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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fat Monk Dave stirring the sh*t.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: As usual. He instigates it all, he makes the bullets for other Hms to fire, plants the seeds, winds them up to watch them go. Do I win most metaphors per sentence yet? Yes he does and yes you do. :-) [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Reference: If Josie would me more clear with her game, maybe it wouldnt have gone this far My thread was started principally by the very quick, but very sly comment I heard Dave say as he entered the bedroom. I felt that as he was part of the conversation with JJ1 and 2 and that he knew Sam was listening and that he knew JJ1 wanted to have it out with Sam, the little stirring comment was designed to get the situation to kick off. Also I think he had half an eye on the upcoming evictions and... [ more ]
Green&Pink he is a wanker Edit: Lol DS [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Get Sam out..
Fairfax Reference: That's exactly how I feel Big hugarooney Yogi [ more ]
Yogi19 Reference: ... but with the addition of the one and only "Sam Pepper" I have kept the faith (somewhat). If he goes that is it, finito! That's exactly how I feel, Fairfax. [ more ]
Former Member It all depends on the Highlights and already they are showing the nastiness. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I really wish Dave would go tonight
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I'm right with you OP. GET HIM OUT [ more ]
Gel Reference: If it involves looking up Dave's bum for sunshine (not the former HM, or even the former HM come to think of it) I'm doing NUFFINK! [ more ]
Gel Reference: I bet they manipulate it too and say people were being abusive (well some were) but I certainly wasn't. a lot were, and I don't agree with out & out swearing abuse, but I really don't think there's anything wrong with a healthy debate. Just so long as the debate went in their direction! Quite pathetic.. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Ad blocking software
Former Member Thanks Prom, I'll try that. I use Avast for my A/V. [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie I don't get any ads - I use FF with Ad Block Plus [ more ]
Prometheus Onetoo - google Super anti spyware. It's free. Download it and run it straight away. When it installs, update the files (just press the update button) then tell it to do a full scan of your computer. It's the best program around for killing the ads. AVG has some anti spyware protection but it's minimal. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I bet Josie gets the free pass to the final.
Former Member Reference:bojangles He was in the army and under orders to patrol the said area that had the bomb. You follow orders when you're in the army.He deserves all his benifits,He's not scrounging pretending he can't work with a bad back etc claiming benefits then doing a job elsewhere and getting paid and not paying tax. [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Reference: I bet Josie gets the free pass to the final. I thought she walked into the house with it. [ more ]
Fairfax I'm not a fan of Steve in the house but OMG there are so many times when I get a catch in my throat when I see his disabilities. Please believe me I do not mean that in a patronising way but in a humane way. Jesus, I genuinely applaud the man for getting on with a productive life after such horrendous injuries, it cannot have been easy. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If Rodrigo was in the house he would tell Crabster to SHURT URP
Fairfax Reference: God - Rodrigo was a death warrior in the body of a children's telly presenter . He'd have smeared John James all over the walls Just spotted this Deman and it made me howl with laughter, so descriptive [ more ]
Ducky Someone needs to show this thread to Harry Hill. It's the only fair way to decide. [ more ]
Former Member Could you imagine the two of them having an arguement ? Rodrigo would wear JJ out [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was going to start a thread today about
Ducky Thanks Skylark, thanks Moomin I'd heard people talking about it going off on eviction night and wasn't sure when that started. I'll try logging out again first, then reboot if that fails. [ more ]
Moomin Reference: I've never watched LF before an eviction night before, but I've just put it on and it's not working. Is that just me......or is that normal? Mine wasn't working about 20 mins ago Ducky, but I rebooted my pc and now it is!! [ more ]
Former Member Ducky, no its on till about 9, then they put it off. Mine working, try logging out and then in again [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who's your all time favourite HM and/or top 10?
Yogi19 fAVOURITES (in no particular order): Sam Pepper Dan Bryan Freddie Alex Sibley Richard Ben Helen Siavash [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Veggie Craig BB6 who was so mind bogglingly awful and yet compared to the monster that is John James.... he is positively [ more ]
Leccy Reference: Craig BB6 who was so mind bogglingly awful He was that alright! I can't imagine how I forgot him off my all time most hated list! Oh man, he terrified me. "I will not diminish my character!" ...too late pal [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member As much as I dislike Josie I wholeheartedly don't think this had anything to do with her John James did this all by himself [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Senora I wasn't shocked... Sam laughed at the begining because he was "Fronting" as some people do, but he felt hurt when he heard JJ1 slagging him off it knocked him off guard, because he always maintained that JJ1 was a straight guy and he liked him for that...Sam was hurt, I'd be too if that were me. I didn't realise that he idolised John James so much. I'm not saying he wasn't hurt. I'm saying it wasn't obvious that he would react like that and Josie shouldn't be blamed for... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Reference: I was seriously shocked when he burst into tears I wasn't shocked... Sam laughed at the begining because he was "Fronting" as some people do, but he felt hurt when he heard JJ1 slagging him off it knocked him off guard, because he always maintained that JJ1 was a straight guy and he liked him for that...Sam was hurt, I'd be too if that were me. [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jo talks bollox
Green&Pink Reference: You're very welcome G&P. Fancy a chip (it's fish n chip night)? Don't mind if I do BP.. Any mushy peas? [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: You forgot to mention Glyn!!! English was his second language too ... and Glynn. Thanks BP You're very welcome G&P. Fancy a chip (it's fish n chip night)? [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: You forgot to mention Glyn!!! English was his second language too ... and Glynn. Thanks BP [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noms cancelled ,vote to evict!!!
brisket So who gets the prize money. Is it the winner of the votes on August 24th? With the last 2 weeks just being for old times sake and no prize.? This sounds as big a load of bunkum as the rest of the series has been. [ more ]
Former Member I would FAR rather Steve stayed than that pitiful excuse for a human being JJ. Quite frankly how anyone can say he has been entertaining is beyond me. [ more ]
Marguerita Reference: Despite the fact that he's done bugge I agree Demantoid. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who made CrabEyes the Lord Chancellor of human behaviour?
Blackpudlian Reference: And yet he also says his dad got in the way, because he was jealous of him and his mum's close relationship. And he isn't reticent at spending his cash either. Perhaps he will only grieve when the money is gone [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: He says he has not yet grieved for his father.. And yet he also says his dad got in the way, because he was jealous of him and his mum's close relationship. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: The guy is a nut job, I am so not suprised Australian BB turned him down. Aus BB are probably more rigorous and spot people with biiiiiig unresolved issues... JJ is a powder keg waiting to go off. He says he has not yet grieved for his father.. He should not be in an environment like BB..... [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T Advice on living down south...
MrMincePie Reference: word to the wise meaty, don't live too far away from work, you'll spend 5 hours a day trying to get there. Cheers jackson, Im hoping to get as close as I can... I enjoy the work, but when I get up in the morning its the long drive that drives me mad It currently takes me an hour from where I am at this moment. Sometimes longer with traffic aswell. [ more ]
MrMincePie Just teasing I used to stuff my face into the plain ones which are covered in icing when I visited florida [ more ]
jacksonb word to the wise meaty, don't live too far away from work, you'll spend 5 hours a day trying to get there. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Am I the only one...
Former Member A Day at the Races [ more ]
Former Member Reference: I think that's fair enough....... even on here I have to bite my tongue sometimes and stop myself from wading in to other peoples battles. Surely that's the right thing to do? Sure you're right Ducky it was more the 'I don't care, I don't care' bit that I was thinking of...but maybe I was taking that too literally? [ more ]
Blizz'ard Reference: Ducky Awww..... I felt so sorry for him. The way he threw himself on the bed in despair, I wanted to give him a hug. Me too, and I can't stand him, most of the time! [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Has Skippy Shut Up Yet?
Elkie I went to bed at 3.30 this morning and crab eyes was still ranting on after 3 hours, got up today he is still ranting on, he will see his dad again sooner than he thinks if he keeps this behaviour up he will end up having a stroke.. [ more ]
Green&Pink Reference: I can't bear to watch any of the little shoites anymore Only Sam and Mario are bearable at the mo.. oh, and Corin. Andrew always looks sullen. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: I've never hit anyone in my entire life but want to slap him not the tv I'm right behind you Lee, my hand itches every time he opens his trashy gob [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Ultimate HM....... will it influence who you want to win?
Blizz'ard No, I would still want Josie to win. I'm pretty sure there will be enough irritating oldies put in, so I don't really think the thought of another two weeks of Sam will change my mind. [ more ]
kimota I still want to see Corin in there. Only Mario would possibly appreciate it more! [ more ]
Kaytee No....because I don't think I'll be voting and I certainly don't want to see any of them for another two weeks, it will depend on who the 'allstars' are whether I bother with that or not. The thought of Nikki Feckin' Graham for two weeks is enough to make me want to leave the country [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ1 JJ2 Dave bitching about Sam
Blizz'ard Reference: Kaytee I haven't seen any LF, but from what I've read here, it does seem that JJ1,JJ2, Josie and Dave have gone overboard, with Corin,Steve and mario carefully staying out of it with that no-mark Andrew(who?). Josie was not involved in the bitching, just listening to it with Sam and they were both laughing at it, and Andrew actually piped up and told John James to leave Sam alone, as he was upset. There's a video of most of it, on another thread. [ more ]
Former Member Thats what my live feed showed ,Sam finding it funny to start with but then getting upset at the bitterness fom all three ,more so Crab eyes. [ more ]
Former Member JJ blasted Sam for his behaviour in the house, saying: "Where there's a line, he'll always cross it." John James agreed, and related Sam's involvement in his argument with Josie to David and JJ. "I believe he was using that situation," John James said. "He didn't care about that situation, he didn't care about Josie [being upset]." JJ agreed, exclaiming: "Of course not! "He was calling her a fat slag a few days ago and now he's her best mate? F**k off." Meanwhile, Sam and Josie had picked up... [ more ]
See all 168 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
C4 comments on John-James v Sam...
Former Member JJ blasted Sam for his behaviour in the house, saying: "Where there's a line, he'll always cross it." John James agreed, and related Sam's involvement in his argument with Josie to David and JJ. "I believe he was using that situation," John James said. "He didn't care about that situation, he didn't care about Josie [being upset]." JJ agreed, exclaiming: "Of course not! "He was calling her a fat slag a few days ago and now he's her best mate? F**k off." Meanwhile, Sam and Josie had picked up... [ more ]
SpiderMonkey John James was actually spot on with his observations about Sam though. Unpopular as it might be to agree with him. Sam has suddenly befriended Josie after making her life a misery. His u turn occured just before nominations. Sam is fake and pathetic. Meanwhile John James has been caught out bitching, and has now been highlighted as the series' biggest bitch. But I think anyone with an ounce of common sense already knew that. Neither of them should be receiving positive comments. They are... [ more ]
Demantoid It's why this country is going down the toilet. Kids today are being dragged up, not brought up, and they think being 'cute' and 'popular' are more important than anything else. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Channel 5 sold for 103.5million
El Loro Apparently Ian Wright has gone. This is taken from the BBC website: Footballer-turned-presenter Ian Wright has been axed from TV show Live From Studio Five. Broadcaster Five said his contract had been "coming to an end and the decision was taken not to renew it". Viewers watched on Thursday evening as co-presenters Jayne Middlemiss and Kate Walsh announced his departure. A source close to Wright said he had fallen out with the show's bosses after refusing to promote Five talent show Don't... [ more ]
Smarting Buttocks I'm not sure that a person who has been breaching broadcasting rules, advertising rules and trading standards for years is fit to be in control on Channel 5. Watch out for the Daily Express and Daily Star to persistently plug Channel 5 programmes in the near future. [ more ]
Former Member Desmond cuts jobs in major Five shakeup Wednesday, August 11 2010, 11:37 BST Channel Five's nine executive directors are to leave as part of new owner Richard Desmond's major overhaul of the business, it has emerged. According to media reports, Five staff were informed about the changes in a meeting this morning, with up to 80 jobs under threat in the broadcaster's 300-strong team as Desmond looks to cut costs by £20 million. Despite the cuts, Desmond's Northern & Shell business plans to... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
This Years BB.
Yogi19 You are not alone, Ally. IMO, this is the worst BB ever. I am so close to giving up on it - and if Sam goes tonight, that will be the last straw. I blame the producers for allowing John James to dominate the HL shows, the house and the Housemates. If they had clipped the wings of that aggressive, arrogant, argumentative twonk in the early days, we could have had a decent BB, this year. [ more ]
Fairfax Reference: Strong, contrived personalities like JJ1 and Shabby turned me off early this year Spot On [ more ]
suzybean It's been dire this year. I can remember even missing it in the past when I've been on holiday (I'd hunt for internet connection sometimes). This year, I can take it or leave it. Strong, contrived personalities like JJ1 and Shabby turned me off early this year. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Monk Dave laughing in hysterics...whilst Sam Pepper is upset in bed..
Ducky Reference: yet sam is liked for makes no sense to me It makes no sense to me either Spongey! And I like him! I took an instant liking to Sam from the moment he walked in. I couldn't help myself..... but it was more to do with how he spoke, his voice, his mannerisms, I just find him totally charming! Having said that, I disagreed totally with how he treated Josie and would never defend the rude comments he has made to her and to others. (And I do believe that last night he was... [ more ]
Tayto. Exactly spongebob. [ more ]
spongebob squarepants an add on to my last post up there............i'm going to use jo as an jo is 41 and a self confessed 'cougar' if john james had said to her..'you're an old slag jo'.....then laughed.........would this forum be awash with 'john james is hilarious calling jo that' posts?'d be ripped to shreds.........yet sam is liked for makes no sense to me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
JJ1 said earlier that he doesn't judge anyone after only a few days...
Liverpoollass Surely his mum cannot be proud of him and his behaviour? Or is she one of these mothers who cannot see any wrong in their children? [ more ]
Blackpudlian Reference: If i was his mum I'd disown him.. If I was his mum I'd slap myself really hard [ more ]
Liverpoollass It was only the other day JJ was saying he loved the guy, even though he annoyed him. Funny how when Sam was insulting Josie when he first entered the house, JJ didn't say a word to him but actually defended him. Now it is the day before eviction, JJ does this along with his cronies It is so transparent that if it wasn't so bloody cruel, it would be funny [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sam still favourite to WIN!!
Liverpoollass Reference: Senora Reyes online 10,983 Forum Posts Today at 11:43 AM Last Edited: Sam is annoying in the way younger brothers are annoying he is not an aggresive psycho like JJ1. Sam has a heart of Gold, he is intelligent, and funny...JJ1 is certifiable.. Totall agree Senora. Sometimes I think you are in my head [ more ]
Senora Reyes Sam is annoying in the way younger brothers are annoying he is not an aggresive psycho like JJ1. Sam has a heart of Gold, he is intelligent, and funny...JJ1 is certifiable.. [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Sam can be a bully too. Different kind of bullying, but still not nice. He's an annoying little bugger and no mistake. But I think he'd draw the line at shouting at someone until he'd reduced them to tears. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
There are many many reasons why Dave is odious but..
Former Member That , amongst all of his 'wrongs' is probably the thing I found most distasteful. As I've said elsewhere, the hypocricy doesn't bother me too much, I've kinda got used to that behaviour in so many so called 'religious' folk....He has however also showed some 'Christian like' behaviour at times in there, and can be quite caring and fair....I wouldn't go so far as saying I like him by a long chalk, but I think I dislike him less than many folk on here.....shall I put my Nike's on now? [ more ]
Former Member i cant figure him out. On the one hand he preaches all goodnes and is all pious and then he seems to have a bit of a evil streak too like thretening to bash someones head in like he did last nite, he is not sumone i would like to have around in my life. i dont think i could trust him [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: I thought we'd agreed to blow up the bridge, when he's half way across!! We could, but it's all about timing. Besides, we need the bridge! ~rounds up collection of pitchforks~ [ more ]
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