member Ewwwwww! that's disgusting! can you imagine what he's gonna look like after he's stopped pumping steroids LOL, not you Rawky by the way I was referring to the pic [ more ]
brisket Don't go again. Please. I'm pleased to hear you've done a session. [ more ]
Rawky-Roo So did my first session at the pool, walked there and back too. Was quite tiring, but after 30 lengths I now look like this: I'm quite impressed with myself [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam now favourite to win BB11
Fairfax Reference: Lee I guess some folk could tolerate that more than some HM's , who have with the help of the production team, ruined what could have been a good series [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: She was insulting him as well remember. He does it for banter, which he admits and apologises if Josie gets offended, which she often does but doesn't admit it too Sam, just to the others. He's no bully. [ more ]
brisket He'd be better if he did not speak. Although, even then..... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is anyone else warming to Dave???
justafriend evil monk pah id like to kick him in the gonads [ more ]
SazBomb Reference: I can't believe they are treating him so harshly - he should have the same rights as all of the other HMs. You're right, he should.... no one else is allowed reading material, why should he have preferential treatment [ more ]
Baz Reference: She'd still have done that even if I'd said Iubbed Dave Well at least she got the cutlery properly spaced... Hi Pengy [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I HATE DAVE. He always........
Former Member AND access to guns [ more ]
Former Member He's just a bit of an idiot. With a gun licence [ more ]
brisket I loathe and detest him as much as I have loathed and detested any housemate in the history of Big Brother. Untrustworthy, obnoxious and duplicitous, - with some very strange ideas about love for his fellow man. "He speaks with forked tongue." [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corins GF has talked to the Rags
Monobrow (Sam is a legend) Ta-Ra! [ more ]
Scotty Reference: monobrow I've never liked it when an FM finds the need to say stuff totally unrelated to the discussion in hand....I didn't see the point in repeating what has already been said, more than once in this thread. *sits on arse instead* Stuff is repeated all the time. I tend not to use other`s opinions to bolster mine. I`m out of here. [ more ]
cologne 1 Reference: Difficult considering she said it before he came into the house True. Most of this is speculation. We can't know what they're relationship status was/is because we're not flies on the wall. I think if somebody is willing to make a bit of nasty smelling cash out of someone they profess to love instead of waiting for them to come back and sort it out like normal people do, they shoulder the same guilt. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did Sam just fail his ToT?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Looks like Sam wants Dave to get the message,bless him . I wish he hadn't, he has damaged his bad boy Sam image. [ more ]
Former Member His offensive against Jo to get the boot has started already. He's a detestable specimen of a human being - he really is! [ more ]
kattymieoww Dave is getting pandered toby BB,he threw a strop in the diary room and threatened to leave.BB is running scared of any more walkers at this late stage..pathetic!. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ and his mum
Former Member See the two desperados are under the quilt again. Pack it in BB it's boring as watching grass grow! [ more ]
spongebob squarepants ahh thanks tidds.... .xxx.i'll take a nosey.... [ more ]
monkey13 Reference: I have four sons LL, aged between 18 & 28 and I'd say two are probably Mummy's boy's and two are not, but thats probably a good thing Ahhh,but do they record your conversations and think dad is jealous of your relationship? I know their Dad is jealous of our relationships, I'm very close with each of them in different ways. Dunno about the recording though lol [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! Toid and Maggie I really feel for you, even though I support your most local rivals as the crow flies, I have a lot of friends who support Villa and are gutted. I mist admit I am surprised by the announcement so near to the start of the season, and the reasons being given.. the lack of transfer funds, always thought that Randy Learner was a chairman who would allow his manager to go for who he wanted without financial restraints, totally unlike Deadly Doug who would not open the cheque book... [ more ]
Demantoid There have been rumblings for a while - Lerner has become increasingly tight with the money over the past couple of seasons, so we knew all wasn't well. [ more ]
Former Member Randy Lerner (sp) has always been touted as a great example of a good foreign owner so this is really strange. It is a worry when a manager goes especially if he is a hands on type like MON or AW. AW is in the last year of his contract and he is making noises that he may not renew - worries the hell out of me. You should have no trouble attracting a decent manager though - your academy/reserves are excellent. Some really good players coming through [ more ]
See all 39 replies...

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