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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dave's false laugh
squiggle Reference: I don't see Dave's laughter as false, sounds pretty convincing to me, certain things trigger him and off he goes, don't we all have certain things/memories that make us laugh even if others don't get it, lol. [Mathematics] Mathematics offline Yellow Rose have you watched Dave's series of vids on UTube? I think this is one of the reasons why so many think of him as totally false [ more ]
Yellow Rose `Reference: Laughter raises your serotonin levels, Yellow. I'm not saying he has low levels, but he does seem to administer his own laughter therapy. Not much fun, if you're trying to sleep, when he starts! I agree Blizzie, other things can help apart from laughter though Although I don't have a problem with Dave I admit if I was in there anyone who kept me awake at night would absolutely annoy me, I love my sleep lol [ more ]
Former Member egotonin is what hes high on [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
YAY! Its shooting star night tonight!
DanceSettee well bloody bugger...set my alarm for stupid o'clock and it had all gone cloudy what makes it worse is that the weather reports on the news keep saying that where i live in the west is the best place to see them and there maps show a beautiful cloudless sky LIARS!!!! [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: DUH I just went to try and click 'like' on your post - I've done that a couple of times too! [ more ]
Karma_ DUH I just went to try and click 'like' on your post It's even worse cos he's my son's mate and my son acts proper cool and hard around him. I cant wait for the wrath when he comes storming in tomorrow and tears strips off me for being the most uncool mum in the South East [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie is loving all this....
Green&Pink I'm fine thanks Blizz Oh, we see Josie form such opposite angles Blizz!! As far as I see she is as fake and calculating as can be. She is so keenly aware of the camera's.I am sorry but I think she is very unforgiving to Sam really and that all the caring for Sam and being miffed at JJ1 is a show. In that way Josie is using JJ1 as well as Sam.. imo. Not letting Josie get in the way of another hug Blizz. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Greeny. It's Catch 22 for Josie. She's nice? It's for the cameras. She's grumpy? It's her true self coming out. Hope you're well. [ more ]
Green&Pink Sorry Blizzie , we will never agree on her but Josie hates Sam imo. I see her as an opportunist when she pretends to care for sam. looks good on camera. JJ1 hates fake people above all it seems, but has the fakest person by his side and does not even know it.More fool him. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
who won the task?
sandra did someone interupt JJJ show how very dare they !!!!!!! [ more ]
Senora Reyes Well done Sam and Andrew.. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! yup tiddles - there's a party going on outside and now we've got farmer giles INCHING her way over to crab-eyes side of the bed - HE has been lying in the foetal position for quite some time now - whilst HER of the big pants has had her legs akimbo and all over the place (ninj) [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This should have been shown tonight.
~Lee~ Reference: Cheers. You could have waited until I got something to clink,I've a cup of coffee now so bottoms up. [ more ]
~Lee~ Reference: Not THEY it was Josie that hid his hats and started this whole ball rolling. Oh but off course that will be Sams fault dontcha know. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: lee Blizz you're starting to sound like JJ,always passing the buck to someone else. Cheers. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mario and Jo listing the former housemates who Mario was close friends with. Mario includes Ben in the list...
Former Member Ben and his organ. Coming soon to a town nowhere near you. [ more ]
Prometheus I can't stand Mario. The word 'sleaze' was invented just for him and I'm not just talking about his endless sexual innuendos. [ more ]
Moomin Mario nominated lovely Ben and it resulted in him getting evicted? I dislike him more than ever now!! [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I the only one who thinks Sam is going out tomorrow?
Prometheus Reference: I still think Jo will go I really liked Jo till she got miserable. I think she just doesn't have any friends in there. Josie's plastic friendship where she said 'leave her to it' when she was crying her eyes out said a lot to me about Josie. Her or Sam will go, though really it should be the manky non-monk if only the British public had any sanity. [ more ]
sandra Reference: but I still think Jo will go. me too [ more ]
Blizz'ard Hopefully that HL show will lose him a few supporters, but I still think Jo will go. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam's 'dancing'
Blizz'ard Reference: Supes wheelie? Wheelie and Twoolie! [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: stoory Oh Blizzie I didn't see you there........who added that comment on the end of my last post? *** releases cake attack *** [ more ]
Former Member Reference: it's really, really quite irritating, really! wheelie? [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
gawd's sake.
Kaytee Not seen the LF, don't know the context, but if it's worked for Pete Bennet, it will work for JJ too....maybe it was a gameplan statement, but I'll hold fire to see the context [ more ]
~Lee~ Bumping got Tidds. [ more ]
Katerina I think he spoke those words in the context of motivation, that thinking he would even get a split second chance to see his Dad would give him the spur he needed to go for whatever he wants. wheel this out in the final weeks is despicable, I've been steadily going off John James and am rapidly moving towards hate, which is unusual for me with BB housemates. I will give him the benefit of the doubt but if he keeps mentioning his dad now, he will go even further down in my estimation. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why did mario have the arse on...
jacksonb wasnt that far for me to tbh.... [ more ]
Ducky Reference: i have you know i got a grade 4 cse in it.....which in itself was a minor miracle!!! I'm sending JB to the bottom of the class. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants ducky Reference: There's some seriously bad maths going on in this thread. i have you know i got a grade 4 cse in it.....which in itself was a minor miracle!!! [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who plays up to the camera the most?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: Who plays up to the camera the most? Josie, JJ1, Corin and at times David with his croc tears for his kids and wife. [ more ]
Baz Reference: .and who gets that hyped up on 4 cups of coffee??!!! Just 2 cups gives me palpatations...... [ more ]
Baz Reference: id say the people who go on about airtime all the while, jj1jj2 josie. always worried about other peoples air time. I agree JAF [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OK, so please tell me who I should want to win now.
Moomin Have just watched the HL and can honestly say that there is NO WAY Sam will be getting my vote for winner - what an incredibly immature, annoying twonk he is!! [ more ]
Former Member Sam for me ,he has saved this show from becoming a borefest. [ more ]
brisket Not Sam! A major irritation, and very immature (and I mean even more immature than the rest of 'em.) And the voice grinds you down in no time. I don't understand why some folk like him. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Its SO boring in there ATM - shall we discuss that lump
Gouryella Reference: hope the Pepper wins Evening BARMY.Yeah,Sam's the man.Sick of seeing the nicey nicey Sophies and Rachels winning it every year.I don't think he'll win it though.But like Marcus last year,he's been a good housemate.Sam is a sign of how far the show has fell.How it's become the norm to be bland and inoffensive and be nice and enjoy the 'experience'. I guesss different people watch it for different reasons.I watch it for conflict and arguements.Hot headed rows etc.I can't be arsed... [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! och..... Shabaz - ickle darling In a way - a very sadistic way - it would be cool to see crab-eyes win and have to contend with the slickman Anyhow Goo - good to 'see' yer again - hope the Pepper wins, he's the most likely to actually STAY and enjoy the Allstars, rather than take the money n run [ more ]
Gouryella I'm piss bored with this crap.Bring on the AllStars.I demand The Slicman and maybe even Shahbaz. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Katerina I found Sam quite funny last night........especially when he put the horse mask on his face and went round the HMs with a candle under his chin. If he keeps doing it, no doubt it will grate on me easily, but last night's sugar and coffee fuelled antics were quite entertaining for me. Didn't find Dave's nipple twisting on Sam terribly funny though [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Blue Why don't you just admit having a soft spot for him, your old mucker luves him I'll admit I've seen a nice side, but mostly he grates. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: True, it must be exhausting being an irritant, all day! Why don't you just admit having a soft spot for him, your old mucker luves him [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The PepperPot Fan Club!
scatterby Reference: Due to my eyesight I am closing this fan club. Apologies to Scatts, never meant to step on your toes babe Aww monkey - don't do that - I feel awful now [ more ]
monkey13 Due to my eyesight I am closing this fan club. Apologies to Scatts, never meant to step on your toes babe. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: So what does it say about the people who like Dave? There is only one on here. NOT ME though [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie's catching Corin up in the winner's market :-)
squiggle Reference: I still like Josie, and have gone off Corin a bit, but still quite like her. If Sam wins, I will be seriously pissed off with the British public. If an antagonistic little shit like that, who just irritiates the hell out of people, and downright INSULTS everyone WINS the show, then it shows what state the country is in. It shocks me that people find him funny and entertaining. I like him [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie It's not over until the fat lady sings! Corin to Win! [ more ]
Liverpoollass Am made up that Sam's favourite. I just hope he doesn't go and blow it as there's still time for it all to go pear shaped. I don't think Corin did herself any favours over nasty nominations and I think her fancying JJ2 hasn't helped either. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a load of rubbish
Fairfax Reference: Deny, deny and deny that's what they did. I suppose, we can't expect them to admit to their biased and manipulative editing and their obvious favourites. Yes and that Emma Willis got on my last nerve. She is such a suck up, tow the party line little madam [ more ]
Liverpoollass Deny, deny and deny that's what they did. I suppose, we can't expect them to admit to their biased and manipulative editing and their obvious favourites. [ more ]
Joyron Reference: Joyron, it doesn't matter what BBLB says, however much they push a winner, they've never got it right yet, I take heart they have always got it wrong I sincerely hope you are right. Could not stand it if JJ1, Josie, Dave or JJ2 won. Out of the others I don't really mind. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's understandable that Jo is now suspicious of Corin
Trollop Reference: She's a toothless cougar, innit ducks? Indeed missus...a gummy Cougar that lost its roar! [ more ]
suzybean Reference:trollopy Jo needs to button up her blubbering! Shes a fine one to talk, slagging off JJ to anyone who will listen then running to join him as soon as shes upset. Pity I quite liked her initially... She's a toothless cougar, innit ducks? [ more ]
Trollop I dont understand why anyone has a problem with it tbh. Jo asked Corin why she did it and said she felt they had a bond. Corin explained she has a bond with many of the housemates...clearly her bond with Jo just didnt go that deep. Corin has stood by all her friends she made initially (Mario, Dave, Steve) whats wrong with that? Jo needs to button up her blubbering! Shes a fine one to talk, slagging off JJ to anyone who will listen then running to join him as soon as shes upset. Pity I quite... [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT - Those fake emails from the Tax Office
cockney-chick ANYthing at ALL, that ask you for money up front should be avoided at all costs. Like this daft lotteries that people believe they have won, (when they didn't even ENTER!) who ask for five grand up front to 'free the money from the USA/Australia/Ghana/wherever,) Hello, no alarm bells? [ more ]
Kaytee well you can never get any replies from HMRC when you are trying to get a rebate legally, so why they would suddenly offer ANYONE one out of the blue, without you submitting a ton of paperwork defeats me Hope all the scammers that prey on people rot in hell [ more ]
brisket Some of those scams are very brazen. It is great news to hear that some of them no longer exist. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How to gauge the betting odds
Kaytee Reference: Wonder if the Tweenies will start to like Jo now that they seem pally...One can hope! Get Dave out! No....Jo is definately a goner this week.....adults and Tweenies will be fed up with the moaning Minnie [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing but betfair isn't a bookie.... its the ebay of betting... its people, anybody, me included, taking bets from other people... and those that do it on big brother tend to be viewers... hence the odds tend to get set by these betting viewers. I don't know it for certain... but I could swear sometimes the bookies set their odds by what they see going on on betfair. [ more ]
kimota Reference: But isn't Sammy favourite to win BB (with the bookies)? Don't believe it myself, the idea might come from a story on DS and in The Star today that the nastier section of J.J's fans that have been running the illegal campaigns on Twitter (voting scams) have targeted Sam. It was actually wrong! The number given to supposedly win tickets to a Justin Bieber gig was actually for Jo not Sam ! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who's got Sam's hats?....
Kaytee Reference: You can have 2 weight watchers cup e soups and 3 Ryvita's. Pah!.....I've just raided your store cupboard...Cake all round in here, that lot need to stop lolling around and stuffing their faces all day wrapped in their duvets [ more ]
Shizzlex Reference: Just sneaked in there Lee - don't think they noticed me as they were too busy stuffing their faces i couldn't get in with all the smoke [ more ]
spongebob squarepants its too late've been spotted....welcomed and allocated a duvet........... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Josie, what a great friend to have eh?
Former Member Reference: you missed out *vile* and *jellus* there Soops Yeah 'cos I needed to be sure that you knew I was only joking [ more ]
Kaytee Reference: ^^^^ BULLEHS you missed out *vile* and *jellus* there Soops [ more ]
Former Member Reference:Suzybean But some people just want/need the attention boooo hoooo (cuddle me sooops) I felt sorry for Jo the first time she did it.. but after the 45th time it got a bit wearing.. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG! 10 Hm's to be evicted by............
Blizz'ard Reference: Marge Blizzie hope you have a lovely time Thanks, Marge. [ more ]
Kaytee Sighs with relief....I won't miss the final after all [ more ]
kimota Reference: monkey I think they may have finished doing nominations and it could now be a vote save with them all up I'm hoping so. It will put an end to the weekly 'Operation get Corin out' threads appearing on DS and Facebook even before she has been nommed! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
All Hm's ~ Pros & Cons
monkey13 Reference: Dave....Con, everything else about him [ more ]
Kaytee Sam....Pro, has wound up the house Con, irritating little twep Dave....Pro, knows how to play the game Con, everything else about him Corin....Pro, enthusiastic about BB Con, competitive, would stamp on her granny to win Andrew Pro, errrrrr ummmmmm Con, wallpaper Steve Pro can make a big dent in the sofa Con pervy Jo Pro errrrrrr! Con, two faced and can't make her bliddy mind up Josie Pro takes laziness to new heights, never before seen on BB Con, slovenly,crude,manipulative, fake JJ1 Pro... [ more ]
kimota Corin Pros: hilarious, determined and supportive Cons: Likes J.J 2 Josie Pros: quite funny at times Cons: Likes J.J1! Too much time spent in bed eating too much while complaining shes overweight! Sam Pros: Lively and crazy Cons: Goes too far sometimes, particularly regarding personal comments on people's appearance. Dave Pros: Funny at times, is still mad about his wife after many years and takes most things in his stride Cons: Sulks whenever hes up for eviction despite telling us all he... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...

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